Paris and Prince Jackson leave the Movies in Calabasas, Mar 11



  • With facial expressions being mimicked is usually because kids will mimic their parents in hand movements, & facial movements. The kids we're brought up to be goofy like Michael in some ways will act just like dad. So I don't feel biological or not, it can be explained by just being brought up around it.
  • on 1331692647:
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    On a lighter note, the older Prince gets, the more he looks like Michael.  Especially around the eyes and mouth.  And Paris with those enchantingly beautiful eyes is a drop dead stunner.  She is an absolute natural beauty.  What amazing kids.  Good genes for sure.<br />
    <br /><br />I see zero resemblance between Michael and the two oldest ones. I really don't believe they are biologically his. Not that it matters in any way, but please tell me what exactly looks like MJ, because I really can't see it.<br />
    <br /><br />They are biologically his. I agree they don't look like Michael, but doesn't mean they're not his... there are similarities. Look at their fingers, hands, very similar to Michael's. I know Prince has the beginnings of Vitiligo. See it on his neck in some pics, and I think he has similar features to his uncles.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm sorry but No. I have to agree with Souza on this. I'm taking many biology courses and with that comes the study of genetics and right by looking at these kids you can tell RIGHT AWAY they are not biologically Michael's. The very basics on dominant and recessive traits will show you that.  They have absolutely no African American traits is their phenotype. I see a lot of Debbie in there though. YES they were his children and he loved them so much and it doesn't matter if they are or not, but don't for a second believe that Michael had children of his own. I don't think he ever did.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    We can never be absolutely sure of anything.<br />We can only feel... think.... research, compare... , speculate... but not be sure.
  • my opinion is that we shouldnt 'research' when it comes to the kids<br /><br />its irrelevant, not our business and invasive<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • Katie2Katie2 Posts: 162
    on 1333110716:
    <br />my opinion is that we shouldnt 'research' when it comes to the kids<br /><br />its irrelevant, not our business and invasive<br />
    <br /><br />You tell 'em  :) Them kids think of him as their Dad so he's their Dad, end of story
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