HOLD BACK the hostility....TMZ wants you to watch!!!

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
OK Guys...Theres been enough hostiltiy going on and I feel that amidst all the mud slinging we missed the whole point of the TMZ story......

Frankly speaking the TMZ story has very little to do with the JAcksons being bad or incapable parents......


TMZ quotes MicahelJacksonHoax Death.net as its source for the for the Debbie Rowe visiting Forest Lawn story......My Queston is WHY?

If they so readily believe that the man is dead...that they announced it 6 mins earlier.....why are they EVEN bothering to read HOAX FORUMS?

And why havent they made fun of these HOAX forums even once?

Because they are TMZ right?.....They find everything funny......
Even if a man gets mauled down by a TRuck.....Thats funny to them.....
So the question is why arent these HOAX forums funny to them....????

Why are they PROMOTING hoax forum like Micahel JAcksonHoaxDeath.net?

IMO This is why.....

We have long speculated that TMZ could be AN INTEGRAL part of the hoax.....And their recent behaviour in promoting MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net as a NEWS source is a part fo the strategy to get as many people logged into these hoaxa forums as they can.......

Because when read that Debbie Rowe article.....They will click on Micahel JAckson HOaxDeath.net ..............Now people know taht TMZ is drawing stories from a hoax forum......So the next time TMZ publishes an article, people will, out of curiousity, AGAIN visit the hoax forum.....Some people will GooGle Miahel Jackson Hoax Death....and everyday more and more non believers will become BELIEVERS.....More and More people will come to know of the hoax and very soon, the news will spread----

It will spread by word of Mouth.....By Facebook....By Twitter..By Orkut....Short segments on News Channnels.....ANd Slowly the whle world will be discussiong this topic....although a bit hesitatingly.....

The whole purpose of all this drama is to divert as much traffic as possible to all the hoax forums so taht people come to know.....

That was my opinion on te issue ....Would like to know yours....


  • mary77mary77 Posts: 28
    i dont know if a bit off topic , but all this madness about that TMZ article ,mmm i will keep my opinion on this , only for me , u wouldnt want to read what i think. sorry
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    You got some good points .. First of all, weren't the first to know about Debbie visiting FL we got it from J4MJ group so why did they say we were the source ? Unless they wanted to mention us..

    You know what after all of this ..I'm thinking maybe this was the whole point .. Everything was planned .

    Debbie goes to visit FL on MAR 3 ..Which she knows there will be a bunch of people and fans ( which is something she clearly doesn't like and tries to avoid it) so the J4MJ group take pic of here and post them on their site ..Then we find out and post it here .. And finally tmz post it on their home page and say they got it from US ...
  • MJSTARMJSTAR Posts: 43
    Great post Doctor Death, I'm of the same opinion. I've always said that things will start happening that will make the non believers question is he or isn't he before he returns, I think your right this is just the beginning of that. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Yes, I believe more and more people are starting to get aware of the possibility of him beiing alive and I think the more people knowing it the sooner the comeback will be.
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I agree completely, this is too direct to be anything else. Also, it has been said that this week is about reunifying the family. Randy tweeted about global unity and about bringing the family together. Can't remember exact words, sorry.
    So are we talking about unifying the Jackson family or Michael's family of beLIEvers??? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Our numbers should start to increase significantly now. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • i agree with youu <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    this makes sense to me...........but i will just say this.......i feel sooo stressed at the moment with the way this seems to be spiraling out of control...........just thought i would
    say that...thanks...xxx
  • I honestly think this is the prelude to MJs children moving out of that house... and that was a theory right at the beginning. It was predicted that would happen.
  • OK Guys...Theres been enough hostiltiy going on and I feel that amidst all the mud slinging we missed the whole point of the TMZ story......

    Frankly speaking the TMZ story has very little to do with the JAcksons being bad or incapable parents......


    TMZ quotes MicahelJacksonHoax Death.net as its source for the for the Debbie Rowe visiting Forest Lawn story......My Queston is WHY?

    If they so readily believe that the man is dead...that they announced it 6 mins earlier.....why are they EVEN bothering to read HOAX FORUMS?

    And why havent they made fun of these HOAX forums even once?

    Because they are TMZ right?.....They find everything funny......
    Even if a man gets mauled down by a TRuck.....Thats funny to them.....
    So the question is why arent these HOAX forums funny to them....????

    Why are they PROMOTING hoax forum like Micahel JAcksonHoaxDeath.net?

    IMO This is why.....

    We have long speculated that TMZ could be AN INTEGRAL part of the hoax.....And their recent behaviour in promoting MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath.net as a NEWS source is a part fo the strategy to get as many people logged into these hoaxa forums as they can.......

    Because when read that Debbie Rowe article.....They will click on Micahel JAckson HOaxDeath.net ..............Now people know taht TMZ is drawing stories from a hoax forum......So the next time TMZ publishes an article, people will, out of curiousity, AGAIN visit the hoax forum.....Some people will GooGle Miahel Jackson Hoax Death....and everyday more and more non believers will become BELIEVERS.....More and More people will come to know of the hoax and very soon, the news will spread----

    It will spread by word of Mouth.....By Facebook....By Twitter..By Orkut....Short segments on News Channnels.....ANd Slowly the whle world will be discussiong this topic....although a bit hesitatingly.....

    The whole purpose of all this drama is to divert as much traffic as possible to all the hoax forums so taht people come to know.....

    That was my opinion on te issue ....Would like to know yours....

    I agree withyou, very good point...
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Great post Doctor Death, I'm of the same opinion. I've always said that things will start happening that will make the non believers question is he or isn't he before he returns, I think your right this is just the beginning of that. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I agree too, I think TMZ are controlled by MJ or his people.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Absolutely. This is going to be the pretext to move the kids out of the house.
  • Just one thing, how are they going to do it? Will they say social services took the kids, or will one of MJ sister s take the children.. How will they come up with this transaction.. Meaning sending the kids with MJ?
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    I like to call TMZ ''The Michael Zone'' <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> but the HOAX is unraveling infront of our eyes! http://michaeljacksonback.com/ IT WILL BE THE GREATEST COME BACK.]
  • Warners Bros owns TMZ . Guess who owns Warner Bros or part of it ? SONY ! Do I have have to explain what that implys ? That they started the Hoax to sell news ,to sell MJ merch. to keep people talking and wondering . Strong evidence ,plus the media has been used for generations now, that it is owned by illuninatti , to divert people attentions either away from something or towards something . It distracts from trying to find out who murdered MJ ,cause you are so bizzy looking in the opposite direction which would be that he is a live , while Murray Aeg ,Sony and John Branca Get away with Murder and stealing Mj assets ,his Sony/ ATV catalog . HE, JOhn B is in total control of MJ's assets by some twist of fate ? MJ Fired John B in 2003, he was in cahoots with Matolla . Not only does the hoax divert your attention ,it is a marketing tool ,it keeps people interested in MJ while diverting simotaneously . It is all about the money and the power .More than anything MJ wanted to hold on to the Legacy and now he is loosing it . And we are looking {some of us } at paintings and a movie that Sony/ AEG created except for the parts MJ did . I think it was all planned and not Just By MJ . People need to investigate /LAPD /FBI/Illuminati in Hollywood * the music industry / JOHN BRANCA,Sony & AEG AND YOU WILL SEE IT IS ALL LINKED TOGETHER .a conspiracy "about money " and that is exactly what Michael himself said ,over & over . wake up people .Everybody look up John Todd on U-tube and then tell me illuminati does not exist .And it is prevalent in the music biz because it helps "indoctrinate society " JayZ and his crew + Ga Ga are all illuminati minions or slaves . They are slaves to fame and money .You are chanting evil, while singing along to some of their music and you don't even know it
  • mjlovebugmjlovebug Posts: 122
    .. And finally tmz post it on their home page and say they got it from US ...

    no it wasn't to us, it was the other hoax site, but we still benefit from this

    Randy tweeted about global unity and about bringing the family together. Can't remember exact words, sorry.

    Through the power of our global unity - justice will reveal itself. My efforts now are to unite my family. Please support & pray for us.
    this makes sense to me...........but i will just say this.......i feel sooo stressed at the moment with the way this seems to be spiraling out of control...........just thought i would
    say that...thanks...xxx

    you should see my thread it may make you fell better http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6674
    Absolutely. This is going to be the pretext to move the kids out of the house

    sorry but i don't thank that is what is happening. i have been in foster care for 4 years and there is a big thing that they have to go through. and the person that they are to live with has to told to a child services before they can have the kid and they have to come to there home to see if it is fit to live and. and about for thought that thank that they can be taken out of the country.... nope, they must live in the US until they are 18 because they have not been adupide they have a grandan.
  • Yeah....Do they really need to move out of that house if Daddy is livin' on the 2nd floor?.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Just hope more and more people start beLIEving before BAMSDAY........It was really important for as many people as possible to know about what is going on.....TMZ could hvae easily quoted a llegitimate news site as their sourc..but no...they quoted a hoax forum.....

    They want to divert as much traffic as possible to these hoax forums......Thats their apparent intentions.
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Just one thing, how are they going to do it? Will they say social services took the kids, or will one of MJ sister s take the children.. How will they come up with this transaction.. Meaning sending the kids with MJ?

    Just a thought, not that I believe or not the kids will be moving out however wouldn't be surprised, I think if one of the sister's gets the kids it will be Rebbie. Why?? Cause we are not hearing from her, she is being very private and that way Michael will be able to have his private life with his kids cause the media dont bother with Rebbie, to the media she is just too plain borring I guess! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Although if Michael is planning on returning to us, in that case I say LaToya will get the kids. I can see the headlines already, the sky is the limit. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> The media always has fun with that one. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • And the show keeps on going....
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I am asking myself each time when a new article is popping up to attract our attention:

    Would we - given all the sympathy for the MJ articles on TMZ - however consider them as media who intentionally for some reasons most likely are about modifying if not falsifying truth?

    Would we still consider TMZ as a tabloid?

    Are you buying into their articles that are concerning other subjects and individuals?

    Are you in general relying on TMZ or only when it comes to MJ?
    And to which degree are you relying on a tabloid when it comes to MJ?

    Why would we consider TMZ as a means to draw traffic to hoax sites?
    Isn't it the other way round?
    They found a subject to twist several stories a day for some target readers that will raise their click rates and thus advertisement income on their website.
    Are we helping them since months?
    If I look at website analysis tools, the answer is clearly YES.
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    Do the mods of our forum have a counter to see if traffic picked up a lot when we were linked to by tmz?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I find it interesting, I watched Showbiz Tonight & they said something about where are Michael's sisters? They should be coming to check on the kids & be a part of Paris' life growing up, she needs a woman around. Umm, hello? She has Nanny Grace around, her grandmother & not to mention Alejandra & Genevieve live in that house too. Last time I checked, they were women! & Genevieve is 20 & Paris' older cousin, she's a great female to have around. So why give Janet & Rebbie grief for not being around? Oh, & I forgot to mention they only mentioned JANET & REBBIE, not Latoya. So my question is, why? Is it to get their names out there, because the kids are going to end up staying with one of them or what? Also, they joked about the stun gun & Jaafar. Instead of asking the important question, HOW DID A 13 YEAR OLD ORDER A GUN?! They were shocked about why Jaafar wanted one & mocked Jermaine's response to it all. He said Jaafar wanted to get it for him & it got blown up into something else when "someone" leaked it. (Which I think was just a father defending his son, I think Jaafar just thought it was cool & being a 13 year old boy wanted one). Anyways, they made fun of Jermaine & Jaafar & the guy they had on commenting pulled out his cell phone & made a, in my opinion, rude joke, "Hold on I have to call my 9 year old nephew & ask him to get me a pair of nunchucks." Then the lady commenting said "I think Katherine needs to spank Jermaine. Why would he want a stun gun or even need one?!" They also caught up to Debbie who was like "Of course I'm worried about my children" "I don't know enough details about the situation, so I can't comment." & she even said she was worried about Blanket. So idk if she leaked it, I wonder who did? It might just be a "stunt" & the mention of CPS, Randy's tweet, the stun gun, the danger the kids are supposedly in & Janet & Rebbie's names being tossed out there, might all be leading to something. Like maybe the kids reuniting with their father <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    Anyone else catch this on the show tonight?


    It's made by Vans, but I honestly don't believe it's a coincidence.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Also, I definitely think we are being monitored by someone, whether it's TMZ or someone involved in or in charge of this hoax because everytime we question something or we point out that something is fishy, something always comes out that answers our question or covers things up. Interesting...HELLO WHOEVER'S WATCHING US!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Great post Doctor Death,thank you,IMO TMZ is very well aware whats going on, at least some of them,i found a video,about Michael;d hoax death video and the one who made it found out that Mike and TMZ had close relationship,here is the link <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7zUnzc2UAE<!-- m -->
  • We should be reporters not these biased people for the last 8 months look how much progress we made and without any bias yet these people get paid a lot to slander Michaels name not tmz but other media outlets its just disgusting knowing all they have to do is write something bad about MJ and a lot of stupid people will believe them without any proof
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