Navi says O2 was Michael and some doubles used in TII

simalvessimalves Posts: 730
edited January 1970 in News
Why did everyone pass up the new video by pedleylife1



  • imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
    Hmmmm things that stuck out: "Michael murdered himself" and "it's like a movie". Getting closer...
  • Ive always been one hundred percent convinced that the O2 Michael is the REAL Michael.

    Navi seems nice and sensible.. he says Michael was focused and knew about the 50 shows. That makes sense.. Michael wasnt stupid and weak that they portray him as.
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL

    Guys I can't promise anything BUT there's a chance I MIGHT be able to help with this. My best mate (a life-long MJ fan but not a beLIEver) works for an entertainment management company here in the UK and she speaks to Navi regularly as she organises a lot of his appearances. He even gave her a DVD of his performance at Michael's 40th birthday party - Michael personally invited him. He visited Michael often at Neverland and was also close to Michael and his family during the 2005 trial.

    Sorry, I digress - anyway my mate has asked Navi if he can sort out a couple of tickets for us both for one of his performances when he is in our area of the UK and he promised he will and we will also get to meet him afterwards. Now obviously I can't just jump straight in there and ask him "Hey Navi, so who were the doubles in TII and which one was Michael!!?" However, if I get the opportunity, then I can always try some diplomatic 'digging'. I'd have to be careful though as my mate doesn't know I'm a believer so I would have to raise the topic objectively.

    I'll let you know if the tickets come to fruition. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL

    Guys I can't promise anything BUT there's a chance I MIGHT be able to help with this. My best mate (a life-long MJ fan but not a beLIEver) works for an entertainment management company here in the UK and she speaks to Navi regularly as she organises a lot of his appearances. He even gave her a DVD of his performance at Michael's 40th birthday party - Michael personally invited him. He visited Michael often at Neverland and was also close to Michael and his family during the 2005 trial.

    Sorry, I digress - anyway my mate has asked Navi if he can sort out a couple of tickets for us both for one of his performances when he is in our area of the UK and he promised he will and we will also get to meet him afterwards. Now obviously I can't just jump straight in there and ask him "Hey Navi, so who were the doubles in TII and which one was Michael!!?" However, if I get the opportunity, then I can always try some diplomatic 'digging'. I'd have to be careful though as my mate doesn't know I'm a believer so I would have to raise the topic objectively.

    I'll let you know if the tickets come to fruition. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    If u do ask Navi, Please Film or record audio <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • That one guy just said it all: It's like a movie, right <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    and Navi saying: In the world of Michael Jackson, I'll just see it happen, I think I'm going beyond expected <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • bliss1712bliss1712 Posts: 122
    I sent Navi an email, and this was his response:


    I was asked to do the visuals for the concert. Like long shots etc.

    The movie is 100%all Michael

    God bless
    Navi <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    i am not sure i understand this? what does it mean long shots for a concert? i think i can imagine long shots for a movie, but for live concert <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • bliss1712bliss1712 Posts: 122
    I asked him to clarify what he meant and this was his response:

    Like I said michael did everything himself. Always did, always would have.

    Just for settings for the production.
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    I asked him to clarify what he meant and this was his response:

    Like I said michael did everything himself. Always did, always would have.

    Just for settings for the production.
    ok, thank you <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    i am not sure i understand this? what does it mean long shots for a concert? i think i can imagine long shots for a movie, but for live concert <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    They were planning to use him for the Ending to Dirty Diana, then mike would appear straigh after into Beat It.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Just like the guy they used for the ending of thriller - so that is the double (I forget his name) who was supposed to tour with Michael.

    Now why would Navi contradict himself. He said he knows Michael's pointing and everything and there was a double used (on video) and here in the email, he says it is 100%

    Can someone ask Navi is he thinks Michael is alive?
    I definetly think we should follow this, I mean, we have somebody who, somehow, was involved, the contradiction thing is somethig to be investigated.
    did someone tell him to not say anything about any doubles again???
    could be.
    but we beLIEvers have been thinking for a long while this is it was not even close to be a concert reherseal, then why does he mention his role in eventual concerts?.
    we cant let this go, its time to prove TII was 100% a movie, this may be a good lead.

  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    I think E'Casanova looks facially way more like Mike than Navi. But who is THIS???
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    I think E'Casanova looks facially way more like Mike than Navi. But who is THIS???
    William Hall ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Thanks for this post. I'm not quite convinced the guy in the orange pants in TII is MJ. I still think he is not as tall and has more muscle tone on his legs. He is also the one with the sunglasses that don't fit. I've watched the movie that many times, and even I think this double does not dance like MJ. I now know, that Kenny used a double to fill in for the dancers when MJ couldn't be there, but why kshow this in the film?? I still have my doubts about that one. Anyway, good find. Did you watch the other videos on that link???
    A direct question to NAVI would be good. Or perhaps a suggestive question.."Have you heard that MJ is still alive?" Cheers to all from Downunder xox
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    let' say this...if in TII it has been used a double,I would say that is the best impersonator I have ever seen!! also fingernails same as Michael!Navi and E'casanova are definetlyt not Michael,but IF orange pant man was not Michael, he would fool anyone.
  • I think E'Casanova looks facially way more like Mike than Navi. But who is THIS???

    I think maybe it's Edward Moss??

  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    I think E'Casanova looks facially way more like Mike than Navi. But who is THIS???

    I think maybe it's Edward Moss??


    I have seen this guy in other pictures and other poses...not so similar. Something in the eye is good,but mouth completely different
  • ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL

    Guys I can't promise anything BUT there's a chance I MIGHT be able to help with this. My best mate (a life-long MJ fan but not a beLIEver) works for an entertainment management company here in the UK and she speaks to Navi regularly as she organises a lot of his appearances. He even gave her a DVD of his performance at Michael's 40th birthday party - Michael personally invited him. He visited Michael often at Neverland and was also close to Michael and his family during the 2005 trial.

    Sorry, I digress - anyway my mate has asked Navi if he can sort out a couple of tickets for us both for one of his performances when he is in our area of the UK and he promised he will and we will also get to meet him afterwards. Now obviously I can't just jump straight in there and ask him "Hey Navi, so who were the doubles in TII and which one was Michael!!?" However, if I get the opportunity, then I can always try some diplomatic 'digging'. I'd have to be careful though as my mate doesn't know I'm a believer so I would have to raise the topic objectively.

    I'll let you know if the tickets come to fruition. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    wouldnt it be better to get your friend to do the talking - they already have a connection and communicate regularly - he will not confide in a stranger - would you? Navi is media aware and would be very guarded about what he actually says - dont you think.

    be careful about your desire and curosity and how you will appear - get your friend to do the digging -
    This is so confusing <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I watched the O2 so many times and I still can't tell if it's Michael or not.
    Most of the time I don't think it's Michael.
    But when he says "I love you from the bottom of my heart" seems like it's Michael.

    I just don't know <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    In TII ... I still don't know if the orange pants guy is Mike or not, but I think it's him, but I'm not sure <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    The funny thing is that Navi looks nothing like Michael. I've never seen any impersonator who looked a tad like Michael.
  • navi was asked wot wud u do if michael was found guilty he said my career would be over not hes NOT GUILTY i hate him he wouldnt have a pic with me he looks nothing like michael fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • navi was asked wot wud u do if michael was found guilty he said my career would be over not hes NOT GUILTY i hate him he wouldnt have a pic with me he looks nothing like michael fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    regarding the 2005 trial?
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