MJ writes a letter to his friend....



  • here is the note:
  • I posted this on the old MJKIT. I thought it was the sweetest thing...sorry if this is already posted here but I thought Id share this again with some of the newer folks...ENJOY!


    Look similar to me
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Thanx for sharing,each time i read his letters, sometimes with spelling mistakes, i just wanna hold him very tight,kiss all parts of his face and never let him go. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • .....Full steem ahead..... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    !Investigators! And a heere we go...
  • ShakeShake Posts: 45
    There's a thank you right on that first page to compare it to, they don't look similar at all to me. I can't think of anyone who would take that much time to show such honest appreciation (especially a man... sorry!) It's very touching, thanks for sharing.
  • i found this to compare:
  • If you notice on the "you" he always writes the y seperate to the ou.. which are joined up.

    In the note from twitter it is different.
  • Michael's poor handwriting and spelling skills are due to never being in a classroom and having tutors all his years being in school after he became famous,but you can tell he has that same sweet heart.
  • also this one
  • his cursive is sooooo adorable!!! and he is sooo sweet,
    i couldnt really figure out some of the words but i dont care ,its still so sweet <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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