What if WE create the comeback



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I believe that Michael wants us to spread the truth but unfortunately I know that it is impossible until he comes back. Because people are so blind and they're all brain washed by the media. They do not even care and listen what you're saying to them. If Michael comes back, this will be like a MIRACLE COME TRUE! People will start to believe that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Michael's return will change so many things in this world. It will be the biggest reform! So I think all we need to do is to be ready for his comeback! And after he comes back we should start to spread the message because that's when people will get curious and start to ask questions about why he did the hoax etc. We should be ready to be there for him to spread the truth and start making that change in this world!

    And about your question; what if we create the comeback. Maybe we can make a comeback call for Michael but I don't think that it works because I'm sure that Michael has already planned his comeback.
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    I keep thinking that the arial dancers on DD that were only briefly shown in TII were actually Cirque Dancers... maybe a show to US what is to come in the future? Maybe he's telling US ... "look, I have this whole production thing in the making... just wait, the best is yet to come" And even if he doesn't choose to perform... well, I don't know anymore, but I just had an "intuition feeling"... but I think he would definitely be doing some kind of speech from somewhere. But why would that announcement be made of Cirque tour in a concert type venue worldwide over several years... hmmm! And that last statement saying there would be no impersonators... only Michael himself! I much want him to continue his great humanitarian efforts and give great speeches and be a world leader in that aspect. OK, I'll stop now! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I would place those cryptic ads again and end the flashes of images with the TII pose. I would do so on major tv networks and at strategic times each day i.e. 10:00, 9:00, 8:00 and on like a countdown to something. In addition, I would place full page ads in newspapers with a shadowy image of ...the sequined glove. No text in the ads, just a faint image of THE glove. Radio stations would get a :10 ad featuring the first few beats of Billie Jean and a voice over asking a question at the end ... "Did you hear that?'

    People would ignore this media blitz ...at first. Later they couldn't help but wonder what was going on and who was behind it since Michael Jackson is "dead". People would soon be talking about it non-stop. The BAM day would consist of major networks being intercepted with "breaking news". The breaking news would be interrupted with tv sets going fuzzy with static and then going black. Viewers would be glued to their tv 's and wondering what has just happened and what is the news. Suddenly the screen would light up and the show would begin. There would be no explaination or set up. Michael would be shown onstage, in full costume and performing as he had planned for the O2 shows. For the next two hours you'd be able to hear a pin drop as people around the world witnessed the live comeback of Michael Jackson.


    Ok, this is a fucking AWESOME idea.

    If Michael didn't think of this he should have.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    I would place those cryptic ads again and end the flashes of images with the TII pose. I would do so on major tv networks and at strategic times each day i.e. 10:00, 9:00, 8:00 and on like a countdown to something. In addition, I would place full page ads in newspapers with a shadowy image of ...the sequined glove. No text in the ads, just a faint image of THE glove. Radio stations would get a :10 ad featuring the first few beats of Billie Jean and a voice over asking a question at the end ... "Did you hear that?'

    People would ignore this media blitz ...at first. Later they couldn't help but wonder what was going on and who was behind it since Michael Jackson is "dead". People would soon be talking about it non-stop. The BAM day would consist of major networks being intercepted with "breaking news". The breaking news would be interrupted with tv sets going fuzzy with static and then going black. Viewers would be glued to their tv 's and wondering what has just happened and what is the news. Suddenly the screen would light up and the show would begin. There would be no explaination or set up. Michael would be shown onstage, in full costume and performing as he had planned for the O2 shows. For the next two hours you'd be able to hear a pin drop as people around the world witnessed the live comeback of Michael Jackson.


    Ok, this is a fucking AWESOME idea.

    If Michael didn't think of this he should have.

    ive got goosebumps
  • VERY interesting idea.

    In fact, WE are living Michael already.
    We are walking in his shoes already (part-time only and only for one aspect at the time <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->).
    We feel already what it's like to be "watched", attacked, ridiculed, facing prejudice, facing injustice, getting controlled, being loved by strangers we never met, waking up to life in many aspects, daring things we never dared before, caring for each other, caring for the world, doing something for the helpless, unmasking lies, striving for truth, reaching higher, setting the bars just one inch higher every day. The list could go on and on.

    As to me, I don't need a coming back as entertainer because he's with us every day at so many occasions. I valuate this current presence higher than the performances on a stage that fade with time. But what do you think - do you need him so badly back in spotlight? Do you want him so badly back as a performer on a stage?

    I guess many hearts will just stop if he would take over the lead in a performance. I like the phantasies how this could happen - I guess if intended, the plans all are in work already. I do not count on it however.
    Getting in action for Michael? Could we pull it off?
    VERY interesting question.

    Grace, that almost brought tears to my eyes...so true. Thank you for such a profound point. This is EXACTLY what's happening now.
  • Did you see what those guys did with the Beatles??? Amazing!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    And what was the name of THAT show?


    And who owns the Beatles catalog?

    Get ready. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    I hope Cirque uses Charlie Chaplin as a theme in the show. It would be BOSS if Mike was the "clown" in the show. You know how they do that in Cirque...
  • Did you see what those guys did with the Beatles??? Amazing!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    And what was the name of THAT show?


    And who owns the Beatles catalog?

    Get ready. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    What show?
  • Did you see what those guys did with the Beatles??? Amazing!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    And what was the name of THAT show?


    And who owns the Beatles catalog?

    Get ready. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    What show?

    The Beatles "LOVE" show for Cirque that was done in Vegas in 2006.
  • Oh, thank you!
  • I would place those cryptic ads again and end the flashes of images with the TII pose. I would do so on major tv networks and at strategic times each day i.e. 10:00, 9:00, 8:00 and on like a countdown to something. In addition, I would place full page ads in newspapers with a shadowy image of ...the sequined glove. No text in the ads, just a faint image of THE glove. Radio stations would get a :10 ad featuring the first few beats of Billie Jean and a voice over asking a question at the end ... "Did you hear that?'

    People would ignore this media blitz ...at first. Later they couldn't help but wonder what was going on and who was behind it since Michael Jackson is "dead". People would soon be talking about it non-stop. The BAM day would consist of major networks being intercepted with "breaking news". The breaking news would be interrupted with tv sets going fuzzy with static and then going black. Viewers would be glued to their tv 's and wondering what has just happened and what is the news. Suddenly the screen would light up and the show would begin. There would be no explaination or set up. Michael would be shown onstage, in full costume and performing as he had planned for the O2 shows. For the next two hours you'd be able to hear a pin drop as people around the world witnessed the live comeback of Michael Jackson.


    Ok, this is a fucking AWESOME idea.

    If Michael didn't think of this he should have.

    YES!!! That would be the SH*T if that happened!!!
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