Is he Really gone? For Good?

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General MJ Discussion
Guys I am sad today. I am really starting to think MJ is really gone, even thought this website is still running . I feel sad. I saw a clip of Stevie Wonder breaking down crying during one of MJ's songs. I kinda feel like we are all going in circles? Family is coming out now interviewing, doing a reality show (that MJ was totally against?) Janet speaks? Those jacksons all over the place now!! What to think? Even Chris Tucker speaks!!! I don't think MJ is coming back if he is alive u know? Help Me! Please! I want to keep going but can anyone give me some words that would keep me going? Do you all really think we are all in denial and just extremley hurt from everything since June 25th? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Mainly the Jackson family has me puzzled and losing hope. Why would MJ even go through all of this for family, fans, and friends? Can he realllly pull all of this off? Without being discovered? Your thoughts cheer me up please!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • Calm down now. I think this feeling comes from all the false hopes we've had because all the fakers. And yes we're getting tireder every day, but hey, heads up. Promise I'll search for my positive message from the old forum and I'll post it for you. Keep the faith!
  • Here it is. I dont know who wrote it but I love it!

    "Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
    He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

    Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

    His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

    I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
    What would we do without the papers eh?!"
  • @andrea_garay2005

    That was too funny <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I remember I read it before a month ago !
  • @mjboogie,I saw the clip of Stevie Wonder too!I know,how you feel!
  • It's working for me, ALWAYS! Hope it does the work for you too. I don't wanna see sad faces! I didn't see any Stevie Wonder or Liorel Richie and not even Janet's interwiew...and I'm not going to. Maybe after Michael comes out! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • Guys I am sad today. I am really starting to think MJ is really gone, even thought this website is still running . I feel sad. I saw a clip of Stevie Wonder breaking down crying during one of MJ's songs. I kinda feel like we are all going in circles? Family is coming out now interviewing, doing a reality show (that MJ was totally against?) Janet speaks? Those jacksons all over the place now!! What to think? Even Chris Tucker speaks!!! I don't think MJ is coming back if he is alive u know? Help Me! Please! I want to keep going but can anyone give me some words that would keep me going? Do you all really think we are all in denial and just extremley hurt from everything since June 25th? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Mainly the Jackson family has me puzzled and losing hope. Why would MJ even go through all of this for family, fans, and friends? Can he realllly pull all of this off? Without being discovered? Your thoughts cheer me up please!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    SW could have cried cause we will not have MJ as an artist anymore. Maybe MJ decided to live a normal life and is not coming back as a public person. If it is so, we should wish him the best
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    thanks! andrea
    what a great post!
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • @mjboogie,I saw the clip of Stevie Wonder too!I know,how you feel!

    What clip?


    I too am sad today. Ive been sad for the last 5 months but this week has been hard on me. I think he is alive most definately, but I dont think he will be back. I used to think he will come back to us and I would sacrifice all I could to have him with us, but the last few days have been hard for me. REALLY hard. Everything I see or hear reminds me of him. I feel so terrible.
    I know he is somewhere safe. I know he sees and talks to his children and family. But I know he is hurting.
  • that article was awesome and lifted my spirit a little bit....and i wasn't feeling down because MJHD closed but because it seems every person related to him is moving on.....and we don't <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I don't think we are in denial, there are too many who believe in the hoax-even non fans of MJ believe he is not dead. As for Stevie Wonder, well he probably thinks he is dead as there will not be many in on the hoax and don't forget he is blind so although he is very gifted and an inspiration to all he will be unaware of a lot of happenings-imagine not being able to look on the Internet etc? so I think he is at a disadvantage to know and have a strong opinion or in fact any opinion on this matter, in fact he will only know what he has heard and what is told to him.
    However I do not think Michael will come back-I do not want to give false hope to anyone as I do not actually think there is a hope in hell he will be back. He could not fool all his fans, have his family hold a memorial and funeral and then return-unless he was in great danger he will be skinned alive by many, and if he was in danger when will he be ever out of danger? these dangerous people are of many and quite capable of waiting and do not like being made to look amateurish and foolish. We have to be logical here and how many dates have you had for his return? And is he back? You all know the answer to that. Sorry guys but that is my honest opinion but just be happy that he is more than likely alive and safe. We cannot expect him to return. most guys retire at not much older and he has given the world 45 years of his talent. Best to bow out whilst you are not old, wrinkly and decrepit.
  • Here you go, guys! Listen to this:


    I am too in almost physical pain in the last few days, feel stuck up on this 'pole', but i'm not accepting it! We need to stay rational, 'question, argue and explore'!

    hugs to you all!
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Here it is. I dont know who wrote it but I love it!

    "Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
    He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

    Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

    His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

    I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
    What would we do without the papers eh?!"
    This has cheeered me up so much as i felt down after the stevie wonder thing but this says it how it is.. many thanks
  • @mjboogie,I saw the clip of Stevie Wonder too!I know,how you feel!

    I highly doubt Stevie would be in on the hoax. So his emotions are real, according to what he believes.
  • Well, I don't want to be a downer, in this case. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> But here are some things that we have to realize: we are to find the TRUTH. Now, the truth could me that Michael is dead. I'm sorry, but that is a possability. And if he is indeed dead, then we need to figure out what happened, because his death being ruled a homicide and no one has been arrested is BS. Also, why we may have "clues" to his death, we don't know exactly how many people are in on it, including family and friends. So maybe SW was crying because he is not aware that Michael could be alive. Maybe only certain members of the family know, but not others, especially Jermaine. In either event, I'm sorry, but I do not think he is coming back. My only advice is to keep looking.
  • @mjboogie,I saw the clip of Stevie Wonder too!I know,how you feel!

    What clip?


    I too am sad today. Ive been sad for the last 5 months but this week has been hard on me. I think he is alive most definately, but I dont think he will be back. I used to think he will come back to us and I would sacrifice all I could to have him with us, but the last few days have been hard for me. REALLY hard. Everything I see or hear reminds me of him. I feel so terrible.
    I know he is somewhere safe. I know he sees and talks to his children and family. But I know he is hurting.

    Here for you!

    <!-- m --> ... _embedded#<!-- m -->
  • @mjboogie,I saw the clip of Stevie Wonder too!I know,how you feel!

    What clip?


    I too am sad today. Ive been sad for the last 5 months but this week has been hard on me. I think he is alive most definately, but I dont think he will be back. I used to think he will come back to us and I would sacrifice all I could to have him with us, but the last few days have been hard for me. REALLY hard. Everything I see or hear reminds me of him. I feel so terrible.
    I know he is somewhere safe. I know he sees and talks to his children and family. But I know he is hurting.

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Here it is. I dont know who wrote it but I love it!

    "Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
    He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

    Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

    His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

    I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
    What would we do without the papers eh?!"

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Here it is. I dont know who wrote it but I love it!

    "Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
    He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

    Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

    His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

    I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
    What would we do without the papers eh?!"

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    A few more things to add:-

    His devasted and grieving sister Janet heard Michael had died that morning at her home, while flying on route to atlana, whilst also in the middle of a film shoot. He weighed an unhealthy 1081bs at the time of death, but was able to gain additional weight to a healthy 1361bs, 4 months posthumous. Unfortunately Michael's face was badly damaged from CPR, preventing a open casket at the memorial, however miraculously his facial damaged healed and at his burial 3 months posthumous he looked "fabulous" as if he was ready to perform"

    Nothing like dying to improve your overall health and appearance <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    OK..More and more people are thinking MJ wil not come back!
    Than i have the question..Why is this hoax such a mess??
    I asked this before..but no answer.

    For me..Either he is really dead(what i dont believe for the same reason)
    Or he is killed by this group of people,were everybody should be afraid of including the couvernement(this i also dont believe..they would do a much cleaner job)
    Or it was realy a overdose and dr Muray did something realy bad..Than he would be in jail!
    None of these makes any sense to me!
    In this case i am asking myself..what am i doing here for the last 5 month's.

    This leave's me with MJ hoaxed his dead to get away for good..but in the mean time he does a terrible job doing it!
    Nothing fits..not ones but everything two times..there are clues all over the place..he leave's that for us..because he wants us to keep looking for the mean time he wants to get away for good???
    Or..he thinks we(his fans) have no live..lets play a cruel game???

    I think if he wanted to get away for good..he would have done a much better job..He could have learned what not to in the case with Elvis!!!!!
    I am getting sick by i an other fan like the Elvis fans?
    No No..because nothing makes sence..and in Elvis case i can't remember they were leaving clues all over the place like in this case..and family and friends acting weird(i am old enough to remember)
    So if he does not planned to come back..than why al this..please explaine if you know.
    I would like to know also..finaly!

    I put my toughts about it here..i tried to explaine Englisch is not my Language..I did my best and hope you understand.
    I am getting tyred also..and need positive thinking to keep going!
    Trying not to loose faith..Greetings to all Mattie
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    I will admit michael was dead if dr murrayn is arrested ..
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • OK..More and more people are thinking MJ wil not come back!
    Than i have the question..Why is this hoax such a mess??
    I asked this before..but no answer.

    For me..Either he is really dead(what i dont believe for the same reason)
    Or he is killed by this group of people,were everybody should be afraid of including the couvernement(this i also dont believe..they would do a much cleaner job)
    Or it was realy a overdose and dr Muray did something realy bad..Than he would be in jail!
    None of these makes any sense to me!
    In this case i am asking myself..what am i doing here for the last 5 month's.

    This leave's me with MJ hoaxed his dead to get away for good..but in the mean time he does a terrible job doing it!
    Nothing fits..not ones but everything two times..there are clues all over the place..he leave's that for us..because he wants us to keep looking for the mean time he wants to get away for good???
    Or..he thinks we(his fans) have no live..lets play a cruel game???

    I think if he wanted to get away for good..he would have done a much better job..He could have learned what not to in the case with Elvis!!!!!
    I am getting sick by i an other fan like the Elvis fans?
    No No..because nothing makes sence..and in Elvis case i can't remember they were leaving clues all over the place like in this case..and family and friends acting weird(i am old enough to remember)
    So if he does not planned to come back..than why al this..please explaine if you know.
    I would like to know also..finaly!

    I put my toughts about it here..i tried to explaine Englisch is not my Language..I did my best and hope you understand.
    I am getting tyred also..and need positive thinking to keep going!
    Trying not to loose faith..Greetings to all Mattie

    Your english is fine! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I understood what you're saying and I have the same questions!!!

    Michael's the only one that can decide if he wants to come back or not(if he's alive, which I believe he is and won't believe he's dead until I see proof). My advice is to wait and see what happens. You never know with Michael Jackson, he's done things in the past that no one thought he would do. If he wants to come back, he will , if he doesn't, he won't. I'm sure no matter where Michael is he knows we love him and he loves us back. Keep the faith and the truth will prevail! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    Take a child, any child who happens to possess 'natural talent', exploit that child for years and years, praise and treat him as a prize possession, an object, an oddity, special. Then when he doesn't 'behave' like the guy next door or what society considers 'normal'...society, media and authorities take it on to destroy what essentially they it any wonder the poor guy walked away? Others under the same circumstances, would, could and have done worse..much worse. Just my opinion....
  • Dear Friends,

    No..... no, he is not gone for good. Please believe me when I say there is a time and a place for everything, and the media has abused this and disrespected this in so many ways, on so many levels. And it's not even about JUST the media. There is conspiracy..... a great deal of conspiracy going on even as we type. I am sure that Michael would tell you everything if he could. He would love more than anything to caress your hearts and soothe your minds and reassure you that he is NOT gone.

    I have only been here on this forum for a few days but I have been reading your messages before I joined the forum, and I just want to say the unconditional love and support that exudes from this magical place is truly, truly wonderful. You all are amazing! You know what? All the love and support that MJ felt from the fans while the trial was going on..... well, I think this surpasses it 100 times. It's unbelievable, it really is. Please, please continue to love him and don't give up hope. Sustain your strength and your faith - and through that, bliss will come. Yes, it time. Trust your instincts and your heart. Trust the loopholes and the discrepancies in the official reports and all the evidence that says yes he is still here. Do NOT trust the media. Do not believe all the garbage you hear, they are nothing more than exaggerations and lies and sensationalism. The truth is here. YOU have the your hearts. Trust that truth and do not betray it.

    Sometime things happen for reasons that we don't fully understand, and we have to put our faith in God and trust Him because he does have a Master Plan..... and it always works. Always! His plans can never never be foiled.... ever. So, we have to do a little pioneering in patience here, you know? Patience and perseverance will lead to a warm embrace of L.O.V.E. and TRUTH. And like I said before in a previous post, love always wins and the truth always prevails.

    So, lets stay strong together and not rush it.....okay?

    I love you very much, and God bless you.
  • Dear Friends,

    No..... no, he is not gone for good. Please believe me when I say there is a time and a place for everything, and the media has abused this and disrespected this in so many ways, on so many levels. And it's not even about JUST the media. There is conspiracy..... a great deal of conspiracy going on even as we type. I am sure that Michael would tell you everything if he could. He would love more than anything to caress your hearts and soothe your minds and reassure you that he is NOT gone.

    I have only been here on this forum for a few days but I have been reading your messages before I joined the forum, and I just want to say the unconditional love and support that exudes from this magical place is truly, truly wonderful. You all are amazing! You know what? All the love and support that MJ felt from the fans while the trial was going on..... well, I think this surpasses it 100 times. It's unbelievable, it really is. Please, please continue to love him and don't give up hope. Sustain your strength and your faith - and through that, bliss will come. Yes, it time. Trust your instincts and your heart. Trust the loopholes and the discrepancies in the official reports and all the evidence that says yes he is still here. Do NOT trust the media. Do not believe all the garbage you hear, they are nothing more than exaggerations and lies and sensationalism. The truth is here. YOU have the your hearts. Trust that truth and do not betray it.

    Sometime things happen for reasons that we don't fully understand, and we have to put our faith in God and trust Him because he does have a Master Plan..... and it always works. Always! His plans can never never be foiled.... ever. So, we have to do a little pioneering in patience here, you know? Patience and perseverance will lead to a warm embrace of L.O.V.E. and TRUTH. And like I said before in a previous post, love always wins and the truth always prevails.

    So, lets stay strong together and not rush it.....okay?

    I love you very much, and God bless you.

    Thank you PoetryInMotion <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> As I said in my PM, this encouragment is very much needed and appreciated. We love you too!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
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