
  • I have not heard the new re-make of We Are The World. I have seen part of the video shoot. I cannot listen to or buy the new We Are The World. It is just too painful for me. I did buy the original We Are The World on video last week. It is so wonderful. Seeing my precious angel MJ filled my heart with such joy. They cannot remake this classic for me. I am glad the money will go to help the people of Haiti. That definitely warms my heart! I cannot believe that Randy Philips of AEG is involved! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    How is MJ in the new We Are The World? Is he in the video or just in the song? Thank you in advance.

    It´s on the song.... and they show the same image of him from the old song video....
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    i thought it was great! i cried a lot. but it was fantastic to me!
  • Well I might as well throw my two pennies in...
    Some of you know how I feel about the remake of this song (I always thought it was a bad idea/they needed to make a new song/it kinda ticked me off) and my feelings are still the same.

    Now, since they went ahead and did this despite my disapproval, I will go ahead and critique it. Up until the bridge (you know... that part where suddenly everything changes and you actually feel something coming from this song, because somebody with burning passion coupled with undeniable talent starts singing? Yeah, you know the part.) this song sucked. After the bridge took off... it got better. I actually didn't mind the rap part and thought they went into it smoothly, but coming back into the chorus seemed a little awkward. I HATE the voice manipulation... but that's just a personal preference I guess, and yes I definitely have issues with a lot of the performers that were chosen for this remake. Many of them put my teeth on edge.

    I know everyone thinks this is a good thing because it will raise money for Haiti (I personally doubt it will bring in much, though) and that's great. But... like I said before, it seems like a heartless effort. And as far as I'm concerned, the heart is what makes the difference.
  • WOW autotune on a Michael Jackson song say it aint so this was done very poorly now I cant speak for Michael but we all know he was a perfectionist so how do you think i would make him feel, I know its for Haiti but this is my opinion about the song not about the cause
  • Heres my Honest Opinion of it....

    I think the song was o..k.....BUT as a remake it was a fail....honestly because i felt no emotions from the artist, they werent singin together, it felt like a competition btwn the artist.......i will buy this for what it stands for, Haiti, We Are The World. but some things should never be manufactured and the original was one of them...if you gonna remake something it has to be just as good or better imo...it had a nice beat, and it was alright, but i didnt feel the same when i heard the original......i wish they wouldve just made a new song in general or re-released the original for haiti.....im actually a lil angry tho b.c where were the songs for Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami, The Soldiers in Irag, all the other disasters? y wait for Haiti to happen and MJ to "Die" to re-do a song....grant it 25th anniversary but honestly do u think if haiti didnt strike they were gonna re-do this song to celebrate its 25th year? i dont think so......it honestly dont feel genuine to me and thas my problem with it "( ....i wish they wuddve just wrote a new song....i get it new generation new tune, but they couldve put more effort and emotion.....jmo
  • i thought it was great! i cried a lot. but it was fantastic to me!

    I agree! Fantastic and just how Michael would have done it. The rap is especially nice (although I don't like rap, in this instance it is important) because it reaches the ages that is now. Contemporary...like it was then..so that more people will give.
  • OMG 4:38 4:38 4:38 LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!!...who do you hear sing "We are the Children"?
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    OMG 4:38 4:38 4:38 LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!!...who do you hear sing "We are the Children"?
    That's Nick Jonas or the bald guy that comes up after.
  • OMG 4:38 4:38 4:38 LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!!...who do you hear sing "We are the Children"?
    That's Nick Jonas or the bald guy that comes up after.

  • Although I posted a comment weels ago on another thread about this......I really dont mind saying it again......WHAT THE HELL ON EARTH WERE THEY THINKIN' ?.......

    They've made a freakin mess out of it.......Why even REAMKE the song, when cannot have artists of the appropriate calibre to retain the original quality.....?????

    Lionel and Quincy J should've best left that gem of a song alone.....Because without Mike---The very soul of the song----It'll always be a half-hearted effort....

    Shamone fellas, Dont you really think that by including chaps like Eminem and Kanye West, Lionel And Quincy have not only DONE INJUSTICE TO THE MELODY BUY ALSO TO THE CAUSE....These folks couldnt care less if the WHOLE WORLD GOT NUKED TOMORROW.
    They'd prefer going to a stripper club rather than to a place where their money could earn a oaf of bread for the hungry and needy.

    Shameful and Sad.....No effort for charity is complete unless the people involved in that effort truly beLIEve in the cause that they are about to serve.......

    Sorry Micahel.... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    OMG 4:38 4:38 4:38 LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!!...who do you hear sing "We are the Children"?
    That's Nick Jonas or the bald guy that comes up after.


    Sorry. I tried to hear Michael. I really did.
    I guess I'm used to the Jonas Brothers, and can recognize their voices. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I have to say that when I first saw the preview that was shown before the opening ceremonies for the Olympics I thought it was bad and was greatly disappointed. I've since gone to the website and watched the video in it's full form and have completely changed my mind. I'm the first to admit that no one can compare to Michael in pretty much anything but I think he would be pleased with this. Music must move with the times and he reached out to other artists to stay "fresh". There are a few seconds of a few performances that I could live without having to hear but overall I think it's great and it's intended to help those who need it most right now. There has never been (and most likely never will be) anyone in the industry to wanted so desperately to help those in need more that Michael. I actually think it speaks volumes that instead of coming up with something entirely new that they chose to use Michaels song. You can't get a more perfect foundation than that!!
  • Well I might as well throw my two pennies in...
    Some of you know how I feel about the remake of this song (I always thought it was a bad idea/they needed to make a new song/it kinda ticked me off) and my feelings are still the same.

    Now, since they went ahead and did this despite my disapproval, I will go ahead and critique it. Up until the bridge (you know... that part where suddenly everything changes and you actually feel something coming from this song, because somebody with burning passion coupled with undeniable talent starts singing? Yeah, you know the part.) this song sucked. After the bridge took off... it got better. I actually didn't mind the rap part and thought they went into it smoothly, but coming back into the chorus seemed a little awkward. I HATE the voice manipulation... but that's just a personal preference I guess, and yes I definitely have issues with a lot of the performers that were chosen for this remake. Many of them put my teeth on edge.

    I know everyone thinks this is a good thing because it will raise money for Haiti (I personally doubt it will bring in much, though) and that's great. But... like I said before, it seems like a heartless effort. And as far as I'm concerned, the heart is what makes the difference.

    I agree with what you said 100%. Personally I hated it, and I don't think Michael would have backed it at all, from a musical perspective. The split screen with MJ and Janet looked so thrown together...Janet wasn't even in synch with him! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Of course I'm glad they're raising money for Haiti, but they could have just wrote a new song. It made me mad to see Michael in there with most of these second-rate singers. I'm really upset they mangled one of my favourite songs.
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    I was kinda sad when I watched it. I thought Michael would give us, the believers, a surprise or something like we thought, he was singing but that was a Jonas brother.
    Or that we hear him doing his part but then his voice in 2009 or 2010 you know.. I really thought Michael would do that.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    But I thought the kids would do a poem? I didn't saw it in the YT video.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Nothing compares too michael they can't he is one of am INS that's it it is a
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    For the person that said "it doesn't matter it's to raise money" or whatever "Michael would say". We all know Michael was a perfectionist, this song was okay & that's it, it wasn't that great & if he were there listening he would have known that & fixed it. I don't know what he would say, but I don't think he'd accept that. & Yeah it's for a great cause to raise money but it DOES matter how it sounds because people have to want to buy it on itunes, if it doesn't sound that great, not as many people will buy it. A lot of people still will just for Haiti but not as many. I thought Janet looked terrible too, no offense to her, I love Janet. But honestly & the split thing was a little "cheesy" to me, because they show Michael in a full body shot but then they have Janet just sitting there & I could barely hear her. I think they should have had her standing or recording from where she was & then did a split screen it would have looked better. Justin Bieber wasn't using autotune, the only person who did was T PAIN!! I don't even know why they included him. The rap with LL, Snoop, Will.I.Am & whoever else was okay in the lyrics but it didn't go with the song. Kanye's fit into the song better but I can't stand him or his rapping, but that's just me. It was okay, not that great but it they did the best they could with who they had, although a couple of the solos could have been given to some of the people in the background instead, just saying. When they played it before the Olympics & only showed a little bit, I must admit I was horrified, it sounded awful, but the full version is better. I like that they left Michael singing his part & put him the video, I just wish he had really been there. & I thought the kids were going to read a poem? I thought that would have been sweet since it was their daddy's song. But I don't mind that they weren't, they weren't right? I didn't see them. Anyways, as a song for Haiti, it was alright but as a remake of a classic, I agree it was wack. Sorry.
  • I think I liked it though I have to listen it some 2-3 times more to decide.
    It brought me tears from the very first notes !

    A good effort but ...NOTHING CAN COMPARES TO MICHAEL !

    And as I've said before ( and with all the respect to the artists)
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    but I thought WATW remake was showed at the winter Olympic games. but I can't find it.. I recorded the opening thing but i can't see anything about WATW :S
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    It was shown before the opening ceremony even started. They only showed a little bit of it before the Olympics & it didn't sound that great they way they played it. It's better to just youtube it & watch the full version.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I'm really sad to see some of the comments in this thread... You don't have to like the new version, but saying things like the song was ruined, it sucks, garbage, completely unacceptable, the song was murdered, a freakin mess, and shameful and sad goes a bit too far in my opinion. I see no reason to completely bash this song because it doesn't meet your expectations.

    Keep in mind that a whole group of new artists participated, 25 years later, and a lot of things artistically changed over the past 25 years. In order for the song to appeal to a new generation it had to be modernized. If that had not been one of the goals, they simply would have recorded the same old song again. That is what remakes and covers are about. The future, for a large part, lies in the hands of the new generation, don't forget that. Next to that, there was little time to record this remake.

    However, the main purpose of the remake is to raise money for Haiti. If you don't like the remake, fine, don't buy it, but please donate in another way and help these people.

    Please, stop bashing this song, because the idea behind it is loving, fantastic, warm and generous...
  • I agree with what you said 100%. Personally I hated it, and I don't think Michael would have backed it at all, from a musical perspective. The split screen with MJ and Janet looked so thrown together...Janet wasn't even in synch with him! Of course I'm glad they're raising money for Haiti, but they could have just wrote a new song. It made me mad to see Michael in there with most of these second-rate singers. I'm really upset they mangled one of my favourite songs.

    Agreed. And yes I know it's for a good cause but my feelings can't be controlled. It makes me sad, I wish it didn't but it does...
  • I'm really sad to see some of the comments in this thread... You don't have to like the new version, but saying things like the song was ruined, it sucks, garbage, completely unacceptable, the song was murdered, a freakin mess, and shameful and sad goes a bit too far in my opinion. I see no reason to completely bash this song because it doesn't meet your expectations.

    Keep in mind that a whole group of new artists participated, 25 years later, and a lot of things artistically changed over the past 25 years. In order for the song to appeal to a new generation it had to be modernized. If that had not been one of the goals, they simply would have recorded the same old song again. That is what remakes and covers are about. The future, for a large part, lies in the hands of the new generation, don't forget that. Next to that, there was little time to record this remake.

    However, the main purpose of the remake is to raise money for Haiti. If you don't like the remake, fine, don't buy it, but please donate in another way and help these people.

    Please, stop bashing this song, because the idea behind it is loving, fantastic, warm and generous...

    I agree! 100%!
  • I didn't like the remake of WATW at all. The best part was the clip of Michael standing there looking regal and beautiful. I've already donated to Haiti. So....
  • I think it was awesome because all my favorite singers and rappers in it well maybe just Lil Wayne and Kanye West <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but i really enjoyed it i think Michael would be proud of it it's terrific I'm def going to put it on my I pod with the original version <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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