Brian Oxman speaks out to fans (23/3)!



  • it seems to me that the truth will never come out.

    Yep, I think so too
  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    After listening to the tape, it's difficult for me to believe Michael is still alive. Very sad...
  • After listening to the tape, it's difficult for me to believe Michael is still alive. Very sad...

    i know i have been wrestling with this for a bit
  • Let me say MJ is the best entertainer in the world <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Oh how i agree!!! HEHE Michael!!!
  • One important thing I learned from this interview is that according Oxman, John Branca's law firm made massive financial campaign contributions to CA Attorney General Jerry Brown. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    kingofmystery wrote; One important thing I learned from this interview is that according Oxman, John Branca's law firm made massive financial contributions to CA Attorney General Jerry Brown.

    We must be attentive to this kind of thing .. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    Brian, you said the ambulance picture was a photoshop less than a month ago. They even showed a comparison shot of pictures compiled by death hoax investigators. Exactly what you described. Now he says there's no conspiracy? And wouldn't the company that bought the photo like to get their money back if it is indeed fake? Why isn't Ben in any trouble?
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Wow, very long.....I don't remember everything has been said. But here some of the Oxman bullshit explanation: Alvarez said the truth, not important why Alvarez just recently said that. Well, I believe it is important. So, we got ambulance picture-fake, will-fake, ambulance recording was found-fake, autopcy-contracdiction of what we have read and Oxman says, tapes-woman says there is a inside camera tape missing only day of 25th, Oxman says no inside tapes. Who pays Murrey's bill-they don't know. I know, it is Michael. So, Michael's death is Fake!
    What was the big bullshit about Tohme. I did not get anything reasonable what he said. To me, Oxman is lying and what I understood is they want "fall guy" Murrey in jail but not for real and they know it won't happen! I will listen one more time this recording and continue to comment my opinion.

    thanks for this
  • I don't think Brian said there was no conspiricy, I think he said they can't prove it.

    What gave me chills was the fact that Michael had an list of his enemies. first on the list was Tom Sneddon and second was John Branca <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    John Branca is now an excecutor of Jackson's estate. That's weird, that sucks. I hope Kathrine wasn't threatened to change her mind about the will.

    The first time I hear someone talk about MJ's death with such voice. That's what's scared me to death. I really hope we aren't missing something and these guys go free.

    I wish I didn't hear this interview, I couldn't sleep last night.

    Happy thoughts, happy thoughts......
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Brian said no conspiracy, but he didn't say no hoax. Maybe he meant no conspiracy on CM's part? I just don't understand this guy.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709

    but if you could cast iron prove that it was fake - not there are a civil rights rally -footage on film and air tickets or something plus pp statement who where their and hand writing experts, then isnt it worth a shot

    the judge surely would still have a discretion.

    i mean the estate would pass to the children - guardians would say how the money would be used etc

    maybe charities miss out - but they could agree something
    To my knowledge, and maybe you should doublecheck, there is earlier Will (1997?) that encompasses about the same as the present one. So my guess is that even if this one would be proven to be fake, nothing much will change and the former Will will be activated.
  • really,
    shocking - he had strong views about his family then

    any links ? thanks raven
  • i know a wills and probate solicitor will speak to her next week if she is not on holiday then report back - but shes in uk not US
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Mr Brian unsaid nothing new! I think that this is again dust in our eyes.We know that is alive, but many fans do not believe that is unfortunate.We are on the right track, believe me. Wait 2-3 years and be patient, he will return and we must be to him! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    yeah your right.! Probably not this year. Maybe in more years. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    If he's not coming back at July 2010, I will definitly believe he's gone, and ask him to forgive me knowing that he was alive since june 25th of 2010...
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    You know what is real disturbing? The fact that a lot of people may miss that MJ is indeed really gone and not come to help with the prosecution of the man who killed him. Dismissing the whole court and all the mourners as a hoax so much that real players become lax and Michael will have died and justice never being served for him.

    So, if it isn't a hoax, I hope there is enough support.
  • But even if MJ is dead and this is not an hoax, we don´t know if Murray killed him.
  • You know what is real disturbing? The fact that a lot of people may miss that MJ is indeed really gone and not come to help with the prosecution of the man who killed him. Dismissing the whole court and all the mourners as a hoax so much that real players become lax and Michael will have died and justice never being served for him.

    So, if it isn't a hoax, I hope there is enough support.

    Good point.
    I don't want to think that he is really gone but we really have to support movement Justice for Michael. Michael will be pleased that we wouldn't let Murrey go free even if this is a hoax.
    Seriously, I don't want anyone to think this is not a hoax, still we have to take responsibility of the society around us. Government is not gonna take care of it for sure.
  • if we join justice 4 mj what influnce will it have.

    as i have said im surprised the family have not done any rallying - look at stephen lawerence and maddy's family? where is the family campaign for justice?
  • when that eastender girl's brother died from a stabbing there was a campaign, there was a march the sister discussed what she and her family were doing to bring justice.

    but in this case the main high profile ones are now not discussing there very famous brother, moved on - wow thats fast - how come we are not over it?
  • UK newreaders did you hear or read about that surgeon who was murdered and it was the trial this week, the girlfriend was crying in court a year on.

    where are the tears.

    i think if i was outside the court i would be very emotional - and i am nobody not even a fan
  • does anyone know who did the 1997 will raven mentioned was it the same lawyers.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    @arabian nights:

    Here is some mentioning of the 1997 Will:
    <!-- m --> ... s-probate/<!-- m -->
  • but why redo the will if it is the same?

    suppose because of the divorces
  • here is the 2002 will
    <!-- m --> ... sons-Will/<!-- m -->

    but the deed is not available
  • i suppose if the children or the other beneficies to the way the executors are handling the estate ie the sale of sum items then they could make an application to the court for a decision on it

    this would not be contesting the estate.

    the executors are accountable to the beneficiaries at the end of the day
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