MJ burried as a MUSLIM

edited January 1970 in News
I didn't get to read the whole report, but Mrs. Latoya Jackson lied. I will appologise for that if I or anyone else can tell me different, but from what I just read, he was in his coffin in white sheets with only his hands and top of head showing!


  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    what? where do you have that from?
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    I didn't get to read the whole report, but Mrs. Latoya Jackson lied. I will appologise for that if I or anyone else can tell me different, but from what I just read, he was in his coffin in white sheets with only his hands and top of head showing!

    Where did you see this? Can you post a link please?
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    I know what you are talking about <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> , but if he became Muslim as an adult he may not have um, addressed that particular issue if you know what I mean. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    Maybe it´s not Michael´s report, cause long time ago there was an info that he was circumised, please don´t ask me from where I got this, I even don´t know if it´s true
  • Hey Lets ask Lisa Marie <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    Hey Lets ask Lisa Marie <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    no but for real, if he was really ... then the autopsy is fake or simply not MJ!!
    How can we find out ?
  • the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.

    just trying to clear things up here
    muslims do not get circumsized since babies.
    they have to be at least 6 years old.
    and for those who convert, circumsized is a MUST.
    so b4 they convert, they must be circumsized first.

    as for michael..
    LOL i have no idea
    just trying to clear the fact about Muslim circumsized here.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.

    just trying to clear things up here
    muslims do not get circumsized since babies.
    they have to be at least 6 years old.
    and for those who convert, circumsized is a MUST.
    so b4 they convert, they must be circumsized first.

    as for michael..
    LOL i have no idea
    just trying to clear the fact about Muslim circumsized here.

    Sorry to disagree but

    1)Muslim men do NOT have to be 6 years old to be circumsized. The preferred time is 7 days after birth, this can be prolonged until 40 days and upto 7 years, but it should be done at an early age.
    2)They also do NOT have to be circumsized before converting.
    3)While circumsion is regarded as borderline obligatory(it was an example of their Prophet Muhammed, but is debated whether or not it is obligatory), there are many who do NOT fulfill all of the obligations of their religions - including circumsision, praying, fasting on certain days etc. It doesn't mean that they aren't that religion, it just means that they aren't doing everything that they're supposed to do.

    More info here:
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.

    I haven't read the autopsy report yet but I highly doubt it that MJ was uncircumsized. It"s no secret that MJ wasn't afraid to go under the knife. Not to be disrespectful but I don't think he would just stay that way if it were true. I think he would have had that fixed so if that's in the report then I would definitely question that. It also sound weird that he would be wrapped in sheets in his coffin with just his hands and head showing. Huh? Why would they do that especially showing just his head if it were cut open liked reported. This does contradict what Latoya said because she said he was buried in a white suit and he had on a long wig. Where did this info come from anyway about him being wrapped in a sheet? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    No you don't have to wait till 6 years old ..
    I am a Muslim girl .. Boys have to do it a few days after they are born ..And those how convert to Islam should do it .
  • OMG, you are got to be kidding me! leave MJ's penis alone. It does not matter was he muslim or not first of all. Second, FYI, circumcision comes from JEWs, not muslims.
  • the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.

    I haven't read the autopsy report yet but I highly doubt it that MJ was uncircumsized. It"s no secret that MJ wasn't afraid to go under the knife. Not to be disrespectful but I don't think he would just stay that way if it were true. I think he would have had that fixed so if that's in the report then I would definitely question that. It also sound weird that he would be wrapped in sheets in his coffin with just his hands and head showing. Huh? Why would they do that especially showing just his head if it were cut open liked reported. This does contradict what Latoya said because she said he was buried in a white suit and he had on a long wig. Where did this info come from anyway about him being wrapped in a sheet? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    In the autopsy report on the last page it mentions that he was wrapped head to foot in white sheets/towels, w/only hands and top of head showing.

    Not that it matters whether he converted or not, but after reading the autopsy report, I would think they would have wrapped him all up anyway...there is a...ummm...dissection that happens during an autopsy. Could be that after that he might not be presentable unwrapped...hate to talk that way, but anyway...





    sorry, no offends for everybody,
  • Hey Lets ask Lisa Marie <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    no but for real, if he was really ... then the autopsy is fake or simply not MJ!!
    How can we find out ?

    well its hard to tell if he was or if he wasnt... here is what i have found:

    1. from <!-- m -->http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_michael_ja ... ircumcised<!-- m -->:
    Q: Is michael jackson circumcised?
    A: He was not. This was one of the most critical factors in Jordan Chandler's incorrect description of Michael Jackson's penis back in 1993. Jordie Chandler provided both an affidavit describing the genitalia and a drawing. Both indicated that Jordie, Jewish by birth and perhaps unfamiliar with uncircumcised penises, believed that Michael Jackson was circumcised. However, born in 1958 in Indiana, Michael Jackson was not circumcised. There were other discrepancies between Jordie Chandler's affidavit and the actual examination, but those who care already know and those who don't want to know will remain ignorant. None of the media outlets reported this aspect of the description or the fact that it was incorrect.

    2. from <!-- m -->http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Discuss:Is_mi ... ircumcised<!-- m -->
    Q: Is michael jackson circumcised
    A: On October 28, 2009 at 4:27 pm Mjlover4life [0] said:i always know Michael Jackson was innocent of molesting jordy and Gavin and this proves it cause jordy said that Michael was circumcised. even before i knew that Michael wasn't circumcised.i always believed in Micheal's innocence he is a little boy that never grew up he is Peter pan in the flesh.I LOVE YOU M.J.REST IN PIECE.

    3. from <!-- m -->http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/k ... gfx8gIU3nK<!-- m -->
    A: Another FACT, When Jordan Chandler was asked by the police to describe Michael’s private area, he gave a description that did NOT match Michael. The most blaring incorrect part of the description was that Jordan said Michael was circumcised. Michael was in fact NOT circumcised. Given the allegation, Jordan would have known, but he did not because it never happened. He had a 50/50 chance of getting it right but he GUESSED wrong. This is a fact.

    4, from <!-- m -->http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 506AAnG19t<!-- m -->
    Q: Was Michael Jackson circumcised?
    A: According to the molestasion charges he was. "The boy's information was so precise, he even pinpointed where the splotch fell while Jackson's penis was erect, the length of the performer's pubic hair, and that he was circumcised" The Smoking Gun. I hope that satisfied your peculiar curiosity.

    5. from <!-- m -->http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Circumcision<!-- m -->
    Q: Famous celebrities who have not been circumcised
    A: michael jackson

    6. from
    <!-- m -->http://www.fanpop.com/spots/michael-jac ... el-jackson<!-- m -->
    A: Jordan Chandler claimed that Michael Jackson was circumcised, but according to the result of the strip search Michael Jackson was not circumcised.] His friends said he never recovered from the humiliation. He described the search in an emotional public statement, and proclaimed his innocence.[
  • the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.
    LOL I know what you are talking about...He he ha ha...you can say it, he had a covered wagon. Maybe if he did convert he was scared to have it done...I would be....LOL! I'm not saying I think he was Muslim, I was just throwing it out there.
  • the autopsy report says something which does not show that he was a muslim! I feel uncomfortable to tape it here. but we don´t even know if this report is 100% true.

    yes , you are right ..
    Please share

    According to the report he was uncircumsized.
    Muslim men are supposed to be circumsized as babies.
    Some men who convert get it done, some don't.

    just trying to clear things up here
    muslims do not get circumsized since babies.
    they have to be at least 6 years old.
    and for those who convert, circumsized is a MUST.
    so b4 they convert, they must be circumsized first.

    as for michael..
    LOL i have no idea
    just trying to clear the fact about Muslim circumcised here.
    Debbie, that is not true and I don't know where you got your information. Both my boys were circumcised at birth and we are a Muslim family. I think you may have us confused with Judaisim? I'm not sure because I do not know their practice.
  • OMG, you are got to be kidding me! leave MJ's penis alone. It does not matter was he muslim or not first of all. Second, FYI, circumcision comes from JEWs, not muslims.
    scorpionchik...you have no idea what you are talking about. Circumcision is part of OUR Muslim faith. Maybe you should double check before you post something you have no idea about?!
  • people are wondering where I got the part about him being wrapped in a white sheet. At the end of the autopsy there is a report that was made when an examiner had to go to forest lawn 6 weeks later to obtain a hair sample. He stated what he saw in the report and the state of MJ's hair on his scalp and how he obtained the sample and who was there and where it happend. He was in his yellow coffin with blue interior in supine position wrapped in white sheet/towel with top of head and hands exposed.
  • I'm sorry but has this become a "MICHAEL JACKSON DEATH FORUM"?????? Seems like the idea of the "hoax" is lost from everyone's mind. Here people are talking like they've already accepted that he's indeed dead?! And for God's sake stop talking about Michael's penis, Michael is very much alive and it's disgusting to even think about how he would feel if he ever gets to read this thread. I don't want to be rude, sorry, but this is too much. If you have accepted he's dead and want to investigate on the "autopsy reports" then i guess there are other fan forums to do that. This is for the hoax believers for heaven's sake!
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    people are wondering where I got the part about him being wrapped in a white sheet. At the end of the autopsy there is a report that was made when an examiner had to go to forest lawn 6 weeks later to obtain a hair sample. He stated what he saw in the report and the state of MJ's hair on his scalp and how he obtained the sample and who was there and where it happend. He was in his yellow coffin with blue interior in supine position wrapped in white sheet/towel with top of head and hands exposed.

    In other words, he didn't even know it was Michael Jackson? LOL! Anyway, is that common for muslims, to be buried like that?
  • people are wondering where I got the part about him being wrapped in a white sheet. At the end of the autopsy there is a report that was made when an examiner had to go to forest lawn 6 weeks later to obtain a hair sample. He stated what he saw in the report and the state of MJ's hair on his scalp and how he obtained the sample and who was there and where it happend. He was in his yellow coffin with blue interior in supine position wrapped in white sheet/towel with top of head and hands exposed.

    In other words, he didn't even know it was Michael Jackson? LOL! Anyway, is that common for muslims, to be buried like that?
    for a Mulim burial, the body is washed, usually by a husband or wife or related loved one, and then wrapped in clean white fabric, like a white sheet and placed on the right side within the coffin (speaking about US practices) and burried as soon as possible in the ground. Only one of these three criteria seem to be met, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
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