

  • <br /><br /><br />Are we sure that this pic is supposed to be shot at UCLA?  Can`t it be made at the Coroner`s as well?<br /><br /><br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The most intriguing aspect is the expression "re-naissance" means "re-birth" and that a "striker" is, well, heading speedy for the goal.
  • Love4MJLove4MJ Posts: 114
  • patmanpatman Posts: 40
    omgggggg what a vid ...thank you so much :)<br />the question is now....when did ucla get rid off there old stretchers....before or after 2009 .....
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    They moved into brandnew facilities in June 2008. I don't think that the old stretchers made it into there.<br /><br />
  • deleted
  • on 1317686015:
    <br />@Snoopy71 exactly.  The details are very important because they show that the witness testimony contradicts the presented 'evidence'. An IV wouldn't be needed if the man wasn't even breathing, his breathing would need to be stabilized first. But, as the witness' all testified, he was dead when they arrived, and remained so at the hospital. <br /> The question would then be why, if he was dead, did they bother putting him in a hospital gown? Normally they cover deseased patients with a sheet and remove all clothing. And why would he still have an IV attatched to him at all or any time if he never had a pulse to begin with?<br /><br />@Solid121 you pose great questions the media hasn't even attempted to ask. Why would the photo be taken at all and by who?<br />Did they have prior knowledge that this could be used in a future trial? And why would such a photo be admissible as evidence at all? As you stated the only thing this photo shows is that he was alledgedly dead on June 25th, it does not show a crime was comitted against him. Death photos are used in court all the time. But usually crime scene photos showing the victim at the scene, certainly not candid hospital or autopsy photos unless they show strong evidence of a crime.<br /><br /> As for the gurney, the video shows that the hospital was using the newer models in 2009 just weeks before Michael would be taken there. Even if they had the old models which I dont believe they did in 2009, the newer beds would be accessible on the floors with the most activity i.e. emergency rooms ect, because they would be preferred for staff to use.<br /><br />Edit: If anyone has any knowledge on IVs being used on patients with no pulse upon hospital arrival that would be helpful. But the gurney is a huge clue in itself.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I just solidified that gurney video here:<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,20587.625.html<br /><br /><br />Also, no, if his body was dead, no pulse, no heartbeat, they will not give you iv fluids.<br />each "stretcher...gurney" has an iv stand equipped with it, it pulls up from the back and can be pulled down when not in use.<br /><br /><br />Read my post, had a nice long conversation with an EMT and the ER staff in regards to the Stryker beds and posted a clear pic of the newer ones being used. This should tell you how fake his autopsy photo is.
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    This is posted in the wrong section but I don’t know where anything is on the new forum, sorry!<br /><br />Anyway, something that has bothered me about the testimonies of the EMT’s and the ER doctors is that not one of them mentioned using a defibrillator on MJ. My father passed away from a heart attack (he was gone instantly) but the first thing the paramedics did when they arrived was establish an airway and then use electrical shocks to try to start his heart. Sadly it didn’t work but I would think this is something that all paramedics would use in cases like this. Or did I miss that part?<br />
  • Deleted
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    on 1317664210:
    <br /><br />Are we sure that this pic is supposed to be shot at UCLA?  Can`t it be made at the Coroner`s as well?<br />
    <br /><br />I believe there are different stretchers at coroner's office same as different set of mattresses, sheets and most probably no pillows... ;)
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    Well, I never in a million years thought I would ever feel this way, but I AM beginning to feel the pic is real.<br />* The two ambulance pic and hosp.pic match, and are the same person at the same time (day,year, whatever). The sideburns are the same, The curls are there (in the hosp.pic, I think his hair is under his neck and back)his hair was long, but so were his curls. There is NO WAY to tell in that hosp. pic if his hair was straight, IMO. On another forum, the two pics are blown up, side by side and rotated straight up and down...they are the same.<br />* Michael had an oxygen tube in his nose that Murray had in, and is still on him in the ambulance. If you also notice, the very same asperatus piece that is in his mouth in the ambulance, is also the very same piece that is in his mouth in the hosp. pic. It is just that the bag or anything the ER used has been disconnected from it in the hosp.pic. They had also started an IV in his jugular in the ambulance to give the rounds of meds. There would have been tubing for that as well. It also appears to me that they have a line coming out of his left hand.<br />* Keep in mind that the CORONER is the one that has to remove all of this, and Michael was being transported by helicopter.<br />* I have looked at these photos all wknd until I just cant anymore  , but I have come to my own conclusion that the pic is real.<br />* It is MY BELIEF ONLY that the tape above his lip is to hold the oxygen tubing in place. The tape on his chin is to hold the asperatus in place (just happenes to be a different color tape or a different type used. The abnormal looking arm is the IV tubing being taped from his neck and down his arm to his hand. When the pic of his arm is zoomed, it is easy to tell it is tape. <br />* I think the gown was put on him out of common courtesy and dignity, and for his children to see him.<br />* From working in many Nursing Homes and having many people die on me, it is very easy to close the eyes. I would assume they did this before his children seen him.<br />* as for the gurney, they may still have a few old ones that they specifically use for transport to helicopters etc. If they are still in very good shape, I would think they would still get some use out of them, just maybe not in busy hospital use as in operating rooms. When that call was made to UCLA, if that manager thought he may get in some kind of trouble by having an older model by being asked that question, he's not going to admit to it. It may have caught him off guard.<br />* Where Michaels legs are/went.....I have no idea  <br />* As for the trial, Its confusing as hell, a big joke, and its what keeps me hanging on today.<br />* I do think the "death pic" was unnecessary, disrespectful, and something Michael wouldnt do. I'm beginning to think i'ts not fake anymore, and it scares the hell out of me. We are watching a trial of a bunch of freaking idiots and my heart goes out to Michael wherever he is.<br />* I use to have beautiful images of him when I closed my eyes, singing, dancing and smiling. Now when I close them, all I see is that f#@*ing picture and those hurtful words "signs of a dying heart". Im angry and I feel robbed. They disrespected him in the worst way possible and that pic is plastered all over the world like a trophy prize. I hate it    :evil:<br />P<br />lease understand this is only my opinion and I dont mean to upset anyone. Just posted it here for thought.
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    on 1317710996:
    <br />@ msgitm Hi, Im sorry for your loss, but no you didn't miss anything regarding that. There was no mention of those things being done that I'm aware of.<br />
    <br />Thank you kindly!  And phew, thought maybe I dozed off during a crucial moment.  MJ didn't need Propofol to cure his insomnia, he just needed Murray's old geezer lawyer to read him a story! He'd be sleeping like a baby in no time!
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    @Hope ~ don't lose hope!  Wait for the coroner to try and explain his bit of crappy work. NOTHING in it points to MJ.  As for the picture, there is no way the D.A. would put it up and not warn the family in advance. Especially knowing his 80 year old mother is sitting in the room.  No way!!! It’s evidence and should be entered as such. I don't think they'd show that pic to the world either. All bs, imo.  Look at how many stories have changed so far. Where’s the “frail old man” that was not recognizable? Keep the faith, girl.<br />
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    on 1317664210:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Are we sure that this pic is supposed to be shot at UCLA?  Can`t it be made at the Coroner`s as well?<br /><br /><br /> <br />
    <br /> <br />This is a video that I saved awhile ago from youtube about MJ at the LA Coroner's.<br />
    <br />
  • on 1317572474:
    <br /><br />MICHAEL JACKSON DEATH PHOTO- TRUTH or TAMPERED?<br />MJHoaxEvidence<br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob5sbMmzcfQ&feature=feedu<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /> <br />I appreciate the video and the research that went into it, however it doesn't answer all questions.  For example: when did UCLA switch from the old to the new model?  When did they get rid of the extras of the old model.  Do we know for sure that the emergency room had no old models in the wing?  What model was used to transport the body from UCLA to the coroners, or did the coroner supply his own gurney?
  • likemikelikemike Posts: 105
    The lady that testified today from the coroner's office said that she took this picture and the others at UCLA hospital, which is not the coroner's office.
  • hagitghagitg Posts: 89
    I love this guy's videos, he's doing some excellent research work. <br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    So cool this guy has gone to this trouble to dig deeper!  respect/  So-o maybe MJ purchased an old Stryker Renaissance on E-Bay. In the video exhibit in court of MJ's body (so-called) in the side room it is clearly the same stretcher but you only see a glimpse of MJ's hair. Outside the room many are milling around and I believe some security briefly goes into the room.  To me this means all these people are in on the hoax because they would know it's not standard equipment and see the body has no legs. MJ has gotten clearance with the hospital to use this section for this time period probably for a sizable donation for their ongoing needs, and he's brought in his own equipment. I'm guessing it's a head and torso dummy or the Leave Me Alone dummy with the legs cut off.  I sincerely believe the old model and half dummy are gifts to us hoaxers, clear clues that MJ's behind it and is alive and well. ;)
  • on 1318141945:
    <br />I love this guy's videos, he's doing some excellent research work. <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Yes Hagitg he/she makes super hoax-videos!!! 8-)<br />Here is another topic about this subject,so if you are kind please post there,ok  ;)????[/size]
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    I know this is off topic but , how are videos from youtube posted on here w/o the link and showing just the actual video?
  • hagitghagitg Posts: 89
    on 1318145575:
    <br />I know this is off topic but , how are videos from youtube posted on here w/o the link and showing just the actual video?<br />
    <br /><br />there's a youtube button in the menu - you just mark the link to the vidoe and click on it :)
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