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  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I am thinking "her" is Randy's and Jermaine's ex-wife Alejandra. I think they are trying to prove she an unfit mother. She's 40 years old, not educated and no job. Just living off Katherine, MJ, Janet and Jermaine's money. Here's the link to TMZ article;
    http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/04/michael-jackson-jermaine-jackson-stun-gun-alejandra-jackson-katherine-jackson-divorce-child-custody/ IMO

    Could be, but he says the person is doing it for her own personal gain. Why would Alejandra do this to her OWN child, Jaafar? He's being talked about negatively, he's being made to look like a delinquent & he is accused of trying to hurt his little cousin. Why would Alejandra want her child being treated like that? Especially when Katherine & Jermaine are the ones supporting her?! I'm not so sure she'd risk that.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You know this is an none ending story... I wish MJ will just come out and start taking care of his children.. I hate for the children to be seperated from their grandmother for one stupid person who leaked this event to TMZ.

    Yep. And I wonder if Michael would allow something like this happen around his kids :/
    That's a very good point!!!unless this hole stun gun story is fake <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    It's on another topic but according to another member of a hoax forum, the stun gun incident is so real because that member works for that County Department of Children and Family Services <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    And you believe that because.... it's written on a forum?

    Come on.
  • It doesnt make sense that Grace would do this either, as she is the PAID nanny.. very easy to get rid off. She has no parental rights over the children.
    Why would she call child services and jeapordise her job?
  • ^^ good point. i also do not think grace is the one.
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