Does anybody know the answer to this?



  • I don't think ANYONE can be 100% sure if MJ is dead or alive. NO ONE. Therefore, I don't see how one group would feel any more guilty than the other at the outcome. If it is determined that Michael is still alive, how will that reflect on the non believers? Will that make you feel guilty that you had him dead and buried from the word go? I would think it would come as a relief and a gift from God. Same for us. If it turns out that Michael is indeed deceased, we will finally mourn. But at least we had faith in the possibility. That is the only difference. Neither your belief nor ours is gonna change the truth nor the outcome. So why don't you just chill and let us have our day in court and you can have yours. I certainly hope that you're not so ready to say "we told you so" that you are hoping that we are wrong? Are you? That's not nice.
    NO ,there are a lot of folks on here that are positive they are correct that Mj is alive .No possibilty that he was murdered ! I look at this site everyday ,several times a day and I have watched All the Death hoax videos .YOu did not answer any of the Questions that I posed I desperately want MJ to be alive .But according to his Family and The DA"s office ,LAPD and the coroner all his friends and Karen Faye he is dead . Oh Karen is whipped in to a frenzy because she is .... Bored .. in on the hoax ??? Wouldn't it be easier for her to say NOTHING ???? I been a fan for over 40 yrs . I watched these death hoax video and am on this forum because it made me feel better to at least have a glimmer of hope that he is still alive but after many mths of watching and investigating I sorry to say he has been murdered { what does"Make that change" mean to you ? You think you cannot change the outcome of things?{oh ye of little Faith } By making yourself heard .OH yes ... I 'm on needles and pins just waiting for you all to be wrong so I can say "I told you so " Im' not that shallow or self centered . I am about TRUTH .I want Justice for Michael, Period And how long have you been a fan ? How dare you , accuse me of being that shallow . I Don't make video's nor do I have a Site ,what do have to gain ? TRUTH IS ALL I am concerned with ! FACTS ,NOT SPECULATION Let me tell you what is NOT NICE ... To call everyone in MJ's family a liar including his kids !!!!!! THAT MY DEAR , IS NOT NICE !!!!!!!!!
  • Is that facebook really hers? I've been wondering that for the longest. Is there a verification of it?
  • I don't think ANYONE can be 100% sure if MJ is dead or alive. NO ONE. Therefore, I don't see how one group would feel any more guilty than the other at the outcome. If it is determined that Michael is still alive, how will that reflect on the non believers? Will that make you feel guilty that you had him dead and buried from the word go? I would think it would come as a relief and a gift from God. Same for us. If it turns out that Michael is indeed deceased, we will finally mourn. But at least we had faith in the possibility. That is the only difference. Neither your belief nor ours is gonna change the truth nor the outcome. So why don't you just chill and let us have our day in court and you can have yours. I certainly hope that you're not so ready to say "we told you so" that you are hoping that we are wrong? Are you? That's not nice.
    NO ,there are a lot of folks on here that are positive they are correct that Mj is alive .No possibilty that he was murdered ! I look at this site everyday ,several times a day and I have watched All the Death hoax videos .YOu did not answer any of the Questions that I posed I desperately want MJ to be alive .But according to his Family and The DA"s office ,LAPD and the coroner all his friends and Karen Faye he is dead . Oh Karen is whipped in to a frenzy because she is .... Bored .. in on the hoax ??? Wouldn't it be easier for her to say NOTHING ???? I been a fan for over 40 yrs . I watched these death hoax video and am on this forum because it made me feel better to at least have a glimmer of hope that he is still alive but after many mths of watching and investigating I sorry to say he has been murdered { what does"Make that change" mean to you ? You think you cannot change the outcome of things?{oh ye of little Faith } By making yourself heard .OH yes ... I 'm on needles and pins just waiting for you all to be wrong so I can say "I told you so " Im' not that shallow or self centered . I am about TRUTH .I want Justice for Michael, Period And how long have you been a fan ? How dare you , accuse me of being that shallow . I Don't make video's nor do I have a Site ,what do have to gain ? TRUTH IS ALL I am concerned with ! FACTS ,NOT SPECULATION Let me tell you what is NOT NICE ... To call everyone in MJ's family a liar including his kids !!!!!! THAT MY DEAR , IS NOT NICE !!!!!!!!!
    Dear Kelly

    I know you mean well, but you have to let us believe. I don't know about Karen Faye but like everybody said, she was working for him before June 25th and she never said anything, for an example: if I had my friend being anorexic I would do something about it, if I had a friend doing drugs would try to help, you aren't just standing there and wait. Now justice. If LAPD and FBI are all corrupted, what can we do? Or better, what did Karen do. I respect her being loyal to MJ but if we are talking about murder, I don't think she is supposed to be quiet, she should be loud, have press conference. FB is not enough. MJ knew that someone wanted to murder him that's why he was cautious and I don't think he would let that happen. His family doesn't seem stressed about his death, so that makes me a hoax believer and I guess one of the sleeping sheeple.If MJ was murdered by CM and he gets away with it, I don't think he would get away from crazy sheeple. There's no place on Earth where he could be safe <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> .Right sheeple <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    Come on ,why do you think she is ranting and raving on facebook and twitter ? because Murray and his conspirators are going to get away with MURDER !what does her tweet : C.Murray;s arrest has to wait till Monday Because AEG isn't done decorating Murray's cell " what is she implying here ? That AeG is funding Murray ! Who is paying for his defense? He can't even afford to pay child support ! Is it a coincidence that the DATE LINE special just happens to coincide with Murray;s arrest . WOW ! And how much you think the media has paid the LAPD AND THE DA "S office to let them in on the media circus? That way they all make money off of MJ .Don't you see what is going on here ! Jermaine said The US Justice system sucks Latoya is saying it is a conspiracy to destroy her bro .Katherine is on video saying there was a conspiracy long ago and Joe as far back as the first accusation ,Joe also said that Murray was the"fall Guy" .You people are going to feel really bad if it turns out MJ is Dead and was murdered and you were all sitting around going" Oh were not worried About Murray because MJ is not dead ! You cannot think that way . You may find yourself feeling extreme guilt because you refuse to except the possibility That he was really murdered .You have to look at every aspect of it .Karen Faye was Mj friend OBVIOUSLY ,she has not done Any interviews because she is LOYAL .Don't u know she probably been offered MILLIONS to reveal things about MJ and she hasn't ! Can't you people see the truth .MY GOD ,this is so frustrating !. The LAPD IS CORRUPT they are in cahoots with the FBI and the Media . WAKE UP SHEEPLE !

    No doubt you are a Karen Faye fan, But don't dare come on here & say she is loyal to Michael, She has put very personal details regarding Michaels private life on Facebook!!!
    If anyone asks her did she sell the photos of the tomb to tmz they are blocked from her page!!
    Your the one that needs to get real here

    I assume your all wound up because your listening to the stir up that is going on, If Karen Faye was so concerned about Michael then WHY?????? Didn't she go & make a statement to the police, she also worked on TII, do you think she declined her cheque????????
    The reason we are all here is because we are not easily led, nor do we conform to bullying or intimidation by a make-up artist & her cult followers!!!!!
    Now off you go and have a great day tomorrow at the court by showing nothing but disrespect for Michael....

    Yeah! Totally agree.
    And I never liked what she did with MJ face before june 25th. I mean make up. She did it like he was a girl. She could not even select the right tone to his lipstick! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    It's her fucking fault! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Without make up MJ looks way too hot!Much better.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    I don't know anymore.
  • I feel sorry we start fighting in there when there is only one obvious thing: NONE OF US HAS AN ANSWER....calling ppl sheeps cause they want to beLIEve is not an answer

    We are all sad, despaired, looking for answers or justice...being a fan over 40 years or 30, 20 or just even 1 month doesnt give ppl more or less authority or rights on least i hope so

    If some ppl believe strongly MJ s alive, they aren't hurting anyone...even if they end up seing they were wrong, just let them be...if that can help some of us to get over MJ s death, so let us be...maybe time will heal us but in the meantime we have sth to hang to

    How can anyone here prove anything when none of us know any of the persons involved????????????????

    Some ppl believe so strongly in God, they would give their life for him...But when u ask them to prove to a non-believer that God does exist, they can't

    And so are hoax believers. They feel in their guts sth isn t right. But they wont be able to convince u

    I personnally think some are trying to cover up sth. I beLIEve more in the murder theory but from time to time, because i see clues, i hope and pray that MJ is alive

    I think no one has a right to tell me i m silly bout that...

    Geez am i pissed today...........................................
  • bibibibi Posts: 38
    hmmm...I've always wondered about KAren...I mean on her facebook she keeps complaining about the injustice that was done...talking against she was in fron tof the courtroom with some fans protesting! So, it's really weird how after 7 months she still talks on facebook about Mj everyday...I mean I know we do too, but she doesnt seem to have any connection to the family or anyone...she's just like us now, a fan! That's why I don't think she's in on the hoax...otherwise she would have been quieter <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    yes she is close to randy....when he opened his twitter account she said to follow him that he was one of us
  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    I've decided to post no answer to non-beliver / haters / whatever that has no more than 3 or 4 days in this forum and that you can notice that just reading how they express their thoughts. For ex. "you can't tell that he is alive"... yes, we can't but let me show you some things that we have been discussing for some months now.. c'mon c'mon.. I'm sure you will love it! there are so many strange things surrounding his death!.. .
    is not my intention to be rude, but... it doesn't worth it for me, I wont argue with people that is not interested in knowing why I have this point of view, because I do understand why others have a different one. So.. Love, peace, have a free mind, and don't let anyone..ANYONE.. to let you down in what you believe.

    Lots of L.O.V.E!

    P.S: Happyfeet, I'm sorry for your lost. and yes, in my family isn't odd at all this makeup thing either. Kisses and Hugs
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