Randy's Latest Tweet!!!

rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
edited January 1970 in News

All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13 year old for their own gain.
5 minutes ago via mobile web


  • randyjackson8:

    All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13 year old for their own gain.
    5 minutes ago via mobile web

    who leaked it
  • Randy Jackson is the one who went to TMZ in the first place!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • randyjackson8:

    All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13 year old for their own gain.
    5 minutes ago via mobile web

    who leaked it

  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546


    As I said, I must unite my family, evident by this most recent issue @ my family home.
    6 minutes ago via web


    Was handled correctly, no harm done. Allegations 90% false, fabricated by evildoers covertly trying 2 separate my family from the inside out
    less than 20 seconds ago via web
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    if randy did go to TMZ why is he tweeting like this. my brain is really hurting now
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    but why do we only hear from randy when tmz reports something like this??
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Austin Brown is now speaking out too:

    People need to leave my little cousin alone it's so sad how the media will pick on anything my family does he's 13 for God sakes.
    5 minutes ago via web
  • He must unite his family??

    Thats kind of an odd way of putting it. Anyways....I still wanna know WHO leaked the story. And do we really know for sure it was Randy? No, we do not.
  • More Randy tweets:

    Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon

    A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain

    Oops – Did I say ‘her’… ?
    6 minutes ago via web
  • I am thinking maybe a person with the initials G.R.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I see that and it is odd
  • GrazziaGrazzia Posts: 224
    More Randy tweets:

    Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon

    A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain

    Oops – Did I say ‘her’… ?
    6 minutes ago via web

    i asked him if he told TMZ the story and he came up with this?

    Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon 23 minutes ago

    "caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting" i cant get it here...so TMZ asked him what happened and as he was "leaving a meeting" he said things that are not true?
    maybe i didnt get it well (bad english).can someone explain me?
    how the meeting has to do with TMZ and what TMZ told us?
    "That will b revealed soon" which is "that" ? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • jeje Posts: 128
    He must unite his family??

    Thats kind of an odd way of putting it. Anyways....I still wanna know WHO leaked the story. And do we really know for sure it was Randy? No, we do not.

  • You know this is an none ending story... I wish MJ will just come out and start taking care of his children.. I hate for the children to be seperated from their grandmother for one stupid person who leaked this event to TMZ.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    You know this is an none ending story... I wish MJ will just come out and start taking care of his children.. I hate for the children to be seperated from their grandmother for one stupid person who leaked this event to TMZ.

    Yep. And I wonder if Michael would allow something like this happen around his kids :/
  • reyferrarireyferrari Posts: 134
    You know this is an none ending story... I wish MJ will just come out and start taking care of his children.. I hate for the children to be seperated from their grandmother for one stupid person who leaked this event to TMZ.

    Yep. And I wonder if Michael would allow something like this happen around his kids :/
    That's a very good point!!!unless this hole stun gun story is fake <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I am thinking maybe a person with the initials G.R.

    That was my first thought too.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Perhaps this was written in another thread, but it was stated that the Nanny allegedly snitched.

    Either or I personally find it inappropriate for a young kid to order a stun gun for his father & in this case it is clear that Jermaine was aware of this in advance. Why would his kid think he needed to order a stun gun for his father?

    I would think that if Jermaine wanted one he would order it for himself? I realize that in this day & age young kids have fire arms for hunting & such, so perhaps having a stun gun and/or bee bee gun is no big deal.

    The problem is that there are many many reported cases(forget the ones that aren't)wherein these weapons have caused great harm.

    I've never thought that they should be in the hands of young ones, but that is only MO.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Who would want the kids other than MJ?????? Their mother DEBBIE ROWE.??????? MAYBE THE WHOLE FOREST LAWN THING WAS A BIG OF A STUNT AS CONRAD MURRAY'S VISIT. JUST THINKING OUT LOUD......Is Debbie feeling guilt about something????
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I'm thinking either Nanny G or Debbie is the "her". Who else would want those kids away from the family & would be doing it for her own personal gain? Interesting. Didn't Nanny G get in fights with a couple family members before? & she had been fired at one point? IDK I'm not sure she'd do something like that though, she seems to really love those kids but who knows. Debbie isn't in the house so how would she know what goes on there? Unless she has visitations or something? It's so unfair & I feel bad for the family always getting picked on in the media & made out to look bad. & poor Jaafar, he's still a kid, leave him alone!!
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    He must unite his family??

    Thats kind of an odd way of putting it. Anyways....I still wanna know WHO leaked the story. And do we really know for sure it was Randy? No, we do not.


    IMO, all the news this week is about giving Michael's fans clues. I think he is talking about Michaels split family of beLIEvers and fans who are grieving and think that he is really dead. We need to be united and TMZ and these tweets are more for the latter fans as we already know he's alive and all this latest news will hopefully encourage them to at look at these forums etc and see just how much evidence we have put together. It would be interesting to see what these other fans make of the news this week. They must be starting to question now, surely. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    I am thinking "her" is Randy's and Jermaine's ex-wife Alejandra. I think they are trying to prove she an unfit mother. She's 40 years old, not educated and no job. Just living off Katherine, MJ, Janet and Jermaine's money. Here's the link to TMZ article;
    http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/04/michael-jackson-jermaine-jackson-stun-gun-alejandra-jackson-katherine-jackson-divorce-child-custody/ IMO
  • I have a theory as to who leaked it .Michael would NOT do this too his mother so that is out . as we know or all should know the FBI secretly spied on MJ for aprox. 17 yrs. who knows that the FBI & LAPD are still doing it .We know that the FBI/CIA monitors the internet .and they can, due to the patriot act ,without warrant and without informing you . They are also ware that the Jackson family especially Jermaine has accused the US Gov and justice system of being corrupt {and they are } what if this was a warning "either shut your mouth ,or else " This why Debbie fears for the kids .as she should . THe jackson home could be bugged and that could be TMZ source ,they don't have to neccsasarily have to KNow it is FBI that is the source .After all the FBI Knew MJ was innocent and they allowed the trial to proceed . WHY ? Because they are in cahoots with the LAPD and the media .Lots of palms were greased during the trial and millions of dollars were generated from the trial ,think of the money lost by the media ,TV,and book deals ,had the trial never proceeded ..... Think on that for a while .
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    You know this is an none ending story... I wish MJ will just come out and start taking care of his children.. I hate for the children to be seperated from their grandmother for one stupid person who leaked this event to TMZ.

    Yep. And I wonder if Michael would allow something like this happen around his kids :/
    That's a very good point!!!unless this hole stun gun story is fake <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    It's on another topic but according to another member of a hoax forum, the stun gun incident is so real because that member works for that County Department of Children and Family Services <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • GrazziaGrazzia Posts: 224
    I am thinking "her" is Randy's and Jermaine's ex-wife Alejandra. I think they are trying to prove she an unfit mother. She's 40 years old, not educated and no job. Just living off Katherine, MJ, Janet and Jermaine's money. Here's the link to TMZ article;
    http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/04/michael-jackson-jermaine-jackson-stun-gun-alejandra-jackson-katherine-jackson-divorce-child-custody/ IMO
    i heard that she is genevieve's manager or something like that ...
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