OMG TMZ live

edited January 1970 in News
Someone asked why is it taking so long with Dr Murray and Harvey answers: well it is a diffucult case and they have time enough to investigate because it's not like Michael is going to show up alive again <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
Were they mocking us ???? Did you also hear that???


  • wow...that was actualy if he was dead that would be a very low thing to say.
  • I hate Harvey!His mean comments.He think he is funny!
  • but.....they both pretty much said MOST of the comments all the other media was reporting regarding lawyer statements, etc were absolutely untrue.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    He did say we would find out a lot more at the preliminary hearing. They will be live streaming from the courthouse tomorrow. At least we will get to see things as they unfold. I wonder if they will allow cameras in the courtroom tomorrow.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    F*** TMZ!! Sorry, but they post BS all the time on their website. I don't like them, I don't trust them & I don't believe a word they say not for one second. & if you watch them on t.v they mock everything & everyone. & everything is a joke. Why listen to anything they say? & Harvey said "because this is a difficult case" or whatever. It doesn't even seem like they're trying to do anything. How difficult can it be, Michael "died" because of Propofol injections which should have never been administered to him, Dr. Murray admitted to giving it to him & then leaving him alone. Hmmm...idk but in normal circumstances, that is a cause to make an arrest! Especially, when you have been saying you're going to make one for seven months! & not for involuntary manslaughter but for NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE! It's all just ridiculous now, the most ridiculous part of it all? TMZ & their contradicting, bs stories. & the LAPD/ DA's stupidity & carelessness <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I'd like to see that! They should allow cameras in the courtroom, they did for Michael.
  • I'd like to see that! They should allow cameras in the courtroom, they did for Michael.
    They ususally do unless it is requested that they are not MJs lawyer did when his molestation trial actually was underway,Messerau asked that it be ordered that they werent there. TV coverage wasnt allowed there like it was in OJs' case.
  • yeah TMZ is hard to take serious...but wait so there is IN FACT going to be a court hearing tomoro on Murray and the case?? when what time?? and can you watch it online?...and i indeed think the Harvey is mocking us at this point calling us stupid for even thinking something like that lol because lately we keep saying that once that make a jump at murray michael will come out o fhiding lol i am sure harvey is mocking us most def.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    well to be fair he he does have a point, they have had more than enough time to solve this, and they are just delaying the "arrest".

    i think he was trying to say it like they really dont have any other reason not to arrest murray and that they pretty much have all the "evidence" that they need to "charge" him. but micheal returning is the only real reason they have not to "charge" him
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    TMZ/Harvey is in on it. OF COURSE they're going to say things like that.
    They have to keep this going until they get their cue to do otherwise.
    Remember it's an online rag's garbage. Right?
    Don't believe what you read or what they say. Right?
    Isn't that part of Michael's message?
    Heck, even his brother's said the same thing in the first episode of the Jackson Dynast tv show.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    @neverlandprincess - Oh they did tell them to leave? I wouldn't know, I wasn't following the child molestation stuff. I never believed it. Someone told me they watched it, so I thought the cameras were allowed in the courtroom. Oops. lol
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Isn't Harvey supposed to mock us? It's not like he's gonna sit there & say "well guys, they aren't arresting him right away because Michael is alive & is telling them not to yet." or anything like that. lol he's just part of one of the biggest gossip sites out there, I wouldn't take anything he "reports" too seriously, or take any offense from him mocking us. & a lot of people have said they think TMZ is in on it, so no surprise he tries to throw us off.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It must be a hoax for them to be allowed to say a thing like that if we are wrong and it is all real they should be so ashamed who else would they talk about like that and get away wit it Why dont the Michael fans that believe he has gone get angry with these people and complain to the highest that is what i dont understand.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    They just talked about him being charged in a couple hours on my local news (Seattle). I'm not saying that makes it true, they just report on whatever they hear. But they showed the Jackson Family's lawyer talking about the charges & their anger, saying "what Conrad Murray did was wrong, it was reckless. This is not manslaughter, it is murder." Why would they be outraged over his charges if Michael is alive? I don't get that part. & if they weren't all in on it, wouldn't they be informed, so that they don't try to cause a scene that would make this whole hoax a mess? I'm getting worried all of a sudden <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • what i dont get is why they are running on a time line? why is everything being planned exactly when to charge him and then they say no and then they go ok and then blah blah blah!!
    Dont feel worried please If michael is really gone then atleast he gets justice right?

    ALL IM SAYING IS SOMETHING BETTER HAPPEN TODAY!!! and if he does get charged then it shows TMZ a liar AGAIN lol
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    No he doesn't get "justice". Involuntary manslaughter charges is like a slap on the wrist. 2-4 years is BS. & 25,000 bail is too. Justice for Michael would be this guy going to jail for longer than 2-4 years & being charged with NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE, if Michael is indeed gone.
  • atleast he is not going free...
    and murray did do involuntary manslaughter...its not like he killed him on purpose (unless you look at the illuminati theory and the gov murdered him, but that would explain to you that the gov is BS) but Murray did so involuntary manslaughter...he did not purposefully murder michael jackson! so why would he have to face even more time in the bunker just because it was with Michael Jackson? then that would be unfair for Murray...sorry but Murray did involuntary manslaughter therefore he gets the normal alotted time...there is no reason for changing the sentence just because it was with Michael Jackson...Which means MJ got justice because Murray got his punishment with the same amount of time as any other doctor who did involuntary manslaughter...sux but those are the laws...
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    No you're right he didn't purposely kill Michael. However, involuntary manslaughter is not the right sentence for him. He should be charged with negligent homicide because on purpose or not that's what it was. What Michael was given should have never been given to him & as a medical person dr. Murray knew that. He should have been monitoring Michael after giving it to him but he didn't. When Michael told him he wasn't feeling well & something was wrong he as a dr. should have checked him instead he sent him back to bed. He was very negligent & accidently or not he gave him something that could kill him & ultimately ended up doing that.
  • No you're right he didn't purposely kill Michael. However, involuntary manslaughter is not the right sentence for him. He should be charged with negligent homicide because on purpose or not that's what it was. What Michael was given should have never been given to him & as a medical person dr. Murray knew that. He should have been monitoring Michael after giving it to him but he didn't. When Michael told him he wasn't feeling well & something was wrong he as a dr. should have checked him instead he sent him back to bed. He was very negligent & accidently or not he gave him something that could kill him & ultimately ended up doing that.

    Exactly-and to follow,he didnt follow any sort of correct it the 911 call or the sloppy CPR or the time...if the story he even told was true then he went into a panic when he saw MJ was in trouble. Not only that...well I have alot of opinions...mainly because the whole thing is being sold as Michael was a junkie and ultimatly killed himslef,and if that what it goes down as I am upset that nobody can just see the obvious truth. Even if he was a 24 hr a day druggie-that isnt what killed him.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I think that the comment is very hurtful to me. I am tired of people making funny of MJ. It hurts me very much. Harvey, you may not love MJ, but I do. MJ is a part of my very soul. I love him with all my heart. This is a very hard week for me emotionally with the Murray case, The Grammys and the Re-making of "We Are The World." I would like to leave you with this thought, Harvey, from MJ's Childhood:

    Before you judge me, try hard to love me,

    Harvey, It is all for L.O.V.E. MJ, I love you more, my darling! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Guys, guys, this is a HOAX site. There is no involuntary manslaughter...Michael is alive! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • we are investigating the hoax...we not sitting here saying its a 100% fact a hoax thats why we are here investigating it...if you go into this investigation with your mind already set that Michael is indeed alive then you are going to be close minded about what information you take in...sorry to sound rude but i am tired of seeing people automatically assuming that whats going on with this Murray case is just going with the hoax... because it may not.
    this week has been hard for me to darkchild very upsetting how they keep playing games with Murray and then the we are the world and grammys its very upsetting. We need to be strong though and stick together <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ...i have a feeling by the end of this week MJ will get justice or come out. If they keep playing with my emotions like this for much longer ima need a punching bag to release some major anger being built up towards the media and the government...
    Spread Michaels message which is L.O.V.E.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    HI <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> You know what guys? F+++CK HARVEY! I mean where does he get off on making those comments about MJ! I have had it with their crap. Just think about it "Its not like Michael Jackson is going to show up alive"
    Harvey has been on my S__it list for a while now ESPECIALLY since he has ignored our constant questions regarding MJ being left off of the RIP list? Terrible. I wish someone would really email Harvey and give him a run for his money regarding that lists. EIther they are in on this hoax or they are making fun of MJ! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> You know why I say this because they have DOGS on the RIP list instead of MJ, now if that aint disrespectful then what is. TMZ needs to stop playing these games with us hell! This is serious business for us fans.
    Sorry I had to let that out! WHat did the Jacksons say about TMZ get the shit right? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Someone asked why is it taking so long with Dr Murray and Harvey answers: well it is a diffucult case and they have time enough to investigate because it's not like Michael is going to show up alive again <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    Were they mocking us ???? Did you also hear that???

    Harvey did not say "it's not like Michael is going to show up alive again". He said: "It's not like Michael Jackson is gonna become alive again.". I don't see any mocking here. Since Mike never died, he can't become alive AGAIN. Please, listen to what people say before jumping to conclusions...

    I see Harvey/TMZ bashing in this thread, based on something Harvey didn't even say. Please be careful, and don't let history repeat itself...

    Here's that part of the live stream, Harve says it at 1.18: <!-- m --> ... reURL=true<!-- m -->
  • I guest they are dragging this case out to see if Mikaeel is going to show up or what. If he was murdered do you think it was euthanasia- did Michael want to go that way, because he didn't want to grow old. If Dr. Murray did kill him and he goes to prison, I feel sorry for him.
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