Photo Used In Trial - MJ At The Hospital



  • lorelalorela Posts: 142
    Interesting questions.<br /><br />1)<br />IMO, they definitely don't put them in the gown - as far as I know they would at least cover him with blanket - over the head. BUT, there was a woman on chat the other day and she wrote that she worked there for ten years and that they have a sarcophague there and they put the body in it. So ... And another one - I really don't think that they put "hospital bracelet" on dead man's wrist - they put some kind of a label and they hang it on his/hers toe.<br /><br />2)<br />Guess they used to much blur in photoshop. ;)
  • titaniatitania Posts: 160
    I guess this photo is the real Cardiff Giant in the CM case. <br /><br />The controversy is rife- fake or not fake? Just like in good old PT Barnum times....<br /><br />Check out the original Giant at 0.50.....<br /> /><br />And I found this video very enlightening. The research done on the gurneys used at the hospital is really sterling work. <br /><br /> /><br /><br />And of course RENAISSANCE is a huge clue. As you all probably know it means "rebirth"..... lolol/<br /><br />I think Thriller 2 is gonna be even greater than the original Thriller! And it ain't finished yet!<br /><br />Titania
  • Has anyone checked to see if the stretcher belonged to the ambulance?
  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    on 1317818766:
    <br />Has anyone checked to see if the stretcher belonged to the ambulance?<br />
    <br /><br />I could be wrong and someone correct me if I am, but from what I have noticed is that the stretchers are different from hospitals and ambulances. At least that is what I have noticed. Perhaps that's just where I live but I have been to the hospital a few times and have seen paramedics come in with their stretchers and they differ. Also I am a member of a fire department and I know that the rescue squad members use different stretchers then the hospital. I also think that the ambulance leaves with the stretcher that they come with. I will double check with a friend of mine who is a rescue squad member.
  • Does anyone remember when he "died" and we were told that the casket had to be closed because he had bruises or marks on his face because of resussation attemps?<br />Plus, I don't believe that you bruise after you have passed away.  His face looks nice.<br /> <br />It looks like the tape is over part of his top lip making it look like there is more room from his lip to the nose.  But remember, Michael had his nose reconstructed and had the tip of his nose made higher giving the illusion that there is more space between his top lip and the nose.  <br /> <br />And is that his left foot/toes sticking out at the bottom of the gurney?<br /> <br />Things are not quite right with this picture even at the angle it was taken, plus why is it so poorly done.  You would think the coroner's office would have up-to-date cameras.  Not to sure about the gurney, maybe they used old ones in the morgue. <br /> <br />Could the reason this photo has been blurred be because the Jackson family requested it to be grainy?<br /> <br />November<br />
  • Reasons why I believe this photo is fake.<br /><br />1) He has something on his nose... a band aid? Why would they put that on a dead man's nose?<br /><br />2) His face is not bruised or damaged as was said by his own mother.<br /><br />3) The stretcher... I don't know who did the research but he/she deserves a golden star. He is laying on a stretcher that was probably not even used at UCLA in 2009 anymore.<br /><br />This photo looks real to me but it looks old... and Michael doesn't look dead to me either. IMO this is a photo taken in the 90's or early 2000.
  • lorelalorela Posts: 142
  • can someone please post a picture of when they showed the room where they were trying to "revive" michael for 1hr and 13 mins? i remember when the prosecutors showed a picture of the room and equipment used to revive michael. i swear the stretcher looked very different.
  • lorelalorela Posts: 142
    [size=10pt]DO YOU GET A GLOVE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD?[/size]<br /><br />What are those two things on his hand?<br />iv588txcwydbcpoybuef.jpg<br /><br />This sure looks like a glove to me:<br />sanpat7fsn123zh7hlsr.jpg<br /><br /><br />WHAT do you think?<br />
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    on 1317880631:
    <br />[size=10pt]DO YOU GET A GLOVE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD?[/size]<br /><br />What are those two things on his hand?<br />iv588txcwydbcpoybuef.jpg<br /><br />This sure looks like a glove to me:<br />sanpat7fsn123zh7hlsr.jpg<br /><br /><br />WHAT do you think?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />That's part of the IV
  • lorelalorela Posts: 142
    on 1317882466:
    <br />
    on 1317880631:
    <br />[size=10pt]DO YOU GET A GLOVE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD?[/size]<br /><br />What are those two things on his hand?<br />iv588txcwydbcpoybuef.jpg<br /><br />This sure looks like a glove to me:<br />sanpat7fsn123zh7hlsr.jpg<br /><br /><br />WHAT do you think?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />That's part of the IV<br />
    <br /><br />You mean B? Would they leave a part of the IV on a dead man?<br /><br />But what's with the glove?
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    A patient is not kept on the same stretcher they arrived in on the ambulance. I know this one first hand. The glove I don't see, just one very skinny wrist. 
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    on 1317883659:
    <br />
    on 1317882466:
    <br />
    on 1317880631:
    <br />[size=10pt]DO YOU GET A GLOVE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD?[/size]<br /><br />What are those two things on his hand?<br />iv588txcwydbcpoybuef.jpg<br /><br />This sure looks like a glove to me:<br />sanpat7fsn123zh7hlsr.jpg<br /><br /><br />WHAT do you think?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />That's part of the IV<br />
    <br /><br />You mean B? Would they leave a part of the IV on a dead man?<br /><br />But what's with the glove?<br />
    <br /><br />See those giant lighter colored bars through the entire picture? One of which happens to go right through the hand in question.. mixed with lighter skin = imaginary glove.<br /><br />As for why there is an IV tube present and taped to his arm?  Don't ask me, I'm just pointing out the obvious.
  • on 1317883659:
    <br />
    on 1317882466:
    <br />
    on 1317880631:
    <br />[size=10pt]DO YOU GET A GLOVE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD?[/size]<br /><br />What are those two things on his hand?<br />iv588txcwydbcpoybuef.jpg<br /><br />This sure looks like a glove to me:<br />sanpat7fsn123zh7hlsr.jpg<br /><br /><br />WHAT do you think?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />That's part of the IV<br />
    <br /><br />You mean B? Would they leave a part of the IV on a dead man?<br /><br />But what's with the glove?<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]But what's with the glove?[/size]  afraid/  :lol: ;) <br />[size=10pt]OMG do you know that the same question was asked by Brooke Shields at MEMORIAL ??????? "What up with the glove Michael?" :lol:<br />[/size]<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Close Friend - Brooke Shields - Michael Jackson Memorial<br />
    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  • [size=10pt]That picture if photoshopped, look at his face, once you die, your face becomes like a blue color. Does his face look that color? Nope. When a person passes as of respect they put a sheet on his face. If they want to take a picture, they take only the face, not half of his body.. This I got informed by the morgue of a hospital.. Don't forget I have a doctor friend. So do not dwell on this anymore it is not worth it, it is photoshopped. Another clue, we heard that Michael was bald had peach fuzz hair, now how does this explain he had his hair nicely done all pushed back? Did he go to his hair stylist because he knew he would have his pic taken? [/size]
  • As for number B, that looks like the red string that he always wore on his left wrist.  On number A, it looks like some sort of tube around his writst, or could it be a bracelet?  He did wear jewerly...<br /> <br />November
  • lorelalorela Posts: 142
    on 1317922660:
    <br />As for number B, that looks like the red string that he always wore on his left wrist.  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />No, I mean that black thing.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I don't see any glove on his hand. There's the hospital bracelet on his wrist and some part of the IV.
  • On my screen I see a red string just below the blue band... is that what you are talking about? I know that he always wore a red string around his wrist. Could that be what it is?<br /> <br />November
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    on 1317922365:
    <br />[size=10pt]That picture if photoshopped, look at his face, once you die, your face becomes like a blue color. Does his face look that color? Nope. When a person passes as of respect they put a sheet on his face. If they want to take a picture, they take only the face, not half of his body.. This I got informed by the morgue of a hospital.. Don't forget I have a doctor friend. So do not dwell on this anymore it is not worth it, it is photoshopped. Another clue, we heard that Michael was bald had peach fuzz hair, now how does this explain he had his hair nicely done all pushed back? Did he go to his hair stylist because he knew he would have his pic taken? [/size] <br />
    <br /><br />i agree completely. my grandma died in a hospital. we were removed from the room so they could remove her respirator and IVs. when i went back in the hospital room to say my final goodbye, she was pale, gray (she had been dead maybe 15-20 minutes at that point)- no amount of lighting can change that color. also, they had the sheet pulled up on her, only exposing the top of her shoulders, neck and face. i doubt out of respect for the family and friends who were at the hospital (i'm saying if michael had died) that they would just leave him open like he had just crawled into bed and passed away. <br /><br />if they can distort bodies and faces for advertising purposes, they can do it for this too.
  • There are some things mentioned, I could get over: It is POSSIBLE they put a gown on so the family viewing him would not be disturbed. It is likely he would have brought into a recovery room for family viewing. The tubing and tape on the face (from being intubated) would have to stay in place - only the coroner can remove those by US law. So that would be correct.<br />It is possibly his face was not grey due to ongoing resuscitation processes... <br /><br />What I can't get over, and what makes me think this is fake: It definitely looks like Michael- so, how does the "patient looked like a hospice patient" (thing, emaciated etc) fit in?<br />Michael was thin, sure, but his wrist was NOT this tiny. Not in the shots from TII from the night before. NO WAY.<br />The legs looks way too short. I know that could possibly be a perspective problem, but I don't think so.<br /><br />It is possible parts of this were MJ- I can see how he would pose for it... But it seems like a doll put together from different pieces. Which reminds me how Michael in TII was supposed to be revealed piece by piece by piece...
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I found and posted this picture on a different thread but I wanted to post it here too. I don't know who made this but there're very interesting things on it. The fingers, hand and the wrist screams out that this is a photoshopped picture.<br /><br />2gt10k6.jpg
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1318043117:
    <br />I found and posted this picture on a different thread but I wanted to post it here too. I don't know who made this but there're very interesting things on it. The fingers, hand and the wrist screams out that this is a photoshopped picture.<br /><br />2gt10k6.jpg<br />
    <br /> <br />Something about this closeup looks to me like Michael placed his own arm inside that of a prosthetic arm used for amputees. Then they added other "bits" to it to lengthen and basically to make look very abnormal!!!!  :lol:  <br /> <br />As for his lovely long fingers...they are now little could very well be one of those surgical gloves...or even a washing up glove???<br /> <br />Whatever they did to get this picture the more I look at it the more funny I think it is.<br /> <br />
  • I totally agree that it doesn't make sense to put a hospital gown on a dead man.  There are sheets and a blanket on the gurney they could have covered him with. And why are the blankets all bunched up.  Fleak testified that that is the intitial photo she took when she entered the room (@ ca. 17:20 hours) So it was taken before she started her examination of the body, looking for any exterior sign of trauma (which I always thought would be done on the coroner's slab). Anyway, no reason for the blankets to be so low and bunched up.  If we are to believe that the gown was put on for viewing purposes, then why not take the extra care of covering him neatly with the blanket. I don't think a family member would have left his side in such a mess. I also noticed the length of his legs does not make sense.  The fingertips would normally hit mid-thigh; the legs are the same length as the arms, so if you look at were his fingertips are, the gurney just wouldn't be long enough for his height.  I know that angles and lighting can play some role in the appearance, but it almost looks as if only a bust of Michael was used.  <br />Thoughts?<br />Does anyone remember LaToya saying that when she and the kids went in to see him, they tried to put Paris' half of the heart necklace around his neck, but couldn't. So she wrapped it around his wrist?  Where is it? 
  • Hi Guys I have a question?????<br /><br />I see they have raised the head of the bed to give the dead body of MJ some comfort lol......Ok can someone tell me why his body is straight and does not have any sign of bending the way the bed head would make you bend if you were lying on it this way????? his body should be bent slightly to fit with the contour of the raised headboard but nothing????????????
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