Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
He wears the same necklace on both pictures:




  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    This is Michael's rosary
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Why isn't it visible on this picture, it's pretty much the same:

  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    You have a right, I never saw the MJ wore this necklace at the conference <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • woah i just realized that! But i am pretty sure Michael was at the conference...hmmmm they cant just switch michaels double in right in front of a live audience without any distraction...maybe it just fell down under the collar...those two picks look somewhat different idk anymore this whole thing is confusing <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Why isn't it visible on this picture, it's pretty much the same:


    This is the same picture.. Try to compare the microphone and his chin on both pictues..
    Yup same distance right?????
  • Why isn't it visible on this picture, it's pretty much the same:


    This is the same picture.. Try to compare the microphone and his chin on both pictues..
    Yup same distance right?????
    no, the one with more lighting is up closer...look at the bottom of pic..the microphone has less space from bottom of mic to bottom of pic
    the one with less lighting is further away
  • they could have cropped the picture though...hmmm who knows
  • they could have cropped the picture though...hmmm who knows

    It's two different camereas.. One with lights and one with out lights.. But the pic is the same
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    At the conference I did not see the chain ...... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Why would they give the fake Michael that much detail ? Nobody would look for that..
  • Here is what i've noticed

  • Why would they give the fake Michael that much detail ? Nobody would look for that..
    lol umm....we just looked for it bahaha <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Whaha true xD
  • Why would they give the fake Michael that much detail ? Nobody would look for that..

    Or maybe there where two O2 press conferences... IDK
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    as i think it was not MJ at the conference, i think that some of the pictures that have been published after the conference have been altered/photoshopped to help "O2 MJ" look like real MJ. and right now you have a mix of real MJ and "o2 MJ" photos all over the internet and it is very confusing of what is real and what is not. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> and as there is no such thing as "perfect murder" there is probably no such thing as perfect hoax, so some mistakes/omissions in pics might have happend ... IMO anyway <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Pfff.. it's al so complicated..
  • Pfff.. it's al so complicated..

    Of course it's complicated.. It's a hoax we are dealing with.. Nothing is easy...

    I personally think the O2 MJ was the real MJ...
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    But why is he overacting that much. In other recent speeches he always acts so calm.
    Also how he walks from the car to the stage is very weird. And did I hear a british accent when he was talking ?
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    But why is he overacting that much. In other recent speeches he always acts so calm.
    Also how he walks from the car to the stage is very weird. And did I hear a british accent when he was talking ?

    i do not have the answer to any of these questions other than that it was not him...I have been asking myself the same and lots of other questions and the only answer that i am able to apply to all of these questions that is consitent is that it was not him... this is what i choose to think
  • But why is he overacting that much. In other recent speeches he always acts so calm.
    Also how he walks from the car to the stage is very weird. And did I hear a british accent when he was talking ?

    I think the reason he overacting that much is he wanted us to notice it.. IMO... And Michael can speak with many accents.. British encluded.. Uhm i think it was KarenjoyMc that pointed out in one of her vids that it was'nt the first time Michael walked like this.. Let me see if i can find the vid..
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Would be great if you find that video.
  • Would be great if you find that video.

    I'm looking after it right now, but i do remember she pointed out that he walked like that during the trials 2003-05.. Hang on while i'm looking
  • Got it and it was not Karenjoymc.... Ha ha silly me

    <!-- m --> ... 2P_8OKde_A<!-- m -->

    From 4:46 she points out his "swaggerwalk"..

    Please enjoy
  • I can't remember where I heard it but I heard someone(his producer I think) tell that Michael's normal speaking voice is actually very deep. When he is in public appeareance he always speaks higher and softer. So maybe it really was him at the O2. I think he was very very nervous that day maybe because of the threats he had received towards him and his fans. That could explain his odd behaviour.
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