Oh NO!...Quincy?? Didnt expect this from you??

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
Look folks, I dont know wether this site is to be trusted but it contains an interview of Quincy Jones....probably taken immediately after Michael's death.....Could be old IDK......



<!-- m -->http://www.details.com/celebrities-ente ... el-jackson<!-- m -->


  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    He has done it before sayong he did not have all that talent and he wanted to be white he is cruel if it is true i think it is.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    I've read this.

    Maybe he's just bitter that Michael didn't hire him for his latest albums...

    Don't get me wrong, Quincy Jones is an amazing producer, but MJ brought in the $$.
  • Please, people don't believe everything you read. They are trying to discredit Michael by saying, look even QJ thought he was weird. Go to YT and look for interviews with mentioned people, than make conclusions. MJ gave us a strong message to not believe everything we read. Enough with evil media, they are just trying to sell more.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Good for you Michaelangela. Spread that message thats so important. MJ would be proud of you. People are so gullable and dont stop to think about things. Good job!!
  • Yea I read something he said awhile ago...royally pissed me off because honestly if anybody had a problem with his race it was him. Every single 1 of his wives or "baby mamaz" was or is white. So really he doesn't need 2 b talkin about MJ. I mean, if u have a preference fine but if ur gonna say some shit lik that...look in the mirror.

    I do agree he is talented ...but ...on a personality level I can't stand him lmao..he talked shit bout a few ppl
  • I think Quincy was jealous of Michael and angry because Mj did not use him anymore, after Thriller And has anyone seen Quincy's Kids ? They all look white !
  • I think Quincy was jealous of Michael and angry because Mj did not use him anymore, after Thriller And has anyone seen Quincy's Kids ? They all look white !

    lol that's cause their mothers are white!! lol... And Quincy's last project with MJ was Bad
  • "Just because you read it in a magazine and see it on the TV screen (or website in this case) don't make it factual!" <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I think Quincy is a "mans man" if you know what i mean. And he is obviously very against drugs and drink and the excesses that go with fame... fair enough, he has seen a lot in his career.

    What it boils down to is that Quincy didnt believe Michael had Vitiligo.., and thats fair enough, he didnt believe Michael and was angry as he percieved MJ as trying to change his race.

    It doesnt matter now, because MJ has been vindicated on that matter.

    It doesnt make Quincy a bad man. He got it wrong.
  • I think Quincy was jealous of Michael and angry because Mj did not use him anymore, after Thriller And has anyone seen Quincy's Kids ? They all look white !

    lol that's cause their mothers are white!! lol... And Quincy's last project with MJ was Bad
    opps that's what I meant ,Bad .I know his Baby Momma's are white ,my point is they are Mixed and they look white ,like Mj's kids . With all the Hoopla about people saying Mj,s kids are too white to be his . Get it ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I think Quincy was jealous of Michael and angry because Mj did not use him anymore, after Thriller And has anyone seen Quincy's Kids ? They all look white !

    lol that's cause their mothers are white!! lol... And Quincy's last project with MJ was Bad
    opps that's what I meant ,Bad .I know his Baby Momma's are white ,my point is they are Mixed and they look white ,like Mj's kids . With all the Hoopla about people saying Mj,s kids are too white to be his . Get it ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I know exactly what you mean because I come from a mixed family...My father being black and my mother being white, We are alll different colors. I get so mad when ignorant people say.."they're too light to be his kids"...uhhhh reallly
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    I've read that interview before and it made me so angry...
    I believe Michael when he says that he has Vitiligo!
    But even if Quincy knew that the truth is another story, how could he tell it
    in an interview?! This is so disrespectful, especially after one's "passing".
    That's not ok!!!
  • I've read that interview before and it made me so angry...
    I believe Michael when he says that he has Vitiligo!
    But even if Quincy knew that the truth is another story, how could he tell it
    in an interview?! This is so disrespectful, especially after one's "passing".
    That's not ok!!!

    Maybe he was angry because he believed at the time that MJ died from drug abuse... that is a stage of grief. Dont be too harsh on Quincy.
  • That lasst link didn't work.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    "Just because you read it in a magazine and see it on the TV screen (or website in this case) don't make it factual!" <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I've actually heard him in an interview say these terrible things. Its on a youtube video as well. I dont like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • That lasst link didn't work.

    It´s working to me <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    This is the original one, you can try translating at google from Spanish:

  • It is indeed true. I lost respect for Q a long time ago. He did say some very negative things about Michael.
  • This is BS he never said those things..if so why would he have been involved in the whole "WE are the world 2010" thing if he felt this way about MJ if you all really believe MJ to be alive wouldn't he have a hand in who wasinvolved?? It's tabloid crap that seems to still be leived by the masses. SAd. Some people put soooooo much energy into this hoax but fail to miss some of the message of the media feeding us crap and we take it like it is the gospel. People should stop filling this site with media crap that you have not heard out of the horses mouth. So if you cannot come up with a video of Quicy Jones stating these tings don't post it.
  • Sorry, this is one of the most important news papers in Spain.
    (Something like Washington Post there)

    This is sold to the elites, manipulated, if you want.
    But I could never call it TABLOID.

    INTERVIEW: Musician Quincy Jones
    "Michael Jackson was not so talented"

  • Man, guys, don't be so sensitive. Q was just being as honest as he could be. Actually, it's nice to hear somebody just be real about their feelings instead of this all this "acting" that's going on. I think MJ would appreciate his honesty. Michael Jackson was not perfect. And you guys need to stop putting him on such a high perch. He was a human being with human flaws. If Q came to that conclusion, it's his right. All his kids are bi-racial, so is he not trying to be black? It's just his opinion. There may be some tinge of jealousy there, but you got to remember, this guy is in his 70's and you know how old people get. They just don't care what people think about them anymore and say whatever is on their mind.
  • Im sick of people dissing Michael can't they see the good in him has he made mistakes yeah nobodies perfect but it seems everything Mike does is under a microscope and that isn't fair, and I heard an interview on youtube where Quincy stated that Michael bleached his skin and chemical peeling and etc made me sick to my stomach to hear that bs
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I've heard that Quincy made statements too about MJ not wanting to be black and something about him saying that MJ having a skin disorder was BS. I was like I hope he didn't really say that because he has no room to criticize MJ. One could argue the same point towards him never being with black women. I personally don't have an issue that he prefers white women that's his choice. However, don't say that MJ didn't want to be black when you don't even have relationships with females of your own race. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I think if these statements are true that he was probably bitter that MJ decided to part with him after the Bad album.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I think Quincy was jealous of Michael and angry because Mj did not use him anymore, after Thriller And has anyone seen Quincy's Kids ? They all look white !

    lol that's cause their mothers are white!! lol... And Quincy's last project with MJ was Bad
    opps that's what I meant ,Bad .I know his Baby Momma's are white ,my point is they are Mixed and they look white ,like Mj's kids . With all the Hoopla about people saying Mj,s kids are too white to be his . Get it ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I know exactly what you mean because I come from a mixed family...My father being black and my mother being white, We are alll different colors. I get so mad when ignorant people say.."they're too light to be his kids"...uhhhh reallly

    That is correct. Those are MJ's kids, and they are not too light to be his kids. I am a mulatto. My mum is white and my dad is black. My sister is lighter than me. There are all different, beautiful shades in the Afro-American color spectrum. I think MJ's children look very much like their precious father. His children are so beautiful like him! Plus, MJ is very proud of his Afro-American culture and his roots. That is what I think! God bless all!
  • Quincy did say those things...Details isn't a tabloid. He says something similar in this interview too... [youtube:3luu5ve5]
    I think he's an ass for speaking about Michael's private life like that, especially since it's only his opinion and he made it sound like fact.
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