Jermaine Jackson on Al-Arabiya, Exclusive Today

annabnannaannabnanna Posts: 29
edited January 1970 in News
Jermaine Jackson on Al-Arabiya, Exclusive Today
Don't miss out the first Exclusive Arabic interview of Jermain Jackson on Al-Arabiya, today, 21.01.2010 at 11:00 pm KSA.

He's going to talk about Michael, discussing his life, career, & sad passing.

Here: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

Translation of the interview: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

and then this:
Transcript of first part of interview:

Interviewer: Thank you so much Mr Jermaine, for being with us. Your first interview for the Middle East and the Arab world. You said: ‘I wish it was me.’ Why you said that?

Jermaine: I said that because my brother…I’ve always been…I felt that his…his support, his backbone. Throughout all the false allegations that were put against him, for him to come out and speak…I sort of looked at it like Moses and Aaron. If he was Moses, I was Aaron. I’d say things and people would listen. If he would say them, they would not…would not listen. And I felt that…that…I just felt that when this happened, I just wish it wasn’t him. And unfortunately, it happened that way.

Interviewer: Yes. In his book, Michael mentioned that you were so close that you used to take care of him. You would walk him to his kindergarten. Tell us about the childhood with your brother.

Jermaine: Yes…well, we’ve always had a connection when we were young, like in elementary school. Walking him to his class, then going to mine. My father…us being the lead singers in the Jackson 5 way before the success…just around our local home in Gary, Indiana…doing local talent shows and us being the two lead singers…there was always a bond between us. Then we came to Motown and had songs like ‘I Want You Back’, ‘ABC’, ‘Stop! The Love You Save’, ‘I’ll Be There’ and on and on. We were always told that we can’t stay up too late…my father made us share a room together and we were the ones that were doing all the lead singing so our voices had to be rested.

Interviewer: When was the last time you saw Michael and you met and you talked together?

Jermaine: The last time I saw Michael was when we had a special family gathering in…I was in…but before this, we were in the South of France with my sister Janet, for the Formula 1. We sort of put it together then; we said that we should do something for my mother and father and invite the whole entire family and the siblings. So that…after that trip, we all planned something and Michael came with his kids and all my brothers and their kids. And my mother and father was really surprised and my last words to him was…he was…I told him I had admired this song that he was singing and the way he did the backgrounds on it. And he said to me: ‘That means a lot to me, coming from you Jermaine.’ Then he walked out the door with his kids, because we were finished with that evening. He said: ‘I’ll see you at the O2 theatre’. The shows.

Interviewer: So he was happy about ‘This Is It.’?

Jermaine: Very excited. Very, very, very excited.

Interviewer: How did you find ‘This Is It’?

Jermaine: I loved it. I loved it because it was a chance to see my brother in his moments which we call preparation. Getting ready for the big show. Knowing how he takes charge and how he’s most concerned about featuring everyone and making sure that everybody gets the spotlight and him just giving a little bit. A lot of those who saw ‘This Is It’…he was only giving 30%...I mean, because he was making sure of lighting cues and the musicians and the dancers and the sound…everybody knew what they were supposed to do.

Interviewer: So many people say that he was a perfectionist and wouldn’t be happy or accept putting his rehearsals in public. What do you say?

Jermaine: Michael was a perfectionist. And I would still say he is a perfectionist, because I think his work will live on forever. You’ll see just what he …he’s truly a blessing. He’s a blessing from Allah and the reason why I say this is because he was blessed with so much talent and so much ability and usually, in this world, people take that and they don’t give back and they don’t use that for the right things. Michael took Allah’s blessings and he gave back…to inspire children, to inspire people. And in this sick world we live in, they tried to bring him down with the very thing that he loved, which is children. And he was the voice for children who were less fortunate. And that’s how these false allegations came about and all these things, about the false child molestation. Then you have the news media who create sensationalism, because it sells papers for them; it gets the viewers and they just say these things because he’s such a big icon. But Michael was a blessing from Allah.

Interviewer: I’m sorry to remind of you of a very emotionally painful moment: tell us, how did you find out that your brother died.

Jermaine: Well, I was with my wife, Halima, across town…we were on the other side of Pasadena, California…and my mother called…no; CNN called Halima’s phone. And Larry King called, and said: ‘Do you know anything about your brother being rushed to the hospital?’ We said: ‘No.’ And then I immediately called my mother and she said she’s on her way down with my cousin. And during that process, Janet had called me and then I spoke to an attorney by the name of Joel Kadson (?) Then I called my mother back… and the most horrible feeling I had when I spoke to her. And I thought he was going to be OK and everything. And I heard her say: ‘He’s dead.’ And it was just the most horrifying moment for me…so I bursted out tearing and crying…so Halima and I, we got in our car and we rushed across town and we were on the other side of town. As we got closer to Westwood, where he was at UCLA hospital, we saw all the helicopters in the sky; all of Westwood was blocked off… tape everywhere. They saw my face and they let me in. And immediately when I got there, I was just saying: ‘This can’t be…this can’t be.’

Interviewer: You were able to see him after he died?Jermaine: Yes. When I was walking down the corridor, I went straight to my mother…she was just in a daze. So I caressed her and made sure she was OK and then I said: ‘I want to see him.’ [Jermaine starts to break down here.] And I went in the room…he was there.

Interviewer: I’m sorry…to remind you about that moment. Have you ever met Doctor Conrad Murray?

Jermaine: I saw the doctor…in that moment…when the doctor came in, he was sitting at the table, fidgety and nervous. And I said to myself: ‘Something’s wrong…this guy is very, very nervous. He’s acting strange.’

Interviewer: Are you surprised that Conrad Murray is back in his clinic; back practicing medicine? Are you surprised?

Jermaine: I am very, very unhappy with that. And I would say this: He just took the life of one of the most wonderful human beings. Not because of his talent and his artistry, but the person he was. To take Allah’s blessings and to not get concerned about the homes and the cars but to give back to people…and to inspire….that’s what hurts. [Starts crying again]

Interviewer: Yes…it hurts. So, as a family; as a brother, what do you want to see happen to Conrad Murray? What should happen? What do you think?

Jermaine: Justice should take its toll, and I think there’s an ongoing investigation. But, like I said, everybody that smiles in your face and pats you on your back is not your friend. And Michael was…he never grew up. And he saw love in everyone. And he saw good in everyone. And a lot of people took advantage of that. And someone that was loved by so many…and then you have the media who have a whole other agenda. And I say that because a lot of the things you guys have heard in the Middle East is absolutely absurd and totally just sensationalism and not the truth. It starts with all the media outlets in the UK and Europe and Eurovision, SKY channel and even a lot of them in the states. I would say that they didn’t look at the person in him. It’s like, in this world…in the Western world…they build you up but they can’t wait to tear you down. And they found the very thing that he loved…which was children. The reason why he loved children…that was his communication. He used to always say: ‘Children are innocent. They don’t look at you and want to ask you things to make you feel bad. Their questions are pure and clean.’ And he was a child who never grew up, so he related to that. So he took those blessings and he wanted to help children around the world.

Interviewer: Michael had to endure painful and hurtful allegations and he had to undergo a fourteen week trial during 2005, to prove to the world his innocence. And every time he
came to the court, you were there by his side. Tell us about that time; how hard was it for Michael?

Jermaine: It was very tough. It was very hard for him and even before that…this was all planned. It was part of a conspiracy; it was part of the American government, the FBI to do an investigation for seventeen years on Michael Jackson. And for what? They found nothing. And they tried and tried and tried to bring him down; to diminish his popularity and that is what is so…just, unbelievably misunderstood by the world. They put these allegations out there, because they wanted the world to think that he did this. I know my brother. We know each other. My mother raised us to have God in our lives, from the very beginning. Michael never would do such a thing. But this was a way to put the world’s focus on this while they are trying to steal his publishing, his catalogue. He was so powerful in success; I just wish he would have embraced Islam…and I tried very, very hard because I think that would have been his protection. I was fortunate enough to have met someone named Ali Gambor (?) back in ’84 and then we made a journey in ’89, to Bahrain and to Mecca and that was my support and my guidance. And I wanted that for him.

Interviewer: So was Michael Muslim the time he died?

Jermaine: He was studying a lot. His whole protection, his security were all Muslims and he was ready to make that journey. And I felt…that because my first trip…I’d brought him so many books, and he reads everything…but…getting back to the whole trial…this was all a conspiracy and they finally said: ‘We got him.’

Interviewer: The government in the US was behind that?

Jermaine: I feel that the investigations…to investigate someone for seventeen years and you don’t have anything on them and you leave the investigation is open…they have ways of doing things. That’s why the system is what it is and that’s what disturbs me, because now, they just released all these FBI files and they found nothing.

Interviewer: I read the report: it’s there on the internet. And they had nothing on Michael.

Jermaine: They had nothing against him from the very beginning. Do you know how this would have made him feel, while he was alive? To show? But the reason why they didn’t release these was because they would have helped him. Mentally, his image; his whole demeanor. To people who wanted to believe these ugly things. So they knew what they were doing …so now they released them when while he’s dead. Because they want him out of the way. And I’m speaking like this because I’m very disturbed. I’m very disturbed by the system; I’m very disturbed by the way things were handled, because he became so successful, his kindness became a threat.

Interviewer: Why? Why he was a threat?

Jermaine: Because that’s the way it is in this world. He ‘s not interested in politics, he’s not interested in anything but helping people. That’s it.

Interviewer: I want you to take us back to the moment the judge announced: ‘not guilty’ in June 2005.


  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    This is part of the restoration of MJ's name.
  • So many contradictions! Boy, Jermaine has said a mouthful. I am amazed at the bloopers and then the corrections he is making.
    "us being the lead singers in the Jackson 5 way before the success…just around our local home in Gary, Indiana…doing local talent shows and us being the two lead singers" Is this true? Were they both lead singers?

    Do yall see all the slipups in this interview? Or am I imagining them? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Thank you for a wonderful post !! Great JOB!! Yes they were lead singers, both Michael and Jermaine.
    Then later, the dad changed the led singer position to just Michael.
    What i find a little strange is how he says that Michael is a perfectionist, and still is. That was a red flag to me.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    WOW <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Soooo many times he talks about Michael in present tense. But still so damn sad. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • i hate to say this for the people who dont believe in the illuminati...but OMG he basically is talking about them right on tv!!!1 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> the conspiraacy and how they planned all this to take him down OMG i hope Jermaine is not next!!! he just took a very risky thing saying all that..just because he is not in the states doesnt mean he can sit there and talk about them...because it can obviously get to us!!! nervous for him now really...but yes i def saw all the slip ups heehee...i didnt like the emotion got me all teary eyed
  • I cant see it in Belgium,sorry.But if Jermaine is crying isnt that a bad sign?
  • WOW <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Soooo many times he talks about Michael in present tense. But still so damn sad. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Hello <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Why are you sad he talks about Michael in the present tence <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> This means he is alive <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Read between the lines ALIVE beLIVe <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Assuming this transcript is correct, why is Jermaine talking about "Eurovision"? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Eurovision is a song contest held each year in Europe. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • " While he's dead"....WTF...jERMAINE CRACKS ME UP.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • There is something Jermaine doesn't seem to remember. It is the last time the family all gathered. Jermaine doesn't say it here, but I remember Janet said it was for their parents 60th annivesary of wedding and apparently two weeks beofre Janet's birtday. So this is a big ! event to remember. Why did he forget ?
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    Jermaine: If he was Moses, I was Aaron.

    The Finding of Moses at Forest Lawn, Glendale
    The beautiful setting of this reproduction of Brazza's work resembles the scene in the Pincio Gardens at Rome where the famed original stands.

  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    i hate to say this for the people who dont believe in the illuminati...but OMG he basically is talking about them right on tv!!!1 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> the conspiraacy and how they planned all this to take him down OMG i hope Jermaine is not next!!! he just took a very risky thing saying all that..just because he is not in the states doesnt mean he can sit there and talk about them...because it can obviously get to us!!! nervous for him now really...but yes i def saw all the slip ups heehee...i didnt like the emotion got me all teary eyed

    2nd all of this!
  • lovemjlovemj Posts: 129
    There is something Jermaine doesn't seem to remember. It is the last time the family all gathered. Jermaine doesn't say it here, but I remember Janet said it was for their parents 60th annivesary of wedding and apparently two weeks beofre Janet's birtday. So this is a big ! event to remember. Why did he forget ?
    jermaine did mention the last time the whole family got together was for his mother and father and he was telling him he was evry exited about the london concerts when he was leaving he told him he,s see him there
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    good job !!..i was going to post it but i was wacthing it on t.v <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    and yes did you read when he said ""while he is dead "" !!!!
  • i hate to say this for the people who dont believe in the illuminati...but OMG he basically is talking about them right on tv!!!1 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> the conspiraacy and how they planned all this to take him down OMG i hope Jermaine is not next!!! he just took a very risky thing saying all that..just because he is not in the states doesnt mean he can sit there and talk about them...because it can obviously get to us!!! nervous for him now really...but yes i def saw all the slip ups heehee...i didnt like the emotion got me all teary eyed
    I agree with you 100%
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    OK I found one in there! Ok! After he said MJ was and is a perfectionist and his work will live on? THen he says........"You'll see just what he....well hes just a blessing. Can anyone else see this! Dam. What does he mean by that "You'll see just what he...... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Jermaine seems to be having trouble exactly how he learnt of MJs death... was it his mother who called? Or CNN? Or Larry King? Or Janet? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    And he saw Dr Murray at the hospital... why the hell didnt he talk to him and ask him what the hell happened?

    Jermaine also confirms here that MJ had NOT converted to Islam.

    But it is a touching interview. Its made me happy that he is talking about MJ in such loving and positive terms... but also makes me sad. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • lilithlilith Posts: 105

    Jermaine: I said that because my brother…I’ve always been…I felt that his…his support, his backbone. Throughout all the false allegations that were put against him, for him to come out and speak…I sort of looked at it like Moses and Aaron. If he was Moses, I was Aaron. I’d say things and people would listen. If he would say them, they would not…would not listen. And I felt that…that…I just felt that when this happened, I just wish it wasn’t him. And unfortunately, it happened that way.


    Somehow, though it sound declamatory for my ears, this is telling nonetheless. That is what Jermaine is doing since Michael's "death". He speaks for Michael and people are indeed listening.
  • LMAO! "While he's dead." <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    i hate to say this for the people who dont believe in the illuminati...but OMG he basically is talking about them right on tv!!!1 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> the conspiraacy and how they planned all this to take him down OMG i hope Jermaine is not next!!! he just took a very risky thing saying all that..just because he is not in the states doesnt mean he can sit there and talk about them...because it can obviously get to us!!! nervous for him now really...but yes i def saw all the slip ups heehee...i didnt like the emotion got me all teary eyed

    Amen, i_need YoU! Well said! You have expressed my sentiments exactly. The slip ups from present tense to past tense about our beloved MJ are very enlightening to say the lest! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I hate this! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • When I see this kind of interview I think that he never come back if he is alive. But I love what he say about Michael and his work.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Jermaine: If he was Moses, I was Aaron.[/i]
    Indeed an interesting allegory: Aaron was "the speaker", Moses was the "chosen one"... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    Jermaine: If he was Moses, I was Aaron.[/i]
    Indeed an interesting allegory: Aaron was "the speaker", Moses was the "chosen one"... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    my thoughts exactly.. quite a good comparison really.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I watched this interview with Jermaine and have also read the transcript. Does anyone know the name of the interviewer? The reason I'm asking is that the feeling I get is that this person is not a Bona Fide journalist/interviewer. She did not seem very professional. Sorry if I am wrong. I wonder if this person is a friend/sister of Jermaine's wife Halima?
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