HOLD BACK the hostility....TMZ wants you to watch!!!



  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Also, I definitely think we are being monitored by someone, whether it's TMZ or someone involved in or in charge of this hoax because everytime we question something or we point out that something is fishy, something always comes out that answers our question or covers things up. Interesting...HELLO WHOEVER'S WATCHING US!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I've noticed as well that as soon as we bring something up that is really on everyone's mind, coincidentally something to calm our thoughts on the matter comes out very shortly after.

    Therefor, I always doubt quick "responses" to our investigating. Isnt's there a saying on this : There is no such thing as a coincidence ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    I beLIEve that Michael is not only a leader here, he is a powerful mediator.

    As you know, his purpose has much to do with the truth that we are one; the world is one.
    He has expressed that he wished to to a person among people; be able to walk down the street & talk to everyday people. For now, he needs to be in sync with us through all of this !
    Michael is human, like all of us. Thus he is powerless over the reactions of others; doctors, lawyers, fans, media, friends,"friends". Michael has taken many risks throughout this whole saga. He could have not possibly anticipated much that has transpired since he departed. More reasons for him to watch, observe & be attuned to us.
    So, I suggest keeping in mind that as he watches, he uses more than a camera.

    What is brilliant about all of this is that no matter how many people become beLIEVers there is nothing medialoids (TMZ excluded) can do. Don't you think reporters from say ABC are watching hoax videos ? Even CEO's ? There is nothing they can do. They have proved that their priority is ratings & money. Do you think discussing a hoax would help there ratings ?
    I think not. Millions upon millions of people think Michael is dead. They'd get bomb-barded ! By MJ fans especially and media doesn't much care for the likes of MJ fans. Why ? Because we speak up about what they did to him.

    I think Michael is with us much more than people realize. This makes it more fascinating.
    Personally, I don't much feel the need to know everything he, himself is navigating. It's his time to do what he's worked so hard for. All we need to do is trust in him, trust in ourselves; that we are also living a life of honesty & love.
    Meanwhile, I think it's important to stand up for his innocence, his legacy and his children when they are taunted by media.
  • I think everyone should carry a stun gun from <!-- m -->http://www.stun-gun.net<!-- m --> the intimidation <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> factor with those things is usually enough to scare off an attacker before you actually have to USE IT! Just the thought for the day! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • BEST of the BEST stun guns at <!-- m -->http://www.stun-gun.net<!-- m --> if your looking for protection from paparazzi look no further!! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I noticed over the last few days that a couple of the comments over at the main MJ Sony forum in response to the Murray poolside photos implied that a few solid members over there are starting to doubt that Michael is dead <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    The seed has been planted people!!!
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Could be!
    Somebody started a thread on the Amazon forums about Michael is alive, the usual heavies
    have chimed in. <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( --> I am just reading there.
    I spent a ton of time reading all the comments at the TMZ article about Michael's new album coming out. I don't normally do this at all. Reading here you can just about get the jest of what they put up. But I did see a lot of believers comments, some hater comments and surprisingly several links to sites I didn't know about. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> So it was a good experience despite any negativity from the haters. It just amazes me that somebody that hates Michael that much would spend so much time there with people that love him. Scratches head. I certainly would steer clear if I didn't like an artist, what use is it to cause chaos?
    Too much of a peace nik here <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I have been leery of TMZ, they have not been kind, but I am going to continue to keep my eyes open.
    The post below makes a ton of sense!

    Cawobeth wrote:
    "What is brilliant about all of this is that no matter how many people become beLIEVers there is nothing medialoids (TMZ excluded) can do. Don't you think reporters from say ABC are watching hoax videos ? Even CEO's ? There is nothing they can do. They have proved that their priority is ratings & money. Do you think discussing a hoax would help there ratings ?
    I think not. Millions upon millions of people think Michael is dead. They'd get bomb-barded ! By MJ fans especially and media doesn't much care for the likes of MJ fans. Why ? Because we speak up about what they did to him."
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