Why would he pay so much?

billy06billy06 Posts: 73
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
MJ has paid millions, perhaps billions on furniture etc. and a huge mansion he was gonna rent during This Is It and TMZ reported this, along with pics and evidence.

Why would MJ pay so much for a tour he knew wouldnt happen?

this is making me lose the faith.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

Link: http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/14/michael-jacksons-insane-interior-design/


  • Beacuse he have enough money and probably to get his health back.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    I just don't believe that MJ is broke.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I thought AEG was going to rent that place for him
  • Offcours he is not broke.Jermaine said once,dont now where anymore,sorry,that it was a rumor of the press.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    If I am not mistaken AEG (in the agreement) agreed to pay for MJs living expenses ect ect ect so...... but I truly do not believe for one minute that MJ was completley broke. Sure he had debts but ummm what celeb doesn't these days right?? I mean they do live a very lavish lifestyle. BUt I am almost possible I read somewhere that AEG was leasing this mansion for mJ and the kids. thanks <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Tay3Tay3 Posts: 44
    I've read that AEG was renting or going to rent the place for him as part of the deal to do the concerts. It could all be made up if the concerts were never going to happen in the first place. Or if he decided not to do the concerts, I'm sure AEG could find a way to get out of a rental agreement. Don' lose faith yet <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    im not saying hes broke lol. im saying why would he pay for so much stuff, for something that wont happen?
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    or maybe the whole furniture stuff is not what he bought or not, but another subtle clue... if you look at the Tsar Nicolas chair replica, it has quite interesting symbol on it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Yes, it's AEG who rented the place for Michael for 100 thousands per month (though it was said it was worse only 20 000). AEG hired Dr Murray for 100 000 a month for Mike. The tour too was going to be very expensive with plasma screens, fires , Michael even asked for Victoria falls . So I wonder ,why AEG agreed on such heavy expenses if they knew the tour won't start and now they keep silence and don't sue to the estate or don't ask for insuarance. By the way the dancers still have rehearsals ,who 's paying for it ?
  • Tay3Tay3 Posts: 44
    Maybe AEG agreed to pay so much because they knew that if MJ "died" they would get a HUGE return on their investment! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Maybe AEG agreed to pay so much because they knew that if MJ "died" they would get a HUGE return on their investment!

    That's a thought ! They are sitting quietly and waiting Michael to come back and then.......
  • The furniture company have said they have repaid Katherine some of the money??? So MJ must have paid for it... but the company have said they are auctioning the furniture off and with MJs name attached they will make more on the pieces than they are worth. So no-one seems to have lost out.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    smilie_smoke_020.gifI do not think she gets the money.
    It's not even the estate settled ... this sum would not be paid! Not before, not now
  • Michael lived a life without money.. HE had so much money, that he could do exactly what he wanted too..

    And since 25th June, he have atleast made another 200M $ For sure.
  • MJ had tons of money coming in because he owned a hell of a lot of music. Also neverland is sitting on a huge oil deposit haha. There is no way Michael was broke. It was just something planted in the media I'm sure.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I agree with so many of the fine comments regarding MJ's money situation. I do not believe the media's reports that MJ was broke. Also, MJ's red velvet and gold-ormulu, Louis XIV style sofa for his bedroom is simply gorgeous. MJ's style is so delicious, adventurous, and bold. How I love MJ's avant-garde, iconic style.
  • if you finish reading it clearly tells you that Katherine's lawyer Adam Streisand said "it's an outrageous lie that Mrs Jackson has not received even a cent. She's never even heard of these people.
  • becca26becca26 Posts: 789
    Michael never had to worry about money from the day he and Paul Macartney had the discution about buying catlologes, MJ owns alot of Sony lol and sony is not only into music, it's film, products ect. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    or maybe the whole furniture stuff is not what he bought or not, but another subtle clue... if you look at the Tsar Nicolas chair replica, it has quite interesting symbol on it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    You´re right, the double headed eagle reminds me a little of the "Phoenix" symbol on the official shirts:

    And the logo of Michael Jackson´s company 'Triumph International Inc' :
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    I think this company just uses the opportunity to promote themselves.

    TMZ UPDATE: Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Adam Streisand, tells TMZ, "It's an outrageous lie that Mrs. Jackson has received even a cent. She's never even heard of these people."

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/14/michael-j ... z0cgDkgWeb<!-- m -->
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    or maybe the whole furniture stuff is not what he bought or not, but another subtle clue... if you look at the Tsar Nicolas chair replica, it has quite interesting symbol on it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    There it is again... Maybe the furniture was really for him. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    It's a masonic symbol, not exclusive, but also (for those, who didn't know that symbol).
  • he was investing in his future estate
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    PLEASE, here me out.
    i know MJ was never broke. I mean he is a legend, with the highest sales for an album- Thriller. I'm just saying
    Why would he pay (TMZ reports he paid for this, amybe not the renting of house, but the furniture) SO much money for furniture to place in a house he would never live in? If he knew that he was going to hoax his death, he wouldnt pay so much- im sure MJ knows how to handle his money.

    To continue, i remember BOW (blackorwhite) saying how MJ's hoax was a last minute thing- MJ didnt plan for him to fake his death. If BOW is right, then it means that MJ didnt know about the fact that he will fake his death- therefore, he bought furniture etc. for his house that he was looking forward to living in- how was he to know that he would fake his death.

    So therefore, it means that blackorwhite (please dont delete Mo and Souza, its just a quick thing, if you have prob Mo, Souza, please PM and i will edit post <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> )CAN Be real? because if what BOW said was right about MJ's theory of him doing it at a last-minute, it means that MJ did not know, when he bought these items, that he would fake his death.

    Finally, i still believe and trust Mo and Souza, i only trust Mo,Souza to BOW 99:1

    So yeh, sorry for the long post but PLEASE READ <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • If you look back on the many theories of this hoax, BoW's proposed story makes more sense than any of them, and can even include other "reasons." Michael obviously has considered this sort of "disappearance," in the past, but likely knew he couldn't pull it off, without serious consequences, due to having kids to protect, and the legal ramifications.

    What if, as BoW suggested, he was confronted with a serious threat that involved the authorities, and used this as a legal excuse to do what he'd always wanted? To take advantage of the situation, and make this work for MANY reasons? As art, as a wake-up call, as a message, as a money-making opportunity, as a way of getting his good name back, as a way of bringing attention/money to his charities?

    More than one "informer" has claimed Michael "seized the moment." What BoW described could have been exactly that: a real danger which would gain him the support of authorities, that could then be used to further many of his own dreams and ideas.

    But that's enough of that silly talk...such thinking is not allowed, here.
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    yeh BOW's story seems right, but we cant talk about it here, so lets stop now <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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