

  • To Darkchild,

    You said you had never heard this before? This was posted by YOU on Feb. 25th <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> The very last sentence is about the extra "security" on the night he died. But I remember reading it somewhere worded differantly. I thought it was the night Before he died but this says the Night he died....

    You had posted Samantha's Testimony from TINI.

    In the last few days of Michael’s life I also remember noticing his security guard Alberto Alvarez often looking very agitated and breaking into a nervous sweat. He would tell us, when questioning him on whether Michael was okay or not, that Michael was “focused” and in “tour mode” and not actually answering the question. Yet we could see it was more than that, that Michael had become increasingly altered, groggy and emaciated and that his security was nervous about something. In fact, instead of having 2-3 guards behind the gates at his house, it doubled and tripled and I even counted up to 12 of them on the night he died.

    I found it by putting "TINI" in the "Search" box and this is just the one paragragh in referance to the 12 out back that night. So Thank you for posting this even though you obviously forgot it was YOUR post <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • To Darkchild,

    You said you had never heard this before? This was posted by YOU on Feb. 25th <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> The very last sentence is about the extra "security" on the night he died. But I remember reading it somewhere worded differantly. I thought it was the night Before he died but this says the Night he died....

    You had posted Samantha's Testimony from TINI.

    In the last few days of Michael’s life I also remember noticing his security guard Alberto Alvarez often looking very agitated and breaking into a nervous sweat. He would tell us, when questioning him on whether Michael was okay or not, that Michael was “focused” and in “tour mode” and not actually answering the question. Yet we could see it was more than that, that Michael had become increasingly altered, groggy and emaciated and that his security was nervous about something. In fact, instead of having 2-3 guards behind the gates at his house, it doubled and tripled and I even counted up to 12 of them on the night he died.

    I found it by putting "TINI" in the "Search" box and this is just the one paragragh in referance to the 12 out back that night. So Thank you for posting this even though you obviously forgot it was YOUR post <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I am reacting to the increase of security the days before he died; we do not have real evidence whether this was to protect him from a severe threat or whether this was to support a severe threat.
    The argument that government levelled organisations like FBI, CIA, LAPD and so on would mainly want to bring MJ down is not quite right, I think. Maybe I am simply not well informed, but I think that MJ never ever would have gained the last trial if that would be the case.If the justical system is fraud, they would have had their big chance in 2005.
    Please, correct me in case I am drawing the wrong conclusions because of lack of knowledge.
    BTW, do we have any possibility here to check the kind of security that was involved during the past days?
  • what is so confusing ? The LAPD is corrupt ,they conspired with Tom Sneddon and the media ,that is owned and controlled by the elite . The FbI is corrupt ,they knew all along they did not have ANYTHING on MJ yet they allowed the trial to proceed .The Media mogols paid off Tom Sneddon .Why else would he try a case that he knew he could'nt win & he knew from the FBI evidence because he requested their help ! They had nothing ! The trial proceeded because of the MONEY involved with the media circus ,can you even fathom the amount of money generated from the trial / media circus . If you check carefully you will see, that the same folks that own Sony are all the same folks that are are in control of the media ,and the LAPD is clearly NOT doing a thorough investigation ,so clearly, they are covering something up there are potential witnesses that have not even been investigated ! How the hell is John Branca in entire control over MJ's estate ? His family has no say so in anything at all now . How could that be ,when Mj fired him ? Where is the proof that MJ hired him back ? Let's see it !{ Are the courts corrupt as well?} MJ Fired John Branca because he caught him and Tommy Matolla funneling his money to offshore accounts and Branca was trying to represent Sony & MJ's Sony /ATV at the same time which is a conflict of interest . He also {mj} felt that Al Malnick was in cahoots with Tommy Matolla who was in cahoots with the mafia and Brett Ratner was also in cahoots with Malnick trying to steal MJ's catalog .They wanted to destroy MJ's ability to make money so he would be forced to sell his Sony / Atv and the catalog + the rights to his own music .If MJ had completed those concerts he would be alive to be in control of his rights to Sony/ATV/& His music And be in a position of being the most powerful person in the music industry . This could NOT be allowed to happen Sony / Aeg / Lapd / FBI / Media are all in on this conspiracy .Do we realize that MJ's Sony /ATV catalog includes Lady Ga GA ,Taylor Swift ECT not to mention part of Elvis & the Beatles We are talking about an unGOdly amount of Money & POwer . Of course there is a conspiracy to try and wrestle that catalog out of MJ's hands .MJ said so himself ,over & over again .And now by some weird twist of fate Branca winds up in control of MJ's Everything ? The Same Lawyer that was working For Sony ? And I looked At Branca website ,He takes the credit for MJ Success ,look for your self .I thought someone told MJ {Paul M.} that the catalog was up for sale & MJ INSTRUCTED his Att. John B. To purchase it .But that is not the story on John Branca's website , he maintains it was all his idea and if it wern't for him MJ would have nothing ! Sounds like Mr. Branca may have some jealousy issues to me . IDK . But his story on his website is inconsistent with what Mj says and he mentions nothing about MJ firing him anywhere on his site and I looked at everything on it .According to him he resigned .Somebody is telling a big fat lie . Also I looked up on Wiki The Dr that signed MJ's death cert. He works for the Dept of health &has ties to homeland security and works for UCLA . Why did this Dr. Sign Mj's death cert ? I thought it was weird that this Dr John Feilding "led efforts to deal with bioterrorism &pandemic flu " why did this person sign Mj Death cert . John Branca has ties to UCLA too {it is on his website } Coincidental ????

    Kelly, I always like your posts, you do your research and Tell it Like it Is, and I would like to add a few more things that you may know more about...I find it odd the Police Chief Bratton decide to resign at such an inopportune time and go to work for a SEE-EYE-A front company in Alexandria, Va. (Don't you think thats rather sinister?)

    Some people like to think MJ was rescued and in a Gov. Witness Protection Program, but my problem with this is it was our government who never gave up on trying to destroy him. For this reason I just can't believe the same government would have a sudden change of heart and step in to save him...

    and the final thing that worries me is Samantha (of the Followers) state on night before his "death" there were alot of Black vehicles and guys in black suits at the back of the mansion, when there were normally only 2 of MJ's guards posted there. Was this Mafia or G-Men? They are one and the same these days arent' they, lol? Or Nation of Islam?
    I agree with you on the witness P.P. .and I expected from the start the Lapd would Botch the investigation , And i believe those girls talked to MJ they had pics ! I am telling you the LAPD has a LOng history of not only corruption but racism .Rodney King , Tupac ,Suge Nite , OJ { he may be guilty } Heidi Fliess .The police except money from media ,so I am sure judges do too
  • According to JJs interview on the Australian radioshow everything is known by JJ and everything will unfold; JJ is just not allowed to say it.Plus he emphasizes that MJs life was threatened.

    Logically, if JJ tells the truth, it can not take ages anymore untill we will experience some truth.And if JJ knows so much, then Brian O. knows at least as much as JJ does. So it does not make sense that they act differently, unless they are...acting?
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    It´s not over it´s the beginning!

  • I dont want to watch this video. The comments are all negative. So im not goin to.
    Feel free to fill me in. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I dont want to watch this video. The comments are all negative. So im not goin to.
    Feel free to fill me in. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    The video is not negative. It is very interesting and a great fight against injustice! It reminds me of the memorial service it is the same issue. Fight for the human rights especialy for black americans! It comes all together I think!

    What is about the hoax lady, has someone more iformation about it?

    XspeechlessX I think you should not be afraid to watch the video. It gives me a great feeling. Alive or not Michaels spirit is everywhere... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> 12 security men, or was it the 12 apostles????
    If there were that many cars before the hoax death night, I would imagine they were family members and friends involved in the death hoax and were getting everything organised for the "GRAND EVENT". Just a thought
  • To Darkchild,

    You said you had never heard this before? This was posted by YOU on Feb. 25th <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> The very last sentence is about the extra "security" on the night he died. But I remember reading it somewhere worded differantly. I thought it was the night Before he died but this says the Night he died....

    You had posted Samantha's Testimony from TINI.

    In the last few days of Michael’s life I also remember noticing his security guard Alberto Alvarez often looking very agitated and breaking into a nervous sweat. He would tell us, when questioning him on whether Michael was okay or not, that Michael was “focused” and in “tour mode” and not actually answering the question. Yet we could see it was more than that, that Michael had become increasingly altered, groggy and emaciated and that his security was nervous about something. In fact, instead of having 2-3 guards behind the gates at his house, it doubled and tripled and I even counted up to 12 of them on the night he died.

    I found it by putting "TINI" in the "Search" box and this is just the one paragragh in referance to the 12 out back that night. So Thank you for posting this even though you obviously forgot it was YOUR post <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I am reacting to the increase of security the days before he died; we do not have real evidence whether this was to protect him from a severe threat or whether this was to support a severe threat.
    The argument that government levelled organisations like FBI, CIA, LAPD and so on would mainly want to bring MJ down is not quite right, I think. Maybe I am simply not well informed, but I think that MJ never ever would have gained the last trial if that would be the case.If the justical system is fraud, they would have had their big chance in 2005.
    Please, correct me in case I am drawing the wrong conclusions because of lack of knowledge.
    BTW, do we have any possibility here to check the kind of security that was involved during the past days?

    "Maybe I am simply not well informed" is Correct. The released FBI Files admit they were up his ass for 17 years and brought in by Sneddon. The S.B. Deputies raided Neverland so many times (nothing incriminating resulted from their raids) That he left the country for Bahrain. LAPD Bratton was hired by the see-eye-a after his resignation in the middle of MJ's death chaos. These are ALL Government LE Agencies are they not? How you can interpret this as "not quite right" (your words) is beyond me!
  • Wow wether the report about 12 body guards is true or not, it seems weird. If it is true, then it does sound like Micheal was planning... I remember cleary his mother Katherine admitting that her, and Joe know who is trying to bring her son down, but said she will not say anything further about it. Then Joe in the same interview, admitted to Michael being involved with the Nation of Islam people, to me sounds like they were planning to get Michael to somewhere safe, it is very obvious that several people in the business, some pretty powerful ones at that were trying to bring Micheal down, this has been going on for many, many years of his career. In cases like this with the fame and money Micheal had, he had options to protect himself, and may have taken a very extreme undercover option. I have heard about 'Deep Cover" operations where several govermental agencies can make a person disappear, well the identity that everyone knows of that person.

    What happens is the person being put in the program can be given a new identity ( this varies by the state of the person's situation), location changes (which can be very extreme, moving someone worlds away from where they resided before), getting paper work with a new name, (birth cert/social security) e.t.c. It is done all the time in our country, and I believe Michael may have had the Nation of Islam help him to get into this program. Dr. Klein himself said he was fixing Michael's nose, most of us heard that interview, so that is a big clue to what I am saying about this program. By no means am I saying that this is what happened, this is specualtion only. I do not want to lead people to believe one way or the other, just to keep a open mind.
  • This no way a hoax,our beloved Michael was murdered,you can't put your life on hold for a faked death.The Jackson family are devastated and they are not the only ones.Conrad Murray killed Michael,and he needs to pay.It won't bring Michael back,but it will give him justice.Three children have lost their father and for what?
  • :lol: <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> 12 security men, or was it the 12 apostles????
    If there were that many cars before the hoax death night, I would imagine they were family members and friends involved in the death hoax and were getting everything organised for the "GRAND EVENT". Just a thought
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    This no way a hoax,our beloved Michael was murdered,you can't put your life on hold for a faked death.The Jackson family are devastated and they are not the only ones.Conrad Murray killed Michael,and he needs to pay.It won't bring Michael back,but it will give him justice.Three children have lost their father and for what?

    We us here on the HOAX site think otherwise otherwise we wouldn't be here on a HOAX site. We would be on a MJ is DEAD site.
  • This no way a hoax,our beloved Michael was murdered,you can't put your life on hold for a faked death.The Jackson family are devastated and they are not the only ones.Conrad Murray killed Michael,and he needs to pay.It won't bring Michael back,but it will give him justice.Three children have lost their father and for what?

    We us here on the HOAX site think otherwise otherwise we wouldn't be here on a HOAX site. We would be on a MJ is DEAD site.

    "We us here"you might want to use the edit button.Anyway my word stands,peace.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    word » Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:09 pm

    Datroot wrote:
    word wrote:
    This no way a hoax,our beloved Michael was murdered,you can't put your life on hold for a faked death.The Jackson family are devastated and they are not the only ones.Conrad Murray killed Michael,and he needs to pay.It won't bring Michael back,but it will give him justice.Three children have lost their father and for what?

    We us here on the HOAX site think otherwise otherwise we wouldn't be here on a HOAX site. We would be on a MJ is DEAD site.

    "We us here"you might want to use the edit button.Anyway my word stands,peace.

    How do you know he is dead?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    This no way a hoax,our beloved Michael was murdered,you can't put your life on hold for a faked death.The Jackson family are devastated and they are not the only ones.Conrad Murray killed Michael,and he needs to pay.It won't bring Michael back,but it will give him justice.Three children have lost their father and for what?

    We us here on the HOAX site think otherwise otherwise we wouldn't be here on a HOAX site. We would be on a MJ is DEAD site.

    Yeah dude, agreed.

    Word, perhaps you would find yourself fitting in better on a murder board or a straight up conspiracy board. I mean you're welcome to observe and all but please stop trying to stear the conversation away from the topic of the entire site. Off topic posts really just junk up the place.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    LAPD Bratton was hired by who? Just wanted to ask - during the arvizo allegations, how were LAPD involved in that? When the issue of LAPD comes up, people always say 'oh it wasn't the LAPD, it was Santa Barbara police'. But wasn't it both? Weren't LAPD working with Sneddon's people?
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    To Darkchild,

    You said you had never heard this before? This was posted by YOU on Feb. 25th <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> The very last sentence is about the extra "security" on the night he died. But I remember reading it somewhere worded differantly. I thought it was the night Before he died but this says the Night he died....

    You had posted Samantha's Testimony from TINI.

    In the last few days of Michael’s life I also remember noticing his security guard Alberto Alvarez often looking very agitated and breaking into a nervous sweat. He would tell us, when questioning him on whether Michael was okay or not, that Michael was “focused” and in “tour mode” and not actually answering the question. Yet we could see it was more than that, that Michael had become increasingly altered, groggy and emaciated and that his security was nervous about something. In fact, instead of having 2-3 guards behind the gates at his house, it doubled and tripled and I even counted up to 12 of them on the night he died.

    I found it by putting "TINI" in the "Search" box and this is just the one paragragh in referance to the 12 out back that night. So Thank you for posting this even though you obviously forgot it was YOUR post <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Thank you for pointing out my mistake. I dont want to be double posting and wasting space on the forum. God bless you, Good Lets Dance!
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