S.T.U.D.Y. - A little insight?



  • SunniSunni Posts: 15
    Don't you find some sect-related patterns in this enterprice? A "leader/guru" who has possesd a certain level of knowledge drawing attention of "followers". Step by step, softly, gently. Messages, hints, clues. The bait is vailed. A group of mourning people waiting for someone's comeback seems to be na easy catch. I think we should be careful, shouldn't we?
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Don't let anyone fool you. You are your own person and no matter how much you love Michael, nothing or no one can nor has a right to take advantage of you in any way.

    Try to remain neutral towards new sites.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The only aspects I want to add are some of my thoughts.
    MJ provided a full table for too many people already.
    No matter how decent the motivation but getting MJ fans hooked on the "we are the better population in this country" is way too narrow IMO.

    I said several times that the subjects are far too much referring to U.S. topics only.
    Michael is global and even given the potential influence of some leaders in Federal Reserve, NWO etc., this is neglecting the upcoming powers of China, India and Russia so much that IMHO the originators of the manipulations are U.S. citizens that have never been abroad.

    NWO has already been discussed when I was little, so that's "old shoes".
    We are so free that we are even free to believe we are getting enslaved.
    Free will and mind and spirit have in the long run overcome any dictatorship until today.
    And a last thing: if we want to think about the bad in this world, we only need to open tabloids that are pure negativity, hidden behind a smile (must think of Badman's Joker right now).
    We get acquainted and used to negativity to an extent that it has become really difficult to give any value to positive news.
    This is much more dangerous than money in some hands.
    Money cannot buy my mind. But permanent intruison of negativity can.

    So as I said before - take the redirections as a positive chance of self-education and a start-up for research in the web. But to be honest, I am much more thrilled of the google video with Fox news on Elvis's hoax than by any JFK conspiracy. As long as the result of news on JFK conspiracy is that you feel helpless and run to some preachers who keep saying "come to me lost sheep or you will not be saved" - sorry but here I am not willing to follow.
    As long as the result of the conspiracy news is that we get aware of the potential of desinformation out there and get our feet in movement and do something positive about it (in our own small environment that we can influence) - then I am with you and will accompany.

    But to be put under stress (if you don't contribute, you are a bad guy and less loved), to be harassed (you have to do this or you are bad guy), to be manipulated (you will not be one of the selected souls if you don't participate) - sorry guys, but this sounds so much of "the end of the world is near" and Jehova's Witness attempts to select the lost sheep and here I say again this is NOTHING that Michael was telling us to date.
    This negative causing fear, anger, confusion and stress is not originating from Michael.
    NO WAY.
  • patiepatie Posts: 5
    I personally think we gave too much credit to TIAI because we were so sad and anguished about all of this that this TIAI think just mixed up our feelings.

    Because, let's be honest: TS said he/she has his/her own sources. This made most of us think that maybe it could have some connection with MJ. So we gave it too much credit.

    This NWO thing is not right. Do you really think if such thing could really exist, there would be a wikipedia page about this? There is conspiracy theories aabout pretty much everything. And most of them sound pretty convincing.

    I was watching TIAI. Just to give an example, when there was that redirecting about Titanic, Lady Di, etc, I did a little research about Titanic theories. The one I found was about two ships, and the company would've sank the ship on purpose because of insurance, etc. The facs there SOUND pretty convincing and it doesn't mean this is real.

    The only positive thing about TIAI is the Army of LOVE. And believing TIAI or not, I wanna make that change. But my change is DEFINITELY not about being sitted in front of this laptop reading about conspiracy theories, this I can really say.

    Michael never talked about politics. His message was about love, children and helping people, healing the world. But I NEVER saw him talking about such things. So, yeah, I think there is someone taking advantage of the situation to convince people about these crazy theories and do religious preaching.

    And besides looking for REAL evidences (news, TMZ, Murray, DVD, and far more) people are going on the wrong way.
  • I can't download Adobe. Can someone tell me if this site is related to any religion? I did read a bit on the other link, and they mentioned a religion's name, but don't know if they are associated nor what do they preach. I would really like to know what church is this. Thank you.
  • Don't you find some sect-related patterns in this enterprice? A "leader/guru" who has possesd a certain level of knowledge drawing attention of "followers". Step by step, softly, gently. Messages, hints, clues. The bait is vailed. A group of mourning people waiting for someone's comeback seems to be na easy catch. I think we should be careful, shouldn't we?

    It sounds a bit like it indeed. We should definitely be cautious. Just because his writings sound elaborate and well articulated doesn't mean he's less of a faker than so many others that have come here claiming to have certain knowledge. Or precisely because of this! It's not my intention to offend anyone, as I am aware that many members here trust TS, (and perhaps they are right to do so) but being a little careful, as you have suggested, wouldn't go amiss imo.
  • I can't download Adobe. Can someone tell me if this site is related to any religion? I did read a bit on the other link, and they mentioned a religion's name, but don't know if they are associated nor what do they preach. I would really like to know what church is this. Thank you.

    I hope this answers your question, I've copied it from their site.

    B. The Calling, Purpose, and Motto of S.T.U.D.Y.
    Although I was raised in the church, unfortunately while growing up I had little interest in GOD or
    religion; and when I did grow up, I wasted several years “in the world”. But praise the LORD: in 1990, I decided
    to give GOD and religion a try. It was not long after, when I was impressed that I had a talent for writing which
    could be used in the LORD’S work; and as a result, I took a college course on writing. At the time, I had no
    thought of becoming a speaker; however, over the next few years, the LORD gently pushed me into public
    speaking. But even now, after several years of speaking, I still believe that writing is my main calling; and I also
    believe that this calling will be fulfilled through Web publishing, far more than through normal books.
    Whether writing or speaking: I believe that my talent and calling is in the area of teaching doctrines; of
    course there are many other areas in the LORD’S service which are very important, but they are not areas which I
    have been called to work in. Various gifts of the Spirit are listed in both 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4; and
    both of these passages specifically list “teachers”. Different people are given different gifts, and nobody is called
    to do every type of work; so my calling, once again, is to be a “teacher”.
    The evidences which I have received that this is my calling, are far too many to cover in detail here; but I
    shall give an overview of some significant points. Anyone who knows me very well, will most likely agree that I
    have been blessed with an exceptional memory—as well as a very logical and analytical mind. And although I’m not rich in material goods: yet I have been blessed with many tools (such as computers and CD-ROM’s with
    search engine capabilities of the KJV Bible, Strong’s Concordance, Old Testament Hebrew, New Testament
    Greek, etc), which greatly aid in the STUDY process. And in addition to this, before getting married I had the
    privilege of spending several years with almost no responsibilities; and therefore I was able to spend more than
    eight hours a day (ten, twelve, and sometimes even fourteen hours in a day), for more than five days a week,
    doing almost nothing but studying! I do not say these things to brag that I am “better ” than anyone else—we are
    all equal at the foot of the cross; I say these things to give evidence of my calling.
    Further evidence of my calling is found in the S.T.U.D.Y. acronym and logo. In 1995, when I was
    starting this ministry, I needed a ministry name; and I wanted it to be unique, easy to remember, and a catchy
    acronym that also had a good message in it. Well, the LORD answered this need—and even more dramatically
    than I had expected! The S.T.U.D.Y. name fulfilled all of these conditions, and more besides!
    The Inspiration for the name comes from two Bible verses (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16), both of which are in a
    book of the Bible that has the same name as my own birth name: Timothy. I did not set out with the goal of
    finding a name based upon verses in Timothy; quite the contrary, when I first came up with S.T.U.D.Y., I was
    amazed to find that it had several significant advantages—including the advantage of being based upon verses
    from the book of Timothy! Furthermore, only after I started using the name publicly did I realize that the three
    consonants in the name are the same three letters as the three initials which I have had since birth: T.D.S. And
    there is a Biblical basis for putting more emphasis on the consonants than on the vowels, because the original
    Hebrew alphabet consisted only of consonants. What are the odds that these things all happened by coincidence?
    Once again, I am not trying to exalt my name or myself; instead, I am trying to give more evidence that
    GOD has called me into the work of teaching doctrines (STUDY To Understand Doctrines Yourself ). The fact
    is that I have never used a picture of myself on printed materials that I have produced, and I have rarely even used
    my own personal name on my materials; this is because JESUS and His truth should be the focus, not man.
    I have used my own name a few times in this newsletter, because of the nature of the subjects contained
    in it; but I will not use my name much in future publications, except for signing off at the end of each newsletter.
    At the same time, however, I am not ashamed of what I publish; therefore, I always use the S.T.U.D.Y. name on
    my materials, as a point of identification—and I also give at least one point of contact (address, phone, etc).
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Thanks, dontmakeitfactual <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???
  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???

    i'll tell you...
    DIDDLY-SQUAT <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Brilliant find, thanks a lot! It's amazing that it was just out there <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    pretty sad though, and that 'do not trust in yourself' part says it all. I think it's safe to say thousands of fans have been scammed by a religious group (in the name of God, obviously).


    Yeah...I had a feeling that Part 8 and 9 were a bit too religious, esp. part 9.
    I only wanted to join the army all because I wanted to help Michael. I'm not religious.

    Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???
  • Thanks, dontmakeitfactual <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    My pleasure <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???

    There you are...thank you for posting
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???

    I think, Teilen is his son. He's Timothy.
    I guess, he/they has/have nothing to do with MJ and the source of information is God.
    As I am not religious, I don't know how to receive messages from God though <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->
    But I received Michael's message!
    Whatever it may become, I'm pretty impressed with his elaborate posts and I'm happy to be a part of the Army of L.O.V.E. as a symbol - but I won't be a member of a sect.
    Still looking forward to further posts of S.T.U.D.Y.
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    i wonder why this thread didn't get any posts after december 28, 2009!!!??!!

    it almost says tiai is not someone connected to Michael and we've been used by a group of people. why is everyone so silent about it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • i wonder why this thread didn't get any posts after december 28, 2009!!!??!!

    it almost says tiai is not someone connected to Michael and we've been used by a group of people. why is everyone so silent about it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I believe this is that thread I posted in last December. I hope it isn't true. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Never understood the tiai thing... I just let people believe in what they want , I usually skip the TS posts ..

    Never seen this thread before though so it's not because we wanna keep silent ..Nope

    That's maybe cos I hate math and numbers hehe! LOL
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    i wonder why this thread didn't get any posts after december 28, 2009!!!??!!

    it almost says tiai is not someone connected to Michael and we've been used by a group of people. why is everyone so silent about it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I believe this is that thread I posted in last December. I hope it isn't true. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    why Stranger In Chi-town? if TIAI is fake that doesn't mean MJ is dead. don't worry about that!but i'm really worried why people don't talk about it here! we are investigators! we don't believe everything without proofs right? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Never understood the tiai thing... I just let people believe in what they want , I usually skip the TS posts ..

    Never seen this thread before though so it's not because we wanna keep silent ..Nope

    That's maybe cos I hate math and numbers hehe! LOL

    i don't know... this says TIAI is not related to Michael but someone else. and people aren't talking about this for half a year. i'm worried. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • i wonder why this thread didn't get any posts after december 28, 2009!!!??!!

    it almost says tiai is not someone connected to Michael and we've been used by a group of people. why is everyone so silent about it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I believe this is that thread I posted in last December. I hope it isn't true. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    why Stranger In Chi-town? if TIAI is fake that doesn't mean MJ is dead. don't worry about that!but i'm really worried why people don't talk about it here! we are investigators! we don't believe everything without proofs right? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Oh, no, don't worry. My faith is solid as a ROCK (like the Ashford and Simpson song lol).
    Good chance my faith in him being alive will not waver. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    i wonder why this thread didn't get any posts after december 28, 2009!!!??!!

    it almost says tiai is not someone connected to Michael and we've been used by a group of people. why is everyone so silent about it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I believe this is that thread I posted in last December. I hope it isn't true. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    why Stranger In Chi-town? if TIAI is fake that doesn't mean MJ is dead. don't worry about that!but i'm really worried why people don't talk about it here! we are investigators! we don't believe everything without proofs right? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Never understood the tiai thing... I just let people believe in what they want , I usually skip the TS posts ..

    Never seen this thread before though so it's not because we wanna keep silent ..Nope

    That's maybe cos I hate math and numbers hehe! LOL

    i don't know... this says TIAI is not related to Michael but someone else. and people aren't talking about this for half a year. i'm worried. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Why are you worried ? I don't get it
  • Quoted from Update #6:
    For your information: I am familiar with the STUDY website. Does this mean that it is me, my website? Maybe; or maybe it’s someone I know; or maybe that website was used as a decoy. Regardless of which is the actual case: you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc.

    Many are failing the test, and they didn’t even know that they were being tested. In fact, there is no better way to test people, than to do it without their knowledge; then people act natural, and don’t try to make themselves into something artificial. Does it make any difference, whether you pass or fail this test? Good question; but I won’t give the answer to that right now.

    However, I will give another hint on my identity, and the source for my information: so far, I have only seen one discussion that was correct. Should Jacksons tweet about This Is Also It, as some have suggested, so that there will be no doubt? Actually, I already addressed this very question in Update #2 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3965}. See also Update 5a, section 5-2, comment about 5-5 redirect: a very similar tweet that was also from Jermaine {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=9726}.
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Quoted from Update #6:
    For your information: I am familiar with the STUDY website. Does this mean that it is me, my website? Maybe; or maybe it’s someone I know; or maybe that website was used as a decoy. Regardless of which is the actual case: you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc.

    Many are failing the test, and they didn’t even know that they were being tested. In fact, there is no better way to test people, than to do it without their knowledge; then people act natural, and don’t try to make themselves into something artificial. Does it make any difference, whether you pass or fail this test? Good question; but I won’t give the answer to that right now.

    However, I will give another hint on my identity, and the source for my information: so far, I have only seen one discussion that was correct. Should Jacksons tweet about This Is Also It, as some have suggested, so that there will be no doubt? Actually, I already addressed this very question in Update #2 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3965}. See also Update 5a, section 5-2, comment about 5-5 redirect: a very similar tweet that was also from Jermaine {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=9726}.

    Hmmm <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Hi, to everybody, yes it sound bit too religious because they are!! I search on Google for Teilen Simkin one who signed the S.T.U.D.Y (<!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->) document, and come up a document of Grace Christian School of Baptist church and she is one of the 6 Grade Graduate ......
    I post the link :
    <!-- m -->http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapev ... ,%2008.pdf<!-- m -->

    what they have to do with MJ ???

    Since there is so much controversy going on about TS & TIAI, I decided to look at this thread that supposedly is showing us that TS and TIAI is fake. First though, I want to address this post because it is WAY, WAY OFF <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    This link: http://www.grace4u.com/gcs/files/Grapevine/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20GraceGrapevine-June%2013,%2008.pdf
    This is a pdf file from an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER. These types of school newsletters are sent to parents about events that occur at the elementary school their children attend.
    This is a Christian elementary school administered by the the baptist church in Merrimack, New Hampshire.
    The child mentioned, Teilen Simkin, is a grade six graduate of the elementary school. This makes her, at the time this newsletter was published approximately 11 years old. I am positive she did not write or sign the S.T.U.D.Y document as the quoted poster states. It is also highly unlikely that Teilen Simkin is even related to Tim Simkin as his website is registered in Wenatchee, Washington which is on the other side of the United States. They could be related but it has nothing to do with TS or TIAI nor does it show that TS is fake.

    If you had clicked the above link you would have read the following:

    Teilen Simkin – Thank you Mrs. Busch and Mrs. Whitney for being the best teachers ever!

    Definitely a child thanking her teachers for her wonderful elementary school experience.
    Grace Baptist Church
    67 Bedford Rd
    Merrimack, NH 03054-2802
    Phone: (603) 424-7627
    Website: http://www.grace4u.com
    Grace Baptist Church is a private company categorized under Baptist Church and located in Merrimack, NH. Our records show it was established in 1975 and incorporated in New Hampshire. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 610,000 and employs a staff of approximately 16.

    Grace Christian School
    12 Station Rd.
    Bedford, NH 03110
    Phone: (603) 424-2552
    Grace Christian School began in 1978 with only a Kindergarten class. We currently offer Grades K-6. The school is affiliated with the Grace Baptist Church, a Conservative Baptist Church, and holds classes in the Christian Education facility that was completed in 1984.
    Grace Grapevine is the name of their School Newsletter.

    What is a Baptist?
    Baptists are a group of Christian denominations, churches, and individuals who subscribe to a theology of believer's baptism (as opposed to infant baptism), salvation through faith alone, Scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local church. They generally practice baptism by immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling) and disavow authoritative creeds. Baptist churches are Protestant, and some churches or individuals further identify with evangelicalism or fundamentalism. Baptists recognize two ministerial offices, pastor-elders and deacons, but not bishops. Diverse from their beginning, those identifying as Baptists today differ widely from one another in what they believe, how they worship, their attitudes toward other Christians, and their understanding of what is important in Christian discipleship.


    So not a cult unless being a Protestant falls into the cult category now and this has nothing to do with TS, TIAI or with being "Overly Religious."
  • Hi. I found this site. It sort of explains what S.T.U.D.Y means. Oh and the people who wrote it are Tim, Sonya, and Teilen Simkin. Initials TS, like the TS involving Thisisalsoit.com? Just throwing things out there.

    <!-- m -->http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/1Introductory.pdf<!-- m -->

    Okay so I went to Tim Simkins website at http://www.s-t-u-d-y.org/
    and I have read the links there.

    An introduction to S.T.U.D.Y - Study To Understand Doctrines Yourself

    This pdf of a newsletter and is an introduction to techniques to use when undertaking Bible study. To learn to understand bible scripture on your own without having someone else tell you what the scripture means.
    Are You: Response-Able? In other words, are you “ready always [able] to give an answer [response]” to
    questions about what you believe? Even in secular education, a primary method of testing someone’s knowledge and understanding is through questions (and answers).

    This pdf is explaining how to answers questions effectively about your beliefs regarding what you have learned through Bible study. How to effectively convey your beliefs to others, how to educate others of the meanings you have discovered through your study of the scriptures in the Bible.
    There’s little value examining specific truths, especially areas where there is a difference of belief—until we understand the basic principles that apply to all truths, and the basic principles involved in resolving differences of belief.

    This pdf is again about addressing different beliefs, what is truth for each individual etc. All of this has to do with bible study and conveying what you have learned from your individual study to others.
    Especially from those who are teachers, the “not enough time” plea should never be heard! Are they too
    busy teaching the “truth” (so-called), to find out if the teaching really is truth?!? As long as a teacher doesn’t
    have enough time to answer the questions on a certain subject, he also doesn’t have enough time to teach that
    subject! This principle holds true even in secular teachings—how much more so, in religious teachings!

    This pdf is addressing issues of teaching about the Bible and conflicts one may have about accepting money for services etc. After reading these newsletters so far I am getting the feeling that Tim Simkins was teaching people how to effectively study the Bible and educate others. Teaching people how to be "Ministers", this does not seem to be a church itself or a cult but an educational tool to educate others about Bible study and become teachers/ministers.
    This final newsletter pdf is about how to create wedding videos and the advantages of having a wedding ceremony over getting married in a civil court. This again suggests that these newsletters are being directed towards Ministers and in an effort to help them teach about the bible and subjects important when one is educating a congregation.

    I also went to the Response-Able website which is linked on the s-t-u-d-y.org page.
    This site is under construction but there is an essay written here.
    This essay is again the information from the newsletters plus a further elaboration on the subjects.

    Also there has been no further newsletters since 2005 and the above website has not been completed after having been originally created during the time these newsletters were posted. It appears that this idea was not successful has been abandoned or something.

    My impression from this is that Tim Simkins is promoting an Educational System, tools to help understand the bible and transmit what you believe to others. He also wanted to link up churches that were using this system, no matter the denomination of the congregation, as means of improving and working out unity issues.

    I am not really understanding why everyone sees this as a cult. there is also no mention of NWO, Illuminati, conspiracy theories, Michael Jackson or anything else that indicates that this is Tim Simkins agenda at all and that he may be responsible for TIAI.

    Quoted from Update #6:
    For your information: I am familiar with the STUDY website. Does this mean that it is me, my website? Maybe; or maybe it’s someone I know; or maybe that website was used as a decoy. Regardless of which is the actual case: you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc.

    Many are failing the test, and they didn’t even know that they were being tested. In fact, there is no better way to test people, than to do it without their knowledge; then people act natural, and don’t try to make themselves into something artificial. Does it make any difference, whether you pass or fail this test? Good question; but I won’t give the answer to that right now.

    However, I will give another hint on my identity, and the source for my information: so far, I have only seen one discussion that was correct. Should Jacksons tweet about This Is Also It, as some have suggested, so that there will be no doubt? Actually, I already addressed this very question in Update #2 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3965}. See also Update 5a, section 5-2, comment about 5-5 redirect: a very similar tweet that was also from Jermaine {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=9726}.

    What I see here is that TS freely admits that they are aware of this website. It seems to me that they have read the site and are utilizing the same techniques that Tim Simkins has written about but not to educate us on the bible but instead the Hoax. This does not mean that TS is Tim Simkins, it simply means that they read the information on how to approach educating others on a subject and they liked it and are using it to transmit the Hoax information to us.

    I do not see how any of what I have read on these web pages has proven that TS is fake. This thread has not debunked them in the least.

    Also let us not forget that Marlon Jackson wrote S.T.U.D.Y. peace in the funeral book.
    This can be read two ways as in a clue to TS who at that time was using the screen name S.T.U.D.Y. and then "peace" as an ending to his message (goodbye sort of thing) or it could be to suggest we utilize these educational tools, on the study.org site, in a quest for peace.

    And finally, has anyone even tried to contact Tim Simkins and asked him about the S.T.U.D.Y. program and if he has any involvement in TIAI, if they are so skeptical about the "TS" on this forum?
    Isn't it possible that the TS on this forum chose the initials "TS" because they were utilizing Mr. Simkins ideas about education etc in regards to informing us about the hoax? I mean I use Serenitys Dream or SD on this forum as my name, yet it has nothing to do with my actual name.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Guys, I do suggest you to read these all first and then decide about TIAI. They know a lot!
    First read this one : <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/the-numbers ... -t1766.htm<!-- m -->

    And then start reading the reveal part from here: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1924<!-- l -->

    They didn't say anything from Bible in these pages and they sound very logical about the hoax.You will understand, just read it pls.

    Good post, I agree - if people would first delve into what he writes instead of who he is, some of these recurring questions would be dissolved on their own.
  • And besides, TS/TIAI has demonstrated ADVANCE knowledge of things (TMZ articles, clues being revealed, etc).

    Each update has an updated list of all these "coincidences." Here is the latest one, from Update #6:
    #1. MJ investigation complete, only two days after TIAI announced Update #1.
    #2. 333 pages of FBI files, planned release on same day as TIAI Revealed.
    #3. $9.99 while LaToya shopping, connecting with “99” days after 9-9-09.
    #4. Six 911 articles on TMZ, the day after TIAI conspiracies on Google (911, etc).
    #5. Murray on TMZ news four times, the same day as the TIAI Murray redirect.
    #6. Vendetta on 11-5; Evan Chandler / Emerald City on 11-17 (70th anniversary).
    #7. 2012 trailer, a week before “Jackson” and many other MJ parallels came out.
    #8. TII Resurrection scene in a graveyard (not funeral & casket, etc).
    #9. TII would Reveal the hoax (Smooth Criminal, no RIP, BAM statement, etc).
    #10. TII would show the MJ “Return” (this very word is now on the DVD).
    #11. 1998 autograph codes; 77 days & 7 days all pointed to 9-9-09, fulfilled by several TII and MJ related events.
    #12. ALLJACK5ONS tweet on 1-18 about TIAI “Revealed” (also the 3-11 tweet).
    #13. TMZ clue on January 25.
    #14. TMZ, Murray, and murder versus hoax clue on February 5.
    #15. High probability of “piece by piece” return starting in January (see #12, etc).
    #16. Autopsy finalized 9-9-09, released just one day after I said “9-9-09 update”.
    #17. TIAI redirect to TMZ, less than an hour before the big MJ Killed Himself post.
    #18. Update #4 (4-44), #17 article posted on 4-4 at 4:00 AM (444).
    #19. Elvis redirect on 5-10, several Elvis events happen from 5-12 to 5-20 (next).
    #20. Update 5 (with 12 sections) on 5-12 at 5:12 AM; later that day TMZ starts LMP series from 5-12 to 5-17. Also, Linda talyks to Jesse on 5-12.
    #21. The final part of TIAI Update (#5d) is posted evening of 5-19 (CA time). On 5-19, Eliza posted a message on her homepage, for the first time in about four months; then on 5-20, the article by attorney Mayoras was posted (6-1, above).

    TS also posted, in Update #5d, about how large the chances are of al of these things (numbers, predictions, etc) being coincidences.

    THEY WERE IN THE TRILLIONS! So, I think it's fairly obvious that TS isn't a fake informer.
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