This Is Not It - People Baying For Kenny's Blood!!!!



  • i tweeted him two times poor guy,
    even when i believe that Michael was dead and people were talking bad about Murray i would always say "you should wish bad things to happen to people b/c you are just bringing your self lower. but i believe that one day he will get what's coming to him weather it be here or in the after life"

    and when there was a thread that said the we should have a party b/c Even Chandler kill himself i was like "it's not right to be happy over someone's death, he did have a family and i am sure that they are very sad right now"

    Even lived with his demons and it final took him over.

    but that's just the way i am. i don;t thank that you should wish bad things on people, and that they will one day pay up for what they did. i thank that if you live with so much hate and anger that it will over run your life. you need to let things pass. i do not thank that if in fact Michael did die that anyone meant to kill him, and i thank that as long as they know what they did and are truly sorry for it and will have to live their lives with that pain, that's the most worst punishment of all.
  • KennyOrtegaBlog

    I feel the love and send you all love and appreciation for your continuous kind thoughts and encouraging words Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    I feel the love and send you all love and appreciation for your continuous kind thoughts and encouraging words Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yes, this is Kenny Ortega a Real Gentleman and MJ's friend for so many years. L.O.V.E. to Him and MJ <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I had no idea that Kenny Ortaga worked for Randy Phillips. Again, I definitely don't agree nor do I approve of anyone talking to anyone like that (including fans) but doesn't this sound strange (the last sentence)??????

    Michael Jackson - Jackson Survived On One Meal A Day
    Michael Jackson was so worried about his looming comeback tour he often forgot to eat, according to the show's promoter. The King Of Pop was booked to do 50 gigs at London's O2 arena, kicking off later this month (Jul09) and running into next year (10), and was in vigorous rehearsals for the spectacular shows before his death last week (25Jun09). The show's director Kenny Ortega and AEG Live's boss Randy Phillips were keeping an eye on the star's food intake in the days leading up to his death...

    ??? Have we not see pics. of all the weight Michael lost before June 25, so what were they doing and how were they watching????
  • When reading about the KO 'feeding' MJ i noticed something, they said he would cut up chicken and broccoli for him and physically feed him because he was so weak.... broccoli? BROCOLLI?!?! As some of you may or may not know, MJ hated broccoli! look for the hidden clues people <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    imabeliever2 first of all I want to say that Kenny Ortega worked for MJ, because MJ called him, wanted him and nobody else, as he called him years ago for History and Dangerous Tour.

    “It has been over a decade since Michael and I worked on the HIStory tour together."

    about TII :
    "We had been in discussion in the last couple of years about finding a new project to work on. When I got the call to join him for these concerts I was in-between gigs, catching my breath"

    Michael and Kenny are creating an escapist adventure that will take the audience on an entertainment experience only imagined in dreams or big budget motion pictures. This is the perfect pairing on unique creative talents with the greatest repertoire in contemporary music."

    "I am thrilled to be a part of the team that once again is bringing Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of our generation, back to the stage and into the light and love of his devoted fans.”

    Kenny and MJ were /are friends, not just a simple working relationship.

    So, why I believe Kenny Ortega and these articles, information?, first is my instinct, second I informed myself from many sources, and I read/listened what the other members of the team dancers, coregraphs said about Kenny Ortega. Third, I don't believe everything that is published in newspapers, especially when they, from the newspapers weren't witness to any of the rehearsals, or what was MJ eating there and when. I didn't see 1 footage made by a journalist inside the Staples with the rehearsals.

    But very strange I saw many images filmed in May-June 2009 with MJ leaving the Medical Center. From all those images ,7-8 just in one MJ was unmasked, therefore I asked myself WHY?? and was MJ in all that images? Because that mask covered the whole face except the eyes and sometime the ears.

    But have anyone seen the photos with MJ in February? Was he fatter, or in that photo at the end of 2008 in that wheelchair? No, he wasn't fat at all. In my opinion he looked the same as he looked in May-June 2009. MJ in 2008 and 2009 looked thin all the time not only in June 2009.

    In conclusion I believe that nonone has the right to make accusations without proofs.

    Only in the non-democratic countries is easy to condamn somebody based on lies and without evidence of guilt.USA has the guilt of those trials of MJ in the past, it's time to prove that the MOST democratic country in the world, as always USA was named can make a change in justice system, but first the mentality of people must change and they have to to observe the basic rules of justice.

    Sorry my english is not very good.
  • I know everyone is angry including myself I wont rest till I know the truth, but these people need to get a grip, Micheal did not promote violence that is not the solution.. We all want JUSTICE for Micheal

    Personally I do not think only Murray is involved there are more players involved for sure.. I wan't them all to go down like dominos.. They have to pay....

    Wait and see what happens tomorrow
    This is just so nerverackng .........
  • she is one of the followers,
    And also one one of them whom MJ couldn't stand even looking at her in a portrait.
    MJ was very sick and tired of the followers camping in their cars at his fence lol.
  • Some people need more prayers for them, especially those that want to harm another.
  • This is very sad and disturbing.

    Those tweets to Kenny are so WRONG!

    This will give everyone a glimpse into MJ's sad reality, he could trust NO ONE.
    He allows people (fans) to get near him, gain his trust and what did they learn.
    -Would he encourage this behaviour the way Karen F. is doing? I think not.

    The ironic thing is that Karen professes to really care about him and wants justice, she is quick to point the anger towards others for not stepping in and doing anything for MJ. She and others that follow her are wishing death upon Kenny & others for not taking notice of his "weak" condition (which is questionable).
    I think the term one person used was "Kenny had a pair of eyes and could see that MJ was sick", so why did he keep pushing him.
    -- Well, Ms. Karen was right there too, she is seen sitting next to MJ in some of the extra footage in the TII movie, and she is smiling and laughing... WHERE WAS HER DEEP CONCERN AND WORRY, if he was in a frail condition (again I don't agree with that) then she is no better than the rest of them.
    --Yet people are following her blindly in this rant for revenge and hate, where is HER accountability.
    -- KF claims she was his loyal friend, yet she goes in to Holly Terrace, takes photos of the crypt and SELLS them. WITH FRIENDS LIKE THIS, WHO NEEDS ENEMIES.
    -- I really hope that this is a hoax and that KF's behaviour will make sense later, because if not, then add her to the list of people that have betrayed MJ, yet again.
    -- Think about it, if in fact he is no longer with us and is in that crypt, would your best friend go out and sell pictures of your final resting place, where is this LOYALTY these people profess.

    -- I am all for wanting justice if in fact there was foul play that day in June.
    -- I am just tired of hearing people accuse others of not doing enough, yet these same people were there too.
    -- MJ always said "the truth will prevail". I choose to search for the truth and not follow someone blindly.
    -- We are all intelligent individuals, don't believe the media, or others that want to put out some off the wall theory, if it makes no sense in your mind, then keep searching, find the truth for yourselves.
    -- The biggest dis-service is to go around half cocked, wishing death upon others and spreading hate, how does this help.
    -- His message is being lost in all of this. Wherever he is, and whether he comes back or not, I know one thing for sure, he does not want his legacy to be one of spreading hate. That is so against who he is.
    -- I'm sorry this was so long. Just please, use your minds, THINK, then remember what is in your heart and what you believe to be the truth. Whatever help or support we can give to MJ will be best extended with his message in mind. He is all about TRUTH and JUSTICE.

    - Strength, L.O.V.E. and Support to each of you and especially tomorrow and in the days to come, please:

    "Whatever happens, don't let go of my hand" ...... really, don't let go ....
  • well said!have been on this forum a while and you have expressed my thoughts exactly.Maybe she is feeling guilty and trying to shift the blame . <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    mjlmpicons I sent you L.O.V.E. for your post <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "She and others that follow her are wishing death upon Kenny & others"

    Is here anything to be said ? whishing death? can anyone realize what KO felt or others? I'm so sad... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> is there any sign of humanity?

    Hate and threats against...... L.O.V.E. I will never accept this and I'll stand up for Kenny Ortega or anyone. I consider myself a civilized person and I learnt that LIFE is the most preciuos God's gift, who dares to think himself/herself that is God?

    If L.O.V.E must be the shield to protect LIFE, I like to believe that we all are shields.

    RESPECT, LIGHT and L.O.V.E. to all.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    mjlmpicons I sent you L.O.V.E. for your post <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "She and others that follow her are wishing death upon Kenny & others"

    Is here anything to be said ? whishing death? can anyone realize what KO felt or others? I'm so sad... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> is there any sign of humanity?

    Hate and threats against...... L.O.V.E. I will never accept this and I'll stand up for Kenny Ortega or anyone. I consider myself a civilized person and I learnt that LIFE is the most preciuos God's gift, who dares to think himself/herself that is God?

    If L.O.V.E must be the shield to protect LIFE, I like to believe that we all are shields.

    RESPECT, LIGHT and L.O.V.E. to all.

    Just try to remember that this is all a really good example of the nature of the beast!!
    Mankind and humans in general can be conditioned very easily, it actually is typical of what Michael always tried to teach us, not everyone is seeing a bigger picture, ignorance is the biggest excuse in the world for hatred <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Ears & eyes tuned in for today peeps! Keep The Faith <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Those people wanting Kenny dead, 'Kill Kenny!' (south park lol), are plain silly. However, Kenny has always maintained that everything was above board, everything was going smoothly, MJ was having no physical/mental problems with the upcoming TII concerts etc. So if by any chance this was not the case, Kenny (being a senior figure for TII Tour) will have questions to answer. He was in the closest contact with MJ when they rehearsed - they collaborated together to bring TII to fruition! If there were problems or suspicions about MJ's ability to do 1 concert or all of them, Kenny would definitely know. He worked with MJ on the History tour so he would know what was required of MJ, the timing schedule, how fit/healthy he needed to be. I'm not saying that MJ cannot take care of himself, but he was under a lot of pressure from different corners to pull this off and not disappoint - and who knows what other financial ties may have been at stake.
  • Colony Capital and AEG both invested tens of millions in this tour, "Between Anschutz and us, he's got plenty of capital," said Tom Barrack, Colony's chief executive. "He's serious, he's focused, he's healthy and he's listening."

    Randy Phillips puts his reputation on the line by taking on Jackson at the O2, "Phil had to give me permission to spend all this money. I joke that I'm going to make him a millionaire – from a billionaire." Anschutz has been described as prickly, but Phillips says he is "respectful, a good listener and brilliant." (Telegraph)

    Kenny O has to put together a show that is spectacular but one that MJ can physically do. He makes it happen. If he is being paid by AEG (he is show director, who else pays him?) no doubt he signed a contract and has obligations to them. Randy, being AEG Live CEO should be Kenny's boss.

    Thome clearly has unknown obligations to Colony Capital. He was brought in to sort out MJ's financial matters, but who else does he work for and in what capacity. If he is not independently working for MJ, there could be conflicts of interest, particularly when he is put completely in charge of MJ's finances. Talk about hitting the jackpot, having the keys to the kingdom literally! Why was he working for free for MJ? Was he also doing something for Colony Capital when he was 'restructuring MJ's finances' that would renumerate him? Put plainly, was Colony Capital indirectly putting it's fingers into MJ's business through Thome? Is that why Thome was so furious threatening death and destruction when he was fired.

    So there appears to be a chain of people and a chain of pressure, which are all linked and invested in a monetary way to Michael Jackson. Each person is under obligation and pressure from someone higher up until you get to the top (Tom Barrack, Phillip Anschutz) which is where the money came from. Lets not forget that this whole thing started with Thome introducing Barrack to MJ and him buying the note to Neverland. The beginning of the 'restructuring of his finances'. Randy P said MJ was always on his 'hit list' of acts to perform at the O2, but MJ had turned him down twice. Randy said got a call from guys at Colony Capital and they said MJ was ready to work and wanted to see Randy. The Bel-Air hotel meeting was between MJ, Randy and Thome.
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