THE 3-Way Theory... it is strongly advised that you click

becbec Posts: 6,387
edited February 2010 in News
This is Badkolo's theory. It's origin lies somewhere in late July 2009 and that's when my eyes were opened to the simple brilliance of posibility, and the very REALness of a death hoax plan. Badkolo gets 100% credit for this. This is the product of his mind, I am simply the (minion) messenger.

Sometimes, in your quest for the truth you can be turned upside down 6 ways from Sunday, travel all around the globe, and start to delve into the depths of obscurity and madness when, all along, the answers you seek are right in your own backyard.

Sometimes, when searching for the thruth, the simplest theory is the strongest one. THE 3 way theory is just that, and it has stood up, over months of searching and investigation and researching and events unfolding before out eyes... it has stood up, and has yet to be refuted. Beyond and further, it has become strengthened, and therefore it cannot be ignored. It deserves to be shared again.

THE 3 Way Theory:

Is very simple. And very clear. And very, VERY brilliant. And it is ALL Badkolo's mind at work, very early in the game, he was very, very on to something. It bears witness to recent events, and gains strength from them, and he may just be RIGHT.

THE 3 way theory states this: the fewer persons IN ON IT the better, as loose lips sink ships and certainly Michael can't have the whole world knowing what he's up to with a death hoax. All it takes is one slip, and the jig is up. Michael MUST retain BAMSday (as it's come to be known) for himself. Michael MUST retain full control over the timing of the reveal as timing will be crucial. The stage must be set, public perception must be just right, and certain pieces and events must fall into place. The less people involved the better, and the more reliably Michael retains this control solely for himself.

In order for this hoax to be pulled off, only 3 persons are necessary players: Michael, one Doctor, and the Coronor. Michael for obvious reasons but the other two are ALL that are needed to pull off a death hoax. No 50 million people involved. No massive cast of characters. No. Only 3.

One Doctor would be needed to get Michael to the hospital because he MUST be pronounced dead at a hospital. Michael may NOT be pronounced dead anywhere else as more complicated legalities are involved in death occuring outside of a medical facility. The "scene" must be sealed, police must be brought in, pictures must be taken and detectives must be involved immediatly. This is entirely too many witnesses to attempt to deal with. This scenario is unacceptable. No. Michael MUST be taken to a hospital where the situation can be controlled, and "death" becomes a simple matter of paperwork. Dr. Murray plays this role. Remember, Murray "overrules" the paramedics at the scene and accompanies Michael's "body" to UCLA. It can safely be assumed (in leu of any information at all) that Murray conceivably could have, being a medical professional and attending physician, retained specific priviliges that allowed him to control situations once at UCLA as well. It is very very conceivable that Murray could have gotten Michael into that "closed off wing" of UCLA ER and simply out the back door, then he could have easily turned it into a "he said/she said situation from there, and no one would be the wiser, simply following orders and passing along information that they have been told.

The Coronor is the third member of the 3 Way Theory, also hopefully for obvious reasons. The Coronor is needed to legalise the death and paperwork associated with such. The death certificate would need to go through the coronor, as well as the autopsey report. So long as the coronor signs off on or produces both of those documents, legal "death" is finalised and the first stage of the hoax is done.


We have Murray, who handles the EMTs and UCLA staff, shepherding Michael presumably out the back door and conducting any damage control within and left behind, after which he can safely disappear and begin his role in the next stage of the hoax <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5033<!-- l -->

And we have the coronor, who takes the batton from Murray and runs with it, signing off on a fake DC and producing a fake autopsey report to satisfy the legal paperwork aspect of death. As we have seen with the DC, legal loopholes have been exploited to the fullest (namely, no pun intended, the name, but it doesn't end there. Michael has covered himself with at least half a dozen legal loopholes, as we have discovered in relation to the DC and other crucial documents).

And voila, you have a death hoax, stage one (physical "death"), completed. Once this stage is completed, death is widely accepted as fact and the rest is comparitively easy.

Why would, and how could Murray and the coronor participate legally in this scenario? Another simple answer: Performance art. <!-- m --><!-- m --> Not a movie production persay, but a production nontheless, in front of a live audience: us, the media, the world. Under script, and under contract, paid for their participation, real life people performing as actors or extras in a live production.

I trust that Michael Jackson has the best lawyers money can buy and the legality would be ensured ahead of time, with all the i's dotted and the t's crossed so I reject the notion that any illegal activities are/have taken place in the process of this hoax. And I really don't think that's unrealistic to assume.

NOTE: THE 3 way theory does NOT stipulate that ONLY 3 people (Michael, Murray, and the coronor) are involved and "in on it", it simply states that only these three people are NECESSARY to complete the physical stage of the hoax. Any persons added, or made aware of the hoax after that are simply ELECTIVE.

Simple. Perceptive. Brilliant. And holding up. In fact, it's the last original theory standing. Badkolo owns it, it is the work of his mind alone. Time will tell, and perhaps very soon, if he has been right all along. I have held onto this as one of my basic, original truths, and I'm honored to be granted permission to share it with you.


  • I must not be understanding this correctly. So who did the paramedics and ER doctors work on? And who did they autopsy? A lot of different people signed the reports.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Says who. Have any of those people been substantiated?
  • Yes....Dr. Cooper for one. That is who pronounced him dead. We also know there were paramedics from the LAFD at the house. They had to have worked on someone, unless they're also in on it.
  • Great theory. I also do believe only a few people are involved. The doctor, the coroner, his legal team and ofcourse his family.

    Bec,I really like you posts. The're always very realistic and not farfetched at all. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • patmanpatman Posts: 40
    Brilliant !
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    There was mention on another post about trying to find out whether the same actors were used in different times, and the answer is YES............... COMPARING THE INFAMOUS HELICOPTER TRANSPORTATION OF MJ'S BODY TO THE CORONERS,(which was a body donated for research) AND THE ONES USED IN THE COURT ROOM ETC.......SO FAR, THIS IS WHAT I FOUND;
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I think his family and children must know something.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes....Dr. Cooper for one. She is the one who pronounced him dead. We also know there were paramedics from the LAFD at the house. They had to have worked on someone, unless they're also in on it.

    You say I'm wrong, so you gotta prove you're right.

    We have been presented an initial and a last name. Someone jumped to the conclusion that it must be this Dr. that works at ucla. Any substantiation? A statement? A link? Anything?

    If this dr. was so real, why not sign the DC right then and there. Why not make a statement. Why did this fall to Jermaine. Why did this become a coronor case.

    Because it's bullshit. Again. Look deeper into what we are given and take nothing at face value without substantiation. Use logic and reasoning, common sense and fact. The theory stands.

    Ps. remember the name DB Cooper. If you don't know who that is/was, Googleing is highly recomended.

    Da Troot: read the italiced paragraph at the end, I addressed this thought.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I. An never see michael
    Dissapearing from his children and upseting them or his mother I can't see myself
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I google db cooper he was a plane hijacker that dissappeared. Am I right is that what you meant
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I realise the theory is long and some points may be.... missed. So, to repeat:
    THE 3 way theory states this: the fewer persons IN ON IT the better, as loose lips sink ships and certainly Michael can't have the whole world knowing what he's up to with a death hoax. All it takes is one slip, and the jig is up. Michael MUST retain BAMSday (as it's come to be known) for himself. Michael MUST retain full control over the timing of the reveal as timing will be crucial. The stage must be set, public perception must be just right, and certain pieces and events must fall into place. The less people involved the better, and the more reliably Michael retains this control solely for himself.

    NOTE: THE 3 way theory does NOT stipulate that ONLY 3 people (Michael, Murray, and the coronor) are involved and "in on it", it simply states that only these three people are NECESSARY to complete the physical stage of the hoax. Any persons added, or made aware of the hoax after that are simply ELECTIVE.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Anything's possible but IMO it has to include his children and his mom, because he is fiercely protective of them.
  • Brilliant theory and I agree with all of the above.

    Something small but I thought was significant - this morning I was listening to talk show on radio where people ring in to discuss anything on their mind, anyway this guy rang in sounded about 50ish and he spoke about the court case on Monday. Now he did believe MJ was dead but he felt the court case and the case in general was all orchestrated and BS. Now I put the fact that he thought MJ was dead to the back of my mind because the fact that this normal everyday joe thought this case was reality like or made up surprised me.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    lots of people have said to me how weird it all is when before they thought it was all plain sailing nothing wrong
  • This reminds me, the Coronor put on his facebook somethng like "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead" will see if I can find the link and edit it into this post. Im sure thats what he said, anyone remember that? It was quite a while ago.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ^^Really? That's good to know that non-believers are starting to noticed inconsistancies....everyone around me doesn't think twice about events....
  • THE 3-Way Theory... it is strongly advised that you click

    New post by bec » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:00 am
    This is Badkolo's theory. It's origin lies somewhere in August 2009 and that's when my eyes were opened to the simple brilliance of posibility, and the very REALness of a death hoax plan. Badkolo gets 100% credit for this. This is the product of his mind, I am simply the (minion) messenger.

    Bec and Badkolo and Master Michael I am kissing your feet, sucking your toes !!!
    What a relief, this is brilliant !

    All day I have spent jumping post to post trying to speak out how it all is gaining strength toward a fabulous HOAX. Bottom line: I was waiting for DNA proof to de-bunk the hoax out of my own head, but then I would have questioned the source on that too. I could have spent 2 more weeks throwing out all the garbage and I may have never narrowed it down to the simplicity of 3 people. What a brilliant theory and so believable.

    Now, being that the grand Matrix life is oh so very active...I can envision Michael in the center of his circle, probably with his kids, some of his family must know and the good Dr will be okay - his heart warming video speech is validated, the coroner goes about business as usual.
    Outside the circle are many separate entities floating around: the media, TMZ, music associates, the fans, etc etc and all are feeding off themselves and each other, spending time in their own little worlds doing what they do naturally.

    Hoax believers our job is not finished. I would love to collaborate on what assistance is needed to help the hoax process continue to run smoothly. Anyone like to speculate on that ? I sure would love for Michael to get what he wants and that would be to see his message fulfilled >>>> Continue with LOVE and lets look away from MJ's business and more in the direction of "We Are The World" mission.
    There is some really heavy political shit going down that need the peoples attention.

    I am finally at peace with all this. I can take a couple days off from all the speculation.

    Thanks again Bec for sharing all you have. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  • This reminds me, the Coronor put on his facebook somethng like "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead" will see if I can find the link and edit it into this post. Im sure thats what he said, anyone remember that? It was quite a while ago.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Yep he twitted that


    The post is great...but i might be slow i don't see the 3-thing stuff...especially cause u add that eventually more ppl are needed...

    of course more ppl are the one who pretends to do a heart massage on MJ...if it was a real secourist doing a real CPR he would have killed him, breaking his ribbs... or at least MJ would have been shouting like hell and not able to act dead

    I agree Murray could supervise the guys in the ambulance (tho i think they were actors) cause being a doctor (and a cardiologist in a case of heart failure...) puts him above them...sure.

    But once they step in the Emergency room, Murray is a nobody and got nothing to say. So sorry, much more ppl are needed there. Tho i get your point of being easier to fake death at hospital than at home. This i agree. But much more ppl must have been involved at UCLA cause u can't put a tube down somebody throat when being conscious without him if there was no tube, if there was no real heart massage etc, all the ppl around must have been on the hoax.

    Which doesn't mean it s impossible cause as we know, money buys everything and everyone's silence

    And for me the ppl involved in the hoax are really easy to indentify...check who Michael rehired few days b4 passing and u got your dream team complete.

    John Branca: longtime friend he could trust, taking care of his estate and all legal aspects

    Frank Dileo: the guy who seems afraid of nothing. And who was behind the publicity stunts (oxygen chamber, etc) in the 80's

    Grace: who was let go and rehired few weeks b4 june
    Karen: longtime friend whi was rehired in april
    Murray: so in debt he could use good money. Was hired few days b4 25th june
    Kenny Ortega: this is it, memorial, funeral, we are the world at JO

    and then all the extras (nobodies highly paid to play a role in the hoax: in the emergency room, etc)

    and of course as u said a coroner. And Ben Evenstad. And Alvarez for the 911 call

    and of course the family must be on it
  • Yes I think many of us are noticing the same faces showing up at the oddest places again and again. I also started noticing that important you tube videos are becoming more unavailable due to copyright restrictions. And also links to information sources are broken. Got the feeling that we are being watched and getting too close to datroot ya know? I have not been dedicated to downloading important info like I should. I still want to piece things together believing in a hoax just to see the dynamics of it all.
    Ijustcantstoplovingu wrote:This reminds me, the Coronor put on his facebook somethng like "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead" will see if I can find the link and edit it into this post. Im sure thats what he said, anyone remember that? It was quite a while ago.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Would be some work to go way back to find more nice little assuring clues like that.
    Post by ILuvUMoreMJ » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:06 am
    I must not be understanding this correctly. So who did the paramedics and ER doctors work on? And who did they autopsy? A lot of different people signed the reports.

    Now I know why TMZ is the bulk of our information source. They have been feeding us a "steady drip" of paperwork and he said she said this or that since day one. Exactly what paper work did we see??? huh? We were TOLD CPR was done. We were Told everything and believed it and labored over it.
    It's like a hoax inside a hoax. A hoax would explain a lot of the confusion and run around and contradictions.

    Question: when Elvis supposedly died, was it a closed casket, family only viewing?
    I could see Lisa and her dad telling Michael how simple it would be,,,,ya just have to do it.

  • I think this theory is great...... but it has to be a body taken to the hospital that day!!

    The assian guy???
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    There was mention on another post about trying to find out whether the same actors were used in different times, and the answer is YES............... COMPARING THE INFAMOUS HELICOPTER TRANSPORTATION OF MJ'S BODY TO THE CORONERS,(which was a body donated for research) AND THE ONES USED IN THE COURT ROOM ETC.......SO FAR, THIS IS WHAT I FOUND;

    That's a good point. I have to go back and look but was wondering at the time if some of the officers from this week's court case also didn't appear at Murray's child support case.
  • But once they step in the Emergency room, Murray is a nobody and got nothing to say. So sorry, much more ppl are needed there. Tho i get your point of being easier to fake death at hospital than at home. This i agree. But much more ppl must have been involved at UCLA cause u can't put a tube down somebody throat when being conscious without him if there was no tube, if there was no real heart massage etc, all the ppl around must have been on the hoax.

    well how do we know they went into the emergency room?? that couldve been the back door in that case Murray would still be in charge and this is Michael Jackson they will do want he wants!!!(dr's ,nurses)
  • okay i meant "once they step in the hospital"...there is a hierarchy there, you cant come in a say "listen guys, i m a doctor from Houston so will u all do what i say!" Impossible. So u need much more ppl involved in the hoax.
  • There was mention on another post about trying to find out whether the same actors were used in different times, and the answer is YES............... COMPARING THE INFAMOUS HELICOPTER TRANSPORTATION OF MJ'S BODY TO THE CORONERS,(which was a body donated for research) AND THE ONES USED IN THE COURT ROOM ETC.......SO FAR, THIS IS WHAT I FOUND;

    I've also thought that the officer on the right looks close to one of the men holding the door of the emergency room open when they brought Michael in.
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    This reminds me, the Coronor put on his facebook somethng like "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead" will see if I can find the link and edit it into this post. Im sure thats what he said, anyone remember that? It was quite a while ago.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Yes he said that and It was on twitter : <!-- m --><!-- m -->
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