child by adoption says he was singing live

mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
edited January 1970 in News
she has just dm me and said the the grammys are delayed not quite live and Michael was singing live but would not show himself because of the delay he was with the children they are fine and he would not force them to do anything they did not want to do. not to give up on Michael. I have followed her for a long time and she seems real to me and I believe her she has twittered a lot tonight and she said i could pass on her messages the other day so I can pass this on i hope.


  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Um so the Grammys were not live ? Did I get that right?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Yes she said there is a delay so the news would have got out before he would be shown on the tv he did not want that.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    yea there are some shows that run on a tape delay.

    so ur saying mike was on the stage at the grammys and everyone seen him and not us?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    she said that he sang live in parts of the song and the children are fine
  • I agree about the tape delay... although it may not have been very long. The reason I say that there was a delay was that they were able to "bleep" out the foul language, especially in the song with Eminem.
  • So... was he was visible to the audience at the Staples Center (if so, there were thousands of people there... it looks like someone would say something to the media) or was he hidden from view?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    That must be what she means she says the news would have known before it was shown on the tv there could be something to it she says parts were Michael singing I have asked how he did it without being seen i have not got an answere yet she said dont give up on Michael fingers crossed.
  • hummmmm.........wonder how reliable she is
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    She says first verse was recorded second a mixture third all Michael and the children are fine he would not force them to do anything he has told you all that.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    hummmmm.........wonder how reliable she is
    She has been there from the start but i guess we will know when it happens. just have to go with the flow and see.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    hm... It really sounded like some parts were live but I compared this "Acapella Version" on Youtube with grammy veriosn ( I played them both at the same time) and they sounded the same to me...

    IDK I was asking her, too. I'M excited about her answer
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    The end is different I have the you tube one as well I have faith in child by adoption as I have pm her a lot and the tonight I said I was feeling unsure because of seeing the children up there i did not feel Michael would let them do that if he was alive and she sent me a lot of pms sayning dont give up on Michael then explained why, so I just carry on and i have told her that.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Looking at her post it looks like ther is a big delay of an hour.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    The end is different I have the you tube one as well I have faith in child by adoption as I have pm her a lot and the tonight I said I was feeling unsure because of seeing the children up there i did not feel Michael would let them do that if he was alive and she sent me a lot of pms sayning dont give up on Michael then explained why, so I just carry on and i have told her that.

    which end do you mean? The WHOO! -End? yes, because Usher did that, I think.. but I'm not sure and that's the only difference I noticed
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Oh you might be right that is the bit I meant
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Oh you might be right that is the bit I meant

    Yes, but like I said, I'm not sure if it was Usher doin that part...they didn't show that..
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    Ok................. What?
  • Ok................. What?

    i second that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> very lost here
  • C"Mon guys do you really believe that Mj sang live last night ? Do you really think everyone in the stadium knew except us ? i don't think so, something like that would be all over the news. All the news channels would have been interuoted CNN, MSN, local and cable news because this would have been a major story. Plus,there are way too many haters and that includes other celebrities that do not like Michael ,(Ex. Eminem) so please do not believe this story !

    Sorry to burst your bubble
  • Will you ask her when he plans on showing himself to the fans so we all can see him again? Do you think he's planning on coming out soon? Since he said he didn't want the news to hear about it first.
  • Do I think MJ was singing live? no I really don't; but in her defense I don't think she meant MJ was out in the open, on stage where everyone could see him singing. I think she meant he was hidden.
  • i dont believe this one girl one bit! Everyone knows about how they run on a 10 minute delay so they can prepare themselves for something bizarre...the AMAs learned their lesson from not doing the delay from Adam Lambarts performance... She is just another person posing. Everyone in the end turns out to be bogus people TIAI BoW Michael love and now her c'mon when are ya going to learn trial and error you cant trust these people they are messing with your emotions... tears me apart reading this... she is just a minipulator who knows how to use words just like a salesperson at a car dealership they make you believe things its rediculous...
  • i don't think he singing live
    but i think it's re-recorded for it
  • I agree about the tape delay... although it may not have been very long. The reason I say that there was a delay was that they were able to "bleep" out the foul language, especially in the song with Eminem.

    yes exactly, and incase something would happen, someone showing boddyparts not sutible for primetime tv etc. just in case something goes wrong...
  • <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    i guess was live !At8.00-8.01 watch up to the right !!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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