Gotham Chopra: MJ stopped from clubbing...

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 2010 in General Hoax Investigation
This is a great tribute from the son of deepak chopra - both father and son knew Michael jackson well.

Writing Songs With My Friend Mike

When I was in my second year of college living on campus (at Columbia in NYC) with 4 suite mates, every time the phone rang, there was a race to answer it. Everyone wanted to be the guy to hear the "hello" on the other side just in case it was my friend Michael Jackson calling.

Most of those days, Michael was holed up on top of the Four Seasons, roughly 60 blocks away from where I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan just near Harlem. I'd happily drift downtown, gain clearance from security downstairs who knew I was allowed free access to Michael's suite, take the elevator all the way up and start ordering room service and watch movies on Mike's tab. Eventually, Michael and I would get down to work. He was working on a new album and asked me to help him write lyrics for songs. It was an informal relationship - I'd wander downtown with a backpack full of dictionaries, and thesauri, and rhyming books. Michael would hum songs and talk about what he wanted to say with the song and we'd try and marry our skillsets and come up with something. We came up with great stuff. Michael swore me to secrecy those days. I happily complied.

After we were done with those sessions - they'd usually go until about 2 AM or so - Michael would wander into the bathroom and come out with a sack he'd pulled out from under the toilet. In it, he kept several thousands of dollars. He'd ask me how much I wanted. I just sort of shrugged and he'd hand me a couple of thousand dollars. Soon, I'd be packing my dictionaries and thesauri and rhyming books in my backpack, calling my friends and telling them to meet me downtown. Within an hour, we'd be at Flashdancers "making it rain."

Michael was always envious when I told him about my adventures with my friends. More than a few times, he'd get dressed up - dawning some sort of quasi-disguise - preparing to go with me, only to back down at the last minute or be held back by his security who would shake their heads and plainly say no to his misguided ambitions. Instead, he'd pour himself a tall glass of orange juice and settle in for the night to watch an old movie on TV, telling me to spend a few extra bucks for him. I happily complied.

My friendship with Michael was very special to me, and I like to think it was the same for him. Over the last few years, it always felt awkward to explain the origins of our friendship - that I met him initially when I was fifteen-years-old and that we instantly hit it off. I'd spend days at his Neverland Ranch, my sister, cousins, or other friends joining us in fantastical stretches filled with candy, arcade rides, late night movies and the absolute best chocolate chip cookies
of all times. Likewise he'd visit our house in Massachusetts (he was very close to my father as well) where he'd sleep in the guest room. My mom got a great kick out of the fact that every morning Michael stayed, he'd try to make the bed (very badly) and offer to cook breakfast (very badly). Then when I was about 17, Michael invited me on the road with him - he was heading out to Europe on the biggest rock concert at the time (Dangerous tour) and wanted company. I begged and pleaded with my parents to let me go and they eventually said yes. Not a bad way to spend your summer vacation between junior and senior year of High School.

Over the years, as Michael faced his scandals, I often reflected on my own experiences with him as a teenager. People would ask me if I had endured anything strange or awkward with him. I'd answer truthfully that in all of my years with him, in every single moment, Michael was nothing but dignified and appropriate, never once doing anything that would be deemed scandalous with me. It was really that simple.

Check that. Back to those college days. One night he did call me in a panic. He had just gotten married to Lisa Marie Presley and needed advice - sex advice. He was incredibly nervous and said that he wanted to make sure that Lisa was impressed with his "moves." He asked me if I had any advice. I answered with one word: "foreplay."
"Really?" He answered. "Girls really like that?"
Over the last few years, Michael's and my relationship evolved and matured greatly too. We both became fathers and that was the centerpiece of our most recent conversations the last few months. Returning the favor from my days as his "lyrical advisor," he's the one who monikered my half-Indian, half-Chinese son "The Chindian" which little Krishu Chen Xing Hua Chopra will now forever go by. We'd talk about how great it would be for our kids to grow up together, become as good friends as us, and set the world on fire. Michael admired the fact that I was able to find a wife, keep a wife, and gain her trust. I'd joke it was all about the foreplay! When his daughter Paris befell an accident a few years ago, he called my wife Candice (a physician) pleading for us to come to his house to check her out.

We did - Paris had fallen from a tree and cut herself deeply beneath the eye. Michael was devastated and confessed to me that he felt like the world's worst father. I calmed him as Candice helped Paris get up from the bed where she lay so we could take her to the Emergency room to get some simple stitches. When I advised Michael of the plan, he pulled me into the bathroom, pulled a sack filled with thousands of dollars from beneath the toilet and asked me how much I needed for the Emergency room.
I shook my head: "this one's on me."

RIP in peace my friend.



  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Awww, that was very nice.

    I felt kinda sad about him not being able to go to Flashdancers though.
    Wait, is that a strip club? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Awww, that was very nice.

    I felt kinda sad about him not being able to go to Flashdancers though.
    Wait, is that a strip club? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I dont know, is it?

    I thought it was heartbreaking how MJ wanted to go but his security stopped him. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> All he wanted to do was go out with a friend to a club.
    And the way he kept his money in a bag and handed it out... it just makes me sad for some reason.. Maybe because he felt he had to give money away to have friends. Or maybe because he told his friend to spend the money in the club when MJ couldnt go. He wanted to go, but couldnt even spend his own money on enjoyment. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    The bit about him phoning up for sex advice for LMP is funny though. "Foreplay" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Aaaaaaw this is beautiful . Really touching <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Aaaaaaw this is beautiful . Really touching <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Its the sack of money that has got me... makes him seems so vulnerable.
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Aaaaaaw this is beautiful . Really touching <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Its the sack of money that has got me... makes him seems so vulnerable.
    Yes.............. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> sweetie ........... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • mjj_fanmjj_fan Posts: 311
    this article made me emotional , thorough gentle man
  • That's a nice story, thanks for sharing. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Aaw, sweet sweet Michael. Yeah the bag of money made me a bit sad too <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> As to sex advice, with his delicious hip/pelvic moves I think people should be asking HIM for advice... Sorry reading that bit just made my mind wander, hehe <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Btw, this is really silly but is it just me that can't stand the R.I.P's everywhere? I know that it means well but they make me sad and scared... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Thanks a lot for sharing
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Aaw, sweet sweet Michael. Yeah the bag of money made me a bit sad too <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> As to sex advice, with his delicious hip/pelvic moves I think people should be asking HIM for advice... Sorry reading that bit just made my mind wander, hehe <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Btw, this is really silly but is it just me that can't stand the R.I.P's everywhere? I know that it means well but they make me sad and scared... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Thanks a lot for sharing
    No, I can't stand them either.....they make me very, very sad <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • mjj_fanmjj_fan Posts: 311
    if my memory serves me right didnt amy at mjhd forum pointed out deepak chopra sons strange twitter saying
    "had a dinner last nite with a man who see the world behind the curtain ",, ??
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    I don't mean to throw a wrench into all the niceness but would a true friend spill his guts so-to-speak and take money from him? A true friend would see how vulnerable MJ was and keep his stories to himself and NOT take money.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    I don't mean to throw a wrench into all the niceness but would a true friend spill his guts so-to-speak and take money from him? A true friend would see how vulnerable MJ was and keep his stories to himself and NOT take money.

    I think that he was trying to portray Michael in an honest light as how he knew him instead of the media nonsense.
    Especially letting people know that he was friends with him as a young boy BUT Michael never attempted anything shady with him.
    How many young men are coming forward and saying that?
    Well, there's Macauly & Dave Dave, but to me any who come forward and say positive things that portray MJ as a human is a good thing.

    As for the money, he was in high school or a college student and it seemed like honest pay for honest work. Maybe even less on MJ's part because if Deepak's son was a "professional" song writer he could have gotten writing credits and royalties for his work which would have been A LOT more than a couple thousand dollars!
  • That's a great story. It is ashame that Michael got all dressed to go only to be turned about face by his security. He obviously had gotten his fill of second hand information and was all geered up to see and experience the excitement for himself. I'll bet he would have had the time of his life sticking money into those garters, getting a lap dance...or two <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Imagine that <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Ooh... Geez.....Kodak moment, sorry <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I don't mean to throw a wrench into all the niceness but would a true friend spill his guts so-to-speak and take money from him? A true friend would see how vulnerable MJ was and keep his stories to himself and NOT take money.
    the money was for honest work...just because he is MJ's friend he can't get paid? MJ saw the value in his work, time, effort. MJ knows that simply being called MJ's friend is enough in payment, but his humbleness in who he is let him pay his friend for honest work...MJ is going to make money off his songs, if someone helps him figure out lyrics, then they should get paid! As for spilling secrets...what secrets? How is it any different than Marlon talking about MJ in his silly disquises? Nothing he said paints MJ in a negative light, he didn't say which songs he helped him with. Honest pay for honest matter who you are or who your friend is.
  • As far as the money goes, this was a college kid. Michael knew he would graciously accept it and have a ball throwing it away. Honest pay for honest work. A good work ethic. Michael probably enjoyed giving it to him as much or more than he appreciated getting it. It was a lot for a college kid but heck, Michael didn't care. I'm sure it was cheerfully given and made Michael's day to be able to do it.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    That was so beautiful <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I LOVE IT! I felt like crying when Michael couldn't go out to the club <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> He just wanted to be able to live a normal life, that really hurts when I hear things like that. Poor baby <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> But then the sex advice part made me burst out with laughter LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe now our dear Michael can finally have some peace and normalcy. Love him so much <333 Thanks for posting this!
  • Deepak Chopra was on Larry King quite a few times right after MJ "died". He shared some of these stories on there. Very nice looking guy, and seemed very sweet and sincerely a friend of MJ's.
  • Aww.. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    I find this story very endearing and sad at the same time.

    Poor Micheal is a prisoner in his own life. He wanted so badly to go out with his friend and have some normal fun but was turned down by his security. Just goes to show you that Michael couldnt go anywhere. Im sure he has some good friends he can trust, but the fact that he went thru all the hassle to disguise himself and still couldnt go....and the fact he even HAD to disguise himself. My heart breaks.

    MJ giving his friend money was his way of showing thanks. And Im sure he wanted to give his money to his friend, not only because he wanted to but because he thought he deserved it...apparently MJ wasnt allowed to even go out with his friends and buy them a night on the town. MJ has ALOT of money and could buy anything he wanted and it made him feel good to give it away. Thats what he is all about...selflessness.
    the bag of money makes me feel sad....I almost feel like Mike felt he had to buy his friends, because he was so lonely. I hope Im wrong.

    About the sex advice.....he was so innocent. Im sure he wasnt allowed to have a girlfriend fact Im sure it was off limits...why, IDK.
    Most men nowadays practically keep a list of all the girls theyve banged and its disgusting...but when a girl sleeps around, she's a whore. I met a guy who was very innocent in the sex dept about 10 yrs ago and I found it to be very sweet.....and very attractive. Unfortunately, it didnt work out, but to this day I feel like he was the one who got away. I believe we would have gotten married..

    I love you have all the friends you need right here who love you more then the world itself....xoxoxoxox
  • He was trapped. He had all that money, but was trapped by it.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Oh Michael <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> All you ever wanted was a normal life, to go and hang out with your friends. Now I feel so selfish in hoping that you come back. I just want you to be happy and if that means not coming back, then so be it.

    I love you so much XXXX
    I don't mean to throw a wrench into all the niceness but would a true friend spill his guts so-to-speak and take money from him? A true friend would see how vulnerable MJ was and keep his stories to himself and NOT take money.
    if i was his friend i would tell the stories "as my memories with him" i wouldnt take money for them, why the fuck would you sell memories with him for money! stupid!
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Aww poor Michael he couldn't go anywhere. If he was in a disguise I don't understand why his security didn't let him go. All he wanted was to go out with his friends and have fun. But no he was forced to stay in a hotel room all the time. That's so sad. The part about Michael needing sex advice made me laugh and it made my mind wander. I really had some thoughts reading that. Good thoughts of course. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Thanks for posting this!!! An interesting and a bit of a sad read for sure

    You know i always believed LMP was his "first" and i think this confirms it totally
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    He was trapped by his money but he also could have left it all one morning and live another life
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I don't mean to throw a wrench into all the niceness but would a true friend spill his guts so-to-speak and take money from him? A true friend would see how vulnerable MJ was and keep his stories to himself and NOT take money.

    A true friend would probably be in on the hoax and this one is not I don't think.
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