Is he Really gone? For Good?



  • DanielaDaniela Posts: 37
    Dear Friends,

    No..... no, he is not gone for good. Please believe me when I say there is a time and a place for everything, and the media has abused this and disrespected this in so many ways, on so many levels. And it's not even about JUST the media. There is conspiracy..... a great deal of conspiracy going on even as we type. I am sure that Michael would tell you everything if he could. He would love more than anything to caress your hearts and soothe your minds and reassure you that he is NOT gone.

    I have only been here on this forum for a few days but I have been reading your messages before I joined the forum, and I just want to say the unconditional love and support that exudes from this magical place is truly, truly wonderful. You all are amazing! You know what? All the love and support that MJ felt from the fans while the trial was going on..... well, I think this surpasses it 100 times. It's unbelievable, it really is. Please, please continue to love him and don't give up hope. Sustain your strength and your faith - and through that, bliss will come. Yes, it time. Trust your instincts and your heart. Trust the loopholes and the discrepancies in the official reports and all the evidence that says yes he is still here. Do NOT trust the media. Do not believe all the garbage you hear, they are nothing more than exaggerations and lies and sensationalism. The truth is here. YOU have the your hearts. Trust that truth and do not betray it.

    Sometime things happen for reasons that we don't fully understand, and we have to put our faith in God and trust Him because he does have a Master Plan..... and it always works. Always! His plans can never never be foiled.... ever. So, we have to do a little pioneering in patience here, you know? Patience and perseverance will lead to a warm embrace of L.O.V.E. and TRUTH. And like I said before in a previous post, love always wins and the truth always prevails.

    So, lets stay strong together and not rush it.....okay?

    I love you very much, and God bless you.

    PoetryInMotion, thank you for the encouragement. You sound so much like Michael.
  • A Protection Prayer For Michael And His Family
    (taken from this blogsite: <!-- m --> ... d-his.html<!-- m -->)

    I don't know the person who runs this blogsite but I appreciate much of what she writes and especially this prayer... I appreciate you too PoetryInMotion - very much. May God Protect and Keep all of us now and always.

    1. Ask God to cleanse your heart, rid you of the day's frustrations so you can pray with an open heart.

    2. Thank him for your gifts, the blessings you have received and anything else you can think of to thank him for (Thank him for Michael for example, your children, etc...)

    3. Pray for his intervention for (name who you are praying for, Michael, Michael's children and name them, Michael's family) Surround them with Jesus's protection

    4. Bind the evils. Name the evils and bind them in the name of Jesus Christ (because we need him to do this, we cannot do it alone).

    5. PROTECT - Cover yourself, Michael, his children and his family in the blood of Jesus.

    6. Command [evil] to leave, in the name of Jesus

    7. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to fill what evil vacated.

    I always end this prayer with the Lord's prayer, but it is up to you.

    Below is something similar I wrote that I say and have been saying for the past two weeks. I say it morning and evening (before I lay down to sleep).

    I also add sometimes the binding of those doubts or fears that sometimes creep in.

    I realize that not every one of you are going to do this, but please try. Include Michael in the prayer regardless whether you believe he now needs them or not. Let God distribute, I leave no one out.

    In Pain, In Prayer and Still Believe

    I come before you, Lord, and ask that you forgive me for my sins. I want to be cleansed so that you can work within me for your purposes. I want to do your will, not mine. Show me my path.

    2. I thank you, Lord Jesus for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I give the glory to you Lord, that I have been able to accomplish what you have set me to do. I thank you for the relationship you have given back to us through Jesus Christ. I thank you for your love, your protection and for the answer to our yet unspoken prayers.

    Lord Jesus, I am praying for your help with Michael Jackson and the Jackson family, Michael’s children Prince, Paris and Blanket, Michael’s Mother, brothers and sisters, and his father. I need your strength and turn over this situation to you. I pray for the strength of the blood of Jesus Christ to stand firm in adversity, and to be able to walk with you. Surround Michael Jackson, Prince, Paris, Blanket, Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, LaToya, Randy and Janet and Joe Jackson as well, and I with your protection in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

    In the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, I bind the evil working through those involved with Sony and those who hurt Michael and I command it to leave. I bind the demons of fear, doubt, regret and the demons of pride and greed and I command them to leave.

    I bind the demons of all ill-thoughts from those who conspired to hurt Michael and I command you to leave.

    I bind the demons of those attacking Michael, his children, his family and I in the name of Jesus Christ and I command you to leave.

    I cover myself with the Blood of Christ, I cover Michael and his family with the Blood of Christ, I cover this house with the Blood of Christ. And I turn over all troubles to God.

    Lord, send the Holy Spirit to take over the ground that Satan and his demons have to give up. Michael, Michael’s children and family of their house and I turn over all ground and power and influence to our Heavenly, Gracious Father through Jesus Christ, Amen.

    I ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ who taught us to pray: Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever . . . Amen.
  • Dear SoldierofLove,

    That is so sweet to pray for Michael and his family like brought tears to my eyes....thank you...and may the Lord bless you a hundred times over (hug)

  • OK..More and more people are thinking MJ wil not come back!
    Than i have the question..Why is this hoax such a mess??
    I asked this before..but no answer.

    For me..Either he is really dead(what i dont believe for the same reason)
    Or he is killed by this group of people,were everybody should be afraid of including the couvernement(this i also dont believe..they would do a much cleaner job)
    Or it was realy a overdose and dr Muray did something realy bad..Than he would be in jail!
    None of these makes any sense to me!
    In this case i am asking myself..what am i doing here for the last 5 month's.

    This leave's me with MJ hoaxed his dead to get away for good..but in the mean time he does a terrible job doing it!
    Nothing fits..not ones but everything two times..there are clues all over the place..he leave's that for us..because he wants us to keep looking for the mean time he wants to get away for good???
    Or..he thinks we(his fans) have no live..lets play a cruel game???

    I think if he wanted to get away for good..he would have done a much better job..He could have learned what not to in the case with Elvis!!!!!
    I am getting sick by i an other fan like the Elvis fans?
    No No..because nothing makes sence..and in Elvis case i can't remember they were leaving clues all over the place like in this case..and family and friends acting weird(i am old enough to remember)
    So if he does not planned to come back..than why al this..please explaine if you know.
    I would like to know also..finaly!

    I put my toughts about it here..i tried to explaine Englisch is not my Language..I did my best and hope you understand.
    I am getting tyred also..and need positive thinking to keep going!
    Trying not to loose faith..Greetings to all Mattie

    Mattie, you raise some good questions and your English is fine. You ask why this hoax is such a mess...and draw the comparison to Elvis? I was around when Elvis died, and not only was the idea of a hoax far from everyone's mind back then....but there were no home computers, VCRs, DVDs, TMZ etc. If you wanted to tape a show it had to be with a home projector pointed at your TV set. You could not instantly pour over every article and news program on the internet and scrutinize every last bit (over and over) for evidence. And, you did not have thousands of strangers you could instantly connect and compare notes with and send it out for others to read. Otherwise....who knows what would have been discovered?
    When something is a lie.....the truth eventually surfaces....and I'll bet the Jackson's never realize how much the fans loved and were loyal to MJ. Details would have been watched much closer in hindsight, I'm sure.

    I don't think MJ thought so much about the hoax much as how to escape the nightmare he got woven into. Desperate times call for desperate measures....and his kids and his life were at the top of his list. Maybe he had no idea how it would effect the fans? And all the new ones!
    As for Michael.....I think he has finally retired...and well deserved....though I doubt he can sit still for long. I can't think of anything worse than having your children view you through the eyes and lies of the he had to do what he had to do.
    What better for MJ than to finally be vindicated by millions of fans around the world, so loved and for his kids to see that! Then to finally have the time to be with the people you love and not having to be on anyone's schedule.
    Two things I always think back to.... was during the filming of of TTI when he said "we have three years to get it right"...(meaning 2012).....and that they used that pic of MJ from Liberian Girl at both the Memorial and Funeral. I think a few more things need to be played out first.
  • Well said angelwings....

    And you are right to say "BELIEVE"....

  • Dear SoldierofLove,

    That is so sweet to pray for Michael and his family like brought tears to my eyes....thank you...and may the Lord bless you a hundred times over (hug)


    Bless you too! I love your "old saying" and the gorgeous Believe butterfly. Hugs and Kisses, Love and Light.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Dear Friends,

    No..... no, he is not gone for good. Please believe me when I say there is a time and a place for everything, and the media has abused this and disrespected this in so many ways, on so many levels. And it's not even about JUST the media. There is conspiracy..... a great deal of conspiracy going on even as we type. I am sure that Michael would tell you everything if he could. He would love more than anything to caress your hearts and soothe your minds and reassure you that he is NOT gone.

    I have only been here on this forum for a few days but I have been reading your messages before I joined the forum, and I just want to say the unconditional love and support that exudes from this magical place is truly, truly wonderful. You all are amazing! You know what? All the love and support that MJ felt from the fans while the trial was going on..... well, I think this surpasses it 100 times. It's unbelievable, it really is. Please, please continue to love him and don't give up hope. Sustain your strength and your faith - and through that, bliss will come. Yes, it time. Trust your instincts and your heart. Trust the loopholes and the discrepancies in the official reports and all the evidence that says yes he is still here. Do NOT trust the media. Do not believe all the garbage you hear, they are nothing more than exaggerations and lies and sensationalism. The truth is here. YOU have the your hearts. Trust that truth and do not betray it.

    Sometime things happen for reasons that we don't fully understand, and we have to put our faith in God and trust Him because he does have a Master Plan..... and it always works. Always! His plans can never never be foiled.... ever. So, we have to do a little pioneering in patience here, you know? Patience and perseverance will lead to a warm embrace of L.O.V.E. and TRUTH. And like I said before in a previous post, love always wins and the truth always prevails.

    So, lets stay strong together and not rush it.....okay?

    I love you very much, and God bless you.

    Poetry, I agree with everything you have to say. I love reading your posts, your words are so powerful and encouraging. Thank you so much for everything you said, I too believe that everyone should calm down and wait it out, like you said, there's a time and place for everything. Michael probably has a huge plan, and maybe or maybe not has already planned when he's going to return, he's thought out, planned and organized the hoax VERY intellectually so far, I don't think he'll just pop in anytime soon and say "Hey, I'm actually alive!" I believe there's a lot more to it than that. PoetryInMotion, thanks again, and we love you too! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> God Bless you as well. *Hugs*
  • "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4-something ....I don't remember the exact number right now.

    I think this is appropriate and it can be applied to life on many levels, including the subject matter here. Just like the media's BS and "factual" reports. No, they are not factual. They are 99.9% totally untrue. But that's what is seen and it's only temporary. MJ cannot be seen right now but does that mean he is gone for good? Absolutely not.

    L.O.V.E. is eternal.

    Stay strong, my friends, and don't let other people try to cloud your minds with delusional "facts." Keep your minds clear....keep your eyes open.... keep watching. Things will unfold of their own accord....when the time is right.

  • "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4-something ....I don't remember the exact number right now.

    I think this is appropriate and it can be applied to life on many levels, including the subject matter here. Just like the media's BS and "factual" reports. No, they are not factual. They are 99.9% totally untrue. But that's what is seen and it's only temporary. MJ cannot be seen right now but does that mean he is gone for good? Absolutely not.

    L.O.V.E. is eternal.

    Stay strong, my friends, and don't let other people try to cloud your minds with delusional "facts." Keep your minds clear....keep your eyes open.... keep watching. Things will unfold of their own accord....when the time is right.


    Thanks PIM! I especially like the Emerson quote, it's wonderful. When people ask me why I love Michael Jackson so much I always tell them it's because he taught me to love MYSELF. He taught me by example that it's not only okay to be different...but EXTRAORDINARY. I truly learned from him how to hold on to the strength it takes to not give in to the world that is always pressuring me to conform. So in everything I do, I am true to my heart, because he was true to his. And I hope to inspire others to do the same. It's kind of a trickle effect. Living in Truth breeds more Truth in the world, and that goes for LOVE as well. The message in "Man in the Mirror" truly is the key to making the world a better place. Thanks again PoetryInMotion. Like they say in the movie Avatar, "I see you." <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4-something ....I don't remember the exact number right now.

    I think this is appropriate and it can be applied to life on many levels, including the subject matter here. Just like the media's BS and "factual" reports. No, they are not factual. They are 99.9% totally untrue. But that's what is seen and it's only temporary. MJ cannot be seen right now but does that mean he is gone for good? Absolutely not.

    L.O.V.E. is eternal.

    Stay strong, my friends, and don't let other people try to cloud your minds with delusional "facts." Keep your minds clear....keep your eyes open.... keep watching. Things will unfold of their own accord....when the time is right.


    Of course we keep watching
    In fact that's what I do aaaaaaaaaaall day long <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Can't help it <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    Jaci how strange you mention Avatar...remind me of Michael so much.
    Many weeks after seing Avatar that "I see you" haunted my mind.
    It recalled Michael to me, because I felt I saw him <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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