Is It Because He's BLACK?



  • Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I, like him, am colour blind. I never think of MJ as black or white.. i just think of him as MJ if you know what i mean. I dont and never have defined people by their colour.

    When i see articles like this, i do understand what they are saying and i do understand there is a lot of racism in the World and not everyone thinks like me (or like MJ)
    I just dont like putting people in boxes and emphasising MJs race as it attempts to divide his fans and divide people... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I hope i am explaining myself right.

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
  • But.. that aside this article is very interesting as it brings up the concept of a conspiracy and about MJ upsetting the establishment WAY before he "died"
  • Just need to try and keep ppl from attacking you dancingthedream,I think God may have used his disease for the good. He was raceless in deeds and the way he saw people,and ALL people loved him. I dont think God inflicted him with the disease,as we see it did divide some people for a while and still does,among those who never believed that he had a disease. My best friend is black and has always had a thing against him for "turning against his race". Some peoples minds wont be changed. God always takes our ashes and makes beauty and He always takes our hurts and makes something great,so in that sense,He made a greater good out of the situation.
  • If ya thinking about being my baby....doesn't matter if you're black or white
    If you're thinking about being my doesn't matter if you're black or white

    I think that about sums it up, how about you? Didn't matter who or what. What a MAN!
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    I remember reading that article a while back, so thanks for the link to refresh my memory, hesouttamylife. The article is so spot-on on so many points. Still, I'm going to be prudent and not get into a prolonged discussion about this sensitive issue because I know from personal experience how quickly the topic can veer off track in ugly ways when you're among virtual strangers.

    It's easy to understand why some people perceive Michael as color-blind and a uniter of races due to his vitiligo and loving mindset. However, Michael has never been race-less. He has always been black, as well as very proud of his heritage and openly vocal about his identity as a black man.

    He also DOES see color and always has. But like many people of color in high places and places where they traditionally aren't found, he knows when color is relevant and when it isn't. He's not stupid or blind in the least, but if he didn't realize that being black matters a great deal when it come to a person of his stature, he would be stupid and blind. The world has come a long way since the days of slavery, but there's still a long way to go. Michael knows that, too.

    So, yes, the unfairness and torture Michael has endured at the hands of the media, various business associates, and assorted haters has a whole lot to do with him being black, more than some people will ever realize or accept, although that article does a great job making some very valid points about the issue.
  • You are right Lorrie. He did talk about it ALOT...
  • @Lorrie: I agree with your post 100%. Thank you for expressing your thoughts so eloquently and respectfully.

    A sad reality, but there is much truth to this article. I wonder how much the society at large "gets" and understands this. IMO, I think you'd have to be pretty naive to not understand it had almost everything to do with race when it comes down to it. The reality is, even in our multicultural and politically-correct world, prejudice, racism, and bigotry still remain. (And many times people are often unaware of their thoughts and actions that reflect this.) Michael's world was not exempt from this, no matter how talented and famous he was.

    Coincidentally during this investigation while I was watching some Youtube videos and reading comments on articles, I have read horrid and inhumane comments from extremely racist, ignorant people. I have actually broke down in tears reading certain comments, appalled by the downright hatred in people's hearts. Then it hits me that it doesn't help to have hateful feelings in my heart towards them, and more than anything, these people need love in their lives, and someone to pray for them to soften their hearts. I do believe that love and prayer can perform miracles, can change lives, and ultimately, the world. Love is healing. And the world needs a lot of that right now...
  • MercurialMercurial Posts: 101
    Lorrie-i DEFINITELY all the way agree a 100%.woah you are spot on once again. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> i was thinking of ways to explain this but i just couldn't find the way.TY.i understand exactly what you mean.
    like people often get this weird misconception about the effects of his skin color color isn't everything to race.just because your skin turns white doesn't mean that YOU ARE white nor does it make you raceless.still people don't get it.
    him getting changed by vitiligo has caused more problems towards him and confusion.look at all the crap he has gotten from it:people accuse him of "hating his race",say that he is weird and freaky looking without EVEN TAKING TIME to ACTUALLY look at his pictures or he "bleached his skin".Trust me,its kind of hard to consider vitiligo a 'uniting' thing if all this is going on.
    it's not necessarily about be colorblind per se,its about embracing the colors but color shouldn't be a big deal at the same time just to cause negativity.things are still way too complicated to just brush off race like its nothing.unfortunately it is still an issue.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    So you think God stripped him of his identity AND caused him pain?????? plan for what?
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    Thanks, neverlandprincess, kingofmystery, Mercurial, and everyone else who has commented on or read this very important (at least to me) thread.

    I avoid these kinds of discussions most of the time because race is still such a sensitive, touchy issue for so many individuals. I wish it weren't that way, but we can thank people like Michael for helping a great deal to bring others closer together.

    As always, I just wish Michael had more people like us around him to make his life easier to deal with during his more difficult times. I really hope he or even his family members read threads like this on various websites so they know we understand, and at least there's still a chance we can be there for him in the future.
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
    So you think God stripped him of his identity AND caused him pain?????? plan for what?
    misha86, I don't think that comment was meant in the negative way it comes across to some people. I would cut DancingTheDream some slack in this case and let it go. But the choice is yours, of course.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    I just want to know what the plan I mean in the 70s and most the 80s he still was black in his skin tone and still brung millions together so I'm lost on that 1? Lol

    And by the way no matter what color he was he always was and always will be a black man and trust me he knew he was black even when he "wasn't" black in skin tone. America always reminds that your black..ask tiger woods..
  • Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I, like him, am colour blind. I never think of MJ as black or white.. i just think of him as MJ if you know what i mean. I dont and never have defined people by their colour.

    When i see articles like this, i do understand what they are saying and i do understand there is a lot of racism in the World and not everyone thinks like me (or like MJ)
    I just dont like putting people in boxes and emphasising MJs race as it attempts to divide his fans and divide people... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I hope i am explaining myself right.

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
    Yes, for the most part, Michael was color blind. You did not have to be a certain color for Michael to love you. Yet, Michael stated MANY times that he was proud to be a black man. And he also stated that he felt the reason why he recieved so much crap from the media was because he was black. He stated it right in the rabbi's interview. Michael may have not define himself but his color, but Michael was not ashame of it either. He wore his color proudly, because while it did not define him, it was a part of who he is. And just because you don't want to bring up the issue of race in fear that it will divide his fans, well, I got two things for you: One, it does not change the fact that most of the crap that Michael recieved was because he was black, and for anyone not to accept it or at least entertain that thought means that you are not willing to understand Michael. Two: you belong to a hoax site, an issue that has already divided MANY MJ fans, so why worry about division now?
  • I am color blind too, I don't see color in people we are all people no matter what our color is! I always say even if Michael is black, white, yellow, purple, green or whatever color you can name I love him no matter what it is not about what color he is it is about who he is and I love him in all his glory!
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    yeah .. I love michael .. I love who he is .. I don't care about his skin colour ..
    it doesnt' matter for me if he's black or white as long as he's michael joseph jackson ..
    maybe his skin colour can change but he's still michael for me ..
    thanks you for being yourself michael .. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I like this article it good a piece that's kind to michael
  • Good written article, Michael talked a lot about this specific issue.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    The color that counts most in the business world is If a person produces then skin color is most likely a secondary thought.

    However there do still remain some stubborn minded folks who believe that people of color should "stay in their lane" and follow the script that they have been presented. MJ did strive for more than to be a simple song and dance man so that scared many people. He earned them lots of money but did they still call the shots? Not likely.

    It is the same in non celebrity business environments as well. If I am the top salesperson for my company then my boss knows what that means and rewards me with good compensation. Likewise he knows that I can make certain demands based on my success and importance to the company. Therefore, I have a strong voice and can pull my own strings. That may very well keep him up at night worrying about whether to meet my demands or risk that I can quit one day and leave him high 'n dry.

    Some record executives were frightened about the potential influence that a powerful man such as MJ could yield.
  • Everyone has a Heart... Everyone Feels
    Everyone Bleeds... Everyone Hurts
    Everyone needs LOVE... Everyone Needs To Feel Wanted and Needed

    Need i say any more... "L.O.V.E. is My Message"
  • Was Michael color blind? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    So he couldn't react at colors.. And he had such a good taste for what he wore? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Even he thought it was pink, but was something more fancy.. Just kidding <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Well, for me the color doesn't matter, but I'm not saying all black are good people, so isn't white.. There are just many black people, so people THINK there are so many criminals.. But there are much white aswell.. Color isn't the reason.. It's the life you had, and many black people have a very hard life.. Therefore they mostly end up as criminals, but becaue people don't look at white people as criminals they judge only black instead.

    People started to hate MJ because he got a disease.. How sad isn't it for Michael to be judged for something he can't even control.. And after he became white, criminals started to call him child abuser.. They are behaving like themself, but judge Michael so they doesn't look at them selves as guilty..

  • I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    So you think God stripped him of his identity AND caused him pain?????? plan for what?

    It opened up the Pandoras box.. got everyone talking about the issues it evoked and raised... and still people are talking and debating about the impact it has.

    Talking and debating and educating... getting people to think...
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    So you think God stripped him of his identity AND caused him pain?????? plan for what?

    It opened up the Pandoras box.. got everyone talking about the issues it evoked and raised... and still people are talking and debating about the impact it has.

    Talking and debating and educating... getting people to think...
    Which issue?
  • The sad thing about MJ, his life and his vitiligo isn't just that he had to take all the crap from an industry that's controled by white people, but he also had to take the crap from his own people when he started having the disease. It didn't shock people from other races as much as it did with the black community. Even now you can find some of those horrible people saying that he betrayed his race not only "turning" white, but marrying two white women, because apparently that in MJ's case was some kind of crime.
  • <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    So you think God stripped him of his identity AND caused him pain?????? plan for what?

    It opened up the Pandoras box.. got everyone talking about the issues it evoked and raised... and still people are talking and debating about the impact it has.

    Talking and debating and educating... getting people to think...
    Which issue?
    Racial issues I would assume.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    Racial issues I would assume.
    If that what she means then mike was not the first nor will he be the last person to stir a racial debate....there fore he did not open pandoras box nor did he get people to think any different then they had b4
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