Michael visiting the site



  • This michael toy person was trolling the forums with several accounts. We checked the email addresses used for registration and the IP addresses from which he/she posted. We deleted the created accounts, but apparently not all posts were deleted. That's why you could not click on the user name. Just another person who enjoys playing games...
  • Ok, thanks for explaining, Mo.
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Oh guys, that's not weird IMO. I've seen that in this board before, with other member. I think they're just banned members.

    Please explain? i know that some people say that other pretend to be MJ i dont know i dont read everything, so who knows?

    I am of the mind that MJ would not blog on the site, or use his name, but what i found strange the lack of PM or the clickable name, dont see why anyone would ban Michael Toy they have not said anything rude?

    i am not saying that he/she is MJ i think not but i do find it strange.
  • oh, just someone playing games, well they had a good laugh and it cheered us up?

  • oh no i feel a bit sad, i suppose i had a hope?!? conned again?
  • AngelicaAngelica Posts: 100
    People, just say one thing,
    I hope to God that he is, because if it is, certainly read the post I placed today.
    My patience with this whole situation is already in the end, I feel that everyone wants to take advantage of our good faith.
    Yes, I do it in between blogs and read Michael is very smart, he will want to know what's going on, what people are thinking at the time of Elvis did it, because the Internet was not what it is today.
    So yes I believe that he is in the know, this whole circus armed and he pays no attention? Doubt!
    As much as he has needed to do everything we have crossed the line!
    I am tired of so much manipulation and his family only exploring the image and memory of him to get along more and more!
    Have respect for others' feelings Mr. Michael Jackson and Family Mercenary! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    Even though MJ Toy is not MJ, I wont discart that MJ reads some forums (hopefully this one too), but I don't believe he post anything, or at leas he wont do it with some nickname that reffers to himself IMO it will be too obvious.
    Hope you are reading us MJ!!
    Lot of L.O.V.E!
    And sorry about my english :S
  • mjgirl86mjgirl86 Posts: 316
    Darn.. .that's so disappointing. Oh well... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    Guys, did you really think that MJ would take a risk to post a message ?
    None of you haven't learned about all those fakers ? We must be more careful because I hate to see believers family disapointed <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Keep the faith guys and please stop believing people that claims to be MJ or a close to MJ : it's fake <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    LOVE from Paris
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I do think that Michael monitors the hoax websites to get the temperature and he can do it as a guest, anonymously. No need to register. I mean faking one's death is something huge and if I was in his shoes (I would perfectly moonwalk <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) and I would do it just to know what the fans are thinking. It must be important for him to know. I think.

    If you are reading Michael, I wish you the Best. Much love to you and your family. Take care, you are so precious for us.
    God Bless You
  • if MJ is alive i think it is very possible he would visit the site, he was computer lit, and his family have there own twitter accounts or have them run for them, Eliz has a twitter?

    but coming on the site - way too risky - the way he phrases things, what would he say, keep the faith, i am alive, the rest of the world thinks i'm dead but you know the truth, i don't know..

    to read the anguish of his fans and do nothing - well i dont know

    does his sony site still run the hoax stuff?
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