Majestik Magnificent calls Pearl Jr docu disturbing



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    WTF are you rambling about?
    Read my SIG LINE.
    I'm just here...wondering like the rest of you.
    If you do not like my comments then DON'T READ THEM.

    Geezuz H Krist!!!
    I guess this board is not a democratic board but a kiss some ass or you are out society. eh?

    Are you "wondering" really? I read every single post of yours and ALL of them are NEGATIVE about the hoax!!! And in ALL of your posts you are trying to convince people that Michael was a drug addict and he is gone. Do I need to copy and paste your posts on TS' thread about the ambulance picture??? Who are you trying to fool? You are NOT a believer and all you do here is SPAM! And if Souza is giving you the creeps, what the hell are you doing on the forum where she is the admin? And I kiss NOONE's ass ok? I agree with Souza on many points but sometimes I do disagree with her and we discuss or argue. I'm on the right one's side always. You blind people with narrow minds should find a better excuse to blame us.
  • Are you "wondering" really? I read every single post of yours and ALL of them are NEGATIVE about the hoax!!! And in ALL of your posts you are trying to convince people that Michael was a drug addict and he is gone. Do I need to copy and paste your posts on TS' thread about the ambulance picture??? Who are you trying to fool? You are NOT a believer and all you do here is SPAM! And if Souza is giving you the creeps, what the hell are you doing on the forum on which she is the admin?

    Yes I am...wondering.

    So you read all of my posts and ?

    I am entitled to have MY OWN opinions.

    I simply state MY OWN opinions.

    Why are YOU attacking me?

    Is it because you cannot handle a comment that isn't all flowers and clouds but just might be the cold hard truth!?
    Is this a calculated attempt to get me kicked off of the board..... "PureLove"?
    Copy and paste away because if it makes you happy then it can't be that bad. LOL

    As far as Souza goes...someone else made the comment...
    I simply commented ON the comment.
    IF you have truly read ALL of my posts would see why.

    Now that I have bothered to answer your little nonessential questions
  • I'm on the right one's side always. You blind people with narrow minds should find a better excuse to blame us.

    What does the even mean!?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Are you "wondering" really? I read every single post of yours and ALL of them are NEGATIVE about the hoax!!! And in ALL of your posts you are trying to convince people that Michael was a drug addict and he is gone. Do I need to copy and paste your posts on TS' thread about the ambulance picture??? Who are you trying to fool? You are NOT a believer and all you do here is SPAM! And if Souza is giving you the creeps, what the hell are you doing on the forum on which she is the admin?

    Yes I am...wondering.

    So you read all of my posts and ?

    I am entitled to have MY OWN opinions.

    I simply state MY OWN opinions.

    Why are YOU attacking me?

    Is it because you cannot handle a comment that isn't all flowers and clouds but just might be the cold hard truth!?
    Is this a calculated attempt to get me kicked off of the board..... "PureLove"?
    Copy and paste away because if it makes you happy then it can't be that bad. LOL

    As far as Souza goes...someone else made the comment...
    I simply commented ON the comment.
    IF you have truly read ALL of my posts would see why.

    Now that I have bothered to answer your little nonessential questions


    You should be careful when using PureLove in quotation marks because I got that name because Michael has PureLove in him. My name is dedicated to Michael!!! So when you use those quotation marks you disrespect Michael and you have no idea about that. Do you see my picture above that name? I do have a purelove inside but do NOT have so much patience with people like you who has terrible intentions on being on this forum! I do NOT see any positivity in ANY of your posts and I do KNOW that you are a NON-BELIEVER which is very easy to understand when we read your posts. All you do is trying to convince some of the hoaxers that Michael was a drug addict and he is gone! If I had seen any different direction in your posts like you are really wondering what happened to Michael, that would be so fine with me to think about all possibilities. But you MADE UP YOUR MIND that HE IS GONE! So WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? You say that you are entitled to your opinion which is you believe he is gone. Everyone who reads your posts on TS' threads or on Teddy's or on anywhere else, they see that you think MJ is gone. Nobody needs to be a psychic to understand that. YOU CAN NOT FOOL ME or ANYONE on this forum.

    And if you are commenting on someone else's post about kissing Souza's ass, you should have quoted to that person's post, and not write it with the things you had written to me!!! You can not spread negativity on this forum and attack the admin of the forum and then ask people to leave you alone. They won't. I WON'T!!!
  • I think you have LOST your mind dear.
    How old are you anyway 12?

    Once again *sigh*

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I think you have LOST your mind dear.
    How old are you anyway 12?

    Once again *sigh*


    Is this the only answer that you could find? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ahh poor you. I gave you all the answers and you can find nothing to say but try to insult me? What can I say, keep'em coming!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> But I'm done with you! Don't want to waste my time no more with someone who doesn't worth it.
  • But I'm done with you! Don't want to waste my time no more with someone who doesn't worth it.

    Well it is about damn time, it only took you TWO hours
    to arrive at that conclusion.

    Where is my Acme rocket scientist emote when I need it.
  • SanitySanity Posts: 81
    It confuses me why the family can't address that problem. It's up the them to clear up the rumours.
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    Majestik Magnificent you are only 1 year and 8 months late with this . First time I read it, it made me very afraid because I thought it was the little boy,who was with jackson family being interview by oprah winfrey in november. also called Majestick.

    Wow, really? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Is this a common name? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Hey NO need to be RUDE about it. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    Majestik Magnificent you are only 1 year and 8 months late with this . First time I read it, it made me very afraid because I thought it was the little boy,who was with jackson family being interview by oprah winfrey in november. also called Majestick.
    Do you mean Jermajesty?
    Thank you RK, that was the name I was looking for.
    you see there are other ways to tell somebody they are wrong,without being RUDE!
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It's a shame about all the disagreements let's turn it back to Michael and finding the truth everyone is entitled to their thoughts let's be kind and get on track x
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Jeez, can we stop the childlish arguments? More and it's a lock.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    This letter means nothin' to me, yes, may be Majestik is a friend of Joe but i highly doubt that he is aware of the hoax,or he is that close to the family to be in on it, unless a memebr of the Jackson family tells us to stop our investigation cause we're hurtin' the kids and the family, ill always believe in the hoax.
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    Its moments like this that make me afraid to post my opinion <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Anyway, this is the way I see it. Majestik Magnificent has just as much credibility (in my eyes) as Teddy Riley. They both know the family, and both know Michael. Majestik says one thing, Teddy says another ... and somewhere in between everyone chooses a side.
    So, really, this shouldn't shake anyone's faith at all. As long as someone close to the family believes Michael is alive, and I mean really believes & strongly supports that idea, then nobody should be shaken. JMO.
  • Enjoy the ride! Appreciate the story and cast of characters. We all belong here, no one should be exempt. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    The Archetypal Characters:
    Protagonist and Antagonist
    by Melanie Anne Phillips
    creator StoryWeaver, co-creator Dramatica

    Protagonist drives the plot forward.

    Antagonist tries to stop him.

    In the Story Mind, the Protagonist is the Prime Mover of the effort to achieve the Story's Goal. The Antagonist is the Chief Obstacle to that effort. In a sense, Protagonist is the irresistible force and Antagonist is the immovable object.

    In our own minds, we survey our environment and consider whether or not we could improve things by taking action to change them. The struggle between the Protagonist and Antagonist represents this inner argument: is it better to leave things the way they are or to try and rearrange them?

    The Protagonist represents our Initiative, the motivation to change the status quo. The Antagonist embodies our Reticence to change the status quo. These are perhaps our two most obvious human traits - the drive to alter our environment and the drive to keep things the way they are. That is likely why the Archetypes that represent them are usually the two most visible in a story.

    Functionally, the character you choose as your Protagonist will exhibit unswerving drive. No matter what the obstacles, no matter what the price, the Protagonist will charge forward and try to convince everyone else to follow.

    Without a Protagonist, your story would have no directed drive. It would likely meander through a series of events without any sense of compelling inevitability. When the climax arrives, it would likely be weak, not seen as the culmination and moment of truth so much as simply the end.

    This is not to say that the Protagonist won't be misled or even temporarily convinced to stop trying, but like a smoldering fire the Protagonist is a self-starter. Eventually, he or she will ignite again and once more resume the drive toward the goal.

    In choosing which of your characters to assign the role of Protagonist, do not feel obligated to choose one whose Storytelling qualities make it the most forceful. The Protagonist does not have to be the most powerful personality. Rather, it will simply be the character who keeps pressing forward, even if in a gentle manner until all the obstacles to success are either overcome or slowly eroded.

    When creating your own stories, sometimes you will know what your goal is right off the bat. In such cases, the choice of Protagonist is usually an easy one. You simply pick the character whose storytelling interests and nature is best suited to the objective.

    Other times, you may begin with only a setting and your characters, having no idea what the goal will turn out to be. By trying out the role of Protagonist on each of our characters, you can determine what kind of a goal the nature of that character might suggest.

    By working out an appropriate goal for each character as if it were the Protagonist, you'll have a choice of goals. Developing the plot of your story then becomes a matter of choosing among options rather than an exercise in the brute force of creating something from nothing.

    What, now, of the Antagonist? We have all heard the idioms, Let sleeping dogs lie, Leave well enough alone, and If it works - don't fix it. All of these express that very same human quality embodied by the Antagonist: Reticence.

    To be clear, Reticence does not mean that the Antagonist is afraid of change. While that may be true, it may instead be that the Antagonist is simply comfortable with the way things are or may even be ecstatic about them. Or, he or she may not care about the way things are but hate the way they would become if the goal were achieved.

    Functionally, the character you choose as your Antagonist will try anything and everything to prevent the goal from being achieved. No matter what the cost, any price would not seem as bad to this character as the conditions he or she would endure if the goal comes to be. The Antagonist will never cease in its efforts, and will marshal every resource (human and material) to see that the Protagonist fails in his efforts.

    Without an Antagonist, your story would have no concerted force directed against the Protagonist. Obstacles would seem arbitrary and inconsequential. When the climax arrives, it would likely seem insignificant, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    In choosing one of your characters as the Antagonist, don't be trapped into only selecting a mean-spirited one. As described earlier, it may well be that the Protagonist is the Bad Guy and the Antagonist is the Good Guy. Or, both may be Good or both Bad.

    The important thing is that the Antagonist must be in a position in the plot to place obstacles in the path of the Protagonist. Since the drive of the Protagonist is measured by the size of the obstacles he or she must overcome, it is usually a good idea to pick the character who can bring to bear the greatest obstacles.

    Ask yourself which of your characters would have the most to lose or be the most distressed if the goal is achieved. That will likely be your Antagonist. But don't discount the other candidates out of hand. In storytelling, characters are not always what they seem. Even the character who seems most aligned with the Protagonist's purpose may have a hidden agenda that makes them the perfect choice for Antagonist. You might play such a character as an apparent aid to the effort, and later reveal how that character was actually behind all the troubles encountered.
  • Diana77Diana77 Posts: 17
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> [youtube:3ekqjrug]
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Very interesting. Good find.
  • ;) [youtube:11532f5f]

    Now i am confused, because Pearl was selling her e-book at this event.
  • On Saturday 12th March 2011, @Pearljr said: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I didn't want to go here, but . . .

    There's nothing new here, some believe that MJ died on June 25, 2009 and that's that!!! Nothing will sway them one way or another. If MJ did a death hoax, he most certainly would not tell Majestik, he is too easily swayed by women to keep a secret as big as that quiet.

    The supposed Majestik Message promoted by the most hated MJ fan, Taaj Malik, is just a part of what she does. Create division so she can be on top. She is nothing to me, but someone people should be very wary of.

    Nowhere is my name mentioned nor the name of our documentary. But since receiving so many emails regarding Majestik's Message to the fans--seemingly aimed at our company, I had to respond.

    Elvis had the same death hoax and MJ studied the book "Is Elvis Alive?" to the tee and copied it. Like LMP said on Oprah "play after play after play was just like my father's". Not a coincidence but something planned by MJ himself. I didn't create any of the clues, we, the death hoax community, have discovered hundreds of clues why we beLIEve Michael Jackson faked his death.

    I'm a reporter and the Michael Jackson death hoax is simply another side of the story that we, at Elbow Grease Productions, decided was worth telling.

    Tell everyone not one clue was rejected in that slash and burn note. There are only words based on the arrogance of ignorance and not knowing Michael Joe Jackson. MJ would L.O.V.E. a death hoax and be offended that his stardom was not big enough to create one; that's A REASON why I believe he did it, and for several other bigger reasons to lengthy to explain here. That's why I wrote a 115,000 word EmovieBook, "Pseudocide Did Michael Jackson Fake His Death To Save His Life?" to explain in detail.

    The clues are still the clues. Now if we are wrong, show us where and how, but nothing like that, just key words that push people's emotional buttons and that is what Taaj, or whatever her name is, is excellent at.

    Dah, of course, if MJ did a death hoax, then the kids would know, so fooey on that plea to create more division among MJ fans and ignite a hateful environment.

    MJ wrote and released a note stating "See You In July 2011" and that's what I aim to do and promote "Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead" and every other thing in the death hoax, which is numerous, abundant and quite frankly, fun at times, like the 5 Alive Do Do Bird with a party favor in his mouth on Blanket's birthday this year.

    Keep Michaeling and please support the documentary "Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead?" This keeps MJ ALIVE and will keep his legacy vibrant. Taaj doesn't understand how the industry works, she only understands slash and burn tactics--her specialty.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    Interesting video... Thanks, Diana77!
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    On Saturday 12th March 2011, @Pearljr said: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I didn't want to go here, but . . .

    There's nothing new here, some believe that MJ died on June 25, 2009 and that's that!!! Nothing will sway them one way or another. If MJ did a death hoax, he most certainly would not tell Majestik, he is too easily swayed by women to keep a secret as big as that quiet.

    The supposed Majestik Message promoted by the most hated MJ fan, Taaj Malik, is just a part of what she does. Create division so she can be on top. She is nothing to me, but someone people should be very wary of.

    Nowhere is my name mentioned nor the name of our documentary. But since receiving so many emails regarding Majestik's Message to the fans--seemingly aimed at our company, I had to respond.

    Elvis had the same death hoax and MJ studied the book "Is Elvis Alive?" to the tee and copied it. Like LMP said on Oprah "play after play after play was just like my father's". Not a coincidence but something planned by MJ himself. I didn't create any of the clues, we, the death hoax community, have discovered hundreds of clues why we beLIEve Michael Jackson faked his death.

    I'm a reporter and the Michael Jackson death hoax is simply another side of the story that we, at Elbow Grease Productions, decided was worth telling.

    Tell everyone not one clue was rejected in that slash and burn note. There are only words based on the arrogance of ignorance and not knowing Michael Joe Jackson. MJ would L.O.V.E. a death hoax and be offended that his stardom was not big enough to create one; that's A REASON why I believe he did it, and for several other bigger reasons to lengthy to explain here. That's why I wrote a 115,000 word EmovieBook, "Pseudocide Did Michael Jackson Fake His Death To Save His Life?" to explain in detail.

    The clues are still the clues. Now if we are wrong, show us where and how, but nothing like that, just key words that push people's emotional buttons and that is what Taaj, or whatever her name is, is excellent at.

    Dah, of course, if MJ did a death hoax, then the kids would know, so fooey on that plea to create more division among MJ fans and ignite a hateful environment.

    MJ wrote and released a note stating "See You In July 2011" and that's what I aim to do and promote "Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead" and every other thing in the death hoax, which is numerous, abundant and quite frankly, fun at times, like the 5 Alive Do Do Bird with a party favor in his mouth on Blanket's birthday this year.

    Keep Michaeling and please support the documentary "Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead?" This keeps MJ ALIVE and will keep his legacy vibrant. Taaj doesn't understand how the industry works, she only understands slash and burn tactics--her specialty.

    So Pearl is saying that whoever wrote that message wasTaaj Malik and not Majestik. Is that true?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    well, I've got Pearl's movie on now....we'll see about this...

  • So Pearl is saying that whoever wrote that message wasTaaj Malik and not Majestik. Is that true?

    That is what Pearl is saying.

    I dont know if its true or not... but i am suspicious of the "banner" endorsement in Majestiks message.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    So Pearl is saying that whoever wrote that message wasTaaj Malik and not Majestik. Is that true?

    That is what Pearl is saying.

    I dont know if its true or not... but i am suspicious of the "banner" endorsement in Majestiks message.

    That part about the banner also got my attention to think that it could have been a fan.

    I liked how Pearl addressed the issue, in fact, I like her thinking and, she is always smiling.

    For the record, is Taaj part of the Ganesha gang? I confess, I am lost within the gossip.
  • But I'm done with you! Don't want to waste my time no more with someone who doesn't worth it.

    Well it is about damn time, it only took you TWO hours
    to arrive at that conclusion.

    Where is my Acme rocket scientist emote when I need it.

    ok why can't we stop arguing. This is ridiculous. Souza put up a post for only negativity. If you need to whine, and cry or say something negative go to that post please. Purlove did not do anything wrong. Look what is happening in this world, why fight? Why be mean and rude towards eachother. You know I am fed up of trying to put the peace, into this forum, rudeness seems to be a fashion in here. Not only towards Purelove but me too. This has to stop. We are all human beings, which God created us equally, so please lets remember that and get f@$%$# along. I did not want to swear, but you can imagine what I wrote. Thank you.
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