Something Smells Fishy in Denmark!!!! (Jafaar Jackson)

badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
edited January 1970 in News
what the hell is this about??

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Jaafar Jackson -- Gunnin' for His Lil Bro

Posted Mar 17th 2010 2:30AM by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson and her people insist the incident involving Jermaine Jackson's son Jaafar and the stun gun was an isolated event -- but TMZ has obtained a home movie that shows Jaafar is no stranger to guns.


The scene -- which appears to have been shot several months ago -- begins with Jaafar (left) barging into Jermajesty's room, gun drawn, and then ordering his little brother to get on the ground. Jaafar pushes Jermajesty to the ground, pretends to pistol-whip him, handcuffs him and then gives the youngster an incomplete version of his Miranda rights.

Jaafar then tells his brother, "Don't move or I'll bust your head open."

Jaafar then cocks the gun, points it to Jermajesty's head, pulls the trigger and you hear the click. Jermajesty plays dead and Jaafar drags him by the leg out of the room.

TMZ decided not to post the video.

As for the stun gun incident, sources tell TMZ Jaafar pointed the weapon at two of Michael Jackson's kids -- Blanket and Prince -- but the family insists the two kids weren't even in the same room.

Our sources say the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services are still reviewing the stun gun incident.


  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    this is disgusting. they need to leave children out of this. the kid is 13 years old and can't defend himself like an adult. surprise surprise, TMZ decided to take the high road and not post the video, but describes it in detail, so the video isn't even necessary. Great job TMZ, because children need to be exposed and judged by the public. ugh. NEXT.
  • I havn't seen this actual video, but I am perceiving that the children were playing cops and robbers, hence the Miranda rights and cuffs. As I've said before the media is making a big to do about nothing. I saw a comment from someone on the TMZ site that said "What are the other kids doing there" or something to that affect, implying that they shouldn't be at the house. Which is a very negative statement, those kids have every right to be in that house just as much as MJ's kids, they are Katherine's Grandchildren too, they're human and they are family and I believe that Katherine loves them Equally. That's my 2 cents. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    Well, Being from Denmark, the tittle of this subject stood out - What does that mean ?

    "something smells fishy in Denmark" is it some kind of saying or what ? please explain...
  • yspaddayspadda Posts: 86
    Well, Being from Denmark, the tittle of this subject stood out - What does that mean ?

    "something smells fishy in Denmark" is it some kind of saying or what ? please explain...

    Hi Lovesquad,
    Yes, it's a way of saying, after Shakespeare's quote 'Something is rotten in the State of Denmark' (Hamlet), to state something is wrong somewhere.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    Well, Being from Denmark, the tittle of this subject stood out - What does that mean ?

    "something smells fishy in Denmark" is it some kind of saying or what ? please explain...

    Hi Lovesquad,
    Yes, it's a way of saying, after Shakespeare's quote 'Something is rotten in the State of Denmark' (Hamlet), to state something is wrong somewhere.

    Thanks - well that was I was thinking too - the Shakespeare thing....
  • Interesting


    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. A royal king with a mysterious death, questions prince Hamlet. Hamlet witnesses the ghost off his father in the opening scene of Hamlet. Through out the story, Prince Hamlet soon discovers the truth behind his father's mysterious death. A story of jealousy and greed, two of the most tragic downfalls of a human being, brings a fault between King Hamlet and his brother, Claudius. Their actions not only affect them, but also Hamlet's best friend, Horatio, and also his own Mother.
    First, the king's greed. King Hamlet was murdered by Claudius his own brother. Claudius was jealous of king Hamlet so he killed Hamlet senior by putting poison into his ear and then taking the crown. As if that was not bad enough, Claudius then marries the queen. To top this off, the new king tries to eliminate Hamlet by sending him to England to get murdered upon his arrival. The king is so corrupt, that he even tricks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do his dirty work and betray Hamlet. Hamlet then tricks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern by changing the commission and using his father's royal seal to seal the commission so they were messengers of their own death. Hamlet then escapes on a pirate ship back to Denmark. This greed shows how corrupt Denmark and the Claudius have become.
    Second, Hamlets antic disposition. The former king's ghost talks to
    Hamlet about his untimely death and Hamlet does not take this news well. Hamlet then decides for his revenge he needs to put on a crazy act. This antic disposition affects almost everyone in the play. Lady Ophelia takes the hardest hit. Hamlet corrupts her mind so much that she literally becomes insane. Coming back from France is Laertes for his father's funeral. When he comes home seeing his sister in her state of madness it makes him want to seek revenge against Hamlet. Hamlet even puts this act on towards her mother even though his father said to leave her alone. In the mists of... .read full essay
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  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Grrrr...when are they going to leave this family, especially all of the kids, Jermaine's included, the 'f' ALONE?!! & on TMZ today, they were talking about how MJ is going to be rich again & they said "Michael Jackson is dead & he hasn't been Black for years" & they were talking about how the whole family is saved now because MJ's estate will be making A LOT of money & they said "Stun guns for everybody" or something like that. I really despise TMZ, looks like they're back to making fun of MJ, mocking everything involving him & picking on his family again. & all of this making Jaafar look bad like a little criminal is really pissing me off. He is a kid! Get off his back. & the other kids in the house besides MJ's kids have every right to be there, they are Katherine's grandchildren too & have lived there for years. WTF?! & How are they getting these videos in the first place??? At least trashy TMZ had the decency not to post the video, they just described the whole damn thing in detail to the point where you might as well have watched it! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • Oh God!!
    Murder, England,
    Ophelia - insane like us - hoax believers.....
    Are they giving us CLUES??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Wow, what can I say! That is just, if it's true then that is just disgusting. Ofcourse children play with toy guns but still it's violence eventhough it's innocent. I'd rather see children play with nicer things than that in my opinion. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    I havn't seen this actual video, but I am perceiving that the children were playing cops and robbers, hence the Miranda rights and cuffs. As I've said before the media is making a big to do about nothing. I saw a comment from someone on the TMZ site that said "What are the other kids doing there" or something to that affect, implying that they shouldn't be at the house. Which is a very negative statement, those kids have every right to be in that house just as much as MJ's kids, they are Katherine's Grandchildren too, they're human and they are family and I believe that Katherine loves them Equally. That's my 2 cents. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Big 2nd to the large print.

    Boys in the United States(not sure about other countries?) have been playing cops & robbers forever! lol
    I used to play it with my own brother and our friends.(I was a bit of a tomboy)
    There were toy guns involved along with masks, lots of running, and lots of LAUGHTER!!!

    If anybody ever got a hold of something that looked more real, they were the "captain" since they had the best "gun." <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think it's pathetic that the media is now dragging the children through the mud and so many are buying it and further villifying the children just for playing.

    I mean, they're BOYS for crying out loud! What are they supposed to do? Play with dolls? Read books? Have deep intellectual discussions about the economy????

    These are 2 instances of boys playing like boys and it's being blown out of proportion and making them out to be criminals.

    Just sad.
  • Here we go again...details changed from

    Jaafar Jackson -- Gunnin' for His Lil Bro
    Posted Mar 17th 2010 2:30AM by TMZ Staff


    Jaafar Jackson -- Gunnin' for His Lil Bro
    Posted Mar 17th 2010 8:30AM by TMZ Staff
  • Interesting


    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. A royal king with a mysterious death, questions prince Hamlet. Hamlet witnesses the ghost off his father in the opening scene of Hamlet. Through out the story, Prince Hamlet soon discovers the truth behind his father's mysterious death. A story of jealousy and greed, two of the most tragic downfalls of a human being, brings a fault between King Hamlet and his brother, Claudius. Their actions not only affect them, but also Hamlet's best friend, Horatio, and also his own Mother.
    First, the king's greed. King Hamlet was murdered by Claudius his own brother. Claudius was jealous of king Hamlet so he killed Hamlet senior by putting poison into his ear and then taking the crown. As if that was not bad enough, Claudius then marries the queen. To top this off, the new king tries to eliminate Hamlet by sending him to England to get murdered upon his arrival. The king is so corrupt, that he even tricks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do his dirty work and betray Hamlet. Hamlet then tricks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern by changing the commission and using his father's royal seal to seal the commission so they were messengers of their own death. Hamlet then escapes on a pirate ship back to Denmark. This greed shows how corrupt Denmark and the Claudius have become.
    Second, Hamlets antic disposition. The former king's ghost talks to
    Hamlet about his untimely death and Hamlet does not take this news well. Hamlet then decides for his revenge he needs to put on a crazy act. This antic disposition affects almost everyone in the play. Lady Ophelia takes the hardest hit. Hamlet corrupts her mind so much that she literally becomes insane. Coming back from France is Laertes for his father's funeral. When he comes home seeing his sister in her state of madness it makes him want to seek revenge against Hamlet. Hamlet even puts this act on towards her mother even though his father said to leave her alone. In the mists of... .read full essay
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    That IS very interesting. "A royal king with a mysterious death...."
  • I think this is a tad disturbing since I think 13 yrs old is a little too old to be playing cops and robbers.
    Im not a mother so thats just how I feel...maybe 13 is NOT too old, but for me...I think it is.

    and the fact that he got his hands on a stun gun?

    what wouldve happened if it was a REAL gun? Would he have played cops and robbers with it?

    This doesnt scare anyone just the least bit???????

    tsk. tsk. tsk.
  • all i can say is boys will be boys. what is so disturbing is the fact that TMZ is bringing this into the public eye. a coworker of mine today just told me how her 2 boys got into an actual fight last night they are probably 13 and 15 years old. they actually fought it out. and this is a very well educated and proper asian family. not the norm for them. but could you imagine it being in the newspaper. i mean these kids are kids. i really wish they would leave them out of this. thats what is so disturbing to me. at 13 me and my brother would have it OUT completely!!!!
  • Guys.. you are missing the point. The point isnt whether Jafaar was playing cops or robbers or if its anything more worrying.....

    the point is:

    1. WHO is leaking these vidoes to the media??

    2. WHY is someone leaking these private videos.. for what purpose??
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Okay, I would like to know who is leaking the vidoes as well. And what do you think the number 11 is symbolic of. If I look up bible numerics from my days as a college student 11 is the number associated with incompleteness, disorganization and disintergration. Any other ideas?
  • Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why Karen Faye has been so talkative and so defensive on twitter these past few days??? I am very suspicious of her... none of her tweets are about justice for MJ.. they are all about her and her arguments with other people defending herself. Michaels message and love seems to have got lost with her... why???
    Keep your eye on her.. she is also close to Randy Jackson....
  • Guys.. you are missing the point. The point isnt whether Jafaar was playing cops or robbers or if its anything more worrying.....

    the point is:

    1. WHO is leaking these vidoes to the media??

    2. WHY is someone leaking these private videos.. for what purpose??

    Oh I totally know that!! LOL

    It must be MJ. Who else would leak it?
  • Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why Karen Faye has been so talkative and so defensive on twitter these past few days??? I am very suspicious of her... none of her tweets are about justice for MJ.. they are all about her and her arguments with other people defending herself. Michaels message and love seems to have got lost with her... why???
    Keep your eye on her.. she is also close to Randy Jackson....

    I dont have Twitter...what is she saying?
  • Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why Karen Faye has been so talkative and so defensive on twitter these past few days??? I am very suspicious of her... none of her tweets are about justice for MJ.. they are all about her and her arguments with other people defending herself. Michaels message and love seems to have got lost with her... why???
    Keep your eye on her.. she is also close to Randy Jackson....

    I dont have Twitter...what is she saying?

    Just usual boring stuff about how she isnt a liar, saying she didnt sell the crypt photos and how people are being nasty to her... blah blah blah.. its all about her....
  • Being from Denmark and don't like the sound of this... Sorry but i'm changing it to Something smells Fishy ALL OVER <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why Karen Faye has been so talkative and so defensive on twitter these past few days??? I am very suspicious of her... none of her tweets are about justice for MJ.. they are all about her and her arguments with other people defending herself. Michaels message and love seems to have got lost with her... why???
    Keep your eye on her.. she is also close to Randy Jackson....

    I dont have Twitter...what is she saying?

    Just usual boring stuff about how she isnt a liar, saying she didnt sell the crypt photos and how people are being nasty to her... blah blah blah.. its all about her....

    You know the episode of the Brady Bunch where Jan gets made cus Marcia is getting all the attention...Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!!!

    now its....Karen! Karen! Karen!!

  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why Karen Faye has been so talkative and so defensive on twitter these past few days??? I am very suspicious of her... none of her tweets are about justice for MJ.. they are all about her and her arguments with other people defending herself. Michaels message and love seems to have got lost with her... why???
    Keep your eye on her.. she is also close to Randy Jackson....

    I dont have Twitter...what is she saying?

    Just usual boring stuff about how she isnt a liar, saying she didnt sell the crypt photos and how people are being nasty to her... blah blah blah.. its all about her....

    You know the episode of the Brady Bunch where Jan gets made cus Marcia is getting all the attention...Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!!!

    now its....Karen! Karen! Karen!!


    I have just unfollowed Karen Faye on Twitter. To me her Tweets are the rantings of a mad woman and to be honest, I feel that they are impairing my judgement about this entire thing.

    So long Karen and your Tweets <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    OH God! just like jermiane said, if his last name was Smith this wouldnt be happening...
    but who the heck is leaking these? why is TMZ making it into a big story...Harvey cant remember the good ol' days when he was a kid? BOYS WILL BE BOYS...
    and the refrernce to Hamlet is interesting to say the least...
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