Conrad Murray Jail Custody info!! WTH!



  • He posted bond and got out...look at the bottom of this screenshot...

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    A lot of times when looking at records like this, especially online, it's not very complete. I know...I've looked up police records of some people I know <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    If you look at the Housing section, it says CSD.
    Doesn't this mean County Sherriffs dept or County State detention??
    This tells me that he is in custody and not free on bail, but for his "protection" they have a block on location information.
    Also the visitor status is N which I assume is for no. So, he is not allowed any visitation... hence his message to pray for his family.
    This is the inmate dept
    <!-- m --> ... stody.html<!-- m -->
  • LLJLLJ Posts: 140
    I'm sure I read previously CM is the same age as MJ? I remember, because I thought to myself it's a weird coincidence!
  • what does it take to convince people that the LAPD & the DA"S office is corrupt . HELLO !
  • " With such confusion don't you make you wanna SCREAM ????????"angry014.gif

    I definately beleive that CM is under protection ! There are so many insane peope out there !
    Who would put in danger CM life and risk the whole hoax to collapse ?

    At the other hand , TMZ paps are everywhere , even next to his coffee table !
    Where are they now ? They just forgot to cover the back door ???
    Really ????angry012.gif
  • hmm... with all those crazy fans out there baying for Murrays blood i dont think its safe for him to be "free" in my opinion. It makes more sence for him to be in some kind of "safe house". I wonder ,after all this is done if Murray will go into some kind of witness protection program help him disppear <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Lets face it, Murrays life will never be the same again...nothing will be like it was before 25th June.
  • The timing seems to be crucial here.
    In accordance to the recording that was fed to the media (TMZ), he was booked in at 1438 and bail was set at 75K.
    35 minutes later, things change and another form has been filled saying no bail, permanent housing has been assigned at 3.13pm at CSD with no visitation.( and there is information for the public to call on this section) No information on release ( if he had been released on bail, there would have been something there).
    I think he is in a detention center 100 percent now.
    Could it be that another private hearing took place with the judge and the attorneys saying Dr Murray would be safer in custody than free on bail whilst the prerecording was aired to the media??
  • Ok, So I googled csd and inmate and this is what I found:

    <!-- m --> ... 045AAX0d0F<!-- m -->

    The guy that was with him with an earpiece... was he definately a bondsman?? Looked like the men who used to guard MJ and the president to me.
  • hmm... with all those crazy fans out there baying for Murrays blood i dont think its safe for him to be "free" in my opinion. It makes more sence for him to be in some kind of "safe house". I wonder ,after all this is done if Murray will go into some kind of witness protection program help him disppear <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Lets face it, Murrays life will never be the same again...nothing will be like it was before 25th June.

    I think you are right there. Dr Murray probably knows too much of what actually happened and is a key to the puzzle, hence the need for protection.
  • since when do you get booked at the courthouse anyways.
    you get booked at the police department or police preceinct.
    The laPd isnt located at the airport court.

    Theres no way he was"booked"
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Inmate records states he is still in custody but location is UNKNOWN!!!!
    Per VINELINK inmate information

    Offender Record
    Offender ID:
    Offender Name:
    Date of Birth:
    Custody Status:
    In Custody
    Location of Offender:

    ALSO LA County records show no release and NO BAIL was paid????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    So is the dude in jail still or has he disappeared???? What in the world is going on here?

    You can't count on those sites for accurate info. The info is only as good as the person that bothers to put in the info and do it accurately. The LAPD press release info states that someone came forward with charges [the unspeakable ] against Michael in 2004 - by the end of the investigation they decided that no charges would be filed. Now that was a twilight zone moment when I read that. Clearly charges were filed.
  • I looked for some info on the judge.
    This is what i found...
    <!-- m --> ... ?id=133779<!-- m -->

    Do you not think it strange that there are NO posts what so ever considering the high profile case that he is involved in??
  • I looked for some info on the judge.
    This is what i found...
    <!-- m --> ... ?id=133779<!-- m -->

    Do you not think it strange that there are NO posts what so ever considering the high profile case that he is involved in??
    Weird.. totally empty!
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Could it be that LAX airport courthouse was chosen because
    1) sb needed to fly in (as *Michael...LOVE* said on LKL blog: the heli is flying in)
    2) sb needed to fly out

    Is there a heliport on the roof of this courthouse?
    Is this why no Murray came out the doors because he left through air?

    And again this does not get out of my mind:
    *Michael...LOVE* said that he was already in the courtroom blogging from there.
    Who in the courtroom could have been *Michael...LOVE* ?
  • Hmmm bail surrendering passport just like Michael, the searches of Murrays office, home and storages just like Neverland but way less cops lol. I think I am going to go back over Michaels trial stuff and see if anymore links are there I think Bec nailed this on the head there are a few messages here I think just have to figure it out off to work then.
  • 4KB4KB Posts: 49
    Didn't Murray sent a tweet yesterday or the day before? Where is he tweeting from?
    It is interesting that all of the stations were reporting the charges, etc.....but didn't follow Murray! They only said that he would go back to Houston OR LV. I wonder why the papparazi didn't go to the baby-momma's house to sit and wait for him.
    We need to send out an APB......WHERE IS MURRAY???????????????????????????????? No flight risk? Don't be so sure.....he could be back on the island, sipping a bahama-momma for all we know!
  • Didn't they say in court that he has only been to Grenada to visit his mother when they were discussing the flight risk?
    Isn't there a picture of him in Trinidad promoting a drink, bare chested???
  • Could it be that LAX airport courthouse was chosen because
    1) sb needed to fly in (as *Michael...LOVE* said on LKL blog: the heli is flying in)
    2) sb needed to fly out

    Is there a heliport on the roof of this courthouse?
    Is this why no Murray came out the doors because he left through air?

    And again this does not get out of my mind:
    *Michael...LOVE* said that he was already in the courtroom blogging from there.
    Who in the courtroom could have been *Michael...LOVE* ?

    This gives you info about the courthouse.
    No helipad according to this site.
    <!-- m --> ... &d=General<!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    bestforlast, thank you.
    I would look at it as a heliport on the roof:

    Friday February 12, 2010 Lincoln Day
    Monday February 15, 2010 President's Day
    Wednesday February 17, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday March 17, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday March 31, 2010 Cesar Chavez Day

    Wednesday April 21, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday May 19, 2010 Court Closure
    Monday May 31, 2010 Memorial Day
    Wednesday June 16, 2010 Court Closure
    Monday July 05, 2010 Independence Day
    Monday September 06, 2010 Labor Day
    Monday October 11, 2010 Columbus Day
    Thursday November 11, 2010 Veterans Day
    Thursday November 25, 2010 Thanksgiving Day
    Friday November 26, 2010 Day after Thanksgiving
    Friday December 24, 2010 Christmas Day
    Friday December 31, 2010 New Year's Day (2011)
    Monday January 17, 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
  • bestforlast, thank you.
    I would look at it as a heliport on the roof:

    Friday February 12, 2010 Lincoln Day
    Monday February 15, 2010 President's Day
    Wednesday February 17, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday March 17, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday March 31, 2010 Cesar Chavez Day

    Wednesday April 21, 2010 Court Closure
    Wednesday May 19, 2010 Court Closure
    Monday May 31, 2010 Memorial Day
    Wednesday June 16, 2010 Court Closure
    Monday July 05, 2010 Independence Day
    Monday September 06, 2010 Labor Day
    Monday October 11, 2010 Columbus Day
    Thursday November 11, 2010 Veterans Day
    Thursday November 25, 2010 Thanksgiving Day
    Friday November 26, 2010 Day after Thanksgiving
    Friday December 24, 2010 Christmas Day
    Friday December 31, 2010 New Year's Day (2011)
    Monday January 17, 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

    Hmm very interesting Grace, I didn't look at the pictures, just the information. I figured they would advertise that sort of facility.
    It does look like one doesn't it? But then, why didn't the media in the helicopters spot or more to the point photograph anything?? Not like the paps to miss an opportunity like that! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • When I got arrested, my information on the website wasn't complete. It didn't show how much I was bailed out for and it didn't show me how much my bail was at first. It updates and sometimes some information can be withheld from public viewing to protect the defendant.
  • When I got arrested, my information on the website wasn't complete. It didn't show how much I was bailed out for and it didn't show me how much my bail was at first. It updates and sometimes some information can be withheld from public viewing to protect the defendant.

    I think you are right about wanting to protect the defendant. Sorry you got arrested.
  • I think this "booking" is interesting.
    I looked at the case number

    It begins with SA so I thought I would check the website.
    <!-- m --> ... atrix.aspx<!-- m -->
    I can find the meaning of the first letter S but not the A. Would someone have another look for me incase I am missing something please?
    Also I find it interesting that according to Chernoff website, the legal firm specialises in cases involving drink driving.
    <!-- m --> ... rnoff.html<!-- m -->
  • I told you a couple months ago that if Murray was indeed arrested, he would probably not serve any time for turning state witness.
  • This is interesting and hopefully will explain the procedure.


    Felony crimes are punishable by a state prison term or death. Common examples of felony crimes are murder, possession of dangerous drugs for sale, robbery and rape.

    The processing of a felony usually follows this order:

    * An arrest is made - police take the defendant to jail. Three things can happen:
    o The defendant is released - no charges are filed.
    o The defendant posts bail/bond or is released on his/her own recognizance ("O.R.") and is scheduled for arraignment.
    o The defendant remains in the custody of the law enforcement agency and is transported to Court for arraignment.

    * Arraignment

    A felony arraignment on the complaint is the defendant's first Court appearance. The following events occur:
    1. The defendant is informed of the charges against him or her.
    2. The defendant is advised of his or her constitutional rights.
    3. If the defendant cannot afford an attorney of his or her own choice, an attorney is appointed by the Court.
    4. The defendant enters a plea of guilty, not guilty or no contest.
    o Not Guilty:The defendant states that he or she did not commit the crime.
    o Guilty:The defendant admits that he or she committed the crime and is in effect convicted.
    o No Contest:Also known as "Nolo Contendere." The defendant does not contest the charge. This plea has the same effect as a guilty plea, except that the subsequent conviction cannot be used against the defendant as evidence of liability in a civil suit.
    5. The Court sets bail and the defendant is remanded to custody, or the defendant is released on his or her "Own Recognizance" or "O.R."

    * Preliminary Hearing

    A preliminary hearing is held to determine if there is sufficient evidence that the defendant committed the crime and should therefore be "held over" for trial.

    Once a defendant is "held to answer," the prosecuting agency files a document called the Information. The defendant will subsequently be arraigned on the Information at which time he or she will enter a plea and proceed to trial.

    * Jury Trial

    Section 1382 of the Penal Code specifies the time periods within which a defendant charged with a felony must be brought to trial.

    The Information must be filed within 15 days of the date the defendant was "held to answer" at the preliminary hearing.

    The trial must begin within 60 days of the arraignment on the Information, unless the defendant enters a general waiver of the statutory time requirement or requests/consents to a date beyond the 60-day period.

    Before a trial can begin, the attorneys must select a jury. During the trial, witnesses may testify and evidence will be presented. At the conclusion of the trial, the jury must decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. If the jury finds the defendant is not guilty, he or she is released and cannot be tried again for the same crime. If the defendant is found guilty, the case will be continued for sentencing, or the defendant may be sentenced immediately. The defendant may appeal a conviction to the Appellate Department of the Superior Court.

    * Court Trial

    In lieu of a jury trial, the defendant may agree to proceed with a court trial, in which the judge hears the evidence and arguments and finds the defendant guilty or not guilty.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    This is interesting too

    It confirms that dep 144 is to do with felonies and Judge Schwartz belongs to dept 144 at LAX courthouse.
    <!-- m --> ... gguide.pdf<!-- m -->
  • Guidelines are as follows from California state bar
    Arrest warrant issued
    Arrest or surrender takes place

    IN THAT ORDER and we did not see that. He was arraigned before he was arrested and booked? HMMMMMMMMMM? anyone here know of anyone going to court before being booked?
    I'd think that would be enough to have the court case thrown out for courts not following procedure??
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