child by adoption says he was singing live



  • Mammu94Mammu94 Posts: 232
    What is supposed to be there?
  • Michael? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    I can definately see something. My first thought was that there was someone up there but having watched it several times I'm not so sure.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I have followed childbyadoption from the start of all this and she seems genuine to me we will never know 100% but she seems young and knowledgable and she often comes up with interesting information and she does not mind it being passed on she says you know who you can trust. last night she was excited but dm me when i said i was giving up hope after seeing the children it is the shildren i worry about as well as Michael. anyway she seems interesting so you never know, I am not pining everything on her info but you have to listen to other people and hope.
  • I seen something move but I dunno its kinda quick whoisthat.jpg
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    I seen something move but I dunno its kinda quick whoisthat.jpg

    I can't see anything
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    I can't keep myself from hearing "What if I live again, do you give a damn?" at 9:36... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • mitm72mitm72 Posts: 21
    I was sure believers were ables to follow only facts, please don't turn deceptions into thruth...we shall keep our eyes wide open without trusting every single bullshit around.
    Michael didn't sing live on earth song last night, it was just the vocal part from the original song, please try to compare the two versions, it's very simple.
    Michael wasn't on stage, it would be very disrespectful to try to make someone believe that, and there's no need to explain why...if child by adoption states those kind of things she's 100% fake.
    With peace and L.O.V.E.

    I'm sorry if my english isn't good enough <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • tiida11tiida11 Posts: 248
    So... was he was visible to the audience at the Staples Center (if so, there were thousands of people there... it looks like someone would say something to the media) or was he hidden from view?

    I cannot believe that. Do you imagine that that happened and no pic appeared while the place was full of paps and journalists?
    Never ever !
  • im sorry but i dont see MJ if anything its just a worker lol...i not going to believe ANY picture of "Michael" unless you can CLEARLY see his face and eyes because the eyes make MJ...I not going to look at a tiny shape and try to identify a shape and say its MJ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I saw somebody there.
    Hehh, do you really think that on event like this workers would be up there over the heads of Hollywood celebs, specially in white dress??? For event like this everything is done before the show and when everything is ready workers must stay invisible <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> And pretty sure they are in dressed black and don´t stand under the roofing where somebody could see them.
  • This is definetely not the CD version, some words sound different and in the first sentences he sings, we hear him breathing "quite lloud" in between...and this is usually erased by reccording studios before they launch a cd. However i thought it was the This is it live version... ( i dont have the dvd to compare but i think earth song was live on tii)
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    there's something i don't uderstand if TII was supposed to be a concert then WHY Mj would record his songs for a concert ? Does he not sing LIVE @ concerts ?
  • mitm72mitm72 Posts: 21
    there's something i don't uderstand if TII was supposed to be a concert then WHY Mj would record his songs for a concert ? Does he not sing LIVE @ concerts ?

    Not always, expecially in the History tour a lot of songs were not sung live. Anyway is an habit for some big star to sing in playback, expecially on a long tiring tour...
  • I can't keep myself from hearing "What if I live again, do you give a damn?" at 9:36... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    he says that just like doctor murray and mouth to mouth hes gud at hiding it like two this is it versions hard to tell differene but orchestra version is definatley him now and not demo from a while back he definatly said what if i live again <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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