La Toya Jackson Tweets Panic Over Swollen Finger

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
[size=12pt]<br />*La Toya Jackson has been released from the hospital and sent to a hand specialist after suffering ”unbearable pain” when she woke up with a swollen index finger and burning sensation in her hand – and she kept her Twitter followers up to speed at every turn.<br /><br />She tweeted: “At Cedars-Sinai Hospital N BH. Woke up in unbearable pain! Index finger on my left hand is completely swollen & on fire!<br /><br />“Had my nails done, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I’m not 1 to go 2 the hospital 4 anything but this pain is so excruciating!<br /><br />“It’s my right hand not left! Sorry! I’m in so much pain I don’t know my right from my left! (sic)”<br /><br />LaToya – the sister of Michael Jackson – now faces having to see a specialist to get to the bottom of her problem.<br /><br />She tweeted: “My finger is still hurting, the doctor is sending me 2 a hand specialist N the morning & he gave on some medicine.”[/size]<br /><br />


  • Hope its not a staff infection from the Nail salon
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The thumbs are parents. Index them represent thy brethren and friends. The middle finger you represent yourself. The ring finger (fourth finger) represents your partner. The little finger representing children. :mrgreen:
  • I hope this swollen finger doesn't lead to a la toya death hoax!<br />kidding.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    awww i hope she feels better soon. Hugs for you Latoya.  bearhug
  • [size=12pt]La Toya Jackson’s manicure gone wrong[/size]<br /> This was said again. <br /><br />I guess TheMoonIsDancing was right.. That must really hurt. Hope you will be doing better soon La Toya.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    [size=12pt]latoyajackson La Toya Jackson <br /><br />Had my nails done, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I'm not 1 to go 2 the hospital 4 anything but this pain is so excruciating![/size]
  • As many of you know just like Twitter there is an application that you can add to your phone for Facebook, it's very easy to update statuses etc. Now I know that if I were in as much pain as LaToya is stating she was in, I wouldn't be on my phone (using my finger mind you) to update my friends and family with every step that is being taken. Does anyone else think this is odd?<br /><br />On the other side of the coin, if what she says is true, I hope it's nothing serious and she gets well soon.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    latoyafingerhospital.jpg<br /><br />La Toya Jackson<br />latoyajackson: At Cedars-Sinai Hospital N BH. Woke up in unbearable pain! Index finger on my left hand is completely swollen & on fire!<br />Published: 2011-09-01 01:56:10 GMT<br />That's 3:56am in LA.<br /><br />"Woke up in unbearable pain!" look at her hair, makeup and clothes. I don't believe this story.<br /><br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Bec<br />That's 3:56am in LA.
    <br /><br /><br />
    the doctor is sending me 2 a hand specialist N the morning & he gave on some medicine.”
    <br />Remember Front's cake pic that rather than show the whole cake, showed --  6AM<br /><br />N --tells us to look at it closely. Another indication that Front and LaToya are connected. albino/<br /><br />LaToya I hope you feel better soon!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    @MJonmind, maybe it'll transpire that she had a spider bite!<br /><br />Sorry, I know finger infections can be agony but if this is the case a few days of antibiotics should sort her out.<br /><br />Twitter is plain weird - why do people think the world has to know or will be interested in your every move? Call me old-fashioned .....  !! (I could go further with this train of thought, but I'll button it for now.)
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I think ordinary life is happening to everyone in MJ's life, but he is using the events of ordinary life as a vehicle to include his cryptic messages.<br />It hides things and makes them seem coincidental. Just like Paris saying, "I'm alive!" after flying to Gary. She might not like flying but I'm sure she's flown many times before.
  • on 1314927040:
    <br />
    latoyajackson La Toya Jackson <br /><br />Had my nails done, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I'm not 1 to go 2 the hospital 4 anything but this pain is so excruciating!
    <br />
    <br /> <br />The word choice 'excruciating' is remarkable, it is not a common word (as far as I know, 'cause I'm not a native speaker). It could be a link to Michael's excruciating back pain before and during trial in 2005. <br /><br /> <br />Anyway, in case it's an infection, hope the antibiotics will do their work soon. Get well soon La Toya :)
  • Excruciating is definitely used when describing pain if it's that extreme. <br /><br />I hope she gets well soon. However, the whole Twitter thing bothers me.
  • yes, the twitter thing is weird. I'd think that this pic should be private. I wonder if this twitter account is verified as La Toya's? What if the message is not her's and the pic is made with an iphone & sent without her knowing or consent :?  Could be a privacy issue in healthcare.<br /> <br />protect patients’ privacy.<br />“Whenever a healthcare worker takes a picture of a patient, he or she always should use facility-owned equipment because then the photo belongs to the organization, not the worker.”<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • on 1314970569:
    <br />yes, the twitter thing is weird. I'd think that this pic should be private. I wonder if this twitter account is verified as La Toya's? What if the message is not her's and the pic is made with an iphone & sent without her knowing or consent :?  Could be a privacy issue in healthcare.<br /> <br />protect patients’ privacy.<br />“Whenever a healthcare worker takes a picture of a patient, he or she always should use facility-owned equipment because then the photo belongs to the organization, not the worker.”<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br />
    <br /><br />Besides when my son got stitches on the back of his head (because the nurse told him Chicks dig scars), we did take a photo of him, any other time someone in the family has gone to the hospital the last thing we think about is getting out a phone or camera and taking a photo.
  • ok so these people don't have a regular doctor that would be able to work them in  suspicious// ;) :roll:
  • on 1314936645:
    <br />latoyafingerhospital.jpg<br /><br />La Toya Jackson<br />latoyajackson: At Cedars-Sinai Hospital N BH. Woke up in unbearable pain! Index finger on my left hand is completely swollen & on fire!<br />Published: 2011-09-01 01:56:10 GMT<br />That's 3:56am in LA.<br /><br />"Woke up in unbearable pain!" look at her hair, makeup and clothes. I don't believe this story.<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /> <br />Agreed! If I could describe any body part of mine to be 'excrutiating' I'd go to the hospital in my pajamas. I wouldn't be dressed to go to an Award show. And I know La Toya is a flashy, high class gal but come on! An infection is a serious thing. You can die from an infection!! My make up and hair would be the last thing on my mind. And how can you even do your hair with a swollen finger (which doesn't look swollen in this pic).<br /> <br />I really hope I'm not sounding too harsh, but La Toya should know by now that we judge her every public move. <br />Toya, if you're finger is hurt I apologize. Please understand where I'm coming from. I love you and get well soon.<br /> bearhug
  • any possible connection to michael's spider bite incident? there was one right?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The word "manicure" derives from Latin: manus for "hand," cura for "care."<br /><br /><br /><br /> "index finger" literally means "pointing finger", from the same Latin source as indicate.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    swol·len  [swoh-luhn] dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif  verb 1. a past participle of swell.  adjective 2. enlarged by or as by swelling;  puffed up; tumid. 3. turgid or bombastic.  <br /><br /> Related forms swol·len·ly, adverb swol·len·ness, noun un·swol·len, adjective        swell   [swel] dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif  verb, swelled, swol·len or swelled, swell·ing,  noun, adjective  verb (used without object) 1. to grow in bulk, as by the absorption of moisture or the processes of growth. 2. Pathology . to increase abnormally in size, as by inflation, distention, accumulation of fluids, or the like: Her ankles swelled from standing. 3. to rise in waves, as the sea. 4. to well up, as a spring or as tears. 5. to bulge out, as a sail or the middle of a cask. 6. to grow in amount, degree, force, etc. 7. to increase gradually in volume or intensity, as sound: Themusic swelled. 8.toariseandgrowwithin one, as a feeling or emotion. 9. tobecomepuffedupwithpride. verb (used with object) 10. to cause to grow in bulk. 11. to cause to increase gradually in loudness:toswell a musical tone. 12. to cause (a thing) to bulge out or be protuberant. 13. to increase in amount, degree, force, etc. 14. to affect with a strong, expansive emotion. 15. to puffupwithpride.noun 16. the act of swelling or the condition of being swollen. 17. inflation or distention. 18. a protuberant part. 19. a wave, especially when long and unbroken, or a series of such waves. 20. a gradually rising elevation of the land. 21. an increase in amount, degree, force, etc. 22.a gradual increase in loudness of sound. 23. Music . a. a gradual increase(crescendo) followed by a gradual decrease (diminuendo) in loudness or force of musical sound. b. the sign (< >) for indicating this. c. a device, as in an organ, by which the loudness of tones may be varied. 24. a swelling of emotion within one. 25. Slang . a. a fashionably dressed person; dandy. b. a socially prominentperson.<br /><br />adjective Informal . 26. (of things) stylish; elegant: a swell hotel. 27. (of persons) fashionably dressed or socially prominent. 28. first-rate; fine: a swell party. <br /><br />Origin: <br />before 900;  Middle English  swellen  (v.), Old English  swellan;  cognate with Dutch  zwellen,  German  schwellen,  Old Norse  svella;  akin to Gothic  ufswalleins  pride <br />Related forms re·swell, verb, -swelled, -swelled or -swol·len, -swell·ing. un·der·swell, verb (used without object), -swelled, -swelled or -swol·len, -swell·ing. un·der·swell, noun un·swelled, adjective <br />Synonyms1.  distend, expand. 5.  protrude.10.  inflate, expand. 17.  swelling. 18.  bulge. 19.  billow.27,28.  grand. <br /><br />Antonyms <br />1.  contract. 13.  decrease, diminish.<br /><br />Creation of Adam (Michelangelo):<br />Creation_of_Adam_%28Michelangelo%29_Detail.jpg<br /><br /> LaToya is indicating / pointing towards something spectacular. <br />Thanks to the gift bearers. Get well soon.<br /><br />dep_2793176-Cute-Sun-pointing-up.jpg<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    FOTOSPIDERBITE11.jpg<br /><br />
    The singer initially blamed his late arrival on November 14 on a mysterious ailment — it later turned out he was just sick of the unflattering court photos taken the previous day (see "Jackson Late To Court As His Lawyers Object To Photographer"). The next day, Jackson claimed he received his first spider bite, on his hand. Then, when court resumed after a two-week recess in which Jackson took a controversial trip to Germany (see "Michael Jackson Calls Baby-Dangling Incident A 'Terrible Mistake' "), Jackson showed up to Santa Barbara Superior Court on crutches on Tuesday, complaining of a second spider bite. This time the bite was on his left foot, which he said was swollen. <br /><br />In addition to the crutches, Jackson relied upon a bodyguard, who helped carry him out of court on Wednesday. "It is a spider bite," Jackson told reporters. "It is real bad. If I showed it to you, you'd be shocked. It hurts very much right now as I speak." <br /><br />Though Jackson keeps pet tarantulas on his Neverland ranch, he claimed that a small indigenous spider that had crawled out from the scrub brush near his compound caused the bite. He said it had been smoked out during a routine fumigation. However, a Southern California entomologist told the New York Post on Wednesday that he thinks it's doubtful Jackson's spider bite could have been caused by a local variety, since the only kind of poisonous spider in Jackson's neighborhood would be the black widow, whose bite does not cause swelling. <br /><br />"The fact that Michael Jackson says he has a spider bite is a bunch of crap," Rick Vetter, staff research associate in the department of entomology at UC Riverside and an internationally known expert on spiders, told the Post. "Jackson has no idea what he's talking about. I want to see the spider." <br /><br />Judge Zel Canter, however, said that he believed Jackson's complaint to be legitimate, and ordered that the singer receive an independent medical examination. On Friday (December 6), Jackson did so, with the independent doctor's results confirming that Jackson had a legitimate ailment that prevented him from appearing in court, according to a representative of Marcel Avram, the promoter suing Jackson. Specifics regarding the ailment were not disclosed. Though the trial is expected to continue into January, Jackson's return to the witness stand is still to be determined.
    <br /><br />SuspiciousMind, your new signature is mesmerizing!<br /> <br />
  • on 1314936645:
    <br />latoyafingerhospital.jpg<br /><br />La Toya Jackson<br />latoyajackson: At Cedars-Sinai Hospital N BH. Woke up in unbearable pain! Index finger on my left hand is completely swollen & on fire!<br />Published: 2011-09-01 01:56:10 GMT<br />That's 3:56am in LA.<br /><br />"Woke up in unbearable pain!" look at her hair, makeup and clothes. I don't believe this story.<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Is it just me or is she wearing an outfit similar to the one she wore on The View?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    On the view she's wearing a white shirt with a black vest. <br /><br />Here's MJ's right index finger, or goldfinger.<br /><br />dbhavp.jpg
  • I will find where she is wearing a similar outfit, I know I've seen it before. Perhaps it's a white shirt with suspenders. <br /><br /><br />Edit: I have looked all over the place and I was mistaken. I think you were right it's the white shirt, black vest and yes she is wearing suspenders with that outfit and maybe that's what I was thinking of.  :oops:
  • My question is: WHO TOOK THE PICTURE?  ???/  Not the doctor,  for sure!
  • on 1314990995:
    <br />On the view she's wearing a white shirt with a black vest. <br /><br />Here's MJ's right index finger, or goldfinger.<br /><br />dbhavp.jpg<br />
    <br /> <br />This is making it difficult for me to move down the page!  :oops:  :lol:
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