Is It Because He's BLACK?



  • Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.

    I think the SAME thing! It was like, the Vitiligo made him become colorless (literally and figuratively and raceless, therefore touching the lives of so many around the world as a general human being....i think it's a divine symbolic blessing...
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.

    I think the SAME thing! It was like, the Vitiligo made him become colorless (literally and figuratively and raceless, therefore touching the lives of so many around the world as a general human being....i think it's a divine symbolic blessing...
    I'm sorry 2 stay on this topic but how do you become raceless? Race is more than just your skin color. Is mariah carey also "raceless" because of her fair skin?

    And correct me if I'm wrong but heal the world is one of, if not the most successful benefit song? And he was "black" then also? So he was already touching. People

    And the reason why I'm still asking this is because it upsets me that people think that he can only touch the world being "white" subtracting his blackness, especialy because mike was "touching" people world wide when he was a little black kid with a huge afro

    And no I am not racist. I also don't see color, and love all races and cultures and think beauty is undefined by color BUT to say someone can touch more people by stripping them of who they are is just crazy
  • @Mischa.. you are missing the point and just want to have an argument. I will not say anything else in reply to you here.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    @Mischa.. you are missing the point and just want to have an argument. I will not say anything else in reply to you here.
    No I do not want an argument...and yes I did miss the point and that is why I want you to tell me..mayb I have it wrong
  • For real ....Dancing the Dream was meaning no offense,and I also made a statement that was close to hers but not quite. I dont think God cursed Michael with vitiligo,I also think he brought people together before his skin was lighter...however he took alot of crap from alot of closeminded people-on both sides of the racial fence-for his skin changing. To this day people think he got his skin bleached and didnt like who he was...ignorance and arrogance. People got mad because he married two white women and has light children. No he may not be the first or the last to put up with it...but to say he didnt make people think differantly(being the most famous black entertainer of ALL time and having the most diverse group of fans of any entertainer ever) is a little off center as well.
    This topic as nothing to do with hoax and I moderate another forum where this article has been posted and there has been no argument.
    Please calm down. This is a sensitive issue.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    @Lorrie: I agree with your post 100%. Thank you for expressing your thoughts so eloquently and respectfully.

    A sad reality, but there is much truth to this article. I wonder how much the society at large "gets" and understands this. IMO, I think you'd have to be pretty naive to not understand it had almost everything to do with race when it comes down to it. The reality is, even in our multicultural and politically-correct world, prejudice, racism, and bigotry still remain. (And many times people are often unaware of their thoughts and actions that reflect this.) Michael's world was not exempt from this, no matter how talented and famous he was.

    Coincidentally during this investigation while I was watching some Youtube videos and reading comments on articles, I have read horrid and inhumane comments from extremely racist, ignorant people. I have actually broke down in tears reading certain comments, appalled by the downright hatred in people's hearts. Then it hits me that it doesn't help to have hateful feelings in my heart towards them, and more than anything, these people need love in their lives, and someone to pray for them to soften their hearts. I do believe that love and prayer can perform miracles, can change lives, and ultimately, the world. Love is healing. And the world needs a lot of that right now...

    Lorrie, Your response was bang on the money. Thank you for sharing your insightful comments.
    I agree 100%.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    It is a sensitive issue - however white people get Vitiligo too - my sister-in-law has it and a previous yoga teacher has it really bad. Its not restricted to black people but obviously it affects black people more. What I find hard to understand is why people doubted he had the disease in the first place. Just because he's MJ doesn't mean he's immune. People doubting him, must have hurt more than the disease itself.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I think it has more to do with money and jealousy, than racism. Nowadays most of the young mainstream (pop, r&b etc) artists are black - Akon, Snoop Dog, Beyonce, Kanye West, Chris Brown etc.
  • MercurialMercurial Posts: 101
    Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.

    I think the SAME thing! It was like, the Vitiligo made him become colorless (literally and figuratively and raceless, therefore touching the lives of so many around the world as a general human being....i think it's a divine symbolic blessing...
    huh? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    hmm last time i checked,white is considered a color by MANY people and hey,his skin was turned white. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> it doesn't seem too 'general' either.I seriously don't understand how losing your skin pigment would 'touch/unite people'.

    Care to explain in depth?please <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I think it has more to do with money and jealousy, than racism. Nowadays most of the young mainstream (pop, r&b etc) artists are black - Akon, Snoop Dog, Beyonce, Kanye West, Chris Brown etc.
    The popularity does not mean there is no racism involved. Just so you know, NONE of the artists you mention are in any state of power where is threating.
    Owing your own fashion line? No problem. Starting a rap record label? Sure.
    But when you own HALF of Sony, two record labels, marrying the KING's(Elvis) daughter, well, that is crossing the line to many. There is something more powerful than money: POWER. And you really don't need lots of money to obtain it. Although it certainly does not help. I think a few people were piss that behind the typical singing and dancing black man, there was a genuis behind that. And it threaten their egos when this singing and dancing black man was WAY smarter and more powerful than ever WISH to be.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    I think it has more to do with money and jealousy, than racism. Nowadays most of the young mainstream (pop, r&b etc) artists are black - Akon, Snoop Dog, Beyonce, Kanye West, Chris Brown etc.
    The popularity does not mean there is no racism involved. Just so you know, NONE of the artists you mention are in any state of power where is threating.
    Owing your own fashion line? No problem. Starting a rap record label? Sure.
    But when you own HALF of Sony, two record labels, marrying the KING's(Elvis) daughter, well, that is crossing the line to many. There is something more powerful than money: POWER. And you really don't need lots of money to obtain it. Although it certainly does not help. I think a few people were piss that behind the typical singing and dancing black man, there was a genuis behind that. And it threaten their egos when this singing and dancing black man was WAY smarter and more powerful than ever WISH to be.
    i agree..and dont forget about the beetles catalog..elvis and the beetles are untouchable to alot of people...a black man with money and entertaining is a WHOLE lot different than a black man with power, especially over a company like sony
  • Paul McCartney doesnt seem to care too much.. neither Yoko Ono. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think that one is hyped up by the tabloids to try and create some drama where there is none.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    Paul McCartney doesnt seem to care too much.. neither Yoko Ono. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think that one is hyped up by the tabloids to try and create some drama where there is none.
    your right they dont care, but alot of people think mike was " out of his place" for owning those songs
  • Paul McCartney doesnt seem to care too much.. neither Yoko Ono. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think that one is hyped up by the tabloids to try and create some drama where there is none.
    Paul McCartney did care, actually. It is the main reason that Paul and Michael stopped being friends. Ever since then, Paul has been real awful. He even hoped that Michael would be found gulity in 2005 trials, just because of what Michael did over 20 years ago. I can't stand Paul. John Lennon was the real talent of that group anyway.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Paul McCartney doesnt seem to care too much.. neither Yoko Ono. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think that one is hyped up by the tabloids to try and create some drama where there is none.
    Paul McCartney did care, actually. It is the main reason that Paul and Michael stopped being friends. Ever since then, Paul has been real awful. He even hoped that Michael would be found gulity in 2005 trials, just because of what Michael did over 20 years ago. I can't stand Paul. John Lennon was the real talent of that group anyway.

    I know that Paul was annoyed that MJ bought him out but I didn't know he hoped MJ would be found guilty - do you have any proof he actually said that?
  • Michael always said "i dont see colour"

    I believe God gave MJ vitiligo to blur the divide between black and white.. MJ literally became raceless. I believe that was Gods work even though it caused MJ a lot of pain... it was part of the plan. It was his destiny.

    Michael probably meant: he sees persons as his fellow human beings and he does not focus on the color of their skin. Hence: "i don't see color".

    God, for whoever anyone likes to assume he/she is, does not hand out any ailments nor illnesses etc. for whatever reason to anyone. That would frighten all that believe in God and have ill loved ones. Fear is the opposite of the two fundamental emotions: fear and love. How can any religious person LOVE who he/she FEARS?!
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