Why would he pay so much?



  • mike loved to shop, maybe he just wanted some special items around him in a strange house?
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Game Player » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:15 am

    MJ had tons of money coming in because he owned a hell of a lot of music. Also neverland is sitting on a huge oil deposit haha. There is no way Michael was broke. It was just something planted in the media I'm sure

    That's right! That I heard on youtube Dick Gregory discussed this.
  • but there are different types of broke, you could be asset rich, but liquidity poor. This could have been the position.
  • The furniture company have said they have repaid Katherine some of the money??? So MJ must have paid for it... but the company have said they are auctioning the furniture off and with MJs name attached they will make more on the pieces than they are worth. So no-one seems to have lost out.

    You took the words out my "keyboard" hehe...Actually I think the furniture will sell for much more than 700K. I understand the OP's question, though. If MJ bought all of this and paid so much money, then why a hoax? But my wild imagination is telling me that maybe Michael bought the furniture because he knew a few months later someone was going to talk about it, and well, it would make his "death" look real. Remember, the money was returned to Katherine. Michael's not at a loss, but he sure knows that furniture isn't going to stay there somewhere at a storage...Thats gonna sell and for good money. Its what the "deceased" KOP wanted for his house! This may sound crazy, but hey, even some of the hoax believers are questioning the hoax because of this article...Why buy it if he was going to fake his death? This is the only explanation I can find that may support the hoax concerning this article. Then again, how do we know this is true? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    The furniture company have said they have repaid Katherine some of the money??? So MJ must have paid for it... but the company have said they are auctioning the furniture off and with MJs name attached they will make more on the pieces than they are worth. So no-one seems to have lost out.

    You took the words out my "keyboard" hehe...Actually I think the furniture will sell for much more than 700K. I understand the OP's question, though. If MJ bought all of this and paid so much money, then why a hoax? But my wild imagination is telling me that maybe Michael bought the furniture because he knew a few months later someone was going to talk about it, and well, it would make his "death" look real. Remember, the money was returned to Katherine. Michael's not at a loss, but he sure knows that furniture isn't going to stay there somewhere at a storage...Thats gonna sell and for good money. Its what the "deceased" KOP wanted for his house! This may sound crazy, but hey, even some of the hoax believers are questioning the hoax because of this article...Why buy it if he was going to fake his death? This is the only explanation I can find that may support the hoax concerning this article. Then again, how do we know this is true? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    i agree with you so much -- i am beginning to doubt now that MJ is alive. i am beginning to doubt that he faked his death. i am beginning to lose faith.

  • The furniture company have said they have repaid Katherine some of the money??? So MJ must have paid for it... but the company have said they are auctioning the furniture off and with MJs name attached they will make more on the pieces than they are worth. So no-one seems to have lost out.

    You took the words out my "keyboard" hehe...Actually I think the furniture will sell for much more than 700K. I understand the OP's question, though. If MJ bought all of this and paid so much money, then why a hoax? But my wild imagination is telling me that maybe Michael bought the furniture because he knew a few months later someone was going to talk about it, and well, it would make his "death" look real. Remember, the money was returned to Katherine. Michael's not at a loss, but he sure knows that furniture isn't going to stay there somewhere at a storage...Thats gonna sell and for good money. Its what the "deceased" KOP wanted for his house! This may sound crazy, but hey, even some of the hoax believers are questioning the hoax because of this article...Why buy it if he was going to fake his death? This is the only explanation I can find that may support the hoax concerning this article. Then again, how do we know this is true? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    i agree with you so much -- i am beginning to doubt now that MJ is alive. i am beginning to doubt that he faked his death. i am beginning to lose faith.


    Do not lose faith yet, hun. Like I asked earlier "How do we know this is true"? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> There is an update on TMZ page...Apparently Katherine has not received a cent, and she doesnt even know who these people are <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • i think it is a story, that helps to keep his name out there. It also helps with the hoax, just in case someone wonders about Mj's new house having no furniture. It just helps to tie up the loose hoax threads.
    Oh and why do they not have any furniture to show you, because it is a made up story, that's why.
  • remember he also ordered pictures, maybe he ordered things like we order a take away?
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    Michael Jackson spent more than $700,000 on all sorts of flamboyantly bizarre furniture before he died -- but now, it could be yours ... if the price is right.

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/14/michael-j ... z0d5gSUGVr<!-- m -->

    "Before he died" is a very vague.
    Could be january, march ... even winter 2008.
  • Michael Jackson spent more than $700,000 on all sorts of flamboyantly bizarre furniture before he died -- but now, it could be yours ... if the price is right.

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/14/michael-j ... z0d5gSUGVr<!-- m -->

    "Before he died" is a very vague.
    Could be january, march ... even winter 2008.

    Exactly. We dont know WHEN he bought this stuff......or even IF he did. Maybe he bought it yrs ago...we dont know.
  • when was the furniture ready? before the shows start date, what about shipping to london, would be surface and not air?

    it should have been in situ at the time of death?
  • Just because it was written, it does'nt make it factual.
  • letstalkagain wrote: Just because it was written, it does'nt make it factual.
    Exactly!!! These articles being leaked can all be part of the hoax to throw us off track, to start to doubt, to lose faith. Remember, these are tabloids throwing all this stuff out. And, if we believe TMZ is in on the hoax, they make the perfect rumor machine. Of course, we cannot forget the News of the World, the largest tabloid rag in England, just happens to get leaked the "final and 7th CD.

    "As the hounding media in hysteria
    Who's the next for you to resurrect"

    "Just because you read it in a magazine
    Or see it on the TV screen
    Don't make it factual, actual
    You're so damn disrespectable"
  • MJ had tons of money coming in because he owned a hell of a lot of music. Also neverland is sitting on a huge oil deposit haha. There is no way Michael was broke. It was just something planted in the media I'm sure.

    Hi Game Player....
    I found very interesting that there is OIL under neverland ....
    Could you please tell me where do you get this info?

  • what if....he was compulsive shopper and bought this stuff a long time ago...and now hates it! Who said when it was bought?

    I did read on a post last night a brief description of the contract from AEG written by Mr. Leonard Rowe , if it is true...Michael was paying for all of his expenses <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=49&t=10684<!-- l -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    MJ had tons of money coming in because he owned a hell of a lot of music. Also neverland is sitting on a huge oil deposit haha. There is no way Michael was broke. It was just something planted in the media I'm sure.

    Hi Game Player....
    I found very interesting that there is OIL under neverland ....
    Could you please tell me where do you get this info?


    I remember there is a link about MJ. Dick Gregory is speaking on this and I can't remember exactly for sure. If I find I will forward to you but it is on Youtube.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Think about it.
    Would he just toss a lawn chair in his living room if he was gonna hoax his death? People would say "That Wa**o Ja**o was so broke!"
    Why not go out with class?
  • but there are different types of broke, you could be asset rich, but liquidity poor. This could have been the position.

    You're totally right, "the arabian nights".
    AEG didn't do anything for MJ out of the goodness of their heart! They were going to suck MJ dry. Michael WAS having financial difficulties - which is exactly why AEG could corner him and push Thome Thome and Murray on him etc. And that's the same reason why SONY could take advantage and get 25% of MJ's Sony/ATV catalog. (As of June 25, 2009 MJ owned only 25% of the catalog, down from 50%.) And Michael agreeing to do 10 concerts in London also had to do with his financial situation... He needed money!

    I'm getting this information from "The Trials of MJ" and "What really happened to MJ"... Not sure if everything in those books is accurate, but a lot of things make sense. They actually make A LOT of sense, which is scary!
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