Michael Jackson's Secret Oldest Child "Replaces" Him as Dad



  • ^^I agree with Omer not being his son, however I don't believe the younger three are BIOLOGICALLY his either....he's definitely their father, just not biologically, (IMO)......not sayin anything's wrong with that, just sayin...
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    i can simply not understand all the cloak and dagger stuff......just get DNA test done........why is that subject so taboo......it would shut people up once and for all.........sorry if that seems harsh of me to say...xxx
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    Whether Omer is MJs son or not isn't really that important to me. However I do acknowledge that it is highly unlikely that MJ would have revealed it to the public when the child was born and under what circumstances. Why? Image. It's okay for other celebrities to become baby daddies but never Michael Jackson.

    For years, fans couldn't even imagine MJ dating. Now how the hell was he going to tell them that he had fathered a child out-of-wedlock without sending them screaming into the streets?. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • There is NO way Michael is Omer's father. For one he would not "sire" a child and then not come out and say it was his child and want to be in his life. Michael is not that kind of person at all. He would want to be in his child's life 100%. Secondly Omer is like 25 right so he would have been conceived around 1985 and i believe Michael was still a virgin at that time. He wasn't interested in sex yet. He was still a "kid" himself.

    As far as Prince, Paris and Blanket goes they ARE Michael's kids no question about it!!!
    Just look at them. They are just like their dad all 3.

    Good point! Exactly!...He couldn't have fathered a child back then and especially with that ugly chick. Sorry....I know people are wondering why I keep bringing up looks, but c'mon...Can you honestly imagine a young MJ having an unbridled night of passion with that lady? Someone said it was a one night stand too <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...If he really needed to have it, (if you know what I mean) he would have gotten it from someone else, cause you know how many attractive women wanted to seduce MJ?!..Yes, Michael has a lot of wonderful qualities but being blind ain't one of them. You would have to really look like something to get a man like Michael worked up, I mean c'mon lets get real....As a fan I find this story insulting.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    There is NO way Michael is Omer's father. For one he would not "sire" a child and then not come out and say it was his child and want to be in his life. Michael is not that kind of person at all. He would want to be in his child's life 100%. Secondly Omer is like 25 right so he would have been conceived around 1985 and i believe Michael was still a virgin at that time. He wasn't interested in sex yet. He was still a "kid" himself.

    As far as Prince, Paris and Blanket goes they ARE Michael's kids no question about it!!!
    Just look at them. They are just like their dad all 3.

    Michael was at the height of his musical career during this time. If this child is his, I am sure his dad told him to hush it up. In his eyes, any relationship Michael might have pursued was bad for the business. My God, a child!!! He would've lost his mind if Michael had publicized that. No way.
  • Ughh...This is sickening...Personally I don't believe Omer is Michael's son. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Who are their sources?..How do they know what he said? I'm sorry, I'm just gonna come out and say it...Omer Bhatti give me the creeps. I don't know what it is about him.

    The sources are Joe Jackson and Omer himself. Omer wanted to get a DNA test to prove he was Mj's son. But the Jackson family talked him out of it or told him to keep his mouth shut. This is why they invited Omer to sit in front with the family at the memorial. This is also why Omer is in the Jackson family photo. Mac was his friend, why wasn't mac in the family photo or sitting in front at either funeral? Why? Because Mac isn't related to him. The proof is right in front of us guys some people are just in denial I think. And how do we know Omer wasn't in Mj's life til 1996? We're not with MJ 24/7. Mj's a normal human being and does things like anyone else. So if he hid it, maybe he had his reasons, it doesn't make him a bad person if he did. We only know what's put out in the public. There's still tons and tons of things about MJ that none of us know, why? we're not meant to cuz it's his personal life, and I think some of us get too deep into it. He has a right to privacy. Some of us pretend we know everything about him but that's not the truth. Unless you are there with him in the house you have no idea. michael is a human with a personal life, let his personal life be. Geez, I wouldn't be suprised if there's fans out there wondering how many times the man pees a day. Hell, he once said that a fan asked him if he used the bathroom. Really now? C'mon. Treat him like a normal person. None of us have any right to pretend to know the man so well and his life, or pass judgement on him, his family, or assumed children i.e. Omer. There's a reason why we're not in the Jackson Compound, cuz they want to keep private.

    That is All <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I think it's funny that people jump on me for saying that it's been said that Omer lived with MJ (there's proof in the home videos) & that he could have had a one night stand with Pia Bhatti & conceived Omer. People say "there's no proof, I choose not to believe he said, she said, etc". But yet, someone just said "Omer would have been born around 1985 & I believe Michael was still a virgin at the time. He wasn't interested in sex because he was still a "kid" himself." Yeah, what proof do you have that he was a virgin? How do you know he wasn't interested in sex? You don't have any proof, yeah Michael might have said it but he could have easily been told to appear that way or maybe, just maybe he said that because it's none of the public's business & he didn't want to talk about his dating or sex life. & yeah Pia Bhatti isn't the most attractive to the eye, but he could have been attracted to her in other ways & that led to something more. & yeah he was surrounded by beautiful women but maybe they intimidated him. Look at the women he married, neither of them are very attractive. Nobody here knows what Michael was like out of the spotlight, no one knows what he liked in women, nobody knows when he lost his virginity & who he's been with & nobody knows whether or not he'd keep Omer a secret & for what reasons. We are fans & we think we know things about him but the fact is we don't know him & we don't know everything about him. It's silly to think you do. He tells us what he wants people to know & keeps things secret that he doesn't think we need to know. & just like a lot of people he says things that may or may not be true just because he doesn't want people to be in his business & know every little thing about him. That's normal for a celebrity, or even just a normal person. Omer could very easily be his child, I don't see why the family would include him in family things & treat him like family if he wasn't. But then again maybe he's just like family but really isn't. We don't know for a fact & probably never will. Maybe if he is dead, during one of the autopsies they did do a DNA test for all of the kids, just to know or whatever. We would never know because it's a private family matter & none of our business. If he is alive, maybe he's being included because his father wants him to be. & how do we know that he popped out of nowhere? He could have been a part of MJ's life all this time, we wouldn't know because MJ wasn't as much in the spotlight the last several years, like he used to be. & nobody had been looking so closely at his family like they are now, for years. I'm not saying I'm right for believing Omer could be his child, but it's not fair to say I'm wrong based on lack of proof or what someone thinks in their mind that Michael is or isn't.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Virgin? Now WHO can prove that <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Right, just as all the other theories. They are ALL just that. No one can prove anything so why do people always ask for proof <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> There is none.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    MJ was 27 in 1985...the year that Omer was born. Some people believe that MJ was not interested in sex at that age. Ummmm MJ was an adult man at that time. Adult men are are indeed experiencing sexual feelings and display an interest in sex at that age. MJ appealed to teenage girls and young women and his public image was established based on those demographics. Publicicts were not going to allow the real MJ to emerge as long as he appealed to those younger females. It was too damn risky. Remember...it's called show business.

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I think it's funny that people jump on me for saying that it's been said that Omer lived with MJ (there's proof in the home videos) & that he could have had a one night stand with Pia Bhatti & conceived Omer. People say "there's no proof, I choose not to believe he said, she said, etc". But yet, someone just said "Omer would have been born around 1985 & I believe Michael was still a virgin at the time. He wasn't interested in sex because he was still a "kid" himself." Yeah, what proof do you have that he was a virgin? How do you know he wasn't interested in sex? You don't have any proof, yeah Michael might have said it but he could have easily been told to appear that way or maybe, just maybe he said that because it's none of the public's business & he didn't want to talk about his dating or sex life. & yeah Pia Bhatti isn't the most attractive to the eye, but he could have been attracted to her in other ways & that led to something more. & yeah he was surrounded by beautiful women but maybe they intimidated him. Look at the women he married, neither of them are very attractive. Nobody here knows what Michael was like out of the spotlight, no one knows what he liked in women, nobody knows when he lost his virginity & who he's been with & nobody knows whether or not he'd keep Omer a secret & for what reasons. We are fans & we think we know things about him but the fact is we don't know him & we don't know everything about him. It's silly to think you do. He tells us what he wants people to know & keeps things secret that he doesn't think we need to know. & just like a lot of people he says things that may or may not be true just because he doesn't want people to be in his business & know every little thing about him. That's normal for a celebrity, or even just a normal person. Omer could very easily be his child, I don't see why the family would include him in family things & treat him like family if he wasn't. But then again maybe he's just like family but really isn't. We don't know for a fact & probably never will. Maybe if he is dead, during one of the autopsies they did do a DNA test for all of the kids, just to know or whatever. We would never know because it's a private family matter & none of our business. If he is alive, maybe he's being included because his father wants him to be. & how do we know that he popped out of nowhere? He could have been a part of MJ's life all this time, we wouldn't know because MJ wasn't as much in the spotlight the last several years, like he used to be. & nobody had been looking so closely at his family like they are now, for years. I'm not saying I'm right for believing Omer could be his child, but it's not fair to say I'm wrong based on lack of proof or what someone thinks in their mind that Michael is or isn't.
  • by GirlSaturday » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:16 pm

    "Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you.

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet.

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?"

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity?

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. "

    AWW DANG... I AM GUILTY OF THIS <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    There is a 12 step program being organized for Michael Anonymous (MA). Meetings will begin soon. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    by GirlSaturday » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:16 pm

    "Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you.

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet.

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?"

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity?

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. "

    AWW DANG... I AM GUILTY OF THIS <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    These "obsessed romantic" fans probably read Twilight. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    *signs up for MA*
    Sorry, but MJ didn't deny him. He moved Omer & his parents into his home. & supposedly told friends that was his son. If that is his son, he kept it secret because he & Pia Bhatti weren't married, it was a one night stand sort of thing & she was married to SOMEONE else. Those are good reasons to me to keep it to yourself, especially as a huge star like MJ was. There would've been all kinds of backlash & problems caused. What if her husband never knew Omer wasn't his son? Maybe he thought they were staying with MJ because Omer was a little impersonator & MJ was a fan of that. You never know the whole story behind the scenes. He probably had very good reasons to keep it quiet. He didn't deny him though outside of the public eye. Also, I don't think Omer would be living at the Encino house if he wasn't related somehow. & at the memorial Rebbie went back to one of the other rows & grabbed him & brought him up to sit with the family. Why? Maybe because he IS family?
    all you ever hear is supposedly and claims ... but where is the actual evidence, just because people say he called him son doesnt make it true, there isnt any actual proof, i'm not being mean or anything i just personally choose not to believe anything based on "he said she said, well his friends said this and that" and i dont find joe very trust worthy, i have nothing against him just dont really rely on his words much. so unless Someone has a secret hidden video of mj admitting he is his song i choose to not believe it. lol

    Same oles song...mama's baby...papa's maybe. Been this way since the beginning of time. Nothing's changed.
    what do you mean?
  • Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I think it's funny that people jump on me for saying that it's been said that Omer lived with MJ (there's proof in the home videos) & that he could have had a one night stand with Pia Bhatti & conceived Omer. People say "there's no proof, I choose not to believe he said, she said, etc". But yet, someone just said "Omer would have been born around 1985 & I believe Michael was still a virgin at the time. He wasn't interested in sex because he was still a "kid" himself." Yeah, what proof do you have that he was a virgin? How do you know he wasn't interested in sex? You don't have any proof, yeah Michael might have said it but he could have easily been told to appear that way or maybe, just maybe he said that because it's none of the public's business & he didn't want to talk about his dating or sex life. & yeah Pia Bhatti isn't the most attractive to the eye, but he could have been attracted to her in other ways & that led to something more. & yeah he was surrounded by beautiful women but maybe they intimidated him. Look at the women he married, neither of them are very attractive. Nobody here knows what Michael was like out of the spotlight, no one knows what he liked in women, nobody knows when he lost his virginity & who he's been with & nobody knows whether or not he'd keep Omer a secret & for what reasons. We are fans & we think we know things about him but the fact is we don't know him & we don't know everything about him. It's silly to think you do. He tells us what he wants people to know & keeps things secret that he doesn't think we need to know. & just like a lot of people he says things that may or may not be true just because he doesn't want people to be in his business & know every little thing about him. That's normal for a celebrity, or even just a normal person. Omer could very easily be his child, I don't see why the family would include him in family things & treat him like family if he wasn't. But then again maybe he's just like family but really isn't. We don't know for a fact & probably never will. Maybe if he is dead, during one of the autopsies they did do a DNA test for all of the kids, just to know or whatever. We would never know because it's a private family matter & none of our business. If he is alive, maybe he's being included because his father wants him to be. & how do we know that he popped out of nowhere? He could have been a part of MJ's life all this time, we wouldn't know because MJ wasn't as much in the spotlight the last several years, like he used to be. & nobody had been looking so closely at his family like they are now, for years. I'm not saying I'm right for believing Omer could be his child, but it's not fair to say I'm wrong based on lack of proof or what someone thinks in their mind that Michael is or isn't.

    Umm excuse me darling...but I was just expressing my honest opinion. I didn't say anyone was wrong for believing that Omer was Michaels child! As for the crazy fantasizing fan part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->...Some women on here have a problem with Grace Rwaramba even being associated with Michael, when I actually believe that there may be a possibility she might be the secret girlfriend, but I don't believe anyone on here ever brought that up. So the whole thing about me being some crazy jealous fan is bullsh-t and uncalled for...Look, I don't want to argue with anyone, and frankly I don't take anything on here too seriously cause we all may be wrong. I'm just keeping it real and if keeping it real hurt's someones feelings cause they have fantasies of their own about MJ being attracted to ugly women therefor they may have a chance, well I apologize. He may have been attracted to all kind's of women. How would I know. Again I'm just expressing my honest opinion, no need to get personal...By the way we all know why he married Debbie Rowe and it wasn't because he loved her...So let's move on shall we ladies <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • :lol:
    These "obsessed romantic" fans probably read Twilight. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    *signs up for MA*

    I don't read novels, but I would definitely join MA <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    No one in particular was targeted in the post. It was generic and referenced random people who have openly expressed their obsession with believing that MJ was the poster boy for virtuosity. The post merely suggested the possible reasons why these obsessions are in place. Nothing more...nothing less. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I think it's funny that people jump on me for saying that it's been said that Omer lived with MJ (there's proof in the home videos) & that he could have had a one night stand with Pia Bhatti & conceived Omer. People say "there's no proof, I choose not to believe he said, she said, etc". But yet, someone just said "Omer would have been born around 1985 & I believe Michael was still a virgin at the time. He wasn't interested in sex because he was still a "kid" himself." Yeah, what proof do you have that he was a virgin? How do you know he wasn't interested in sex? You don't have any proof, yeah Michael might have said it but he could have easily been told to appear that way or maybe, just maybe he said that because it's none of the public's business & he didn't want to talk about his dating or sex life. & yeah Pia Bhatti isn't the most attractive to the eye, but he could have been attracted to her in other ways & that led to something more. & yeah he was surrounded by beautiful women but maybe they intimidated him. Look at the women he married, neither of them are very attractive. Nobody here knows what Michael was like out of the spotlight, no one knows what he liked in women, nobody knows when he lost his virginity & who he's been with & nobody knows whether or not he'd keep Omer a secret & for what reasons. We are fans & we think we know things about him but the fact is we don't know him & we don't know everything about him. It's silly to think you do. He tells us what he wants people to know & keeps things secret that he doesn't think we need to know. & just like a lot of people he says things that may or may not be true just because he doesn't want people to be in his business & know every little thing about him. That's normal for a celebrity, or even just a normal person. Omer could very easily be his child, I don't see why the family would include him in family things & treat him like family if he wasn't. But then again maybe he's just like family but really isn't. We don't know for a fact & probably never will. Maybe if he is dead, during one of the autopsies they did do a DNA test for all of the kids, just to know or whatever. We would never know because it's a private family matter & none of our business. If he is alive, maybe he's being included because his father wants him to be. & how do we know that he popped out of nowhere? He could have been a part of MJ's life all this time, we wouldn't know because MJ wasn't as much in the spotlight the last several years, like he used to be. & nobody had been looking so closely at his family like they are now, for years. I'm not saying I'm right for believing Omer could be his child, but it's not fair to say I'm wrong based on lack of proof or what someone thinks in their mind that Michael is or isn't.

    Umm excuse me darling...but I was just expressing my honest opinion. I didn't say anyone was wrong for believing that Omer was Michaels child! As for the crazy fantasizing fan part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->...Some women on here have a problem with Grace Rwaramba even being associated with Michael, when I actually believe that there may be a possibility she might be the secret girlfriend, but I don't believe anyone on here ever brought that up. So the whole thing about me being some crazy jealous fan is bullsh-t and uncalled for...Look, I don't want to argue with anyone, and frankly I don't take anything on here too seriously cause we all may be wrong. I'm just keeping it real and if keeping it real hurt's someones feelings cause they have fantasies of their own about MJ being attracted to ugly women therefor they may have a chance, well I apologize. He may have been attracted to all kind's of women. How would I know. Again I'm just expressing my honest opinion, no need to get personal...By the way we all know why he married Debbie Rowe and it wasn't because he loved her...So let's move on shall we ladies <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • "by GirlSaturday » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:17 pm

    No one in particular was targeted in the post. It was generic and referenced random people who have openly expressed their obsession with believing that MJ was the poster boy for virtuosity. The post merely suggested the possible reasons why these obsessions are in place. Nothing more...nothing less."

    I know when I'm obsessed LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> sometimes, (since 6/25) deep inside, I feel like I need him. Like one who is addicted to drugs. MA for me good suggestion LOL
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    If I could bottle a cure for MJ obsession and sell it in stores... especially since 6/25... then I would become filthy stinking rich. Who wants to go into business with me? Move over Oprah... I am about to become the next female billionaire. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    "by GirlSaturday » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:17 pm

    No one in particular was targeted in the post. It was generic and referenced random people who have openly expressed their obsession with believing that MJ was the poster boy for virtuosity. The post merely suggested the possible reasons why these obsessions are in place. Nothing more...nothing less."

    I know when I'm obsessed LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> sometimes, (since 6/25) deep inside, I feel like I need him. Like one who is addicted to drugs. MA for me good suggestion LOL
  • I work in Marketing and Sales. If I could bottle this MJ obsession... especially since 6/25... then I would become filthy stinking rich. Who wants to go into business with me? Move over Oprah... I am about to become a billionaire. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    "by GirlSaturday » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:17 pm

    No one in particular was targeted in the post. It was generic and referenced random people who have openly expressed their obsession with believing that MJ was the poster boy for virtuosity. The post merely suggested the possible reasons why these obsessions are in place. Nothing more...nothing less."

    I know when I'm obsessed LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> sometimes, (since 6/25) deep inside, I feel like I need him. Like one who is addicted to drugs. MA for me good suggestion LOL

    LOL!! bottle it? it would be difficult to contain LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but I see your vision... I'm willing to invest <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ( did we turn this thread into something else? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Yeah sure...I believe you...NOT!...Just kidding...All's forgiven. Sorry about that homegirl...It did sound like you were talking about me though...You do understand how I assumed that right?. Moving on...Let's keep focused girls. L.O.V.E....
    No one in particular was targeted in the post. It was generic and referenced random people who have openly expressed their obsession with believing that MJ was the poster boy for virtuosity. The post merely suggested the possible reasons why these obsessions are in place. Nothing more...nothing less. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Thanks for being a voice of reason. I truly applaud you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    While visiting hoax and regular fan sites, I have witnessed unusual reaction from fans. Some of them lose it and go crazy at the mere mention of MJ with women. It doesn’t matter if the discussion is about Mjs ex girlfriends, wives, or casual love interests. These fans go into attack mode if a woman is mentioned in the same sentence with Michael Jackson. Initially I thought that these were teenagers who may have a fantasized view of love and romantic relationships. Later I recognized many adults behaving the same way. Either way, these females have clearly revealed a rather interesting fantasy. These chicks are believing that MJ was somehow saving himself for the day that he met (insert fan name here) and swept her off of her feet. You know… just like in the romance novels. At the risk of sounding mean, I wonder if these females have ever had real boyfriends or romance with real males. It doesn’t seem so because they place too much emphasis on a fantasy romance with a celebrity that they will probably never ever…ever ever…meet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as MJs taste in women....he was a an equal opportunity man. He dated/married pretty and not-so-pretty females. BTW - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. LOL...I know one male friend who laughed at MJ once and said "Damn...he's Michael Jackson ...is that the best that he can get?" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As far as when he lost his virginity....that is known by him and the person who was present in the room and not by random fans who were not present when the act took place. Hell it might have happened when he was 13 or 30. I don't know and neither does anyone else other than MJ and his partner at the time. To each person reading this thread...ask yourself a question...how many people know when you lost your virginity? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    As I said in another post on another thread ...people need to back away from the Harlequin romance novels. Those books along with daytime soap operas give a very warped distorted representation of real adult romantic relationships. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I think it's funny that people jump on me for saying that it's been said that Omer lived with MJ (there's proof in the home videos) & that he could have had a one night stand with Pia Bhatti & conceived Omer. People say "there's no proof, I choose not to believe he said, she said, etc". But yet, someone just said "Omer would have been born around 1985 & I believe Michael was still a virgin at the time. He wasn't interested in sex because he was still a "kid" himself." Yeah, what proof do you have that he was a virgin? How do you know he wasn't interested in sex? You don't have any proof, yeah Michael might have said it but he could have easily been told to appear that way or maybe, just maybe he said that because it's none of the public's business & he didn't want to talk about his dating or sex life. & yeah Pia Bhatti isn't the most attractive to the eye, but he could have been attracted to her in other ways & that led to something more. & yeah he was surrounded by beautiful women but maybe they intimidated him. Look at the women he married, neither of them are very attractive. Nobody here knows what Michael was like out of the spotlight, no one knows what he liked in women, nobody knows when he lost his virginity & who he's been with & nobody knows whether or not he'd keep Omer a secret & for what reasons. We are fans & we think we know things about him but the fact is we don't know him & we don't know everything about him. It's silly to think you do. He tells us what he wants people to know & keeps things secret that he doesn't think we need to know. & just like a lot of people he says things that may or may not be true just because he doesn't want people to be in his business & know every little thing about him. That's normal for a celebrity, or even just a normal person. Omer could very easily be his child, I don't see why the family would include him in family things & treat him like family if he wasn't. But then again maybe he's just like family but really isn't. We don't know for a fact & probably never will. Maybe if he is dead, during one of the autopsies they did do a DNA test for all of the kids, just to know or whatever. We would never know because it's a private family matter & none of our business. If he is alive, maybe he's being included because his father wants him to be. & how do we know that he popped out of nowhere? He could have been a part of MJ's life all this time, we wouldn't know because MJ wasn't as much in the spotlight the last several years, like he used to be. & nobody had been looking so closely at his family like they are now, for years. I'm not saying I'm right for believing Omer could be his child, but it's not fair to say I'm wrong based on lack of proof or what someone thinks in their mind that Michael is or isn't.

    Umm excuse me darling...but I was just expressing my honest opinion. I didn't say anyone was wrong for believing that Omer was Michaels child! As for the crazy fantasizing fan part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->...Some women on here have a problem with Grace Rwaramba even being associated with Michael, when I actually believe that there may be a possibility she might be the secret girlfriend, but I don't believe anyone on here ever brought that up. So the whole thing about me being some crazy jealous fan is bullsh-t and uncalled for...Look, I don't want to argue with anyone, and frankly I don't take anything on here too seriously cause we all may be wrong. I'm just keeping it real and if keeping it real hurt's someones feelings cause they have fantasies of their own about MJ being attracted to ugly women therefor they may have a chance, well I apologize. He may have been attracted to all kind's of women. How would I know. Again I'm just expressing my honest opinion, no need to get personal...By the way we all know why he married Debbie Rowe and it wasn't because he loved her...So let's move on shall we ladies <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • and in moving on...

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...I'd still do him <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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