Kathy/Paris Hilton Talking about MJ...new info revealed!



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    All hail peacock, for peacock is the voice of reason and rationality.

    Why would ANYONE here believe this women? GET REAL!

    Things will go better if you just hold his hand! Whatever happens, don't let go!

    Some dropped Michael's hand long ago, yet keep coming here to weigh in their opinion as if it matters.

    Thanks, peacock, for your spectacular post.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Amen peacock7!!! 100% true, i couldn't agree with u more, thx!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Way to go peacock7!! If you truly believe that Michael is alive, NOTHING, should make you waiver from that belief! Bringing all this "negativity" to the forum, is defeating the purpose! Keep The Faith and try to enforce positive energy at all times!!
    Sending you all LOVE and a great big hug! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    wow ! i must be really <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> i could have sworn we were just anylizing the information <!-- sargue/ -->argue/<!-- sargue/ --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I still believe he is alive too, I just wrote what I heard on the Disney story as maybe Michael used that, and told her to say it. Michael did love Disney, I mean, he made his home look like the place Walt dreamed to create.
  • wow ! i must be really <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> i could have sworn we were just anylizing the information <!-- sargue/ -->argue/<!-- sargue/ --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I agree.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I don't feel I'm bringing a negative vibe here at all flowergirl. I was just saying it's not odd to rub someone's foot after they pass cause I did.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    in reality is what is in question here really what one would or would not do under the circumstances or are we somehow in our guts questioning the legitamacy of this relationship?
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Granted, MJ doesn't mind it that we, like TS mentioned, try to point out WHY THIS IS A HOAX
    Really? How do you know, will you please share more with us? I see you're in the know.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Kathy of course knows that MJ is alive. Many, many celebrities do in all of entertainment. They have been asked not to expose it outright. And, some signed confidentiality agreements. Plus, MJ is a POWER BROKER in the industry big time. He OWNS at least half of Sony Music Ent. and is probably a BIG CHIEF that the other half listens to in that company instead of the other way around. Sony Music knew who's side their bread was buttered on, and that is why they kicked out Motolla - and shook up the top. They respect MJ and his opinion to no end. They saw how savvy he was from the get go of their getting with him. They most likely felt - "how can we lose - with the stuff Michael Jackson uses." Word up!

    Kathy went to that interview to say all these things on purpose, she is not deliberately lying is following a script.
  • I hope no one believes this woman. And for the ones to point out how they touched or rubbed their relatives, surely that is different than what Kathy proposes. And for the ones that say that maybe that is how they do it in Hollywood, get real. That is not how Mr. & Mrs. Jackson would do it, period!

    MJ was not in a HOSPITAL ROOM DEAD OK? So why even go on and on? I wonder what some newbies think when reading some people's takes. They are truly being no help to this hoax. Why are you here if you believe this woman? And especially you Miss Peppers. You always have something negative to say, and you make sure you lean toward MJ being dead as a door knob as Gina calls him. Why not go to the Murder Theory forum then.

    I hope some don't think they are helping by TRYING to play the so-called "devil's advocate." We don't need any of those around here, in my estimation. It truly does muddy up the waters, and again, I sincerely hope that you all don't think you are providing clues or helping anything along, because you are most certainly not. You're a waste of space in this HOAX if you ask me. You are putting out negative energy instead of positive, and on and on.

    Granted, MJ doesn't mind it that we like TS mentioned try to point out WHY THIS IS A HOAX, hence the Sting vs Hoax court aspect, but that is just it. We should be here enlightening the newbies as Souza has so eloquently done on the initial Home Page and her Blog. And then some of you come here to try and dispell what she wrote. I don't think that is MJ's purpose for hoaxville. He wants up to prove why this is a hoax and why he is not dead by this point. It is really old news to be still trying to figure out if MJ is alive or not for us believers and knowers. We are suppose to be helping the ones that are new to the idea, not babysitting and trying to pacify the ones that should know better.

    Kathy of course knows that MJ is alive. Many, many celebrities do in all of entertainment. They have been asked not to expose it outright. And, some signed confidentiality agreements. Plus, MJ is a POWER BROKER in the industry big time. He OWNS at least half of Sony Music Ent. and is probably a BIG CHIEF that the other half listens to in that company instead of the other way around. Sony Music knew who's side their bread was buttered on, and that is why they kicked out Motolla - and shook up the top. They respect MJ and his opinion to no end. They saw how savvy he was from the get go of their getting with him. They most likely felt - "how can we lose - with the stuff Michael Jackson uses." Word up!

    Lastly, MJ has probably shook his head at many people at the beginning of this hoax. For some to think that he really took propofol and other drugs hurt his feelings. He was like "how can they think that of me?" Some prople were so quick to believe it, and some on here still do. I never believed it and as God is my witness. When I saw that nurse Cherylin - I knew she was lying. I've never believed that Michael was EVER a drug addict per se. Maybe he found himself taking too many precription drugs for pain at one time, but that was it.

    I look at the positive in everything, but many like to believe the lying media and tabloids and they jump on believing the negative. I think MJ has and is separating people along these lines. The ones that had/have faith in him and the ones that had/have faith in what the media has to said in order to fabricate and lie about him. Some on here still believe some of the lies the media has told on MJ. There is where they've accumulated some of their so-called facts of belief about/against MJ. He said out of his own mouth that he didn't take drugs. He had his children and Diana to live for, so why would he need a doctor Murray that he sings about in the Moonwalker version of Smooth Criminal to sedate him?

    And less we forget, MJ wrote the script/screenplay, et at - so HE/HIMSELF had to die of something. There has to be a story of how and why he "died." By this point though, it is a little tiring to see some that believe that asinine and made up story that Michael Jackson had to be fed a drug like propofol to fall asleep. There is even evidence to show that this entire scenario that they proposed had happened to him with this drug can't be accomplished the way they claim (script written), but still some believe it. It is almost like they want to believe it. They don't know Michael. They can't feel the real him. They don't believe in him and his heart, and they are all about giving off and out lower vibrations/negative energy and frequencies.

    And by the way, what is Anthony Jackson suppose to say - "My cousin is very much alive." It is not his hoax to expose, just like it is not anyone else's hoax to expose. Why would any of MJ's relatives state that MJ is alive? Does it make sense? This is his adventure. It's his fingers that need to be snapped. He is the one that needs to play with 'em a little bit. And then it is his BAM to throw down. And like someone recently posted, for the ones it pertains to, please get over yourselves. It is not about you. It is about MJ.

    With all due respect, unless you are MJ himself, you cannot claim to know....as your words are rather strong. Last time I checked we all had the right to free speech and the liberty to analyze and freely discuss the stories at hand. Everyone has the right to come to a conclusion free of anyone elses "strong arming".

    However, glad to hear you have an optimistic view of things......sounds like we pretty much all agree that MJ is alive!

    Peace out!

  • well, and then as a concur version of Murray that gave propofol to Michael every night during the 2 months prior to his "death"?
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    But how do we know WHERE Murray was administering the Propofol?

    Has it specifically been said anywhere Murray was administering for two months at Carolwood? Or would it be possible Murray was going to this hotel during this time period?

    SUDDEN THOUGHT: Could this be why Murray didnt know the address?? Remember this was said as the reason he didnt call 911 himself?? OMG. This could explain that wierdness.

    Miss peppers you are up to something.. It could very well be.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    well, and then as a concur version of Murray that gave propofol to Michael every night during the 2 months prior to his "death"?
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    But how do we know WHERE Murray was administering the Propofol?

    Has it specifically been said anywhere Murray was administering for two months at Carolwood? Or would it be possible Murray was going to this hotel during this time period?

    SUDDEN THOUGHT: Could this be why Murray didnt know the address?? Remember this was said as the reason he didnt call 911 himself?? OMG. This could explain that wierdness.

    Miss peppers you are up to something.. It could very well be.

    NO, this is NOT an explanation why Murray did not know the address. IF Murray given Propofol to MJ in hotel and in Carolwood, how come Kathy said she never seen drug related activities going on, or at least once she could see Murray in hotel, plus, IF Murray was going back and forth between hotel and Carolwood to give Propofol, he must have been known Carolwood address, at least a few times he perhaps drove himself or on taxi to Carolwood from bars, hotel, or anywhere he was going. So, he knew address. He was not constantly traveling with MJ to say he did not need to know address. Somehow he suppose to get to Carolwood for God sake and he had to know address to give to taxi or drive himself. So, there is a different reason for wierdness. Maybe he is complete idiot and maybe there is a murder, or hoax.
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    I hope no one believes this woman. And for the ones to point out how they touched or rubbed their relatives, surely that is different than what Kathy proposes. And for the ones that say that maybe that is how they do it in Hollywood, get real. That is not how Mr. & Mrs. Jackson would do it, period!

    MJ was not in a HOSPITAL ROOM DEAD OK? So why even go on and on? I wonder what some newbies think when reading some people's takes. They are truly being no help to this hoax. Why are you here if you believe this woman? And especially you Miss Peppers. You always have something negative to say, and you make sure you lean toward MJ being dead as a door knob as Gina calls him. Why not go to the Murder Theory forum then.

    I hope some don't think they are helping by TRYING to play the so-called "devil's advocate." We don't need any of those around here, in my estimation. It truly does muddy up the waters, and again, I sincerely hope that you all don't think you are providing clues or helping anything along, because you are most certainly not. You're a waste of space in this HOAX if you ask me. You are putting out negative energy instead of positive, and on and on.

    Granted, MJ doesn't mind it that we like TS mentioned try to point out WHY THIS IS A HOAX, hence the Sting vs Hoax court aspect, but that is just it. We should be here enlightening the newbies as Souza has so eloquently done on the initial Home Page and her Blog. And then some of you come here to try and dispell what she wrote. I don't think that is MJ's purpose for hoaxville. He wants up to prove why this is a hoax and why he is not dead by this point. It is really old news to be still trying to figure out if MJ is alive or not for us believers and knowers. We are suppose to be helping the ones that are new to the idea, not babysitting and trying to pacify the ones that should know better.

    Kathy of course knows that MJ is alive. Many, many celebrities do in all of entertainment. They have been asked not to expose it outright. And, some signed confidentiality agreements. Plus, MJ is a POWER BROKER in the industry big time. He OWNS at least half of Sony Music Ent. and is probably a BIG CHIEF that the other half listens to in that company instead of the other way around. Sony Music knew who's side their bread was buttered on, and that is why they kicked out Motolla - and shook up the top. They respect MJ and his opinion to no end. They saw how savvy he was from the get go of their getting with him. They most likely felt - "how can we lose - with the stuff Michael Jackson uses." Word up!

    Lastly, MJ has probably shook his head at many people at the beginning of this hoax. For some to think that he really took propofol and other drugs hurt his feelings. He was like "how can they think that of me?" Some prople were so quick to believe it, and some on here still do. I never believed it and as God is my witness. When I saw that nurse Cherylin - I knew she was lying. I've never believed that Michael was EVER a drug addict per se. Maybe he found himself taking too many precription drugs for pain at one time, but that was it.

    I look at the positive in everything, but many like to believe the lying media and tabloids and they jump on believing the negative. I think MJ has and is separating people along these lines. The ones that had/have faith in him and the ones that had/have faith in what the media has to said in order to fabricate and lie about him. Some on here still believe some of the lies the media has told on MJ. There is where they've accumulated some of their so-called facts of belief about/against MJ. He said out of his own mouth that he didn't take drugs. He had his children and Diana to live for, so why would he need a doctor Murray that he sings about in the Moonwalker version of Smooth Criminal to sedate him?

    And less we forget, MJ wrote the script/screenplay, et at - so HE/HIMSELF had to die of something. There has to be a story of how and why he "died." By this point though, it is a little tiring to see some that believe that asinine and made up story that Michael Jackson had to be fed a drug like propofol to fall asleep. There is even evidence to show that this entire scenario that they proposed had happened to him with this drug can't be accomplished the way they claim (script written), but still some believe it. It is almost like they want to believe it. They don't know Michael. They can't feel the real him. They don't believe in him and his heart, and they are all about giving off and out lower vibrations/negative energy and frequencies.

    And by the way, what is Anthony Jackson suppose to say - "My cousin is very much alive." It is not his hoax to expose, just like it is not anyone else's hoax to expose. Why would any of MJ's relatives state that MJ is alive? Does it make sense? This is his adventure. It's his fingers that need to be snapped. He is the one that needs to play with 'em a little bit. And then it is his BAM to throw down. And like someone recently posted, for the ones it pertains to, please get over yourselves. It is not about you. It is about MJ.

    Though I don't believe a word this woman says...

    It would be helpful if you could give me a list of the people I CAN believe in this whole mess. It might make things loads easier for those of us who are still on the babysitting list. And though I may be a "waste of space" as you put it, I usually am not in the habit of advocating for the devil but I sure as heck WILL advocate for the TRUTH...no matter what that might be. And I'm positive about that, so your energy should be fine.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    From the best minds here after much deliberating and painstaked sifting through countless news articles and bits of details, we came to the conclusion that:

    1. The ambulance photo was photoshopped in at least 2 layers put together of possibly real MJ or a dummy together with reflection photos to look like it was taken on June 25 by Ben Evanstead's assistant, but actually taken some days before.
    2. It was possibly no body, a dummy, a fresh corpse, or possibly real live MJ that went in the ambulance to the UCLA on the 25th.
    3. The person sitting up on the gurney being pushed by medics along with Murray just outside the hospital, may have been MJ, but the scenario may have been rigged and taken on another quieter day.
    4. No doctor signed the death certificate, no staff or anyone from the hospital has ever said anything about seeing dead MJ there. Jermaine gave the official death announcement.
    5. The body in the helicopter transfer to the coroner's moved, someone looking like MJ jumped out of the coroner's van, and the autopsy report itself was a complete and utter mess of inconsistencies.
    5. On and on with other slip-ups and oddities galore, then the same with the memorial, funeral, resting place.
    6. Adding that all together totals that Kathy is lying about at least the part where she answers that he was not alive.

    The options could be:

    a. She's following a script from MJ (all a lie or half-truths) with great theatrical skill. Her and her husband had their pic taken in their car at night as a hoax prop.
    b. She went to the hospital, and together with the Jacksons in "the" room, visited and chatted while carrying out hoax orders, since there was no body.
    c. She went to the hospital, was let into the room, and rubbed the body of a dummy-MJ, or (eaueee... <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> some corpse) to fool the hospital staff, and put on a show of whispering funny things in its ear. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    d. Can anyone think of other options? <!-- salbino/ -->albino/<!-- salbino/ -->
  • Yep, I can.

    Perhaps she was injected with her very own concoction of "happy cocktail" (like versed, fentanyl and propofol) and she
    HALLUCINATED the entire event!!!!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Good one! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Im not sure what i mean... i suppose i was thinking that if MJ did not live at Carolwood, it could explain why Murray did not know the address.

    My thinking was that maybe Murray did treat Michael beforehand, but just not at Carolwood.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i am betting he was always driven to the house or where ever. if i remember correctly the car he left behind and they hauled off and search was supposed to have belonged to a sister.

    could i just add one other comment. could we please keep this thread civil and not risk loosing it .
  • I like how he says "Was he alive when you..." and she only shakes her head no. She doesn't say "No, he was not alive", just makes a gesture. And where are some tears in all of these close friends of his? I know some people just don't cry, maybe I'm just an emotional person when I lose someone I'm close to. I cry if someone dies that I don't even know!
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    i am betting he was always driven to the house or where ever. if i remember correctly the car he left behind and they hauled off and search was supposed to have belonged to a sister.

    Exactly. He had a car we was driving from and to the Carolwood himself. Of course he new the address!
  • has anyone in any of these interviews ever been asked if they have met or encountered murray?

    so paris hiltons (great grandfather ?) was first husband of elizabeth taylor , named conrad .

    ever notice in this thing one thing always seems to link to another. why? whether or not it is intentional or coincendence ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) who knows. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Paris' youngest brother's name is Conrad as well <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Just to add to this: Conrad Hilton is Richard Hilton's grandfather, and is the founder of Hilton hotels. The Conrad name is passed down by the generations as well, naming them after him. And Conrad Hilton, the Hilton hotel founder, is a very generous man too. Reminds me of Michael:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_N._Hilton_Humanitarian_Prize
  • Okay, so the thing with her rubbing his feet is very strange. I was just watching the bio of Walt Disney on CNBC, and at the end, when his kids and grandchildren were discussing his death, one of them said they remember walking up the hallway of the hospital, and saw (I think it was Roy Disney) standing outside the hospital room, shocked. When they reached the room, they saw Walt Disney had already passed away. He was laying with his hands on his chest, peaceful looking. Roy was in the room, talking to him, telling little jokes and stories, and rubbing his feet. Huh?

    I understand holding hands, touching his face, but here again, he was rubbing his feet.

    It is not an explanation I got here, but some mystical extrapolation.

    1) Some Chinese beliefs says that the spirit of a dead leaves the body by its feet. That's why Feng Shui says that you never place your bed in a way that would direct your feet to the door (of your room).

    2) There is another belief saying that, back in the days, the embalmer would bite the toe of a dead, to make sure he is really dead. In french, we use to call them "Croque-Mort" (Dead Biter).

    3) And don't we say: "six feet under" ?

    What do we know of our world? Maybe there is a relation between Feet and Death. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Maybe Kathy and Roy were just responding to their sixth sense! <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    It seems that rubbing feet is a way to WAKE UP people according to Leonardo Da Vinci. He invented an alarm clock that rubs feet. May be Kathy had Leonardo's invention in mind <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    DA VINCI, Leonardo (1452-1519)
    Leonardo da Vinci was born in the village of Vinci in Italy, the illegitimate son of a lawyer and a peasant woman named Caterina. His friends described him as the most beautiful man who ever lived.

    One of da Vinci's less well-known inventions was an alarm clock that woke the sleeper by gently rubbing his feet.
    On 21 August 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris and was not recovered for two years. While it was missing, more people turned up to stare at the empty space than had ever come to see the painting. In the two years the Mona Lisa was missing, six Americans are known to have paid $300,000 each to conmen supposedly selling the painting.
    <!-- m -->http://www.wakkipedia.com/detail?item=DA%20VINCI<!-- m -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i am betting he was always driven to the house or where ever. if i remember correctly the car he left behind and they hauled off and search was supposed to have belonged to a sister.

    Exactly. He had a car we was driving from and to the Carolwood himself. Of course he new the address!

    i think if someone drives you someplace enought times you might be able to get there by landmarks and not know the address. we also haven't heard any more about this car situation. and it kind of makes you wonder what the details were if he wanted the body guards to take him back to the house yet when all was said and done the car got left behind. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> did any more details ever emerge about that particular set of circumstances? man at that point and time i was still on the michael dead side of this thing but to me it was another <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> moment to hear the dude disappeared and left his car.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Amazing how angry people get when i suggest something they dont like.
    Im not blind to the "hoax" - having tunnel vision and refusing to listen and discuss other possibilities is of no use to me. Im after the TRUTH.
    It does not make sense to me why this Hilton lady should be immediately disbelieved.

    And to the person who suggested i go elsewhere... how dare you tell me what to do?? This is a forum where we discuss things. I have been here for a very long time, searching for the truth. I am still searching for the truth.

    It seems that whenever things get quiet, some get angry and start attacking other members here. I see what you are doing and im sorry if you dont like me or my views... but im not going anywhere. Deal with that!
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