Special Date? July 13, 2011

looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Remember, remember the thirteenth of July
The virus, treason and plot
I see no reason why virus and treason
Should ever be forgot


July 13th seems to be a possible key date. What will happen? I am not sure but it seems to be everyone's favorite date. V is only one of many possible insiders hinting or directly stating this date as important. Remember, this may not be the time he'll come back but there may be a major development that will occur on this date.

Our fellow hoax poster, curls has done a great job putting together a bunch of links that helped me think of this whole theory. I'll just quote what she wrote in the BACK thread:
So, we have several interesting people right now who appear to be either the same person, or using each other's ideas, intentionally collaborating or not, to create a highly entertaining scenario for the next couple of weeks!

1. Back - Seven Day Theory - still vague and mysterious, to me at least!

2. Front - also talks of the Seven Day Theory which has now turned into a '7 day feast' - with pie!

3. theilusion777 - 'The Seven Days of the Bam' - Twitter account deleted but posting on his blog at: <!-- m -->http://theillusion777.wordpress.com/<!-- m -->

4. V - and his video about joining him on 13th July at the Hollywood sign.
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/videoforvanquish<!-- m --> ... mAM76QwClM
Although he's mentioned MJ, his message about waking up to the evil in the world does not directly reference MJ. Awaiting further info about the 13th from him. Two more vids from him, the latest being from April this year:
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGzQZ9i5xqI<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsqNJpoaxkc<!-- m -->

5. TheMessageofV - I don't know, but don't think this is the same person as 'V' - 5 videos to date, very MJ related:
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TesMPmn<!-- m --> ... er&list=UL
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0acpEIDB<!-- m --> ... er&list=UL
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDB_mEgs<!-- m --> ... er&list=UL
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3j1hPYi<!-- m --> ... er&list=UL
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87lAiywn<!-- m --> ... er&list=UL

6. And then to top it all, TMZ go and bring 'V for Vendetta' to mind with this article today:
<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/04/adam-ant-<!-- m --> ... ving-face/

Regardless of whether any, all or none of the above actually have anything at all to do with Michael Jackson, I'm being entertained at least! And if it turns out MJ has got a hand in some or all of them, then that's all the better!

I think as long as we keep an open mind and don't get too sucked in to the possibilities, we'll be ok!

Source: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=188&t=5167&start=1625#p341412<!-- l -->

So, to break down the reason why I think this is all relevant to this date. I will break down each part of curls post as well as post additional information.

1. BACK: In 2006, a poster by the name of BACK wrote an extremely interesting new 7 day theory. It was posted on a topic about Tupac's 7 Day Theory hence the word 'new' in its title. You can read the theory here: <!-- m -->http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/1197/52582006.jpg<!-- m --> I am still trying to decipher this message but one thing that jumps out is 'SUN RISES.' In the V video above, V states that July 13th is the day the Sun God, Ra was born. You can read more about this Egyptian God here: <!-- m -->http://www.philae.nu/akhet/NetjeruR.html<!-- m --> and here: <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra<!-- m --> So I am thinking that maybe the SUN RISES part has to do with the Egyptian Sun God, Ra. Perhaps, metaphorically, the Sun God will rise on his birthday and start a chain reaction of change. BACK continues to say after the SUN RISES, it will be "...breaking the thickest of the wild blue momentary scab." What would be the scab? Perhaps, all the things V states in his video. What could be the wild blue? Perhaps America's justice system.

I could be off but I think the color blue could be related to the American great seal. Here's a little more information on the colors meaning:
The colors red, white, and blue did not have meanings for The Stars and Stripes when it was adopted in 1777. However, the colors in the Great Seal did have specific meanings. Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, reporting to Congress on the Seal, stated:

"The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."

Source: <!-- m -->http://www.usflag.org/colors.html<!-- m -->

If we take this meaning then yes, there is a scab on vigilance, perseverance and justice in the US and perhaps BACK is saying that there will be a removal of that scab so everyone will see the truth and seek out true justice. This would go along with what TS has been stating in his redirects and what MJ himself said in the movie This Is It about government and of course, it aligns with V and his videos. It also could go along with this mysterious conspiracy that has been vaguely explained by his family.

2. Front: I specifically want to focus on the 7 day feast which is a biblical reference:
The seven feast days were given primarily to Israel, yet they are a beautiful panorama of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the Christian experience. The feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits were fulfilled by Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. The Feast of Pentecost, which occurred fifty days later, prefigured the Holy Spirit's coming in Acts chapter 2. Between these four feasts and the Feast of Trumpets was a long interval (four months) in which the harvest was gathered in. This period represents the church age during which the body of Christ will be completed (Rom. 11:25). The next three feasts after this period are the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), Day of Atonement (Yom Kipper), and the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth). When the trumpet sounds the church will be caught up (1 Thess. 4:16-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-52) and Israel regathered fulfilling the Feast of Trumpets. The Day of Atonement for Israel will be fulfilled when, at the end of the seven-year Tribulation, Christ returns and Israel accepts Him as their Messiah.

Source: <!-- m -->http://www.prophecyforum.com/seven_feas ... pared.html<!-- m -->

The resurrection of Christ.... the resurrection of MJ.... seems to be pointing to this metaphor as well as that lucky 7 again. If anyone is familiar with the bible, you can further elaborate on this and the possible significance to this adventure. I am not well verse on this topic so I won't act like I am. I just knew that the 7 day feast had something to do with Jesus so this is what I found and it seems pretty relevant.

3. Illusion777 is another possible informer that has posted a special post on his/her blog in reference to a Seven Days of the Bam. Here is what he/she wrote:
The Seven Days of the Bam

Hello all! As promised, here is my post about the “Seven Days of the Bam.” I decided that the proper time to post it was the exact 2 year anniversary of the 911 call, at 12:21 pm (PST), which is also considered the time that the hoax officially kicked off.

You may be wondering what the “Seven Days of the Bam” means. As I stated before, in the chat, there is a seven day period in July that you all need to look out for. Each day represents a letter in the word BAMSDAY.

Day 1 – B, Day 2 – A, Day 3 – M, Day 4 – S, Day 5 – D, Day 6 – A, Day 7 – Y

Each day also represents an aspect of the Bam, with the final days (A & Y) being the big final event.

BAMSDAY can also be looked at as an acronym, where each letter stands for a word or phrase, which then form a sentence (of sorts):

Back After Michael Sees Death AnniversarY

Yes, I know that the last word of the “sentence” uses TWO letters instead of the normal ONE, but let me explain.

Remember how I said the last TWO days are going to be the big final event? Well, those last two letters represent the last TWO days! If you think about it, since both days are one event, it makes sense for them to be in the same word.

Also, both final letters are in the word “anniversary.” Can you think of any dates in July that are the anniversary of anything? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

You may be thinking, “But Illusion, didn’t you already say that BAM could stand for BACK AFTER MURRAY?”

Yes, I did say that. But, I only hinted that it COULD mean that. Also, it makes sense that it equals multiple things. It makes sense that something with Murray will happen before Michael returns.

And that would make him be BACK AFTER MURRAY, or after news breaks about Murray (June 25th, 2o11?).

In conclusion, I would just like to state that each of these seven days will feature some sort of “Breaking News” about Michael. You might, however, be thinking, “What day will these seven days begin?” I only say this, if you have been following me and have been following the hoax, you already know what day it will begin. I have not said the exact day, but have hinted at a day (that will either be the end or the beginning of the seven days).


PS: I will tell you this…it DOES NOT start July 1st. Also, someone brought up, “But the term Bam or Bamsday was started by the hoaxers as a way of describing MJ’s return.” Let me address that. First, MJ himself said BAM at the end of TII (after the credits). Second, don’t you think that MJ would start using terms that the beLIEvers used? Is that so hard to believe?

PPS: I’m sorry if this post wasn’t what some of you expected. I never said it was going to be a huge reveal all post. I only said that it would explain the “Seven Days of Bam” that I had mentioned in the chatroom. And to the people who ask, “How did you get the okay to do this if you haven’t spoken to him since January?”: MJ isn’t the only one to give me the okay to post stuff. There are other people in on the hoax that do that too. MJ can’t do everything all at once.

I think I figured out which 7 days he/she is referencing in this particular post. July 7 is the anniversary of MJ's memorial. July 7 is also "After Michael Sees Death AnniversarY" which would be June 25, 2011. If we use TS's inclusive reckoning method, we will come across the date July 13 when we count 7 days from that date. If you don't believe me, then here you go:
From and including: Thursday, July 7, 2011
To and including: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It is 7 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Source: <!-- m -->http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duratio ... 2011&ti=on<!-- m -->

4. V for Vanquish This is pretty self explanatory. As posted in the beginning of this post, it mentions July 13th being an important date blatantly. I guess we'll see if anything happens at the Hollywood sign.

5. the messageof v: I am not sure if there is anything relevant to themessageofv videos in regards to this particular date but it does reinforces the possible reasons behind this whole adventure, removing the scab and coming together with a purpose of L.O.V.E.

6. TMZ posted an article referencing V on July 4th. Could V be mentioned because a V-like person will be bringing independence on a slightly different day. July 13th...which cleverly also equals to July 4... 1 + 3 = 4.

Now, I'm sorry this post is so long but as you can see, there's a lot to cover. The additional information that I mentioned earlier is this little tweet from Teddy Riley...

Teddy Riley’s Tweet from June 12th
@BreathingPsyAir Sorry, but I had to mute you until July 13, 2011 12:06:50 AM GMT+02:00 | via twidroyd

<!-- m -->http://twitter.com/#!/TeddyRiley1/statu ... 1444375555<!-- m -->

and remember, the see you in July comment and the possible signed photo that stated July 2011? This may be all pointing to this date. In the meantime, we'll just have to wait and see...


  • Hope so...thanks for the detailed post looking4truth and thanks curls for the other info.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @Lookingfortruth, you put that all together so well... I passed the idea on, I find it intruiging.

    We would never expect it, considering when this video came out last year everyone was feeling thoroughly jaded by the come-n-go of the 1 year anniversary and further trial delays... could be something right under our collective hoaxer noses.

    I find the release of Hollywood Tonight 6 months after this video to be another interesting connection.

    Thanks for compiling the info.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    @Lookingfortruth, thanks for putting some flesh on the bones of my original post!
  • Great Post! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    And also V for Vanquish said that it's his birthday too!
    Here r some things from wiki:
    Holidays and observances

    Christian Feast Day:
    Abel of Tacla Haimonot (Coptic Church)
    Clelia Barbieri
    Eugenius of Carthage
    Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
    Silas (Roman Catholic Church)
    Teresa of the Andes
    July 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
    Feast of Kalimát, first day of the seventh month of the Bahá'í calendar. (Bahá'í Faith)
    Statehood Day (Montenegro)
    The last day of Naadam (Mongolia)
  • @Lookingfortruth, you put that all together so well... I passed the idea on, I find it intruiging.

    We would never expect it, considering when this video came out last year everyone was feeling thoroughly jaded by the come-n-go of the 1 year anniversary and further trial delays... could be something right under our collective hoaxer noses.

    I find the release of Hollywood Tonight 6 months after this video to be another interesting connection.

    Thanks for compiling the info.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Hollywood Tonight.... Hollywood sign....

    Who else has goosebumps?!?! <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ -->
  • This also reminds me of the 2 Bad lyrics (featured in the Ghosts video which we all know is about the hoax):

    Hell all up in Hollywood
    Sayin' that you got it good
    Creepin' from a dusty hole
    Tales of what somebody told
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    @use your illusion No problem. I hope this is it or at least something happens that day that brings more clarity to this fuzzy situation.

    @bec That is another great connection that I did not even know about so thanks for that tidbit.

    @curls Thanks for the inspiration to help me put this whole thing together. It just all clicked last night.

    @Kristina4LOVE He did say it was his birthday. I wonder if he meant that literally or metaphorically like a rebirth.

    @jacilovesmichael Good point... in order to bring down hollywood with its shady ways, then a lot of things has to happen since it's so interconnected to other areas. Also, remember that TV special about Michael and Hollywood with the crazy things he had to go through there? I think it was shown in a country outside of the US if I'm not mistaken. If those stories are true about what MJ had to endure in Hollywood, then I wouldn't blame him going through all of this trouble to end it so other child stars don't have to go through what he did or any upcoming artist for that matter. And great lyrics! Seems all relevant to me. If this is the case, then I think a lot more people could be indirectly involved since it would be a, as BACK would call it, TAKEOVER.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    messageofv doesn't seem to be going along with this 13th idea if his latest tweet is anything to go by:

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/#!/messageofv<!-- m -->

    messageofv V
    Who on earth is this "Insider Edward" person? He is actually counting down for a "BAM DAY" THIS MONTH?! Good Luck with that. V
    4 hours ago

    Anyone know who this Edward person is? Sounds like it could be another one crawling out of the woodwork!

    Word of caution everyone - stay cool!
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I just did a google search on Michael Jackson and July 13th.... and this is what I found:

    July 13, 2009 16:37

    Michael Jackson fans congregate at London O2 Arena (July 13) for memorial vigil

    He would have kicked off his 'This Is It' residency this evening

    Hundreds of Michael Jackson fans are gathering outside London's O2 Arena this evening (July 16), to pay tribute to the self-styled king of pop on the evening he was due to kick off his 50-date 'This Is It' tour at the venue.

    Jackson's death in June came before he had performed any of the shows in public, and Facebook groups have encouraged those who were due to attend the shows to pay tribute to the star tonight.

    Many fans have brought candles and personal tributes for Jackson along with them, reports BBC News, and some are writing messages for the star on a special memorial wall in the grounds of the venue.

    Officials working for Jackson's 'This Is It' residency promoters AEG Live have hinted that footage of the star rehearsing for what he dubbed his final tour may be officially broadcast and released in the near future, though no dates have been confirmed yet.

    Promoter Randy Phillips told Billboard that the recording features "Some of the most compelling footage in the 21st century".

    Source: <!-- m -->http://www.nme.com/news/michael-jackson/46075<!-- m -->

    A year later, July 13, 2010 to be exact, TMZ reported this story... writing on the wall...
    MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages

    7/13/2010 4:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's tomb has been defaced by a stealth band of vandals -- who have marked the walls of MJ's mausoleum with hidden messages ... and it's all in permanent ink.

    Security at Forest Lawn in Glendale, CA is on the lookout for "fans" who have been writing messages in hard-to-spot places outside the main window of the building in which MJ is entombed.

    The writing is mostly hidden underneath ledges -- or in spots covered by bushes -- and contains messages like, "Miss you" and "Keep the dream alive."

    Reps at Forest Lawn are pretty ticked off -- telling TMZ, "Activity such as this, is a prime example why we are evaluating the level of access to the various entrances of the Great Mausoleum."

    Forest Lawn also tells us that anyone caught vandalizing the cemetery will be banned for life.

    Source: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/07/12/michael-j ... -cemetery/<!-- m -->

    One particular photo from this article stands out: "Never believe what you hear and only believe half of what you see." - Micheal Jackson (spelled his name wrong or spelled it that way on purpose if they wanted to convey MicHEAL Jackson but I doubt that. This article came out the same day as the V video.

    I am going to keep looking to see if anything else significant happened on this date. It is interesting that July 13th is the date where the shows were supposed to start in 2009.
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    1985 – The Live Aid benefit concert takes place in London and Philadelphia, as well as other venues such as Sydney and Moscow.

    [glow=blue:2d7k4ayr]Things to come[/glow:2d7k4ayr]

    Mike V. to Release Airwalk Enigma Brooklyn Banks Sneaker on July 13th

    Dungeons of Dredmor to be released through Steam on July 13, 2011

    GamesBeat 2011, will take over San Francisco July 12th and 13th,
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you for the interesting post looking4truth. In my humble opinion, nothing important is going to happen on the 13th. Maybe we can get a clue tho. So let's wait and see. Thanks for the reminder. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I think a lot more people could be indirectly involved since it would be a, as BACK would call it, TAKEOVER.
    Exciting times! Looking4truth, your top post really adds to Curls nicely <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> . I've always believed there are way more people in on this or "knowing" than hoaxers are aware of.
    Could there be a total of 7 official hoax informers/extentions of MJ, with deliberate slightly different personas/messages to keep people off the trail too closely? We will have to stay on the alert, and we need all of our best minds here for this. <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    Also you wrote, "V states that July 13 is the day the Sun God, Ra was born." In this Mayan calendar Elvis wears pointing to 2012, is that the Sun God Ra or similar? Also relating to the "sun rise" Back spoke of.
    Thank you for the interesting post looking4truth. In my humble opinion, nothing important is going to happen on the 13th. Maybe we can get a clue tho. So let's wait and see. Thanks for the reminder. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I also think there will be clues, special events, interesting hoax tidbits that will keep our attention and the hoax engine running, for the long haul to BAM more likely Dec. 2012.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    July 13th 2009 was indeed the first TII concert date. It was delayed from the 8th.
    <!-- m -->http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/ma ... s-postpone<!-- m -->

    lookingfortruth-- great find!

    Ps, does anyone have the July 13th video from V again? Lost my link.
  • July 13th 2009 was indeed the first TII concert date. It was delayed from the 8th.
    <!-- m -->http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/ma ... s-postpone<!-- m -->

    lookingfortruth-- great find!

    Ps, does anyone have the July 13th video from V again? Lost my link.

    You mean this

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymAM76Qw ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    And remember you have to go almost to the very end of the vid before he mentions the 13th July thing!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    July 13th 2009 was indeed the first TII concert date. It was delayed from the 8th.
    <!-- m -->http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/ma ... s-postpone<!-- m -->

    lookingfortruth-- great find!

    Ps, does anyone have the July 13th video from V again? Lost my link.

    You mean this

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymAM76Qw ... re=related<!-- m -->

    Thank you. And yes curls, thank you too, I remember.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I think a lot more people could be indirectly involved since it would be a, as BACK would call it, TAKEOVER.
    Exciting times! Looking4truth, your top post really adds to Curls nicely <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> . I've always believed there are way more people in on this or "knowing" than hoaxers are aware of.
    Could there be a total of 7 official hoax informers/extentions of MJ, with deliberate slightly different personas/messages to keep people off the trail too closely? We will have to stay on the alert, and we need all of our best minds here for this. <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    Also you wrote, "V states that July 13 is the day the Sun God, Ra was born." In this Mayan calendar Elvis wears pointing to 2012, is that the Sun God Ra or similar? Also relating to the "sun rise" Back spoke of.
    Thank you for the interesting post looking4truth. In my humble opinion, nothing important is going to happen on the 13th. Maybe we can get a clue tho. So let's wait and see. Thanks for the reminder. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I also think there will be clues, special events, interesting hoax tidbits that will keep our attention and the hoax engine running, for the long haul to BAM more likely Dec. 2012.

    That is a really interesting concept. I never thought of that. I did think there was more than one possible informer but 7? That might be it.

    I am not sure if the picture on the back of Elvis' jacket is that particular sun God. The only one I could find from Mayan is Kinich Ahau. You can read more about this God, here: <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinich_Ahau<!-- m --> However, there could be a relation to one another. <!-- m -->http://www.servantsofthelight.org/QBL/P ... _resh.html<!-- m -->

    I do think the actual BAM probably won't happen until 2012 but I think this date will be a very significant day with this adventure.

    I also want to point something else out. I keep putting this out there because I do think it is very significant. I know not everyone believes he is an informer and I always said I don't care if this particular person was or not because the message was beautiful. However, I do not think the clues were in vain nor the messages. MJAwakening posted this as his first message:
    2009 : DUSK to NIGHT

    2010 : NIGHT to DAWN

    2011 : DAWN to DAYLIGHT


    The only way to see the sun again is to get through the night.

    Source: <!-- m -->http://mjawakening.wordpress.com/2009/1 ... ove-0-0-1/<!-- m -->

    I do think this message is important to this date because I think there will be clarity on this adventure this year and certain things will come to light hence the dawn to daylight message for this year. None of this is concrete evidence but there is a theme of sun, sunshine going on. Maybe if I have some time, I'll be able to write a separate post on that.

    Oh and I think the biggest clue that we are possibly on the right track is if each day from July 7 to July 13th, something happens related to MJ and this adventure.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You know a long time ago, one of these shady informer types stated something I found very curious. They (I don't have any recollection of who) stated that there would be 7 Leachims active on the internet working as informants in this hoax. Some would be giving false info but one (I think it was said) would be legitimate, as in giving correct info, and the game was for us to figure out which one was which.

    I thought this was interesting so it has always sort of stuck in my head. I've never tried to list them and see if there are 7, but there were Cassandra, BoW, etc, etc, etc, etc, and of course TS. Can anyone think of any other prominent informer characters that have popped up in the last 2 years and fill in the etc's? I don't count back because he's a character of legend of sorts, providing archival information, and was not actively posting in the hoax community.

    Ps. I rewatched the V 7/13 tape and I remember now why I thought this had nothing to do with MJ originally. It doesn't seem to have any connection other then the date and the Hollywood sign reference. He's talking about political activism and discontent, not the entertainment business or the justice system. I don't see the connection to this hoax. It's still neat and mysterious and I will still watch to see if something happens on the 13th but I don't expect a hoax development other then a TMZ spin off perhaps.
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    July 7th, 2011
    That will be tomorrow.

    July 11th, 2011
    And that will be in 5 days.

    July 13th, 2011
    That will be in 7 days.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Evil pervades every aspect of our earth, so if MJ is going to bring justice and healing, the government has to be part of that. The Domino Effect. I needed a reminder --TIAI redirects mentioned V at least the following 2 times. people_should_not_be_afraid_of_their_government_bumper_sticker-p128385723565042693trl0_4001.jpg

    [BBvideo 425,350:3pw7uvg6]
    Thanks to LilWendy's list!! <!-- m -->http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/<!-- m -->
    It's hard to say if this V's speech is for us hoaxers or some other political cause. I guess we'll see who shows up at the Hollywood sign.

    Also I've posted before about the 13th being a Wednesday. Thriller --"See you on Wednesday".
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I am going to keep track to see if this 7 day theory (July 7-July 13/inclusive reckoning) could be accurate. So far, so good...

    Jackson Doctor's LA Court Hearing Postponed

    LOS ANGELES July 7, 2011 (AP)

    A hearing in the criminal case against Michael Jackson's doctor has been postponed because lawyers are bogged down viewing hundreds of hours of rehearsal footage from the singer's "This Is It" concert rehearsals

    In a conference Wednesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor delayed a July 12 hearing to July 20 but said he wants to know then when the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray can go forward. It is now set for Sept. 8.

    Attorneys said they have been working daily since June 28 and have gotten through only one of 21 boxes of materials.

    Prosecutors want to use the film to show Jackson was in good health while the defense seeks evidence he was ill.

    Murray has pleaded not guilty in Jackson's 2009 overdose death.
    <!-- m -->http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wir<!-- m --> ... d=14022392

    Source: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=28&t=19773<!-- l -->

    I found the bold part very interesting, especially the italicize part. Oh and if you wish to keep track of what theillusion777 is saying the big news story is for today, it is the fact that the tabloid, News of the World is closing down. You can read the ilusion's post here: <!-- m -->http://theillusion777.wordpress.com/201 ... 1-rebirth/<!-- m --> and read about the closing of the site here: <!-- m -->http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/notw/pu ... World.html<!-- m -->

    However, I do find it odd that this would be the news story picked for the first day since it is not directly related to MJ and this piece of news that I found above IS directly related to MJ. It's either one of three things--theillusion777 is not a real informer or theillusion777 is a real informer but is purposefully giving half truths (something TS has also mentioned of possibly doing to make sure we are thinking for ourselves) or I'm wrong with picking the MJ story as the piece of news for today as part of the 7 day theory. Whatever the case, the 7 day theory is so far, so good. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Also, theillusion777 posted under the title of his/her blog, this web address--http://www.hollywoodsign.com/247.html This site is a stream of the hollywood sign 24/7. This ties into V and his announcement about being at the hollywood sign on July 13th. Again, I am not saying theillusion777 is a legit informer but it is interesting how these things are tying together and remember Mr. RIley mentioned July 13th as well so that is one person directly related to MJ who has also mentioned this date. I guess I'll say what BACK would say and that's "Let's KEEP WATCHIN." <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
  • Anyone catch the "Im back" tweet on Michael's twitter....

    <!-- m -->http://yfrog.com/kln9ugdj<!-- m -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Okay another thing to add .... TS just posted a new update today...makes sense since today is the 2 year anniversary of MJ's memorial. What he said prior to posting the update is this:
    Keep an eye out for 777!

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=19647&start=375#p341993<!-- l -->

    Most people thought....and thought correctly that the 777 was in reference to the time and date of his next update 7/7 @ 7pm (PST). However, could it also be in reference to illusion777? Maybe, maybe not. It does remind me of BACK and his random mention of mystery777 in his new 7 day theory.

    Speaking of BACK, is there a bigger picture of that tweet? I cannot make that big enough to read the details to that tweet. And thanks for posting that btw.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Okay that tweet was a fake. I guess that's why it's so small. I am going to keep track of what's going on today, July 8th to see if this 7 day theory is still good...
  • Does anyone know what V *beeped* out in his July 13th speech, he said something like 'last night...' and then there is a bit that's beeped out.
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