question about Michael's kids...



  • here it is:
    Rowe said she split with Jackson in 1999 because she was sick of the media attention, but first instructed him to cover the faces of their children in public because she feared they would be kidnapped.

    ``Their faces being covered was my request, not his,'' she said. ``I'm the one who's seen the notes, that someone is going to take his children. There's nothing more terrifying than looking at a piece of paper that says, `I'm taking them'.''

    <!-- m --> ... 20,00.html<!-- m -->

    (of course, anything from the media should be taken with a grain of salt, but it is what it is)
  • I have a big question about this.
    If Michael was suddenly in great danger then there was no time to leave so many clues.
    And if he was in danger for a long time, then why should he go to rehearsels and walk the streets with his children short before the 25 of june. That would be dangerous to do.
    It makes no sense to me.

    If he is alive than he must have taken a long time to plan all of it IMO.

    I also wonder if all the other children in the family know about it.
    If yes, then all these children can keep a secret like this?????

    I'm so confused when I think about it ... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    His children have never or will be ever interviewed about this in my opinion. The Barbara Walters Special will only have old footage of them.
  • The only thing that is bothering me is Why would MJ agree to let Paris speak? He was always against anything like this. He was always covering their faces etc., and here she comes out in front of everyone to talk about her father? They could totally skip on this part, why put her in a spot light?
    What do u guys think?

    Thank u.

  • Since my last post I realized that we're not supposed to discuss his children and I don't think they can be discussed on any Hoax Death Site. However, regarding why he suddenly went into hiding. I don't think it was sudden at all.

    First of all Michael kept constant security guards around him at all times. I still believe his life was in danger and this has been brewing for sometime possible years before the hoax actually played out. I believe the key people are Tommy Mottola (Sony) and Al Malnik and Michael believed they were both affiliated with the mafia. He had a business/friendship with them both that had gone bad.

    He had been in fear of his life for years. According to LaToya, Michael told her that if he should die that it meant someone had killed him. Michael said he believed they would try and kill him over the beatles catalog, which Malnik tried to get his hands on as well. He felt they were out to get him and out of this fear/concern he with the help of his brother Jermaine hired a shady private investigator (Noval) to see if they had anything to do with molestation charges in an attempt to bring him down. After meeting with Noval, Michael didn't feel comfortable with him either and cut ties. Michael eventually connected with The Nation of Islam for bodyguard protection.

    His sister has spoken on numerous occasions regarding the dangerous/money grubbing people that Michael kept in his circle.

    Listening to the words that Michael speak in this video, it is apparent that he is not naive and a very smart business man. The Death Hoax was not an overnight plan.
  • The only thing that is bothering me is Why would MJ agree to let Paris speak? He was always against anything like this. He was always covering their faces etc., and here she comes out in front of everyone to talk about her father? They could totally skip on this part, why put her in a spot light?
    What do u guys think?

    Thank u.


    That's one of my very big question marks. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I guess maybe she wanted to tell the world that he really was an amazing dad, and what better opportunity would she have to mend his image? I don't know.
  • According to an hungarian magazine, Prince Michael II "Blanket" is crying every night becouse of Michael, Paris is watching photos of his father all the time, and Prince turns into himself and tries to work off the tenseness with doing karate. And the Jacksons are only give interviews because of the money.

  • According to an hungarian magazine, Prince Michael II "Blanket" is crying every night becouse of Michael, Paris is watching photos of his father all the time, and Prince turns into himself and tries to work off the tenseness with doing karate. And the Jacksons are only give interviews because of the money.


    We cannot believe things that we read and don't forget it will probably be LaToya and Jermaine who release statements like this to the press and havn't they always been completely honest? lol!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • IMO, Michael had to do what he had to do. We don't know the reason why, only God and Michael. I honestly don't think that Michael would do this just to prove a point to the media. I feel his life was in some kind of danger, more than likely the fear of doing all those concerts back to back. Even someone in their early 20's would have a hard time doing those concerts. Michael is a strong willed man, but he is no Superman. If it were me, I would be scared that I would end up hurt or in the hospital for real, if I had to do all those concerts, with very little sleep or ways to release stress.
    I remember in an interview that he had done a while back about concerts and touring. He said that he really didn't like to tour, but then they did a retake of it and he was pretty much forced into saying that he loved to tour. If he didn't like touring back then, he really doesn't like to do it now. Let alone 50 dates. I doubt AEG would let him stop at that. All they would see is dollar signs, AEG doesn't care if anyone gets hurt or if Michael is tired. He had to do this!
    I hope and pray that he gets the rest and solitude that he needs and deserves. I miss him with my whole being, but I don't want him to come back if he cannot be left alone. Could you imagine 40 years of your 50 being spent with people hovering, hounding, pulling and proding you. People expecting everything from you and never giving anything in return. I couldn't.
  • Yes they are probrobly reading a script. Lots of celebrities read scripts when they are kn stage that dosent make them bad people
  • Paris' speech is what convinced me that Michael is still alive. She pretty much said the same things I heard her say a few years earlier. Yes, it was all present tense. And NO, she never shed one tear that I could see. (Sorry, if this offends anyone, but that's how I saw it)

    She said in the memorial speech and also on Oprah he was "the best father." In the Geraldo interview MJ said exactly that; he wants to be "the best father in the world." Unless a family member knew that's what he wanted to be known for and told Paris to say it? Hmm.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Paris speech made me very sad.
    After that speech, I realized that people would see MJ from the other side around, as a father of 3 kids being all the time judged, in gossips and with the undesirable label that we all know. In other words, a human being with a family.

    It is said that the kids are very intelligent. Would not surprised me if they are in the know and helping their father.

    Another question I have is rearding fakes (MJ kids) all over the net. I believe that the kids had doubles for safety reasons when they were little, but MJ started "exposing them" before the concerts that never happened.

    The timing is a mind teaser.
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    He spent the vast majority of his time with them, and I'm sure that they can attest to how unhappy he was. At this point they're just doing what a child would do to protect their daddy--especially if peace was the reward in the end. Paris and Prince are definitely old enough to understand.
    That is a good point about the kids but we do not know the exact reason he has had to hoax his death, could be he was in danger but even if this is not the case I think Paris and Prince will be well aware of how their father suffered at the hands of the tabloids and people exploiting him, kids are pretty savvy nowadays so I dont think they will consider they have being unfair in lying and is not a bad thing to help their father in this way in the circumstances of his suffering in the last few years, even if your kids don't understand what is wrong they seem to sense if you are worried or unhappy, mine do and I get extra hugs and kisses, so I do not think it will have been a problem as they will probably all live in peace together when it is all died down which is something they have never had before.
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