video of fans tking things to crypt help !!

mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
edited January 1970 in News
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Sorry if has been on here but it looks so real tom me help it is upsetting wht the hell if it is real.. what do you think


  • This is not good for me to see. It has me thinking would MJ deceive his fans like this? Letting them bring flowers to a fake gravesite. It would be very cruel actually if this is indeed a hoax. These last days are so confusing, really don't know what to think anymore. I want to get out of this ride!
    Please Michael for the love of your fans and all of us believers show yourself death or alive!
  • Most likely they don't know anything about MJ's possible hoax.. But if he is dead, I think that's kinda weird. Lock theirself in, and let people film.. It's like a museum, not a private grave.

    They get paid for doing their job, no matter if there are any bodies or not in the grave.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I cant understand why the fans are laughing but i did not like it and i am sorry to post it
  • Isn't the crypt supposed to off limits to anyone who isn't family or close friends of the family?
    I wouldn't worry too much about this.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Yes i know but it looks so real to me
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    So dont you think i should worry about this because I find it very scary
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    I'm getting confused. They say only family members are allowed. Are they lying? Someone is. Who and for what purposes?
  • Did you notice how BIG the crypt is?? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    When the guys walks up to it with the flowers, the crypt drawfs him. I didnt realise it was SOOO big!!!
  • Is this appropriate behaviour? I think not....
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me
  • I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me

    These people are mental fanatics... look at the picture above. What kind of behaviour is that?????
  • I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me
    find peace, you will find strength, then you will accept whatever comes to you
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me

    These people are mental fanatics... look at the picture above. What kind of behaviour is that?????

    yes but i can´t help it now - i just feel like that <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me

    These people are mental fanatics... look at the picture above. What kind of behaviour is that?????
    well if i am honest i may act like that and then regret it, i dont know what i would do -
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I´m done guyz. This is way too much for me. I can´t handle this anymore. This is so real... I feel lost and bad and hopeless <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> This is it for me
    I am sorry i did not want tp upset you but I felt shocked and had to put it here to see what you would all say on another site they said it looked staged but I think it does look very dissrepectfull i could not even watch the whole thing because of the laughing and joy that seemed to be there at the mo i am just soo angry but i will see this thing throught to find out what happened to Michael
  • @arabian nights... i dont think you would act like that. That picture shows them acting with no respect or dignity.. they are at a graveside!! Of someone they love!! Why take pictures and videos of it at all?.. and then put it all over the internet..... and be pushing past each other craning their necks? There is nothing to see anyway, apart from a stone box.

    I think if you were there you would act with a quiet respect and dignity. In fact i know you would because you have emotional intelligence.

    Have faith. xxxx
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
  • What happens to all this stuff?
  • @arabian nights... i dont think you would act like that. That picture is shows them acting with no respect or dignity.. they are at a graveside!! Of someone they love!! Why take pictures and vidoes of it at all?.. and be pushing past each other craning their necks? There is nothing to see anyway, apart from a stone box.

    I think if you were there you would act with a quiet respect and dignity. In fact i know you would.

    Have faith. xxxx
    i did not watch the vid after the first few frames - so you know me very well.

    but i feel that pp have a basic need, and sometimes that takes over and sometimes its a pack thing. i dont blame them at all, i think its understandable, this is probably the only time that they have been close to their idol and they are only focusing on that... they have forgotten... yes forgotten that he is/was a man that felt love and pain....

    but then again i did not watch the vid so i dont know what i am talking about - i am generalising

    Lady J, take a time out we will be here waiting for you, hugs loveXXXXX
  • ok, THAT'S the weirdest shit I've seen yet! They're taking that stuff in like the man is sitting on a couch waiting to get it! Maybe he is. lol I hate to sound mean, but just look at those women. That image speaks for itself. The thing I found interesting is the guard said "working relationship". Huh??? And like the other poster said, why in the hell is everyone so damn chipper? It's a funeral home for christ's sake. On my best day, I'm not going to be happy to be there. Especially for someone like Michael Jackson. Maybe it's all just staged yet again, who knows. God, California can just be so damn weird sometimes!
  • Don't loose hope over this. Has anyone here met any of these MJ fans. Do we know if they are for real? So strange this is out on a day with so much going on - ya know?
  • This is why the damn world is coming to an end. Because of scenes just like this one!
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    God bless you arabian knight. I am here with you, and I thank you for lifting me up. I would be lost without you all.
  • Plus - they didn't really walk up to crypt. It could be anyone at the end of that hallway. I refuse to believe he's there.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It seems to me like a coach trip out to see a monument or sight seeing I will have to watch all of it as i didnt I hated it but they seem jolly here goes deep breath ill have a look.
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