"Michael's" "Best of Joy" Lyrics' Clue & more! Pearljr



  • There is no writing on the other side of the note. Therefore this makes Pearl's story absolutely B.S.

    What a silly woman... she really think she can just make up clues and everyone would believe her?

    She said that the woman gave MJ notes... and that MJ wrote on the back of them. Well, there is no writing on the other side.

    And as Souza said... why would someone give MJ three bits of note paper as a gift??

    Pure B.S.

    (Note to Pearl... the hoax community is way past "secret sources". If someone has a true and plausable story to tell, they do not hide away behind anonymity. I know you read these forums and you should feel ashamed that you lie and trick people like this.)
  • There is no writing on the other side of the note. Therefore this makes Pearl's story absolutely B.S.

    What a silly woman... she really think she can just make up clues and everyone would believe her?

    She said that the woman gave MJ notes... and that MJ wrote on the back of them. Well, there is no writing on the other side.

    And as Souza said... why would someone give MJ three bits of note paper as a gift??

    Pure B.S.

    (Note to Pearl... the hoax community is way past "secret sources". If someone has a true and plausable story to tell, they do not hide away behind anonymity. I know you read these forums and you should feel ashamed that you lie and trick people like this.)

  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    I don't think the "II II II" has anything to do with any kind of date. Unless you're talking about the release date for "Skyrim", haha. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As for me being in a music class or whatsoever you call it (that's direct translation from finnish), - we had to "recognize" some song rhythms and we used "II" and "I" to do it. Sometimes we got "II II II" or whatever. I think that's sorta it? Dunno though.

    Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with the date.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    If you read the comments under the youtube video, you see that Pearl explains why there is no writing on the flip side of the paper.

    I know many of you don't like Pearl and won't believe anything she says. So you probably won't believe this explanation, too. But I really think we should not judge too fast.
    She sells a dvd, yes. She already explained in a previous video that she spends this money to investigate further. (I know some of you won't believe that, too.) But remember, even the Jackson family members sell books and give interviews and get paid. So I don't get why so many people judge Pearl.
    I still think she has some good intentions. And call me naive, but somehow I like her. She may have said some things that have been strange, but why judge everything she does or says?

  • I know many of you don't like Pearl and won't believe anything she says. So you probably won't believe this explanation, too. But I really think we should not judge too fast.

    It's the clue that doesnt add up. Its not personal to Pearl... her clues and evidence are not sound.
    Ive seen her explanations on youtube and im not believing them.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    What was pearls explanation on no writing on the other side of the paper I didn't look at the comments I did ask her where the lyrics were found and she has not replied to me
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I have seen her reason now there was 3 sheets of paper she wrote on 2 and third one is the one with lyrics on the blank one that she left blank so Michael could write noted to organise himself it's bit convenient that there is no real proof sadly
  • I have not read most of the pages here (sorry) so someone may have already said these things but overall, I find Pearl Jr. to be helpful. She surmises in a nice neat package the thousands of pages we have covering the hoax so for those who are curious, but will not study the way we do, they at least get some poignant aspects of the hoax to consider in a single DVD or downloadable book.

    I have to remember that Pearl was helpful to Michael during the trial as well and I appreciate this. In Pearl's emovie book she says how she ended up getting an office set-up for her that's in the same place as one of Michael's companies and she always found that odd along with a few other coincidences. She makes the statement that she felt "manuvered" to write the book.

    What if she's in Michael's employ? After all, what mother, what father, what family would allow a woman (Pearl) to be in their midst (Jacksons) knowing that she is very publicly spreading the message that Michael is not dead. What sticks out in my mind is Mrs. Jackson attending the tribute that Pearl helped to organize last year, after Pearl's emovie book came out. How could the family, especially Mrs. Jackson, tolerate Pearl if there wasn't an agreement between them.

    BEST OF JOY: Does anyone believe that Michael is singing that song? It sounds like he penned it because the lyrics are amazing and the music is gorgeous, but, imo, Michael is not singing the song on the Michael album. I wonder why this is so because I am convinced he is not singing.

    I begin to question Pearl when she does things like this with those 3 sheets of paper. The other time was that video in black and white and Michael in a hoodie at a door. Or remember the Mcdonald's ad with Cup of Joe or Joseph? that was weird. The billboard did exist but Pearl used it as a proof of the hoax. Why would Pearl add things that she can't prove in any way? I think it's all part of the illusion and she may be asked to throw in some of these "oddities".

    Is our attention on the song to focus on those 3 pieces of paper or is there something about the song itself that we should be paying attention to? Maybe MJ is just saying he loves us, his fans. Maybe he is thanking us and saying we bring him joy for the work we are doing on his behalf. IDK, but it is certainly interesting that this song -- a song he does not sing on the album-- is coming up now.

    Please forgive me if some of this has already said in other posts... If so, I agree with you!
  • Luke 6:45 (King James Version)
    45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
    <!-- m -->http://www.blackwomenneedlovetoo.com/Thanksgiving.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.blackwomenneedlovetoo.com/Tiger.html<!-- m -->

    Just who is the real racist? These links take you to videos of Pearl and her true self. Notice how she feels somehow betrayed by Tiger as if he was supposed to know she would be pissed because of him not having black women around him at any given time. What makes her think he should cater to her? What makes her think that just because he doesn't supposedly have public pictures or the media doesn't show him around black women (according to Pearl) that it means he doesn't in reality have some? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    Golf is mostly a white man's sport. It caters to mostly white fans and Tiger is a rare thing in that world being a black man. How in the world Pearl turned his supposed lack of black women during his public apology into a personal issue is beyond me.

    She also goes into why she follows Michael.


    Hello SoldierofLove,
    i had feel the same confusion when i heard the Song . For me there are two men singing ! A Duett, a dialog.
    It would make sence. They speak together. Everyone has his part and some they are singing together.
    We are at the double theory again.
    Different voices and a little bit different accent. In single songs ot the last years not so clear , but here together...close your eyes and listen !

    One begins untill I am forever.

    Then the other :
    I am the one who came when you fell down.
    I was the only one around ( the only one)
    When things would hurt you

    The first : I am forever

    The second Wasn't it i who said that you were free
    When living seemed ( seemed is written in the lyrics of the CD, but they sing seemes !) so hard to be
    When things would hurt you

    I am forever

    We are forever

    And so on....the both sing We need each other.
    It makes absolutly sence ! Please prove and hear it again.
    With Love <3
  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 69
    I like Pearl and her site blackwomenneedlovetoo.com. She needs to stick with that site more and less on the hoax. By the way Pearl, get a better web designer and better music for your Youtube videos. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Though i like Pearl cause she has helped MJ a lot in 2005 but while whatching the video i got the impression that she was just promoting her DVD, nothing more
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I have seen her reason now there was 3 sheets of paper she wrote on 2 and third one is the one with lyrics on the blank one that she left blank so Michael could write noted to organise himself it's bit convenient that there is no real proof sadly

    Aha, now that sounds convincing! **NOT**

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I know I am confused by it
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I don't get where Pearl sees clue here? Let's assume woman really exchanged papers with Michael where he wrote words of"Best of Joy" that was later released. So what? Machael has had and still has maybe hundreds of written & recorded but unreleased songs. Same as other songs on Michael album; they were written and recorded but not released. Now, after his "death", Sony releases them. I don't know how they chose songs to be released though.
    Just because that song was later released, does not make it clue. If the letter had a note "this song will be released in a while", or something like that, then I would see a clue.
    BTW, I do see writing on the back of the paper. Starting from the 4th row and below, if you look carefully at the blank part you can see writing. Or maybe I have a projector instead of eyes. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    As for II II II, can this be a clue 1+1+1+1+1+1=6= Best of Joy song is the 6th song on the "Michael" album? Can someone confirm? Or wait for November 11, 2011 and see.
    But I don't think MJ would go that deep not knowing if fan will get it or keep the letter, look for clues.


    Hello SoldierofLove,
    i had feel the same confusion when i heard the Song . For me there are two men singing ! A Duett, a dialog.
    It would make sence. They speak together. Everyone has his part and some they are singing together.
    We are at the double theory again.
    Different voices and a little bit different accent. In single songs ot the last years not so clear , but here together...close your eyes and listen !

    One begins untill I am forever.

    Then the other :
    I am the one who came when you fell down.
    I was the only one around ( the only one)
    When things would hurt you

    The first : I am forever

    The second Wasn't it i who said that you were free
    When living seemed ( seemed is written in the lyrics of the CD, but they sing seemes !) so hard to be
    When things would hurt you

    I am forever

    We are forever

    And so on....the both sing We need each other.
    It makes absolutly sence ! Please prove and hear it again.
    With Love <3

    hmmm. that's interesting, underthemoon. i hadn't thought that there was more than one voice. i'm definitely going to listen to it again. thanks for your perspective. you could be right.
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