This Is Not It - People Baying For Kenny's Blood!!!!



  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Inorite? Whenever I post something, I imagine Michael reading it. I dunno. It just helps me be nicer. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    It's horrible. This kind of thing makes me think that if MJ is really alive, and if it was all a hoax, he will feel the need to reappear. Would he just sit and see his friend being insulted and accused? Would he just sit and see the doctor (if not arrested) being the target of angry fans for the rest of his life? I don't think so. This kind of thing makes me sad and worried.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    What really saddens me is that he might not want to come back. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    So many horrible people are making it hard to return.
    I know I'd be scared if I was him. But he's so much stronger than me, so who knows?
  • It's horrible. This kind of thing makes me think that if MJ is really alive, and if it was all a hoax, he will feel the need to reappear. Would he just sit and see his friend being insulted and accused? Would he just sit and see the doctor (if not arrested) being the target of angry fans for the rest of his life? I don't think so. This kind of thing makes me sad and worried.

    I agree. I think that if something kicks off tomorrow (someone tries to hurt Murray or a member of his legal team) I fear it is game over. No way would Michael stand by and watch that sort of thing happen. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Mind you, on TINI Facebook site there are people advising the protesters to behave and stay within the law. Whether or not this will sort I don't know.

    "For those who will be at the Protest against Murray,on Monday Feb.8th we'd kindly ask you not to put youselves in jeopardy in front of the media & the authorities; protest in the smoothest way possible,so they'll see we can't accept this garbage anymore but we are quiet people and want Justice only! Pls, keep on signing our Petition <!-- m --><!-- m --> we'll bring it to LAPD and D.A."
  • Childish behavior.. People judge other without knowing ANYTHING!
  • He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me!
    I mean.. he was never mean to Michael, took him to movies.
    Why would anyone wanna hurt little 'ol kenny? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Well actually there's still a lot of debate about what went on in rehearsals and how fit MJ was realistically to complete this. Kenny said about MJ 'mentally and physically, we're having a blast'.......right! In June, Kai Chase (his chef) said she was called back to Jackson's home to cook for him again. She said she noticed he was thinner and questioned whether he had been eating. MJ said to her 'I need you to take care of me, i need you to feed me healthy like you have been......they're killing me, they're rehearsing me very hard, maybe 2 rehearsals a day.' Listen carefully to how Kai Chase recounts what he said and the emotion she uses. It sounded like he was actually distressed. Listen from 0 - 1.30 <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    Is Kenny not employed by AEG (Randy his boss)? If so, there could be a limit on what he can say about anything, particularly if it puts AEG in a negative light. Yes, he was director/choreographer for TII, but if something was wrong he had a pair of eyes too, and he should tell the truth to those who deserve it regardless of what it does to his relationship with AEG.

    This is exactly what I've been thinking about but it still doesn't justify this kind of behaviour. Besides why are they putting so much blaim on Kenny, how about AEG? I know they are questioning them but I guess blaiming one person, i.e Kenny, is easier but very horrible too! I read an interview where a friend of Michael said that when Michael would prepare for a tour he'd be so focused he'd even forget to eat and drink which would explain what Michael said to Kai. However, when he said THEY*RE rehearsing me very hard... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> That makes me really worried and upset <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I don't mean to sound ignorant, but why is Kenny a "murderer"? Are they saying he is the one that pushed MJ into all the concerts and he was the one who had the connection with CM? Are they upset that he had TII made into a movie for all of us to see?

    WTH is going on?
  • for us believers we have a strong belief that michael is alive. but for those who actually believed he died they feel that there is no one person to blame and each person involved in michaels death are murders and they are capitlizing off his death so they all play a part.
  • Another Tweet to Kenny for SoulCatharsis:

    @KennyOrtegaBlog Hope you get a relapse!
    21 minutes ago from web in reply to KennyOrtegaBlog
  • And these people claim to be fans of Michael <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    If they were real fans they would no that Michael hated fighting of any kind, verbal or physical.
    Poor Kenny, He done nothing too upset this person
  • You may remember I said the other day that Karen Faye accepted my friend request on Facebook.

    I was lurking around in there last night and on Twitter and some of the stuff I read was awful. Someone Tweeted Kenny saying that they hope he coughs to death. This was in response to a Tweet Kenny made about him having bronchitis. Kenny saw that Tweet and he re-tweeted it to all of his followers. The Tweet to Kenny was from 'SoulCatharsis' AKA Samantha De Gosson.

    SoulCatharsis -
    @KennyOrtegaBlog hope you cough to death!
    about 8 hours ago from web in reply to KennyOrtegaBlog
    Retweeted by KennyOrtegaBlog and 14 others

    I have also seen on KF's Facebook 2 other people saying things like "..wait until Kenny gets to my town!" and "I hope the same to Kenny, he deserves to die!!"

    WTF? These people are mental!!!!! Michael would not want them to be saying such things, he would be mortified. These are not fans - they are stalkers, obsessives!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    It sickens me to the pit of my stomach that people who claim to love Michael so much can act in this way. There will be protests going on at the courthouse tomorrow and I am so worried that someone will end up getting hurt.
    your right, michael had nothing but respect for kenny he would not want this, especially cominf from his own make up artists, these people are vultures, if anyone is to blame it should be murray, wtf does kenny have to do with it, all he did was be kind and there for michael which is more than i can say for karen, shes just a brat who thinks shes super close to michael but really isnt shes a make up artist its her job thats it lol. and this other girl needs to get herself checked in to some serious help <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • This is turning into a nightmare.

    If we think for a minute MJ is dead... then I want a fair and civilised legal trial of Dr Murray and others... i dont want a frenzied media circus and fantatical fans hijacking the process.
    We need to hear the TRUTH!!!!!!

    Thing is the media will jump all over this and portray all MJ fans as mad, rabid people who dont think rationally and issue threats to people who were close to MJ.

    MJ would be APPALLED at this, as i am. This is NOT his message... his message was love and forgiveness and understanding.

    The fans need to be intelligent at this... and spamming the LAPD and DA is NOT the way forward. We want the police and the justice system on OUR side.

    To be honest, it is becoming embarassing.

    Ive also tweeted Kenny my thoughts and urged him to remember Karen Faye and Samantha De Gossen to not represent the majority of MJ fans.
  • This is the crap that really irks me! If Karen is a character in this hoax, why is she;
    1. Accepting gifts from ppl all over the world? (possibly from ppl that do not have the extra money to spare on gifts)
    2. Allowing and promoting a person to spread ignorant and possibly harmful venom via social media, which could possibly end up with someone seriously injured or killed?

    I have been on her FB since July, don't write much there but have been eerily amazed at the cult-like atmosphere that has been created! Where is the L.O.V.E. in revenge? I am sorry but I have not found this to be a 'great adventure', more like a nightmare that we may never wake up from...I used to enjoy looking for clues and now find myself frustrated and agitated by all the inconsistencies and hold-ups.
    Whatever happens, I pray that this was all worth it and that in the end we may all find happiness and peace with one another and most importantly within ourselves...namaste
  • smilessmiles Posts: 129
    It is KF creating a storm in a glass of water... that is what she does best... and some ppl believe everything she says because she makes a big deal out of claiming that she was a friend of MJ's... in my eyes she isn't his friend... because with friends like that who needs enemies??

    and when she says that Kenny Otega Killed MJ her followers believe it... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    This is it is a wonderful movie and a great way of giving us a little bit of MJ ( im still waiting for the Blue Ray to be released here... 23 feb. if i remember right <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> you guys are soo lucky that it is already out in USA.. ) No matter were the money goes..
  • i've noticed this WTH is going on, have i missed something!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I must have missed this too. This is crazy! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • WHAT??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Some people are just CRAZY!!!!
  • In May, Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips released a press conference video stating why the concerts were put back and other things. The whole video was about 8 mins long i think, can someone please find it because i cannot. This will help - <!-- m --> ... itstart=16<!-- m -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    These people are really sick,their "love" for Michael has turned into a dangerous obsession,i'm really worried that smth teribble will hapen to Murray during the trial,one of the upset fans may hurt him very badly(believin' in hoax we consider that Murray is innocent),so about Kenny-he's really a very nice guy, Michael liked him and was close to him, it's ridiculous to call him a murderer,all this hate is not what Michael's nature and soul is,he is love and those fans must be ashamed of how disrespectful they are to Michael's friends,now i really don't think that Michael will return, just consider how furious those fans will be, they'll tear him up <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> i just hope that nothing terrible will happen these days.I just pray to God to take care for Michael, i suppose he needs it now so much
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    " Childish behavior.. People judge other without knowing ANYTHING!"

    Ahhh and this is the important thing to remember!
    Nobody actually knows anything! All speculation.
    I'll tweet a nice note to KO too.
    What is wrong with people, other than they just don't ever learn.
    L*O*V*E is the answer and why is hate taking over???
    Michael is very disappointed I'm sure.
    I Love you Michael!
  • It was not Mj 's fans that were percicuting him it was The ELITE ,THE MEDIA ,{Owned by the elite }the LAPD and the DA office also owned by the elite ,as is our GOV . The Gov that Promotes and funds wars and human suffering all over the world ,and they wanted to shut Mj up like that shut up JFK , MLK , Malcom X , Tupac ,Bob Marly .And Lennon Anyone that threatens their agenda or threatens to expose their agenda will suffer . They don't want Michael" Waking up " millions of people and telling them what is Really going on in this country ,that our Gov is responsible for genocide on a massive scale . That's why MJ;s real freinds won't speak up in his defense . THEY ARE SCARED TOO ! people may die trying to expose what really happened to Mj that started a long time ago . What is in the rest of the 600 or so pages of the FBI report on MJ that is "permanately Classified" why ? What is in those files that we are not allowed to know ? They use Mj for their own agenda Like Global warming for example ,are you all familiar with Climate gate? {Earth song Grammys } Yes we need to protect our planet . But .. are you aware of the BIG BIZ of carbon industry , that the elite stand to make millions off of these Carbon related products SEE LORD MONKTON ON U_TUBE } They are Twisting Mj's message to serve there own agenda , Mj was against war too and you see how they avoided that issue of the song . He shows war and suffering on the films he made with his concerts not just the Global warming thing . Did you know that Green peace is run and funded by the Rockafellers who are the ones that stand to make money off of the Global warming scare Al Gore has also invested in these co .planning to make millions which includes and will cause mass starvation all over the world ,thus controlling the population . This whole thing with Mj is way more sinister than alot of people think on here
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    kelly wright sorry, but I don't understand how is all this related to Kenny Ortega and those disrespectful tweets where some "fan" thinks that has the right to accuse and judge without bringing one single proof to sustain those accusations.

    Do you think or anyone thinks that these are MJ' s views about JUSTICE? Didn't he said always no one must be condamned/judged/accused based on the false allegations or based on lack of evidence.

    All you write here we know, I assume many of us are informed or can find the ways to be informed. Nobody denied that these are real problems of the whole world and are coming from the past not only in present times.

    The rest of FBI files are not 600 pages, are some of 300.Maybe, I don't know, but maybe are MJ's meetings with presidents and high officials and these can't be expose to the public.
  • Sorry, I don't mean to sound dumb, But I Don't understand..........Why are people so angry and Kenny Ortega??????
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It is KF creating a storm in a glass of water... that is what she does best... and some ppl believe everything she says because she makes a big deal out of claiming that she was a friend of MJ's... in my eyes she isn't his friend... because with friends like that who needs enemies??

    and when she says that Kenny Otega Killed MJ her followers believe it... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    This is it is a wonderful movie and a great way of giving us a little bit of MJ ( im still waiting for the Blue Ray to be released here... 23 feb. if i remember right <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> you guys are soo lucky that it is already out in USA.. ) No matter were the money goes..
    But they are also having a go at karen faye just seen it kenny realy bad alot of hate tonught on twitter I am glad I wont be there tommorow
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    imabeliever2 I can't either understand how a MJ's fan can accuse Kenny Ortega or anybody but bring no proof, using those ugly words, making him a murderer only because this is what she believes. We can believe anything, but when we point the finger to somebody we must prove by facts, documents, all kind of evidence, we can't play with the words, words hurt!

    MJ' s quote:
    You know, don't judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one. I don't care what the story is, do not judge them because it is a lie.
  • imabeliever2 I can't either understand how a MJ's fan can accuse Kenny Ortega or anybody but bring no proof, using those ugly words, making him a murderer only because this is what she believes. We can believe anything, but when we point the finger to somebody we must prove by facts, documents, all kind of evidence, we can't play with the words, words hurt!

    MJ' s quote:
    You know, don't judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one. I don't care what the story is, do not judge them because it is a lie.

    Thank you Akiraka.........That is very wrong of them and its embarrasing as a fan to hear other fans talk and act like that. I didn't understand all the rage because he seemed to be one of the few who really had Michael's back.
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