Jermaine Jackson on Al-Arabiya, Exclusive Today



  • KINGdom52KINGdom52 Posts: 315
    The most strange thing for me in this interview is that Jermaine was moved when he remembered Michael's pain during the 2005 trial and he actually made me cry at this really touching moment , BUT he had not one tear to shed at the memorial , the burial and even now to this interview. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Can he controls himself so good when is about the death of your belloved brother ? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes everytime Jermaine cries it's when it comes to the false allegations made against Michael never about his "death" ...Jermaine seems to be sensitive so I'm sure that if Michael really did die he would have cried so bad at the memorial but it wasn't the case... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    This interview was really touching it brought tears to my eyes because when jermaine talks about Michael it's always to defend him and show how a good person Michael is, a gift from God, a talented person who gave in return. Also he stated that Michael only saw the good in every person and that some have tried to take advantage of that... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    What was also interesting is the use of words such as "conspiracy" "agenda" "media" "dictatorship". Jermaine talked more freely about the Gov being involved, the FBI, of the medias being told what to report... He also specified that Michael was a "threat". How to these people handle threats ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> They silence them by all means possible and in the case of Michael they chose what he loved more which is the children...I think that many of us can't imagine how hard it must have been to go through this, the allegations, to go to and fro the court, the trial, the medias reporting lies... It's too much. Michael is very strong to have been able to handle this tough time. If I knew what would make him the most happy man in the world I would give it to him because he really deserves it.

    Jermaine also said that Michael was not interested in politics as to say that nobody in the "Elites" could benefit from Michael's popularity and money, that Michael was free and would never have accepted to work for them. So if you don't go for them what do they do ?

    God bless you
  • I did not watch it but read the transcript above.

    I think jermaine is basically telling us right here the main reason for this hoax. Can you imagine what it must be like to be accused of something so horrible for the whole world to see?

    I really like jermaine now. I'm glad I got to read this; he really cleared up a lot of the reasons behind all of this in my opinion.
  • Thank You for uploading !I was watching it too,and found one video with the interview.
    I just don't know what to think right now <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • If anyone wants to see real mourning look at interviews with Brittany Murhpy's husband and mom. They were a mess, very sad indeed. Today I heard the husband make a statement casting blame partly on Hollywood for her death. Very interesting comment. I know for a fact that she died just by their actions. It's interesting how different they are grieving compared to Michael's circle of people. Nobody shed a tear when interviewed over Michael's death, not even family. I watched the memorial a couple of times and cried both times. I even cried when talking to my daughter about Michael and how misunderstood he was. I do know that people wear sunglasses at memorials to hide their red eyes after they've been crying (and I'm sure they wore them in tribute too) but if you are crying you have to dry the tears at some point right? And none of them did this. Jermaine cried a little when he sang the song Smile, but any actor learns how to turn on the tears. He even made sure to take his sunglasses off at that point. I don't have a real problem with Jermaine. I think he's arrogant but I think he really does want to defend Michael. What's interesting is that he brings up the same points every time and he finds a way to get those comments in even if it doesn't fit with the conversation.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Jermaine: If he was Moses, I was Aaron.[/i]
    Indeed an interesting allegory: Aaron was "the speaker", Moses was the "chosen one"... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    my thoughts exactly.. quite a good comparison really.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    This, together with what he says straight afterwards:
    "....I’d say things and people would listen. If he would say them, they would not…would not listen...."
    is for me the key-statement in that interview.
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
  • no we need to listen to the family...especially Jermaine..he seems to be playing a HUGE role in this whole investigation. He said he would speak we listen but when MJ speaks we dont...Michael cant speak right now because he is ya know "dead" so Jermaine is speaking for Michael! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Thats why Jermaine spoke at the UCLA hospital. He is always the one to be talking...his "big mouth" is really trying to help us...Jermaine is Michaels voice until Michael comes back...Michaels music is his voice using symbolism so listen to it...listen to them both
  • no we need to listen to the family...especially Jermaine..he seems to be playing a HUGE role in this whole investigation. He said he would speak we listen but when MJ speaks we dont...Michael cant speak right now because he is ya know "dead" so Jermaine is speaking for Michael! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Thats why Jermaine spoke at the UCLA hospital. He is always the one to be talking...his "big mouth" is really trying to help us...Jermaine is Michaels voice until Michael comes back...Michaels music is his voice using symbolism so listen to it...listen to them both

    After this interview, I'm in total agreement with you.
  • OK. Now, I want you to compare his answer when the interviewer asks "How did you find out your brother died ?" and his answer to the same question in the interview with Larry King on CNN.

    On this interview, he says " I was with my wife, Halima...and my mother, CNN called Halima's phone and Larry King called."

    On CNN with Larry King:

    Larry King: "How did you find your brother died ?"

    Jermaine Jackson:"...I got a call from you guys on my wife's phone."

    Larry King: "CNN ?"

    Jermaine Jackson: ( laughs ) " Yes , and THEY said did you know that your brother was rushed to hospital ?"

    Here, Jermaine Jackson doesn't say it was Larry King who called. Also, more important, he started laughing before to answer. Why ? What was so funny ? A few days after his brother "died".

    Again, how come it is CNN or Larry King that informed him and how come on his wife's personnal phone ?

    Larry King seems to be avery good friend of hm That is why he called. But no, guys from CNN in one version and Lary King on the other version.

    I would suggest you to post here the famous interview with Larry King, in Neverland and see by yourselves. It was on Part 1.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Lol, and don´t forget Larry`s "Neverland Ghost"! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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