It’s Joe Jackson - nuff said



  • <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />tumblr_lxgi8gFCtR1qctjjjo1_500.jpg
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    on 1331929416:
    <br />What is it exactly that you want to prove with these pictures????<br />
    <br /><br />Diggyon  bearhug, <br /><br />please don't let this upset you. We know pictures worse than this are all over the internet, and have been in mens' wallets since photos were invented. God is still on the throne, no matter what we do here. <br /><br />Yeah, it was a shock to see it here after all the sermonettes about [size=18pt]OUR[/size] keeping it clean, here ( :roll:), but,  :arrow: it is not like the gal is Joe's wife or granddaughter, or any woman we even know. It [size=24pt]IS [/size]way easier to objectify someone with no name, and especially those who even seem to be comfortable with it. The girl is pretty and young and maybe she thinks this is the best :idea: way to $urvive in her environment, right now; she may even have little mouths to feed at home, and this kind of money allows her to stay home more. Everyone isn't in the same place.  :-\ Most people don't know what they will do until they believe they HAVE to. (Look at the Donner Party ... :shock: :shock: :shock:) I know what you mean, but, in comparison to some things, this is nothing but mildly  errrr creepy.<br /><br />As to your question, WHAT is it exactly that you want to prove with these :-[ pictures, here?  I think it is just to shock people.  As a young lady, my Grannie told me , If it is on display, it is an invitation to "help yourself". Remember when Lil Kim showed up at the VMA sporting only a pasty, next to the more classic dresser, Diana Ross?  :lol: :lol: Even Miss Ross was like, ("WHAT  afraid/ the heck!???") jiggle, jiggle. OMG!  :lol: She made her point without disgust. It was great! :D<br /><br />Life is like a great "restaurant" of choices. Most places they keep the food in the back until you place your order. But if it is out on the display (buffet), help yourself! In both cases, worry about paying later, when we cash out.  ;) <br /><br />That gripping >:( indignation you feel is your tender sensibilities, getting poked in the eye. Rejoice that you ARE still relatively untouched by the world; that you even get it, and just let an old man have the moment. :roll:  <br /><br />She   /toldya/ did.  ::P<br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    May be I come from a different world! But I still believe that there are certain things that should not be exposed! What does the tabloid trash do??? They spread scandals to let everyone on this planet know what certain people have done wrong. Yes, we all make sins, i agree. But should all the sins we do be exposed to the public? You can make a sin and because God is so great your sin stays hidden from the eyes of the world. Should I then come and let the whole world know what you have done wrong although God has hidden it??? Joe's picture is not exactly the kind of picture that I would like to look at! But believe me there are some people out there who would disrespect him after seeing this picture! Is that what we really need? Expose his deeds and letsome people disrespect him? Or feeling sorry for not being able to do what he is doing? This reminds me of little children who who go to their teacher and tell what others have done wrong the minute they see her or even tell their mother what the brother has done wrong the minte she enters home. Weren't we told since we were little kids that this kind of behavior is wrong and we should never tell what others do wrong? [size=10pt][size=12pt]I am sure there must be a quote in the bible about this but I don't know it! [/size][/size]
    Well in general I don't agree with hiding of any sort.<br />Well...... It's not such a big deal after all. What's he doing more than just sign on her skin ? He did much worse than that, if we are to believe what people say about Joe. <br />In a strange way I like the man for one and only reason : Michael has his genes. And that's enough for me to like Joe...sort of...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    So,  is she never going to wash herself there again?  If it was MJ’s sig, I’d probably get it tatooed right away (It would be my first tattoo!) :lol: <br />Remember this thread PureLove?  I remember seeing your lovely tatoo!<br /><br /><br />SimPattyK<br />
    [size=9pt]Like for example this:[/size][size=9pt]<br /> 'Kony 2012' Honcho Jason Russell Detained for Allegedly Masturbating in Public[/size]<br /> [size=9pt][/size]
    <br />Well that explains why we never see the mom again after giving birth in the Kony video. He wants 9 more? suspicious// <br />[size=9pt]Unless...someone's trying to destroy him and set him up. Nah....  Being drunk or drugged just brings out your real self--I think...[/size]<br />[size=9pt]<br /> [/size]
    [size=9pt]or this:[/size]<br /> Rampage Jackson Grants Fan Request -- Yes, I'll SLAP You in the FACE!!!<br /> [size=9pt][/size]
    <br />The pain fetish guy says something about, “up in Neverland”.<br />Simpa, where do you find these?<br /><br /><br />Applehead<br /><br /><br />427711_349747475064081_200996909939139_971329_809676692_n.jpg<br /><br /><br />I think they’re just doing the E.T. finger touch.  But with the camera angle it sure appears to be a forbidden touch! ::P <br />I'd love to touch fingers with MJ!  This would be my finger afterward: <br /><br /><br />et.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    .Bye bye Naked,welcome Dressed
    <br />[size=10pt]Never fear Applehead.  Then here’s the very church for you!![/size]<br />
  • Delete
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Gina,<br /><br /><br />
    [size=18pt]Michael has his genes jeans. And that's enough for me to like Joe[/size][size=x-small]...sort of...[/size]
    <br />So long GP! :lol: <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />normal.jpg
    on 1331975657:
    <br />Gina,<br /><br /><br />
    [size=18pt]Michael has his genes jeans. And that's enough for me to like Joe[/size][size=x-small]...sort of...[/size]
    <br />So long GP! :lol: <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />normal.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />I swear this time I didn't think for a second at jeans, gold pants, black leather pants or any other MJ pants that drive me crazy sometIMEs LOL!<br />The genes are important and I am grateful to Joe he "contributed" at least that much to bring to life a wonderful person like Michael.<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    LMFAO  :lol: :lol: Gina & MJonMind  :lol: :lol: Girls you just crack me up with your coms & pics!! mouhahaha.gif<br /><br /><br /><br />@MJonMind: you asked me where I take the links from? Well I try me best to follow TMZ almost daily on twitter and whatever title that attracts my attention in a "hoaxy-way", I click on the link and read between the lines!<br />I also 'circulate' a lot on the Internet, on other forums, too, on facebook, on twitter, I Google every key-word that comes up in a day I keep an eye open all the time..
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    on 1331966677:
    <br />May be I come from a different world! But I still believe that there are certain things that should not be exposed!  <br />
    <br /><br />I know that world! It is nearly just a memory.  :-\ Certain things are referred to as "Private areas", because ---they are PRIVATE. Adam and Eve discovered that they were naked in their PRIVATE garden, only after their privacy was eventually trespassed and violated by that lying serpent, the devil, and they believed him over the truth spoken by God. <br /><br />It does not matter if you are naked Privately. It DOES matter if you go public with it, out of context. An individual can swing their arms like a maniac all day, as long as they are alone. Once other people share the space, it becomes a hostile & offensive act and violates the others' quiet enjoyment of the space. <br /><br />I have a nude painting and sculpture in my personal space, at home. Some nude bodies are so beautiful, they are inspirational. The big difference between tasteful and creepy, is the consideration of others; walking in [size=24pt]Love. [/size]<br /><br />Paintings of nude models are respectful private affairs, and usually, we don't personally know the models. We are not "uncovering their nakedness", as the Bible says (em-BARE-ASSing them :?), which used to be a sin in Noah's day. (Hath sin passed away???? afraid/ ) Mostly, the artist is preserving a form of anonymous beauty which many people fail to preserve and maintain in real life, after only a few years. Art stops Time, and feeds the soul in a way looking in the mirror never will again. In a museum or private home, this art is in a perfectly respectful context, offending no one. There are no undressed real actual souls in the room being ogled or intimidated by the clothed ones. I mean, how creepy would it be if the painting of Whistler's Mother was a nude? (Not because of the nudity, but because of knowing her name and "knowing" her,  OMG! exposed. I personally would be embarrassed to hang it, even though she is long dead. JMO.  :lol: errrr)<br /><br />Now, there are people who love to expose themselves, and find "acceptable" outlets for this bent, in order to keep from being arrested (because it IS against the law, no matter how people try to rationalize it). Topless waitresses and strippers and all that are legal in places, where there are rules about no contact between patrons and employees. Looking may be under the radar, but touching and manipulation of a paid nude are acts of sex offense, which are not legal in most states. <br /><br />It's NONE of my business what Joe Jackson does. He can even make dirty movies if he wants to. (And, for all we know, the gal could have been a paid actor for some porno movie event---although...even those "ladies" are always fully clothed at their DVD signings--so even THEY get it, that there is something inherently creepy about being ogled by someone who is looking you in the... eyes,  errrr errrr errrr :-[ whatever, while you sign your movie!! Even pseudo- and seedy-Art has a REAL privacy "wall" to prevent the creepy.) <br /><br />What anyone does is between them and their Judge, unless it is criminal and damaging to others. Unfortunately, being disrespectful to one's wife and family, is not against the law, it is just tacky and  :-\ unloving. I feel  :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: bad for Mr. Jackson and the fool's look on his face, getting played by the bare bosom of someone sixty years his junior.  :x I feel bad for MJ's mom...And I feel bad for anyone here, who was offended at the old guy's winter of life antics. I am just disappointed. I haven't wanted to believe anything creepy about Papa Joe, dang it! <br /><br />IS THERE ANY CHANCE ON EARTH THAT THIS PHOTO IS SHOPPED :?: :?: :?: :|<br /><br />Even so,<br /><br />we really [size=24pt]don't KNOW[/size] what is going on in the photo, right? If it was, say, a charity event giving zillions to a worthy cause, that would make it all peachy, right? If a young woman wants to degrade herself for a good cause, maybe coking herself up, as usual, to withstand all the lecherous looks she is sure to encounter (choosing to be employed as a live nude), patronizing the tightwads of the town into pinching out a few bucks, for charity, it is all ok, right?  Just a little situational ethics, eh? /white flag/<br /><br />I don't think so.  :? The ideal is to glorify God, proceed as if He is faithful, doing all things IN HIS NAME respect/ . "Doing good and healing" NEVER involves compromise of loving or respecting one's self or others. Never.<br /><br />It really is that simple, in that other world ???/. <br /><br />Diggyon, you are correct. I just don't see making yourself sick about wrong. You can hold up the standard without being eaten alive by the zeal. You are not alone, at all. :)  bearhug
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1331974673:
    <br />SimPattyK<br />
    [size=9pt]Like for example this:[/size][size=9pt]<br /> 'Kony 2012' Honcho Jason Russell Detained for Allegedly Masturbating in Public[/size]<br /> [size=9pt][/size]
    <br />Well that explains why we never see the mom again after giving birth in the Kony video. He wants 9 more? suspicious// <br />[size=9pt]Unless...someone's trying to destroy him and set him up. Nah....  Being drunk or drugged just brings out your real self--I think...[/size]
    I also thought that he might be "set up" and discredited on purpose!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1331974673:
    [size=9pt]<br /> [/size]
    [size=9pt]or this:[/size] Rampage Jackson Grants Fan Request -- Yes, I'll SLAP You in the FACE!!!  [size=9pt][/size]
    The pain fetish guy says something about, “up in Neverland”
    I'm glad you also noticed that!! I thought I didn't hear well!! I thought I heard him say: "I'm in Neverland"<br />kind of strange, isn't it!?
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1331981804:
    <br />
    on 1331966677:
    <br />May be I come from a different world! But I still believe that there are certain things that should not be exposed!  <br />
    <br /><br />I know that world! It is nearly just a memory.  :-\ Certain things are referred to as "Private areas", because ---they are PRIVATE. Adam and Eve discovered that they were naked in their PRIVATE garden, only after their privacy was eventually trespassed and violated by that lying serpent, the devil, and they believed him over the truth spoken by God. <br /><br />It does not matter if you are naked Privately. It DOES matter if you go public with it, out of context. An individual can swing their arms like a maniac all day, as long as they are alone. Once other people share the space, it becomes a hostile & offensive act and violates the others' quiet enjoyment of the space. <br /><br />I have a nude painting and sculpture in my personal space, at home. Some nude bodies are so beautiful, they are inspirational. The big difference between tasteful and creepy, is the consideration of others; walking in [size=24pt]Love. [/size]<br /><br />Paintings of nude models are respectful private affairs, and usually, we don't personally know the models. We are not "uncovering their nakedness", as the Bible says (em-BARE-ASSing them :?), which used to be a sin in Noah's day. (Hath sin passed away???? afraid/ ) Mostly, the artist is preserving a form of anonymous beauty which many people fail to preserve and maintain in real life, after only a few years. Art stops Time, and feeds the soul in a way looking in the mirror never will again. In a museum or private home, this art is in a perfectly respectful context, offending no one. There are no undressed real actual souls in the room being ogled or intimidated by the clothed ones. I mean, how creepy would it be if the painting of Whistler's Mother was a nude? (Not because of the nudity, but because of knowing her name and "knowing" her,  OMG! exposed. I personally would be embarrassed to hang it, even though she is long dead. JMO.  :lol: errrr)<br /><br />Now, there are people who love to expose themselves, and find "acceptable" outlets for this bent, in order to keep from being arrested (because it IS against the law, no matter how people try to rationalize it). Topless waitresses and strippers and all that are legal in places, where there are rules about no contact between patrons and employees. Looking may be under the radar, but touching and manipulation of a paid nude are acts of sex offense, which are not legal in most states. <br /><br />It's NONE of my business what Joe Jackson does. He can even make dirty movies if he wants to. (And, for all we know, the gal could have been a paid actor for some porno movie event---although...even those "ladies" are always fully clothed at their DVD signings--so even THEY get it, that there is something inherently creepy about being ogled by someone who is looking you in the... eyes,  errrr errrr errrr :-[ whatever, while you sign your movie!! Even pseudo- and seedy-Art has a REAL privacy "wall" to prevent the creepy.) <br /><br />What anyone does is between them and their Judge, unless it is criminal and damaging to others. Unfortunately, being disrespectful to one's wife and family, is not against the law, it is just tacky and  :-\ unloving. I feel  :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: bad for Mr. Jackson and the fool's look on his face, getting played by the bare bosom of someone sixty years his junior.  :x I feel bad for MJ's mom...And I feel bad for anyone here, who was offended at the old guy's winter of life antics. I am just disappointed. I haven't wanted to believe anything creepy about Papa Joe, dang it! <br /><br />IS THERE ANY CHANCE ON EARTH THAT THIS PHOTO IS SHOPPED :?: :?: :?: :|<br /><br />Even so,<br /><br />we really [size=24pt]don't KNOW[/size] what is going on in the photo, right? If it was, say, a charity event giving zillions to a worthy cause, that would make it all peachy, right? If a young woman wants to degrade herself for a good cause, maybe coking herself up, as usual, to withstand all the lecherous looks she is sure to encounter (choosing to be employed as a live nude), patronizing the tightwads of the town into pinching out a few bucks, for charity, it is all ok, right?  Just a little situational ethics, eh? /white flag/<br /><br />I don't think so.  :? The ideal is to glorify God, proceed as if He is faithful, doing all things IN HIS NAME respect/ . "Doing good and healing" NEVER involves compromise of loving or respecting one's self or others. Never.<br /><br />It really is that simple, in that other world ???/. <br /><br />Diggyon, you are correct. I just don't see making yourself sick about wrong. You can hold up the standard without being eaten alive by the zeal. You are not alone, at all. :)  bearhug<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you so much! Because I thought for a while that I was alone with that opinion of mine!!!!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Oh well…  beerchug  I give up because as Michael said...<br /><br />
    <br /><br /> moonwalk_/    moonwalk_/    moonwalk_/    moonwalk_/
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