
  • I think it is MJ in the O2 conference and we can always hear his deep voice when he sings In the closet in the History tour (OT: sooo sexy!!). And I think he was just very excited, nervous and hyped about meeting with his public like that for the last time before the hoax. Because by then he should've know what was going to happen.
  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    I think the 02 was the start of this hoax to the world.Michael acted out of character to get people talking.I remember seeing the press conference on the bbc news and thinking
    that was weird !
  • But why is he overacting that much. In other recent speeches he always acts so calm.
    Also how he walks from the car to the stage is very weird. And did I hear a british accent when he was talking ?

    Im British and i can assure you that MJ did not speak with a British accent at that conference
  • I think the 02 was the start of this hoax to the world.Michael acted out of character to get people talking.I remember seeing the press conference on the bbc news and thinking
    that was weird !

    Oh I realy believe this too.....look at ragdoll wonderful post....VERY interesting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1454<!-- l -->
  • shebasheba Posts: 26
    No way is that MJ. For one thing, his face isn't that wide.
  • Eline14Eline14 Posts: 16
    Got it and it was not Karenjoymc.... Ha ha silly me

    <!-- m --> ... 2P_8OKde_A<!-- m -->

    From 4:46 she points out his "swaggerwalk"..

    Please enjoy

    Thanks for showing me this video! Maybe after all it is the real Michael there.
  • jeje Posts: 128
    what i have noticed that the photos look pretty much the same..but..what
    stood out for me was the nose..
    the nose on the left has a pointier tip..and the nose on the right appears
    more square
    also the chin on the left appears to be wider/square..looks more MJ...idk..jmo
  • This necklace was on his bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next to the toothpaste !
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Yes, I already wrote this also
    This chain is on the bed .......
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    They're all different pics. Lookie, lookie:


    And I think you can see the necklace here, too: <!-- m --> ... ss/346.jpg<!-- m -->

    Most of the time his hair or shirt is in the way.
  • This is really making me confused... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Yes, he did act very weird and his voice is deep but I've heard his deep voice before so what caught my attention was his accent. It's definitely not British but it's not his normal accent... Another explanation could be, even if it is one we don't want to believe, that he was well high on something but would that change your acceny though? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> On the other hand he didn't say that much so maybe I'm just looking to deep into the whole accent thing...
  • This is really making me confused... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Yes, he did act very weird and his voice is deep but I've heard his deep voice before so what caught my attention was his accent. It's definitely not British but it's not his normal accent... Another explanation could be, even if it is one we don't want to believe, that he was well high on something but would that change your acceny though? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> On the other hand he didn't say that much so maybe I'm just looking to deep into the whole accent thing...
    I HONSETLY think our MJ had a minor cold heehee i mean you hear him clear his throat a few times. He does sound like he has some congestion going on heehee...i think MJ just had a simple cold and that changes the way you sound if you pay attention to kids when they tlk when they are sick or yourself...

    when i saw his speech the first thing i said was aww our MJ looks so confident walking on stage acting all bad. and then he spoke and on certain words i was like awww her got a little cold! and i wanted to run up and give him a hug for showing up sick because he loves his fan soo much heehee.
    That was our MJ for a fact he wouldnt miss seeing us one more time before his departure
  • This is really making me confused... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Yes, he did act very weird and his voice is deep but I've heard his deep voice before so what caught my attention was his accent. It's definitely not British but it's not his normal accent... Another explanation could be, even if it is one we don't want to believe, that he was well high on something but would that change your acceny though? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> On the other hand he didn't say that much so maybe I'm just looking to deep into the whole accent thing...
    I HONSETLY think our MJ had a minor cold heehee i mean you hear him clear his throat a few times. He does sound like he has some congestion going on heehee...i think MJ just had a simple cold and that changes the way you sound if you pay attention to kids when they tlk when they are sick or yourself...

    when i saw his speech the first thing i said was aww our MJ looks so confident walking on stage acting all bad. and then he spoke and on certain words i was like awww her got a little cold! and i wanted to run up and give him a hug for showing up sick because he loves his fan soo much heehee.
    That was our MJ for a fact he wouldnt miss seeing us one more time before his departure

    I did think about that too, could definitely be a possibility...
  • okay so just for a second.... forget them 2 pictures,,,

    isnt that the necklace that was on the bed in the picture of the room where he "died" along with the crest toothpaste..?
    Do we need to look in to this more??

  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    okay so just for a second.... forget them 2 pictures,,,

    isnt that the necklace that was on the bed in the picture of the room where he "died" along with the crest toothpaste..?
    Do we need to look in to this more??


    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Look at their noses (MJ/O2-dude) and compare them - I see differences.
  • okay so just for a second.... forget them 2 pictures,,,

    isnt that the necklace that was on the bed in the picture of the room where he "died" along with the crest toothpaste..?
    Do we need to look in to this more??


    Do you have a link to those pictures??? I can't recall seeing any pictures of his house after his "death". Thank you!!
  • okay so just for a second.... forget them 2 pictures,,,

    isnt that the necklace that was on the bed in the picture of the room where he "died" along with the crest toothpaste..?
    Do we need to look in to this more??


    Do you have a link to those pictures??? I can't recall seeing any pictures of his house after his "death". Thank you!!

    There's a thread on this forum, "the crime scene", check there <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    But why is he overacting that much. In other recent speeches he always acts so calm.
    Also how he walks from the car to the stage is very weird. And did I hear a british accent when he was talking ?

    Im British and i can assure you that MJ did not speak with a British accent at that conference

    So am I and it was definitely not an English, Scottish, Welsh, nor Northern Irish accent.
  • When seeing the O2 two pics side by side I do see a difference, the hair on his forehead is not the same in both pictures.
    What is that on the bed, incontinent pads <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> How do we know those items weren't placed their by someone? Was it even his room, his bed??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Almost every pic where you can see his chest or neck he has the necklace on. I have always stuck with my "eye candy" thats what I call it on "is it Michael or not?" I have always looked at his thumbs, they have a very defined smooth arch, and nostrils, when looking at a picture, the right one is more triangular shaped, and left one is more like a teardrop. I found that in many pics depending on angle, his tip of nose looks different, that what always brings me back to thumbs, nostrils, and if your able to see the left hand, look at the pinky, it has arthritis, in the top half, which has a bump, and also his pinky finger seems to "pull away from the rest of the hand". Color of nails, too hard to see the color seems to have been "photoshopped" in that area, I know the theathre make-up will cover up uneven skin colors, and blend it in so well. I know I had the Glamour shots done, and Wow, I couldn't believe what my skin tone could look like with the theathre make-up with the right lighting. Also if you look at many of his live concerts, Michael sways, struts, his stuff in everyone, so the swag sway coming to the O2, was just a "Mike, doing what he does best
  • Or maybe there where two O2 press conferences... IDK

    I have onething for sure, now that I´ve seen fan´s videos from O2, there was only one conference, as all of the videos match exactly.

    The reason why we can´t see the necklace in this photo can be because it may have been shopped to simplify it. You all know the TMZ section to spot the diferences between 2 photos (btw it seems it no loger exist). Well, in this section, maybe made to train people´s eye, we´ve seen many photos shopped without a reason (put an extra pocket, enlarge something senseless...).
  • chrismanchrisman Posts: 28
    Here it is again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


    I'm not so sure its a rosary. looks more like Prayer Beads used by Buddhist and/or Hare Krishna


    Like this without polish


    Mind you a rosary is pretty similar in concept ^^. though the rosary I know of has separated beads.

    Hope I helped in some way! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    P.S. Im no expert in religions. I just know a thing or two about that necklace (the one with red strings)
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    It's the same photo. You see the lightining is different. We can't see the rosary because of the shadows. Look at that place where we could see the rosery, there is a dark shadow. It's simple. I will try to mark the same places on both photos <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    Ok, when I started to mark the places it really seems a lil bit different. It seems that both photos were photoshoped a lil bit.

    <!-- m --> ... ures2j.jpg<!-- m --> (sorry, don't know how to put the photo here)

    The finger is exactly the same. And Idk how about you but I can see the rosary (marked as ros) lol
    I thought maybe it was taken at the same time by two different photographers but is it possible to take such alike photos...
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