What if WE create the comeback

eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
edited January 1970 in News
Is Mike waiting for us to create the ideal opportunity for his return? If I had a limitless budget, I'd hire the Cirque Du Soleil team and create the greatest MJ show on earth. It would include a beautiful storyline of his truth, history, exposing the hoax and letting Mike TAKEOVER the stage without warning. I am 99% sure he'd LOVE this concept. No matter how hard he might have tried in 02 to be futuristic with his concepts, NOTHING TOUCHES the visual mastery of Cirque. I know he's a huge fan of their creative process and has inquired for a show about himself in the past. I think the fans should knock boots with Cirque and roll this out. Maybe this takeover is about us taking a risk like this.


  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    VERY interesting idea.

    In fact, WE are living Michael already.
    We are walking in his shoes already (part-time only and only for one aspect at the time <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->).
    We feel already what it's like to be "watched", attacked, ridiculed, facing prejudice, facing injustice, getting controlled, being loved by strangers we never met, waking up to life in many aspects, daring things we never dared before, caring for each other, caring for the world, doing something for the helpless, unmasking lies, striving for truth, reaching higher, setting the bars just one inch higher every day. The list could go on and on.

    As to me, I don't need a coming back as entertainer because he's with us every day at so many occasions. I valuate this current presence higher than the performances on a stage that fade with time. But what do you think - do you need him so badly back in spotlight? Do you want him so badly back as a performer on a stage?

    I guess many hearts will just stop if he would take over the lead in a performance. I like the phantasies how this could happen - I guess if intended, the plans all are in work already. I do not count on it however.
    Getting in action for Michael? Could we pull it off?
    VERY interesting question.
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    well I think he is taking US on a great adventure!
  • I'd leave that to the professional,Michael Jackson,peace.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    VERY interesting idea.

    As to me, I don't need a coming back as entertainer because he's with us every day at so many occasions. I valuate this current presence higher than the performances on a stage that fade with time. But what do you think - do you need him so badly back in spotlight? Do you want him so badly back as a performer on a stage?

    I guess many hearts will just stop if he would take over the lead in a performance. I like the phantasies how this could happen - I guess if intended, the plans all are in work already. I do not count on it however.
    Getting in action for Michael? Could we pull it off?
    VERY interesting question.

  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    It could just as easily mess up Michael's plans and make US look like delusional lunatics.
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    It could just as easily mess up Michael's plans and make US look like delusional lunatics.
    I won't and don't care if we look like delusional lunatics... don't you think many people think that already about us? And I'm not sure about messing up Michael's plan. I think he'll only come back to stage if the fans want him to.
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    VERY interesting idea.

    In fact, WE are living Michael already.
    We are walking in his shoes already (part-time only and only for one aspect at the time <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->).
    We feel already what it's like to be "watched", attacked, ridiculed, facing prejudice, facing injustice, getting controlled, being loved by strangers we never met, waking up to life in many aspects, daring things we never dared before, caring for each other, caring for the world, doing something for the helpless, unmasking lies, striving for truth, reaching higher, setting the bars just one inch higher every day. The list could go on and on.

    As to me, I don't need a coming back as entertainer because he's with us every day at so many occasions. I valuate this current presence higher than the performances on a stage that fade with time. But what do you think - do you need him so badly back in spotlight? Do you want him so badly back as a performer on a stage?

    I guess many hearts will just stop if he would take over the lead in a performance. I like the phantasies how this could happen - I guess if intended, the plans all are in work already. I do not count on it however.
    Getting in action for Michael? Could we pull it off?
    VERY interesting question.
    Honestly, I want Michael to be able to perform on stage without tremendous pressures on himself. I say this because it's were he feels most at home and it is miraculous to witness. It's when all of the minds and money involved start skewing the original integrity of a project, it all gets lost. I don't think he'll return unless there's a demand from his fans to. Other wise, there will be more hatred for him than ever before. The human race cannot collectively wrap their brains around a justified death hoax. This is a large percent of the same population that made their minds up about him already being negative. He would be amiss to think otherwise. so either he's drumming up the most extreme comeback plans and dripping on the human race. So of us will bite, most won't at first, which is why maybe it will play out long and detailed to win over the majority. Or, he never comes back in the spotlight, period. I think Michael Jackson is a smart man who wouldn't be as narcissistic as to just say, "Taa-Daa, I'm Back". I do believe he would only hoax with the most extreme purpose of exposing truths. HE is well aware of the consequences of either choice. Does that make any sense?
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    IF...and I say IF... a comeback is in the works, I would love to be one of the planners and create the comeback.

    Before TII was shown in theaters, I recall seeing some odd ads on tv. The ads were shown late night/early morning. They weren't the typical :30 or :60 ads and they lasted maybe... :10. They consisted of a few quick flashes of MJ's pics and always ended with MJ in the Billie Jean pose. It was just enough for those who were paying attention to see it otherwise quick enough for you to miss it. I saw those ads and wondered what they were connected to since they clearly were not promoting the movie. I had forgotten about those ads until now.

    I would place those cryptic ads again and end the flashes of images with the TII pose. I would do so on major tv networks and at strategic times each day i.e. 10:00, 9:00, 8:00 and on like a countdown to something. In addition, I would place full page ads in newspapers with a shadowy image of ...the sequined glove. No text in the ads, just a faint image of THE glove. Radio stations would get a :10 ad featuring the first few beats of Billie Jean and a voice over asking a question at the end ... "Did you hear that?'

    People would ignore this media blitz ...at first. Later they couldn't help but wonder what was going on and who was behind it since Michael Jackson is "dead". People would soon be talking about it non-stop. The BAM day would consist of major networks being intercepted with "breaking news". The breaking news would be interrupted with tv sets going fuzzy with static and then going black. Viewers would be glued to their tv 's and wondering what has just happened and what is the news. Suddenly the screen would light up and the show would begin. There would be no explaination or set up. Michael would be shown onstage, in full costume and performing as he had planned for the O2 shows. For the next two hours you'd be able to hear a pin drop as people around the world witnessed the live comeback of Michael Jackson.

    Yeah yeah yeah...I know that I have been watching too many late night episodes of Twilight Zone <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I don't know, maybe we have to do something, but What?

    I think we already did a lot by investigating.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    An opinion from Australia. I don't care if he never performs again. The movie TII was his final performance. I just want to know that he is alive and well. I would wish him all the best and hope that finally, "MAYBE NOW THEY WILL LEAVE HIM ALONE ". We are all here trying to find out whether he is really still alive. That's all I want to know . He has had his time as a performer, and the best there will ever be. Let him now enjoy his life out of the spotlight, and spend more time doing something he loves more......being a father!! All I want is a definite sign that he is still with us, then I can resume a normal life again. His message has always been LOVE. We need to love one another, even when we dont always agree with eachother. In in our hands now. He has shown us what to do to make this world a better place.
    Maybe he needs US to set him free.....he has done more than enough for us...and if he comes back, great. And if he decides not to, even greater.............LOVE you Michael xxxxxxxxx
  • lravinglraving Posts: 56
    I don't know, maybe we have to do something, but What?

    I think we already did a lot by investigating.

    I know I keep repeating myself, but I am convinced that the only thing we can do is to spread his message and to live the L.O.V.E.
    Let's be the example. Trust me, many will follow.

    Let's make the world a better place for MJ to come back to. That is the stage he, I'm sure, would appreciate.

    Make it hapen! Make that change!
  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    I don't know, maybe we have to do something, but What?

    I think we already did a lot by investigating.

    And when all calls I will answer your prayers
    Show the world
    You can change the world
    You're the chosen one

    I believe that is the sign he needs for a comeback!

  • god and mj control this

    what ever will be

    we cant do anything
  • Michael is in control of this adventure and I'd rather leave it over to him and God. We can only help him in the best way we can.
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    looks like my dream is coming true afterall!!!!!!!!
  • maybe mike wants us to leave him the hell alone <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • What if we are delaying it?
  • edited <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    I think Mike would want this Cirque production and the reality shows leading up to it. He's been in talks with them for over 6 years about it.
  • Is Mike waiting for us to create the ideal opportunity for his return? If I had a limitless budget, I'd hire the Cirque Du Soleil team and create the greatest MJ show on earth. It would include a beautiful storyline of his truth, history, exposing the hoax and letting Mike TAKEOVER the stage without warning. I am 99% sure he'd LOVE this concept. No matter how hard he might have tried in 02 to be futuristic with his concepts, NOTHING TOUCHES the visual mastery of Cirque. I know he's a huge fan of their creative process and has inquired for a show about himself in the past. I think the fans should knock boots with Cirque and roll this out. Maybe this takeover is about us taking a risk like this.

  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    Is Mike waiting for us to create the ideal opportunity for his return? If I had a limitless budget, I'd hire the Cirque Du Soleil team and create the greatest MJ show on earth. It would include a beautiful storyline of his truth, history, exposing the hoax and letting Mike TAKEOVER the stage without warning. I am 99% sure he'd LOVE this concept. No matter how hard he might have tried in 02 to be futuristic with his concepts, NOTHING TOUCHES the visual mastery of Cirque. I know he's a huge fan of their creative process and has inquired for a show about himself in the past. I think the fans should knock boots with Cirque and roll this out. Maybe this takeover is about us taking a risk like this.

    of course!!!
  • An opinion from Australia. I don't care if he never performs again. The movie TII was his final performance. I just want to know that he is alive and well. I would wish him all the best and hope that finally, "MAYBE NOW THEY WILL LEAVE HIM ALONE ". We are all here trying to find out whether he is really still alive. That's all I want to know . He has had his time as a performer, and the best there will ever be. Let him now enjoy his life out of the spotlight, and spend more time doing something he loves more......being a father!! All I want is a definite sign that he is still with us, then I can resume a normal life again. His message has always been LOVE. We need to love one another, even when we dont always agree with eachother. In in our hands now. He has shown us what to do to make this world a better place.
    Maybe he needs US to set him free.....he has done more than enough for us...and if he comes back, great. And if he decides not to, even greater.............LOVE you Michael xxxxxxxxx

    I feel the same way. I want nothing from Michael just to know FOR SURE that he is well. The only reason to why I'd like him to return is to know that he is alive and well. I don't need a show or anything just something that clearly shows that my angel is still here and well, that's all... Miss him so much.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    An opinion from Australia. I don't care if he never performs again. The movie TII was his final performance. I just want to know that he is alive and well. I would wish him all the best and hope that finally, "MAYBE NOW THEY WILL LEAVE HIM ALONE ". We are all here trying to find out whether he is really still alive. That's all I want to know . He has had his time as a performer, and the best there will ever be. Let him now enjoy his life out of the spotlight, and spend more time doing something he loves more......being a father!! All I want is a definite sign that he is still with us, then I can resume a normal life again. His message has always been LOVE. We need to love one another, even when we dont always agree with eachother. In in our hands now. He has shown us what to do to make this world a better place.
    Maybe he needs US to set him free.....he has done more than enough for us...and if he comes back, great. And if he decides not to, even greater.............LOVE you Michael xxxxxxxxx

    I feel the same way. I want nothing from Michael just to know FOR SURE that he is well. The only reason to why I'd like him to return is to know that he is alive and well. I don't need a show or anything just something that clearly shows that my angel is still here and well, that's all... Miss him so much.

    I think like you. But I also want he spends the truth to all people about how really our world is. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    And I don't think we can create the comeback, MJ just planned everything ! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    So cool your prediction about Cirque and MJ is coming true! And yes I agree that fan support is the "sign" from Cry he is wanting to see. He would always thank the fans who have supported him throughout everything. He would say he would feed off the love of the fans while he was on stage. When the measurement of support dropped I guess his special "energy" was affected too. I agree that God is involved too cause I think MJ is a key player for the planet earth, and he always insisted that he was a channel for God's love to flow. I used to say I just wanted to know that he was alive, but now I think I would probably want to know snippets of what projects he was involved in, and take in anything he created, love to hear interviews with him and singing only if he wanted to!! So not necessarily see him dancing, although it would be nice. Yes it's been a "great adventure". I was also thinking we've been on a "cruise"! Here's some words of Break of Dawn" which could be the love closeness he feels for the fans. Note the word "game" in 2nd verse and all verse 3 relates to the hoax seems to me!

    Break Of Dawn lyrics

    Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mine
    You and me, makin’ love all the way through another night
    I remember you and I walking though the park at night
    Kiss and touch, nothing much, let it blow just touch and go

    Love me more, never leave me alone by house of love
    People talk, people say what we have is just a game
    Oh, I’ll never let you go, come here girl
    Just got to make sweet love ‘til the break of dawn

    I don’t want the sun to shine I wanna make love
    Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
    I don’t know what I’m gonna do I can’t stop lovin’ you
    I won’t stop ‘til break of dawn makin’ love

    Hold my hand, feel the sweat, yes you’ve got me nervous yet
    Let me groove, let me soothe, let me take you on a cruise
    There’s imagination, I bet you never been there before
    Have you ever wanted to dream about those places you’ve never know

    Break of dawn, there’s no sun up in the sky
    Break of dawn, I can see it in your eyes
    Break of dawn, girl you got to understand
    It’s the way that I love you, let me show you I’m your man
    Break of dawn

    [CHORUS x 2]

    Let’s not wait, the sun is out, let’s get up and let’s get out
    It’s the day, a brand new day, let’s both go outside and play
    Let us walk down the park, makin’ love ‘til it’s dark
    Can you move, can you soothe, ‘til the break of dawn and you know it’s true, oh

    [CHORUS x 3]
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    It's all too exciting!!! I inquired with casting at Cirque today for Michael Jackson projects. They said it's to early for actual casting calls on the projects, but to keep posted on the job board for upcoming info. WOOT!!!
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