Navi says O2 was Michael and some doubles used in TII



  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Navi said O2 was Michael? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe he knows nothing. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • yeah at the trial and he was asked to be in film but refused if he agreed he would have been in on hoax unless michael has let him in on it <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Of course O2 was MJ you'd have to be completely insane/delusional to not see that it's him. He's even got the swagger walk going from the car to the stage. If that's the best evidence people can keep beating on that he wasn't even at O2 this entire hoax theory is doomed.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Oh my lord...I am insane because I have my own opinion?!
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Oh my lord...I am insane because I have my own opinion?!
    Or delusional :p
  • we all insane dudes! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Oh my lord...I am insane because I have my own opinion?!
    Or delusional :p

    Everyone has their own opinion. If certain threads or topics bother you, then move on. Dont read it. Please dont start calling members delusional because they believe in something you dont. Thats not fair.
  • I have compared alot of pics of O2 Mike with other of Mike and there's just something with that O2 face that just doesn't add up. I think the nose is different, the chin is bigger and the distance between the upper lip and nose is wider with O2 guy.
    Mike's face is rounder and wider the O2 guy's face is smaller and also the smile is not the same.
    But that's just my own opinion. Everyone may think of it what he wants about that.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    I have compared alot of pics of O2 Mike with other of Mike and there's just something with that O2 face that just doesn't add up. I think the nose is different, the chin is bigger and the distance between the upper lip and nose is wider with O2 guy.
    Mike's face is rounder and wider the O2 guy's face is smaller and also the smile is not the same.
    But that's just my own opinion. Everyone may think of it what he wants about that.

    I agree.

    And thank you, Jacksonologist, you are really right.
  • TiffanyTiffany Posts: 3
    I have compared alot of pics of O2 Mike with other of Mike and there's just something with that O2 face that just doesn't add up. I think the nose is different, the chin is bigger and the distance between the upper lip and nose is wider with O2 guy.
    Mike's face is rounder and wider the O2 guy's face is smaller and also the smile is not the same.
    But that's just my own opinion. Everyone may think of it what he wants about that.

    hi..I 100% agree with you. I always thought there was something weird with the 02 guy. he looks about 15 years younger than the real Michael.. it looks like the guy got some prosthetic makeup to look like Michael but the face shape/structure was way off. And he was overdoing it with the odd manorisms and facial expressios towards the end when he spun around and raised his arm into the air and nodded his head diagnally. Very WEIRD and unlike Michael. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Was watching tii and noticed in the beginning where Michael and orange pants were split and they were basically comparing dance moves like orange pants was so robotical and Michael was so fluid with orange pants it just looked so forced when he was dancing just imo what do you guys think
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    Was watching tii and noticed in the beginning where Michael and orange pants were split and they were basically comparing dance moves like orange pants was so robotical and Michael was so fluid with orange pants it just looked so forced when he was dancing just imo what do you guys think
    topic on this already:
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    The day Michael made his announcement... I just stared at the TV and said "What!! What this is Michael? What has he done to himself now! It was a strange feeling that day. And I agree in the movie they showed the split screen for a reason I think...definitely different people there. It was just too obvious. So I agree with Navi w. doubles in movie... but I still cannot agree with O2.
  • yeah at the trial and he was asked to be in film but refused if he agreed he would have been in on hoax unless michael has let him in on it <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->

    i know things can be taken out of context - but you would have thought compassion, he obviously didnt know much about mike of study him.
  • navi was there at the 02 he was outside meeting and greeting i think, but he was not stage mike - because that was mike
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    Tread lightly. Navi probably has confidentiality agreements that he must honor. Plus as someone mentioned already, he is aware and would know when he is being questioned about hush hush topics. Too bad your friend isn't a believer. She is Navi's friend and would be in a good position to get him to let his guard down and share some of the confidential stuff.

    Are you sure that she isn't a believer? Afterall many of us keep this as a well-guarded secret. She might be one too. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL

    Guys I can't promise anything BUT there's a chance I MIGHT be able to help with this. My best mate (a life-long MJ fan but not a beLIEver) works for an entertainment management company here in the UK and she speaks to Navi regularly as she organises a lot of his appearances. He even gave her a DVD of his performance at Michael's 40th birthday party - Michael personally invited him. He visited Michael often at Neverland and was also close to Michael and his family during the 2005 trial.

    Sorry, I digress - anyway my mate has asked Navi if he can sort out a couple of tickets for us both for one of his performances when he is in our area of the UK and he promised he will and we will also get to meet him afterwards. Now obviously I can't just jump straight in there and ask him "Hey Navi, so who were the doubles in TII and which one was Michael!!?" However, if I get the opportunity, then I can always try some diplomatic 'digging'. I'd have to be careful though as my mate doesn't know I'm a believer so I would have to raise the topic objectively.

    I'll let you know if the tickets come to fruition. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • jinanejinane Posts: 54
    The funny thing is that Navi looks nothing like Michael. I've never seen any impersonator who looked a tad like Michael.
    i totally agree with you i believe that the TII movie is 100% Michael because i searched the internet for pics of impersonator & i didn't found anyone that looks like MJ & then i searched on youtube to see their performances & from the first second you know that it's not MJ we are fans & we know MJ for so long they can't fool us MJ is like a family number you recognize him at first second
  • @girlsaturday

    I know what you mean, it's my secret too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Tread lightly. Navi probably has confidentiality agreements that he must honor. Plus as someone mentioned already, he is aware and would know when he is being questioned about hush hush topics. Too bad your friend isn't a believer. She is Navi's friend and would be in a good position to get him to let his guard down and share some of the confidential stuff.

    Are you sure that she isn't a believer? Afterall many of us keep this as a well-guarded secret. She might be one too. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    ok we need Navi on here to point out who is mike and who isnt in the movie..LOL

    Guys I can't promise anything BUT there's a chance I MIGHT be able to help with this. My best mate (a life-long MJ fan but not a beLIEver) works for an entertainment management company here in the UK and she speaks to Navi regularly as she organises a lot of his appearances. He even gave her a DVD of his performance at Michael's 40th birthday party - Michael personally invited him. He visited Michael often at Neverland and was also close to Michael and his family during the 2005 trial.

    Sorry, I digress - anyway my mate has asked Navi if he can sort out a couple of tickets for us both for one of his performances when he is in our area of the UK and he promised he will and we will also get to meet him afterwards. Now obviously I can't just jump straight in there and ask him "Hey Navi, so who were the doubles in TII and which one was Michael!!?" However, if I get the opportunity, then I can always try some diplomatic 'digging'. I'd have to be careful though as my mate doesn't know I'm a believer so I would have to raise the topic objectively.

    I'll let you know if the tickets come to fruition. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    My friend isn't a believer and yes, it's a shame as she would be the ideal person to just throw in an off-the-cuff question to Navi. There's no way I could ask her to probe because she doesn't believe that Michael is still alive. At the same time my friend doesn't know that I am a believer so I am thinking that it's probably best left alone.
  • think that probably best
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    Hell! It's so sad. If we don't get real proof he's alive I'll die. I'm living under pressure since June 25th and the hope is slipping away.
    I'm so scared we are mislead by people who killed him and played with us over 8 months. <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    Gosh! Give us some new real clue. Or give us the truth right now! Right NOW!
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Can we go back to the topic???
  • Navi doesn't have a damn job,he needs to lie to make some money.I have met Navi in person and he does not look like Michael in any way shape or form.He looks like a fake Michael wanna be.That was the real Michael at the o2 conference,it damn sure wasn't Navi.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Did you ever stop to think , that maybe in MJs absence from the stage, he was making a clone of himself??? Someone who really wanted to look like him and was paid well enough???? Someone who was prepared to go under the knife for MJ????? MJ maybe has a clone...of himself. How could we prove any differently?????
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