2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- m -->http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5065141<!-- m -->



  • MJ needs justice in an unjust society.
  • Sigh, this makes me think he really is murdered. Makes me soooo sad <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    Surely he would tell his father if he's hoaxing his death, don't you think?
    Can you please post again here if Joe comes to that show.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    So does Brian Oxman know the truth, or is he just covering up the hoax?? He sounds so convinced that MJ is passed, and wants to do all he can to take Murray down, and fight for justice for the family and MJ. He also suggests alot of foul play with the legal system. Is he in on the hoax or not? I'm confused. I found this when researching Patrick Allocco from "All good Entertainment". This was on his Facebook page.
  • Hey wow, that is a great find! I got through it only once and definately dont remember all of the details, but a few things realy stood out. At 2.29 Twitty introduces herself, being from MJ Hoax live (??). Now, what is that? At the end the co-producer sings I´ll be there ,in a very passionate way.Like it being some kind of a message.
    I am going to listen once more, but to me it all seems like a confirmation of a thread against MJ and fighting for justice for everything that went wrong in the past . As if it is a big chance right now to set several records straight. Whether he really died or not does not seem the point yet..
  • So does Brian Oxman know the truth, or is he just covering up the hoax?? He sounds so convinced that MJ is passed, and wants to do all he can to take Murray down, and fight for justice for the family and MJ. He also suggests alot of foul play with the legal system. Is he in on the hoax or not? I'm confused. I found this when researching Patrick Allocco from "All good Entertainment". This was on his Facebook page.

    Yeah, this surely is confusing.And it does not really show evidence that he is alive.
    But all together, if you see the bigger picture and the sum of everything we experienced during the past 8 months, things make sense. If it is a hoax, it is one with severe reasons and also big chances to get justice in general. And then it is understandable that things need to be revealed this way.
    I guess we will have to go through this, time will tell and thank God we are not alone!
  • Maybe off topic but I was just watching this about Dick Gregory and wasn't it also said MJ suffered from dehydration in the beginning after he 'died'?
    This I think is from 2005:

  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    double post

    Ill share what I wrote on the other one
    enjoyed that very much... when the guy said get pop corn LOL I stopped the video and made popcorn!! anyway the part of the show about the frats upset me...what they did was gross!!! it 2010 ppl!!! I know off topic...
    anyway Oxman is a lawyer...and a pretty good one sooo yeah he could lie.. lol I dont mean to disrespect him, but If anyone could keep their mouth shut during all of this its him...

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=59&t=6433<!-- l -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    2good2btrue, Thanks for the video. I just don't know whether Brian Oxman is in on it or not. Sometimes when I see him interviewed, his eyes look to be smiling but his words indicate something else. Perhaps it is just how he looks? Off topic, Eddie Jones needs to keep up with modern history, as Yugoslavia hasn't existed in that state for a few years now. One last point, I enjoy hearing MJ's music but when people are talking in interviews I want to concentrate fully on what they are saying. I find it distracting trying to filter out the too loud "background" music. Sometimes the music wins and I don't hear the talk.
  • http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5065141

    i think joe is out of this hoax thing. may be because of broken n sour relationship between son n father ..
  • what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    So does Brian Oxman know the truth, or is he just covering up the hoax?? He sounds so convinced that MJ is passed, and wants to do all he can to take Murray down, and fight for justice for the family and MJ. He also suggests alot of foul play with the legal system. Is he in on the hoax or not? I'm confused. I found this when researching Patrick Allocco from "All good Entertainment". This was on his Facebook page.

    How can a lawer cover a hoax? I dont know anything any more.
    I think that adult respectable lawer wont lie about death of the biggest celebrity in the world.
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    Hey wow, that is a great find! I got through it only once and definately dont remember all of the details, but a few things realy stood out. At 2.29 Twitty introduces herself, being from MJ Hoax live (??). Now, what is that? At the end the co-producer sings I´ll be there ,in a very passionate way.Like it being some kind of a message.
    I am going to listen once more, but to me it all seems like a confirmation of a thread against MJ and fighting for justice for everything that went wrong in the past . As if it is a big chance right now to set several records straight. Whether he really died or not does not seem the point yet..

    I don't think I'll be there was Mj message.
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????

    What you say is abrolutely convincing, but wait a minute...
    Do you believe MJ passed? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????

    So, are you actually saying that people DID succeed in their conspiracy to gain over MJs succes? And that they did succeed in their effort to get Michael away? Or do you still keep an option open on the possibility that MJ knew this in time and could escape?
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Wow....as my friend says...this is heavy.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006

    I posted this link somewhere else. I didn't know you had already posted it. Gosh, you all fast. LOL!
  • what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????

    Kelly, I always like your posts, you do your research and Tell it Like it Is, and I would like to add a few more things that you may know more about...I find it odd the Police Chief Bratton decide to resign at such an inopportune time and go to work for a SEE-EYE-A front company in Alexandria, Va. (Don't you think thats rather sinister?)

    Some people like to think MJ was rescued and in a Gov. Witness Protection Program, but my problem with this is it was our government who never gave up on trying to destroy him. For this reason I just can't believe the same government would have a sudden change of heart and step in to save him...

    and the final thing that worries me is Samantha (of the Followers) state on night before his "death" there were alot of Black vehicles and guys in black suits at the back of the mansion, when there were normally only 2 of MJ's guards posted there. Was this Mafia or G-Men? They are one and the same these days arent' they, lol? Or Nation of Islam?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    @ Kelly Wright. Thanks for congealing those points together. A lot of unsavoury things lurked in the background in MJ's life, the shadows always moving, no doubt right up until/after his 'death'. This element was always going to increase the suspicion around MJ in the event of his death. Whether the suspicious and evasive behaviour of CM is because he is part of a conspiracy OR he is trying to cover up his individual mistake, we have yet to know. The points you make about the vultures and corruption feeding around MJ's life cannot be disputed. I wish people would hit on these issues more often! I'm intrigued though. I read about these various people surrounding MJ and their connections, and you can see how they might want MJ dead. But the buck did stop with CM when it came to MJ's death. Yet how is CM possibly connected to any of these people wanting to gain control of MJ? How (who?) did they get CM hired by MJ, and if it all went to plan why is CM covering-up what he did and why is he going to trial? If MJ was indeed murdered and CM was part of a greater conspiracy, these q's need answers - there is a missing connection.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    @ Good Lets Dance - who is samantha. Do you have a link to what she said?
  • Quirky Diana,

    There is tons on this site about Samantha De Gossen, I read it all HERE. It would take forever for me to search it out, but it's on here somewhere.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Regarding the issue of the Catalogue. MJ had to be put in a shaky financial position to have his rights put in jeopardy, but Branca etc are making loads of money for the estate?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Quirky Diana,

    There is tons on this site about Samantha De Gossen, I read it all HERE. It would take forever for me to search it out, but it's on here somewhere.

    No that's fine, i'll check it all out. Thanks.
  • HarryHarry Posts: 113
    Hey wow, that is a great find! I got through it only once and definately dont remember all of the details, but a few things realy stood out. At 2.29 Twitty introduces herself, being from MJ Hoax live (??). Now, what is that? At the end the co-producer sings I´ll be there ,in a very passionate way.Like it being some kind of a message.
    I am going to listen once more, but to me it all seems like a confirmation of a thread against MJ and fighting for justice for everything that went wrong in the past . As if it is a big chance right now to set several records straight. Whether he really died or not does not seem the point yet..

    I 100% agree with you. And yeah wtf with the girl from MJ hoax live ahah!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Joe cares a lot for his son ! My ass! Remember saying about his company ? Remember him not knowing where MJ body was after the memorial ?
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????

    Kelly, I always like your posts, you do your research and Tell it Like it Is, and I would like to add a few more things that you may know more about...I find it odd the Police Chief Bratton decide to resign at such an inopportune time and go to work for a SEE-EYE-A front company in Alexandria, Va. (Don't you think thats rather sinister?)

    Some people like to think MJ was rescued and in a Gov. Witness Protection Program, but my problem with this is it was our government who never gave up on trying to destroy him. For this reason I just can't believe the same government would have a sudden change of heart and step in to save him...

    and the final thing that worries me is Samantha (of the Followers) state on night before his "death" there were alot of Black vehicles and guys in black suits at the back of the mansion, when there were normally only 2 of MJ's guards posted there. Was this Mafia or G-Men? They are one and the same these days arent' they, lol? Or Nation of Islam?

    Wow, I have never heard this statement from Sam before. I did read in her TINI testimony that here was increase of bodyguards around MJ in his supposed "last days." Very interesting! Great post, God bless you for sharing your insights and your comments.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    If Oxman does not trust prosecution and LAPD, he should consider to do his own investigation on behalf of King of Pop and Jackson family. Whom he/they are waiting for then? What they have been waiting for 8 months not doing anything? After 3d autopcy report was completed, the cause of death was announced "involuntary manslaughter". Why they have not been appealing against that report from the beginning? Any how, I think, Michael and his hoax team are targeting to fight with something big, involving "big fishes" to bring down.

    This makes sense: <!-- m -->http://mjtruth.wordpress.com/theories/<!-- m -->

    Have you considered MJ could be in a witness protection program to bring down some major evil he has stumbled across? Or MJ has deliberately allowed the media to make it look like he has died so that he can teach the human race the true meaning of life.
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