THE 3-Way Theory... it is strongly advised that you click



  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    First Off thanks to bec for putting it out there, some others like mary also know of the 3 way theory back on the old mjhd.

    The 3 way was just the simplest form of this hoax, obviously others would know, I would expect his kids to know, maybe some family members, lawyers etc..

    But to perform the actual hoax on that day I concluded 3 is what is needed, Besides that we have the ambulance drivers at the house so that ads to the number but in what capacity . I dont know how to handle certain parts of my theory since i can find holes in every theory but in no way did my theory mean that only 3 people are involved.

    Removing anyone else that is involved which there must be a few and then take into account that on the day the hoax was started only michael, murray and the coroner are needed.

    If we look at the pictures of the ambulance at UCLA and if we are going to say michael was moving on the stretcher then we have to agree they all know hes alive and if so why hasnt anyone said anything.

    If it was someone elses body moving and not michaels then you still have all those people knowing but That can be pushed to the side if it was all a distraction, meaning someone else was on the stretcher and they went in that entrance to distract people.
    I dont know how to handle that.

    Also I am stuck at the house, if no one died then the ambulance people are in on it becuase they claimed to work on someone.
    If there is a body and it wasnt michaels then again we have murray, then the coroner who creates an autopsy on this body which isnt michaels.

    Im trying to peace together the important hours and that is what happened at the house, those initial hours are key.
  • Look, I mean no offence as I myself am no good at formulating splendid theories such as the Movie Theory......Simply because I dont realy have all the time on my hands to think about this a lot.....My work keeps very busy and al I can manage is sit down wearily in front of my computer and log in here...and post some random thoughts from time to time........

    All I wanted to say is.....that...Dont we know this already?? I mean whats novel about this theory? The only good thing is that badkolo managed to think about this a far back as July 2009.....When we were STILL speculating about all the possibiities and angles.......But apart from that, the possibility of Conrad Murray and the Coroner being in on the hoax......has been discussed and reiterated time and again on MJHD and also on this Forum......

    Fogive me for my inability to see the latent brilliance of this particuar theory......No Offense once again....

    But can anyone jsut explain why is this well-known fact so important?? BTW, All credit to Badkolo for beng the first to assert that CM and Coroner could have a pivotal role in the hoax.
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  • bec, everyone is entitled to question this theory, if it holds water then the theory should be strong enough to be tested.

    i am sure that there is a core group, but it must include the family, his children, i dont believe it would include professional pp who are in the line of fire, because of the risk involved, we have criminal proceedings now and they thus stand to be prosecuted.

    who wants to go to prison and especially in america, especially when you have a soft type of job.

    dont bash pp for saying - lets just think this thru.
  • Lol. You guys are getting it. Delightful. I'm so glad I was able to transmit THE 3 Way Theory to the masses. It's brilliance, pure, simple brilliance, and it's been underground far too long. When I read this a long 7 months ago, my world changed forever.

    (ps, I believe I was incorrect about stating Badkolo first presented this in August, rather, late July may be more accurate. I edited my original post)

    The beauty of the 3 way theory is that it opens up many other avenues of thought, and works as a jump off point for brainstorming, as well as the fact that it keeps you centered and focused, staying well within the rhelms of reality and common sense.

    For example, the 3 Way is why Murray "interfered" with the emts at the scene, kept "butting in" at UCLA. Remember, Murray was described as "frankly kept getting in the way". Remember that report?

    The 3 way is why Murray did one armed CPR. Totally ineffective in a real cardiac arrest, yet perfect for the situation. Won't hurt Michael yet puts on a good show. Perhaps this is why Murray did one armed CPR on the bed too.

    The 3 way is why no defibrulator was used, and why the claim of "weak pulse" was reported. Can't defib with a weak pulse, you'll kill the man, and defib would certainly kill a live and well Michael faking cardiac arrest. Who reported weak pulse? Murray.

    The 3 way is why no mouth to mouth resescitation was performed. Can't do this on a live person, can be very harmful. Again, one armed CPR, totally ineffective, but innocuous, and puts on a good show.

    The 3 way is why no doctor would sign the DC at UCLA and why no UCLA spokesperson would make a statement. No one actually SAW Michael dead. No one was going to go on record based on hearsay.

    And there's so much more I could say but at some point I have to quit typing.

    The member here who brought up the coronor's tweet about 3 men keeping a secret if two are dead, yes, when that came out... well... it simply further supported the 3 way. That and about 1000 other weird events and reports since last summer.
    surely if no one saw mike dead, someone would have said that?
  • so why were the ambulance crew working on mike or werent they?

    so how did mike get out of the hospital,

    a body way taken out of the hospital on to the heli, but a board came out of the heli and was transported to the coroner's - if the coroner was in it ok he accepted a board, but equally he could have accepted the real mj?

    were is mike now?

    who is caring for him?
  • you cant say that this is the only remaining hoax and that it stands - i dont see that

    i just know you wont accept this and that you will take deep offence and be rude as hell, but i think you have to think both inside and outside of the box and to play devils advocate

    you cant just say - that your right and other pp have to prove themselves otherwise
  • good job bec!! this post was quick and to the point <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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